The 100 Best Artificial Intelligence Agencies - 2024 Reviews

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  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    Développement web, data, IA 🇫🇷

    Votre équipe technique externalisée Nous réalisons vos projets web, data et IA de manière agile pour apporter le plus de plus-value à vos utilisateurs. Compréhension des besoins, tenue de budget, gestion de projet, développement et mise en production sur les serveurs, nous vous accompagnons sur tous les fronts. Concrètement, à quoi devez-vous vous attendre ? Nous faisons du sur-mesure et nous nous adaptons à vos besoins, quels qu’ils soient. A titre d'exemple, voici un plan : 1. Mettre en place une stratégie Nous réfléchissons ensemble à la viabilité économique de votre projet. A quelle problématique vous apportez une solution ? Quelle est votre cible ? Où la trouver et comment la séduire ? 2. Créer le prototype L’objectif est de déterminer la fonctionnalité qui apporte la plus-value principale, puis nous la développons pour vous. A ce stade, les coûts sont contraints pour se concentrer sur l’essentiel, au plus vite. 3. Confronter la cible au prototype Cette étape est cruciale afin de s’assurer que nous apportons le plus de plus-value à l’utilisateur final. 4. Designer et construire une version scalable de la solution Une fois le prototype validé, nous développons la solution numérique selon les meilleures pratiques de l’industrie à l’aide de technologies performantes et pouvant passer à l’échelle. 5. Assurer l’évolution et la maintenance du projet Le projet est destiné à être internalisé ? Nous pouvons vous aider à recruter les bonnes personnes et à transmettre le savoir de façon fluide. Vous préférez qu’on s’en occupe ? Nous optimisons le projet pour pouvoir le gérer au mieux et nous vous donnons de la visibilité sur les coûts associés à la maintenance. Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes passionnés de code depuis 10 ans. Nous avons travaillé dans différentes startups afin de comprendre comment construire un produit trouvant sa cible. En tant qu’ingénieurs en informatique, nous mettons la méthodologie, la rigueur et la technique au service de projets complexes. Contactez-nous pour vous accompagner dans votre projet.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    7 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Paris, France
    From €20,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+7)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (22 reviews)

    Digital bridging by exceptional humans

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Safeguarding our world ! Our exquisite tailored-made team develops the digital fundamentals for your business as if it was ours. As the vision speaks, we can only excel our performances when we compose our ambitions with the right combined talents, time, passion, human interest & values for your designed assignments. For this we need a solid compound foundation, as of symbol of the fertile bio-diversity of the Earth. A symbol we need for constructing the right sustainable eco-systems in which we explore, Create, Construct, Assist and Reinforce our digital e-CAR principle of the now . The now of the future is up and running! Your overall identity will outreach your expectations when we conduct your digital world together. Walking hand in hand, step by step, enhancing your lives is the true mission, since no world until now, exists in its own. We have created a consolidated Pan European international master team with a broad network of the finest human digital experts. We bring to your inside the most innovative technologies and solution alive, providing the best of capabilities to serve you with the most advanced, innovative and integrated marketing- & technological solutions ever existing. Our team assimilates, breathes, understands, comprehends at all time your challenges through analysing, defining, thinking forward, processing, pragmatism, tracking, testing & keeping our overview of any situation, known or unknown. We only strive for long-lasting conceptual well-thought mechanisms we can only achieve by mastering a global approach with a high-level, high-end level of expertise. We adhere in this the premises of a lifelong learning cycle. Our mission is to provide our best of digital services at the fairest price possible in the market. We never ever give in on our high-level standards and quality endeavour. For this we merely customize before the process of standardizing . Our incredibly unmatched talented team of developers, engineers and support services’ team constructs only highly functioning and secure UI/UX strategized digital platforms. Coding comes first, UX next and UI makes it all to a glance. We keep ourselves to the best of High-end standards, the best combined unequivocal talents, the most advanced systemic processes with an ever value for time and money. Our multidisciplinary team provides for the best of quality at the fairest price existing. reliability at all time, a true Pan European team, team & team bringing in social impact and attitude! Our customers always come first, provided by the best of digital there is to offer, at a high-end level he still feels comfortable with and in control of his own situational leadership. Read much more on our mission and follow us on our webplatforms, and hope to meet you soon, Our DEV@WORK team, Copyright © 2024 by P.M.M.-G Bellemans All rights reserved. This text or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    8 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+2)
    From €1,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+14)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (36 reviews)

