The 100 Best Project Management Consultants - 2024 Reviews

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  • Reflections


    (17 reviews)

    Where Innovation meets Results!

    Welcome to Reflections, a trailblazing company founded in 2011. With our extensive range of digital services and a team of exceptional experts, we are here to empower your business and propel it to new heights. Our unwavering commitment to client excellence ensures that every interaction with us is nothing short of delightful. In this ever-evolving digital landscape, marketing has undergone a profound transformation. Every tweet, status update, and video has become an opportunity to connect with potential customers. However, the bar has been raised, and today's audiences demand more. They seek services and content that resonate with their needs, regardless of their location or activity. That's why our presence is indispensable. We go beyond the ordinary by optimizing your in-house infrastructure and implementing cutting-edge workflow automation software, ensuring that your business processes are streamlined, cost-effective, and time-efficient. At Reflections, we have a bold vision – to create valuable developments, craft innovative strategies, and deliver optimized solutions that inspire the world and keep pace with tomorrow's demands. Our mission is to provide world-class services that yield measurable results, tailored solutions that cater to your unique requirements, and ultimately ensure your utmost satisfaction. All the while, we remain deeply committed to our community, the environment, and the well-being of our exceptional team. Our goals are ambitious yet attainable. We aim to present you with a unique blend of brands that captivate your target audience. By increasing your return on investment, we help you achieve unparalleled success. Remaining relevant to your objectives is our top priority, as we strive to boost your profits and position you as a leader in the dynamic marketing industry. We are driven by purpose, constantly seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world. Through our expertise, we enhance your differentiation, improve organizational culture and alignment, and become your trusted partner on the path to success. We are passionate about educating our clients and empowering them to surpass their goals. Furthermore, we actively collaborate with startups, enabling them to reach a global audience and make their mark on the world stage. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet your diverse needs: - Web Development - App Development - E-commerce Development & Operations - Social Media Optimization - Search Engine Optimization - Traditional Marketing - Outdoor Events - Activations - Billboards - Radio Campaigns - TV Ads - Business Consultancy - Marketing Consultancy - Digital Marketing Strategies - Creative Services - Video Production - Content Production - Start-up Coaching Experience the Reflections difference and unlock the true potential of your business. Join us on this remarkable journey towards success and let us be the catalyst for your growth. Contact us today to embark on an extraordinary transformation that will redefine your business for the better.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Al Maadi, Egypt
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (7 reviews)

    We elevate Brands.

    Secondfloor is a creative boutique agency. We have choosen not to be a “one-size fits all” agency. Thanks to our tailor-made dedicated team mixing senior and young talents, digital and off-line expertise, we provide a highly reactive and personalized process and experience. We build true relationships with our clients. We want to be close, to speak frankly, to give the best advice… advice that we would apply to our own brand. Since we started in 2007, our agency has kept its human dimension, either love it or walk away. Because at the end, it’s a people business. Secondfloor. We elevate brands.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Brussels, Belgium
    From €5000 for Project Management
  • Glucône


    (11 reviews)

    Ecoute et accompagnement au service de votre présence digitale

    Depuis 2004, nous accompagnons nos clients dans l’implémentation et le renforcement de leur présence digitale aux travers de leurs projets web et leur identité de société . Glucône, c’est avant tout une collaboration humaine avec nos clients, nos partenaires tout autant qu’avec notre équipe. Une équipe soudée, expérimentée et complémentaire pour laquelle les valeurs de proximité , d’ empathie , de flexibilité et d’ écoute sont primordiales. C’est dans cette optique que nous nous définissions comme un studio de taille humaine tout en ayant l’ expérience et les compétences multi disciplinaires pour rassembler les prestataires, les solutions et les ressources nécessaires pour répondre à vos besoins. Nous sommes impatient de faire votre connaissance et de vous accompagner!
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Evere, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Akson


    (6 reviews)

    Si la matière grise était plus rose, le monde aurait moins les idées noires.