    Custom AI Driven App Development Company in the USA

    Highly recommended
    Step into a world of boundless possibilities as we unravel the secrets of app development services. With Syndell by your side, your business will embark on a captivating digital journey, driven by our unrivaled expertise and visionary strategies.
    Looking for work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in New Castle County, United States
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (24 reviews)

    Entwicklung von Plattformen, Apps & KI-Lösungen für große & mittlere Unternehmen

    Top awarded
    SPRYLAB ist ein führender IT-Partner für individuelle Plattform-, App- und KI-Lösungen. Unser Inhouse-Team aus 49 Entwickler:innen, Designer:innen und Strateg:innen treibt mutige Ideen und wegweisende Softwarelösungen voran, um große und mittelständische Unternehmen in die digitale Gegenwart zu begleiten. Seit 2007 haben uns 120+ Unternehmen aus 5 Ländern Ihre kniffligsten Softwareprojekte anvertraut. Mit besonderer Expertise in den Branchen Gesundheit, Medien, Automotive und Sport. SPRYLAB betreut Kunden wie die Deutsche Bahn, Sodexo, Evonik, Daimler, Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Johanniter, Axel Springer, Bertelsmann und die Basketball-Bundesliga. 83% unserer Aufträge entstehen aus Empfehlungen. Wir sind zuverlässig und 100% transparent Warum unsere Kunden uns ihre wichtigsten Projekte anvertrauen? Weil wir in über 16 Jahren nie versäumt haben, die Ergebnisse zu liefern, die wir versprochen haben. Wir beraten Sie mit ganzheitlicher Weitsicht Wir haben fast 100 Unternehmen von innen gesehen und wissen, woran Softwareprojekte scheitern. Deswegen analysieren wir Ihre IT-Infrastruktur und Arbeitsabläufe und helfen Ihnen, alle Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen. Wir sind der Sparrings-Partner, den Sie suchen Großartige Produkte, die Jahrzehnte lang Bestand haben, werden im Team entwickelt. Als Partner auf Augenhöhe fechten wir mittelmäßige Ideen an und sprechen auch unbequeme Wahrheiten mutig aus. Wir lösen Probleme und erfinden die Zukunft Wir glauben, dass mit Software (fast) nichts unmöglich ist. Unsere Softwareingenieur:innen lieben es, die kniffligsten und kühnsten Aufgaben zu übernehmen und komplexe Herausforderungen zu lösen. Wir arbeiten schnell, agil und kosteneffizient Unsere Projektteams wissen: Schnelligkeit und Qualität sind Trumpf bei der Softwareentwicklung. Mit Prototyping, Wireframing und kurzen Iterationszyklen können Sie schnell ein reifes Produkt an den Markt bringen und ausbauen. Kontakt: Mehr Effizienz, Umsatz oder digitale Dynamik durch Digitalisierung? Sprechen Sie uns an. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem IT-Dienstleister sind, mit dem Sie gemeinsam wachsen wollen, sind wir der richtige Partner. +49(0) 30 166 342 51

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    5 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €50,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Publishing (+11)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Driven by design, led by technology. We design and build innovative, human-centered fintech products

    Top awarded
    We're a small, distributed team, with our headquarters located in London. Our team has come together through the passion for solving complicated problems, design and development. We work closely with our clients and their customers to truly understand the values held by all parties. We help businesses bridge this connection and enhance a customer's experience with their product. We're also a full-service studio, which means we can help businesses from concept inception to product delivery and marketing success. Our team’s focus areas include Webflow Development, Brand Strategy, Product Design, Development and Motion Design.

    Experience level


    Website Creation

    1 work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+3)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    aims to deliver software to empower people

    Unelma Platforms is a private limited company in multiple jurisdictions (Asia, EU and North America). We are a software platform development agency specialising in state-of-the-art software intended to develop business-specific software and offer IT consulting services. In other words, we are the operator of a software platform development company intended to develop business-specific software and offer IT consulting services. The company's platform develops custom business applications and web-based platforms. We also provide API for various sites and other IT services, enabling higher education, healthcare, and business markets to design cloud applications for improving customer engagement.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    7 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Espoo, Finland (+3)
    From €5,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+6)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (21 reviews)

    La meilleure expérience pour vos projets digitaux

    Nous avons à coeur de respecter nos clients, nos projets, nos équipes et nous avons déjà réalisés de beaux projets dont nous sommes assez fiers ! Nous aidons de nombreuses sociétés à développer leurs projets digitaux : Application mobile, SAAS, Application Web, IA, Back Office, Front End, Architecture technique etc... Pour fournir un travail de haute qualité, nous misons sur plusieurs valeurs essentielles : l’agilité, un process exigeant et une forte expertise technologique . Nos clients : BVA - Groupe Paris Turf - Wiztopic - Hublo - ActionDesk - Hakoo - Landor - BCG - Styqr - Frames Dealer - Scientific Analytic - Popvalet - Easy Ta Vie... Au delà du développement, notre mission est d’accompagner nos clients, du projet au produit, quel que soit son stade de développement. Enfin, nous avons l'agrément Crédit Impot Innovation (CII) ce qui permet à nos clients de récupérer 30 % de crédit d'impôt sur nos factures.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    3 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Paris, France
    From €5,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Government & Administration (+11)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (3 reviews)

    Supercharge your Business with Artificial Intelligence

    We find, shape, and roll out AI solutions that make a real impact on your business. We commit only to projects that promise genuine value, ensuring you get the best opportunities and outcomes.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    3 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Machelen, Belgium
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Transportation (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    🏆 Exceeding Your Expectations

    Top awarded
    SEVEN is an IT partner with time-tested expertise in solving complex software challenges requiring narrow specialization . One of our biggest strengths is finding unique approaches and solutions for startups and businesses from a wide variety of industries, including crucial ones like healthcare & education. We take pride in our ability to find the technical solution and ensure that it leaves our clients room for growth and protects them from undesirable financial and technological consequences. We apply our extensive expertise to anticipate the needs of our clients and suggest improvements from a new, fresh angle. With SEVEN, our clients team up not just with tech-savvy people but with a group of experts who know how technology influences the business and how to make it align with sustained growth in the future.

    Experience level


    Software Development

    Looking for work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in New York, United States (+1)
    Budget on request
    Worked in Retail (+14)
    Speaks English, Ukrainian
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Azienda Pluripremiata e Pluricertificata. Premiata come Microsoft Partner.

    Fondata da Flavio Rausa, Software Developer e Consulente Pluripremiato. Premiato come Microsoft Dev Ambassador e Microsoft Partner. Flavio sviluppa la nuova generazione di Software, infrastrutture IT e Piattaforme per Aziende e Liberi Professionisti. Chi è Flavio Rausa❓ E perché può aiutarti❓ 🟢 Software Developer Pluripremiato e Pluricertificato. 🟢 Premiato come Microsoft Dev Ambassador. 🟢 La sua azienda, Cyberbit Genesis, é Partner Microsoft. 🟢 Ha sviluppato progetti di tutti i tipi , tra cui anche videogiochi per console e ha collaborato con Sony, Nintendo e Microsoft. 🟢 Ha fatto generare ai suoi clienti Milioni di Euro di Fatturato. Per Maggiori informazioni:

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    1 work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €5,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+3)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (7 reviews)

    Innovación para startups y proyectos innovadores

    El mejor aliado para tu startup es la innovación. Baliza es el partner idóneo para proyectos que buscan ser disruptivos a través de tecnologías como IA, Web 3, Streaming, Blockchain, IoT.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    2 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Seville, Spain
    From €1,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Legal Services (+4)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (27 reviews)

    Innovating Tomorrow's Software Today

    Highly recommended
    Our vision is to help businesses achieve their goals through the use of technology, and we are committed to contributing to the success of small and medium-sized enterprises. We believe that our success is connected to your success, which is why we work tirelessly to solve all of your technical problems. Our aim is to simplify information technology by solving complex problems. We have successfully delivered numerous enterprise projects and can build any type of project within a short timeframe that would be impossible for others. Our systems are based on artificial intelligence, which is powerful because it can work beyond human capabilities and never makes excuses.
    Looking for work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Sheridan County, United States
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (12 reviews)

    AI/ML Development Company

    Highly recommended
    " Dev Success is a leading force in the realm of mobile app and custom software development , pioneering innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. With a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, we specialize in crafting cutting-edge applications that drive success and propel businesses forward in the digital age. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, fueled by a passion for technology and a relentless pursuit of perfection. Whether it's developing sleek and intuitive mobile applications, or designing robust software solutions from the ground up, we thrive on pushing the boundaries of possibility to deliver results that exceed expectations. At Dev Success, we understand that every project is unique, which is why we take a collaborative approach, working closely with our clients to transform their vision into reality. From initial concept to final execution, we prioritize communication, transparency, and accountability every step of the way, ensuring that our clients are empowered to achieve their goals and beyond. Driven by innovation and fueled by expertise, Dev Success is not just a development company – we're a partner in your success story, dedicated to helping you thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape."

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    4 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Indore Division, India
    From €5,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Education (+8)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Innovative Software - Wir bringen dein Business auf das next Level

    Rooms Technology - Ihre Experten für maßgeschneiderte Softwarelösungen Bei Rooms Technology verstehen wir, dass jedes Unternehmen einzigartige Herausforderungen hat. Deshalb bieten wir individuelle Softwareentwicklung , die perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. Über 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Branche Ein Team von hochqualifizierten Entwicklern und Projektmanagern Expertise in modernsten Technologien wie AI, Cloud Computing und Mobile Development Fokus auf agile Methoden für flexible und effiziente Projektabwicklung Egal ob Sie eine komplexe Unternehmenssoftware, eine innovative mobile App oder eine KI-gestützte Lösung benötigen - wir sind Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für die Umsetzung. "Wir transformieren Ihre Ideen in leistungsstarke, skalierbare und zukunftssichere Softwarelösungen." Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihr nächstes Softwareprojekt zum Erfolg führen!
    Looking for work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Templin, Germany
    From €2,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.6
    (21 reviews)

    Your digital partner in Mobile App development and Marketing.

    Top awarded
    Pixels is a group of digital agencies focused on innovation and multi-channel marketing. Pixels is headquartered in Switzerland and active since 2011. We are specialists in digital strategy consulting, omnichannel marketing, e-event, design and branding, mobile and web application development, websites, and e-commerce platform development. We continuously invest in research and development to ensure the use of the latest technologies and the most adapted solutions to serve the most ambitious strategies. The group also includes specialized communication agencies: -Pixels Health ( focuses on healthcare. -Pixels Banking ( focuses on banking and finance. Specific to our healthcare branch: Pixels Health offers medical writing services. We are certified IQVIA, VEEVA, Salesforce, Adobe, and ISO 27001. We also benefit from a number of partnerships in place to offer the best e-event and services across our offering. Some of our references: Sanofi, Merck, Pierre-Fabre, Servier, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Diabetes patient association, and multiple start-ups and SME. Specific to our Banking branch: We offer a number of solutions including which a workflow solution and a mobile and internet banking solution. Some of our references: Lombard Odier, Pictet, Octogone Management SA, Square stone Capital, BT, STB, Credit Mutuel, Acolin, and a number of start-up. Pixels Trade also serves other industries with innovative solutions (including AI, VR, IoT). Some of our references: Franck Muller, Cote Magazine, United Nations, SGS, Cargill, Total. _______________ Pixels est une agence digitale axée sur l'innovation. Le siège de Pixels est en Suisse et est activité depuis 2011. Nous sommes spécialisés dans le conseil en stratégie digitale, le marketing multicanal, l'e-événement, le design et le branding, le développement d'application mobile et web, le développement de sites web et de plateformes e-commerce. Nous investissons continuellement dans la recherche et le développement afin de garantir l'utilisation des dernières technologies et des solutions les plus adaptées pour servir les stratégies les plus ambitieuses. Le groupe compte des agences de communication spécialisées : -Pixels Health ( spécialisée sur le domaine de la santé. -Pixels Banking ( spécialisée dans le secteur bancaire et finance. Spécifique à notre branche santé : Pixels Health propose des services de "medical writing". Nous sommes certifiés IQVIA, VEEVA, Salesforce, Adobe et ISO 27001. Nous bénéficions également d'un certain nombre de partenariats afin d'offrir les meilleurs services et événements électroniques dans l'ensemble de notre offre. Quelques-unes de nos références : Sanofi, Merck, Pierre-Fabre, Servier, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Association de patients diabétiques et de nombreuses start-ups et PME. Spécifique à notre branche bancaire : Nous offrons un certain nombre de solutions dont une solution de workflow et une solution de banque mobile et internet. Quelques-unes de nos références : Lombard Odier, Pictet, Octogone Management SA, Square stone Capital, BT, STB, Crédit Mutuel, Acolin et un certain nombre de start-up. Pixels Trade propose également des solutions innovantes à d'autres secteurs d'activité. Quelques-unes de nos références : Franck Muller, Cote Magazine, Nations Unies, SGS, Cargill, Total...

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    4 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Geneva, Switzerland
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+14)
    Speaks French, Arabic
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (52 reviews)

    Une seule limite, votre imagination. 🚀

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Aji, l'équipe qui va vous bluffer ! Vous avez une idée exceptionnelle mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer ? Pas de panique, les experts d'Aji sont là pour vous ! 🧠 On allie créativité débordante et compétences de choc pour transformer vos concepts les plus fous en projets concrets. De l'intelligence artificielle aux applis mobiles, en passant par le web, le design ou la réalité augmentée, on maîtrise tous les domaines ! 🔥 Notre secret ? Une équipe survitaminée, prête à relever n'importe quel défi ! On s'adapte à tous les secteurs comme de vrais caméléons du numérique. 🪡 Mais le must, c'est qu'on vous conçoit des projets sur-mesure, comme un costume taillé par le plus prestigieux des tailleurs. Aji, c'est la haute-couture du digital ! Mais concrètement, on fait quoi ? ✅ Intelligence Artificielle ✅ Application Mobile ✅ Développement Web ✅ UI/UX Design ✅ Réalité Augmentée et Virtuelle (AR/VR) ✅ SEO / SEA / SMO / CRO Notre mission ? Faire vivre votre passion ! ♠️ On est les AS pour capter l'essence de votre projet et la retranscrire à la perfection. Parce qu'on est pas que des technophiles, on est avant tout à l'écoute de vos besoins et de ceux de vos futurs utilisateurs. 🤘 Alors foncez et partagez-nous vos folles idées ! On se chargera de les concrétiser à 3000% pour vous bluffer ! Nos valeurs ? On vous les transmets ! ✨ Réactivité de folie ✨ Créativité à revendre ✨ Confiance à toute épreuve ✨ Écoute proactive ✨ Transparence absolue Aji c'est une famille : AjiCreative, AjiInteractive et AjiContent ! Une équipe rayonnante qui ne lâche rien et qui garde toujours un pied dans l'humain. Alors go, on se lance ? 💥

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    10 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Paris, France (+4)
    From €1,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Media (+31)
    Speaks French, English
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (21 reviews)

    "No BS around Tech" - Sie sind glücklich mit unserer Arbeit oder zahlen nicht!

    Blockchain Development Ready for Web3! Wavect entwickelt Smart-Contracts & DApps, vorwiegend für EVM Blockchains. Zusätzlich beraten wir Unternehmen und bieten Workshops sowie Einzelcoachings an. Ob Blockchain tatsächlich Sinn für Sie macht, besprechen wir gerne mit Ihnen bei einem kostenlosen Intro-Call.

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    1 work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Ampass, Austria
    From €0 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (12 reviews)

    Where your ideas turn into code and interfaces

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    We know how to create business value, not just another piece of software. Yellow has already helped 220+ businesses succeed on the market. WE FOCUS ON: ✔Arificial Intelligence ✔Machine Learning ✔Data Science ✔Chat and Chatbot Development ✔UX/UI Design Our team is ready to help you realize your mobile or web solution. Whether you are a brand new startup or an established enterprise, we are ready to help you build maintainable, scalable, and future-proof software. WHY US? ✔Business before technology ✔Cross-review ✔Daily communication ✔Clients participate in development ✔No suspicious processes ✔Post-launch support Let’s build a great software solution together:

    Experience level


    Artificial Intelligence

    3 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in San Francisco, United States
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Tobacco (+9)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    We don’t take shortcuts, but we drive the fast lane

    🌐 Europe-based, serving clients globally 🔒Verified | 🔰Certified | 🇬🇧 Your Partner in Design, App Development & Digital Marketing At All-In Factory, we are your end-to-end partner in Digital Transformation. More than just an agency, we're your fast lane to digital success. We boast collaborations with prestigious brands like Fiat, Point S, Desigual, and AirFrance . Our expertise in branding, UX/UI design, programming, and digital marketing ensures premium outcomes f or every client. Your Roadmap to Success in Three Steps: 1️⃣ Step 1: Establish a Strong Digital Brand Identity We go beyond the basics. Starting with a compelling name, distinguishing positioning and visually striking brand guidelines, we craft an identity that resonates and matches the DNA of your brand. 2️⃣ Step 2: Create Websites & Apps That Drive Qualified Traffic Our expertise in SEO strategies, IT & intuitive UX/UI design ensures that your digital platforms, software and apps are: visible online, creative, fully functional ( our code meets top European quality standards ) but also highly engaging. We make sure your apps are used and LOVED 3️⃣ Step 3: Propel Growth & Loyalty We elevate your online presence with comprehensive funnel marketing strategies, incorporating SEA, SMM & influencer collaborations . Our approach is tailored to boost your visibility, engagement, and conversions , turning visitors into loyal customers. 💡 Why All-In Factory? Choose us for a holistic, internationally backed service offering, combining technological expertise with personalised strategy. We're your one-stop-shop for digital solutions that are used and loved by your customers. 🛠 What We Offer: Design Excellence : State-of-the-art UI/UX. Naming and Branding : Distinctive identity development. Graphic and Editorial Design : Innovative visuals and content creation. Robust App/Software Development : Custom applications with AI. Showcase/Corporate Website : From WordPress to full-scale web development. Digital Marketing: SEO, SEA, and SMM campaigns. 🔧 Our Technical Arsenal: General : PHP, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript Front-end : React, Angular Mobile : Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin Hosting Services : AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku,.. AI Integrations : OpenAI, ChatGPT, Llama, Gemini and beyond. A vital value-add that's becoming increasingly important, CMS Expertise : WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix, Magento; relevant for clients looking for website solutions 📞 Ready to Build or Strengthen your Digital Presence? If you have a project or idea, let's talk. Reach out for a no-obligation consultation. 📅 -> -> 🔗 LinkedIn: 📸 Instagram: ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 🇫🇷 Votre partenaire en Design, Développement d'Applications & Marketing Digital All-In Factory est votre partenaire en transformation digitale . Nous ne sommes pas une simple agence ; nous sommes votre accélérateur de succès numérique. Notre expertise en branding, UX/UI design, programmation, et marketing digital assure des résultats exceptionnels pour chaque client. Nous avons collaboré avec des marques prestigieuses telles que Fiat, Point S, Desigual et AirFrance, soulignant notre capacité à livrer des solutions haut de gamme. Votre feuille de route vers le succès en trois étapes : 1️⃣ Étape 1 : Établir une forte identité de marque Avec un nom de marque accrocheur, un positionnement unique et des directives de marque visuellement frappantes, nous créons une identité qui résonne avec votre audience et correspond à l'ADN de votre marque. 2️⃣ Étape 2 : Créer des sites web et applications qui génèrent du trafic qualifié Notre expertise en stratégies SEO, IT et en design UX/UI intuitif assure que vos plateformes digitales, logiciels et applications seront : visibles, créatifs, pleinement fonctionnels (notre code respecte les plus hauts standards de qualité européens ) et engageants. Nous garantissons que vos solutions digitales seront utilisées et AIMÉES ❤️ 3️⃣ Étape 3 : Stimuler la croissance et la fidélité Nous amplifions votre présence en ligne avec des stratégies marketing d'entonnoir complètes, incorporant SEA, SMM et collaborations avec des influenceurs . Notre approche est personnalisée pour accroître votre visibilité, engagement et conversions, transformant les visiteurs en clients fidèles. 💡 Pourquoi choisir All-In Factory ? Choisissez un service intégral, reconnu à l'international, combinant expertise technologique et stratégie personnalisée. Nous sommes votre partenaire unique pour des solutions digitales performantes et créatives que vos clients vont adorer ! 🛠 Nos services : Design : UI/UX à la pointe. Naming et Branding : Développement d'une identité distinctive. Design Graphique et Éditorial : Création de visuels et contenus innovants. Développement Robuste d'App/Logiciels : Applications personnalisées avec ou sans IA. Site Vitrine/Site Corporate : De WordPress ou Magento au développement web complet. Marketing Digital : Campagnes SEO, SEA et SMM. 🔧 Notre Arsenal Technique : Général : PHP, Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript Front-end : React, Angular Mobile : Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin Hébergement : AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Heroku,.. Intégrations IA : OpenAI, ChatGPT, Llama, Gemini et au-delà. Expertise CMS : WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix, Magento,.. 📞 Prêt à construire ou renforcer votre présence digitale ? Si vous avez un projet ou une idée, parlons-en. Contactez-nous pour une consultation sans engagement. 📅 -> -> 🔗 LinkedIn : 📸 Instagram :

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    Artificial Intelligence

    2 works in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Barcelona, Spain (+2)
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Household Products (+12)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
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    The No Bullshit Web Agency

    Top awarded
    The Web is our playground, and we don’t play nice. Time to Call Out the Web Development Industry's Bullshit We're a Bucharest-based agency offering Custom Development, Web and Mobile apps, MVPs, product discovery, business software and more. Our global partners support us as your go-to external CTO, focusing on true business growth, not just measuring who has the biggest tech stack. Our motto, The No Bullshit Web Agency, showcases our commitment to tackling the Web Development industry's enduring obstacles Clients frequently struggle with problems such as inaccurate estimations and deadlines, which directly impact their business and go-to-market strategies. The potential for long-term partnerships is often undervalued, and inflexible tech stacks and project management methodologies limit progress. In addition, slow and inefficient communication further hampers success. We refuse to be another cog in the machine. We're on a relentless quest to confront and take responsibility for these issues, foster enduring partnerships, and improve communication for successful digitally-driven business growth.

    Experience level


    Website Creation

    Looking for work in Artificial Intelligence
    Located in Bucharest, Romania
    From €10,000 for Artificial Intelligence
    Worked in Beverage (+9)
    Speaks English, Romanian
    11-50 members

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Choosing a artificial intelligence company : what you need to know

Top Artificial Intelligence CompaniesTop Artificial Intelligence Companies

When it comes to artificial intelligence, there are a lot of different companies out there that can provide you with the services that you need. However, not all of these companies are created equal. You want to make sure that you find a company that is going to be able to provide you with the best possible service and that is going to be able to meet your specific needs. To help you find the right company for your needs, we have compiled a list of the top artificial intelligence companies. We have looked at a variety of different factors to determine which companies made the list. Some of the factors that we considered include the size of the company, the experience that the company has, the reputation of the company, and the services that the company offers.

What does artificial intelligence mean ?

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Artificial intelligence is based on the proposition that the process of human thought can be mechanized. This proposition is also known as strong AI.

The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to build systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. However, there are many different subfields within AI, each pursuing different approaches to this goal. Some of the most important subfields include machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision.

Machine learning is a subfield of AI that deals with the development of algorithms that can learn from data and improve their performance over time. Machine learning algorithms are used in a variety of applications, including facial recognition, spam filtering, and self-driving cars.

Natural language processing is another subfield of AI that deals with the ability of computers to understand human language. Natural language processing algorithms are used in applications such as voice recognition and machine translation.

Robotics is a subfield of AI that deals with the design and control of robots. Robotics algorithms are used in applications such as industrial automation and service robots.

Computer vision is a subfield of AI that deals with the ability of computers to interpret and understand digital images. Computer vision algorithms are used in applications such as object recognition and image search.

Artificial intelligence is an umbrella term for systems endowed with human intellectual processes. Examples of AI applications include computer-controlled robots and digital computers. The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform tasks that are similar to those performed by humans. In other words, machines can perform the work of humans. Ultimately, artificial intelligence means systems that are capable of understanding and acting in human-like ways. Various types of AI systems are currently under development, and many are expected to be implemented in the near future.

Artificial intelligence vs machine learning: which one to choose

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between them. AI is a process of programming a computer to make decisions for itself. This can be done through a number of methods, including rule-based systems, decision trees, and genetic algorithms. ML, on the other hand, is a process of teaching a computer to learn from data. This is done by providing the computer with a set of training data, and then allowing it to learn from that data. The computer is then able to generalize from the data and make predictions about new data.

So, what's the difference between AI and ML? AI is focused on programming a computer to make decisions, while ML is focused on teaching a computer to learn from data. AI can be used to create rule-based systems, decision trees, and genetic algorithms. ML can be used to provide a computer with a set of training data, and then allow it to learn from that data.

What is a artificial intelligence company ?

An artificial intelligence company is a business that focuses on developing and selling AI technologies. This can include everything from software that enables computers to understand human language, to systems that can identify objects in images, to robots that can autonomously navigate through environments.

AI companies typically have a strong focus on research and development, as the field of AI is constantly evolving and new applications are constantly being discovered. Many AI businesses also have a heavy focus on commercialization, working to bring their technologies to market and sell them to customers.

There are a wide variety of AI companies out there, ranging from small startups to large multinational corporations. Some of the most well-known AI businesses include Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft.

7 things that artificial intelligence services do:

  • Artificial intelligence companies can help you improve product quality.
  • Help you analyze data
  • Artificial intelligence services can help you make better decisions by providing you with data-driven insights.
  • Artificial intelligence services can help you stay ahead of the competition by providing you with insights into their strategies.
  • Artificially intelligence companies can help you automate your business processes.
  • Help you understand customers
  • Artificial intelligence services can help you improve your bottom line

5 Questions to ask to artificial intelligence companies:

  • Who are some of their past clients?
  • What is the timeline of their project?
  • What is the company's ai pricing model?
  • What is the company's competitive landscape?
  • What is your company's policy on sharing artificial intelligence technology?

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