    À travers chaque projet, nous aidons à valoriser ce qui vous rend unique. Akson est une agence de conseil en communication, spécialisée en stratégie et création de supports de comm', nous vous accompagnons dans toutes les étapes de votre développement. Notre démarche s’appuie avant tout sur une écoute approfondie de vos besoins et d’un échange permanent, tout au long de la collaboration, afin de construire des solutions innovantes et sur-mesure, adaptées à vos besoins. Nous nous appuyons sur l’expertise de nos équipes, ainsi qu’auprès de nos réseaux de partenaires (relations presse, développement web, production audiovisuelle…), afin de vous conseiller et vous guider sans perdre de vue la réalité des marchés et leurs dernières évolutions. Une dynamique vous assurant un travail complet et efficace selon vos problématiques. Nos pôles d'expertises : - Stratégie : Planning stratégique & Média planning Pour une approche globale de votre marque et un conseil sur-mesure - Création : Direction artistique & Conception-rédaction Pour des idées créatives, audacieuses et efficaces. Le visuel au service du message. - Digital : Webdesign & Stratégie de déploiement digitale & Social media Pour vous accompagner dans votre transformation digitale. L’approche « web and touch » - Contenu : Storytelling & Stratégie de contenu & Brand Content & Relations presse Pour des contenus engagés et engageants . Le bon mot au bon endroit. De la conception rédactionnelle, à la réalisation d’axes graphiques, notre équipe 360° vous propose de révéler l’empreinte de votre marque, la faire rayonner, comprendre son identité et l’accompagner sur le long terme, avec des solutions qui vous correspondent. Nous aimons imaginer, créer, développer, explorer avec vous, tous les territoires qui feront de vous les marques de demain !
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Bordeaux, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Mobile Reality

    Mobile Realitycertified-flagverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Custom JS Software Devs • Fintech Advisors & Developers • Proptech Experts • Blockchain Enthusiasts

    Mobile Reality creates and designs profitable digital products like mobile and web solutions and monetizes data. We cooperate with Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Award winners and global leaders to deliver them the best quality and profitable software solutions. We are JavaScript experts. The NFTs creators and developers. We are a Clutch awarded team of over 30 specialists, with 50+ projects in the portfolio, with budgets over $1 million. 100k users use our products. Let's discuss how we can support you with digital products and services. Lovers of such technologies as React.JS, React Native, Vue.JS, Node.JS, AWS, Android, iOS, Python, R. We create NFTs based on FLOW blockchain, and we develop NFTs-related smart contracts using Cadence language.
    7 works in Project Management
    Active in Janki, Poland
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (8 reviews)

    KoolGang, l’agence créative pour les générations de demain.

    C’est un mélange de soleil, de bitume, de mode, de culture et de tout ce qui fait le monde d’aujourd’hui. C’est en regardant par la fenêtre et en se mêlant à la foule que nous puisons notre inspiration. Nous sommes une agence de conseil en stratégie digitale nouvelle génération, née d’un mélange de la culture urbaine, web et social media, dopée à la marque. Un crew de perturbateurs créatifs et audacieux qui veut redéfinir les lignes de votre business.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Marseille, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • IT Place

    IT Placeverified-flag

    (13 reviews)
    IT Place est une agence numérique basée en Belgique spécialisée dans le développement de logiciels personnalisés , le développement Web , les solutions Web personnalisées, les solutions de commerce électronique , les boutiques en ligne, le développement mobile iOS et Android, les intégrations de services Web , les médias sociaux, l'identité d'entreprise… Notre coeur de métier est le développement logiciel sur mesure : Sites Internet , e-Commerce, Webservices , applications ERP en mode SaaS ... Notre mission consiste à servir les dizaines de milliers d’utilisateurs qui utilisent quotidiennement nos applications, à créer des logiciels qui répondent aux besoins des utilisateurs, et développer leur valeur sur le marché grâce au marketing digital . IT Place est une entreprise avec 13 experts techniques . Nous avons de solides compétences techniques complètes avec plus de vingt ans d'expérience dans les petites et moyennes entreprises ainsi que dans les grandes entreprises. Ces connaissances nous permettent de gérer des intégrations et des protocoles très complexes entre sites Web, applications et services et serveurs tiers (Odoo, SAP, Navision, SQL Servers, Firebird, etc.). ------ IT Place is a Belgian based digital agency specialized in custom software development , web development, custom web solutions, e-commerce and e-business solutions , web shops , iOS and Android mobile development , webservices integrations, social media, corporate identity …   Our core business is custom software development : Websites, e-Commerce, Webservices, SaaS ERP tools ... Our mission is to serve the tens of thousands of users who use our applications on a daily basis, create software that meets the needs of users, and develop their value in the market through digital marketing . IT Place is a company with 13 technical experts . We have strong full-stack technical skills with more than twenty years in small and corporate businesses.   This knowledge let us manage very tough integrations and protocols between websites, applications and third-party services & servers (Odoo, SAP, Navision, SQL Servers, Firebird etc.).
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Braine-le-Comte, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (7 reviews)

    We craft digital products from idea to production. We help you to digitalize your business.

    KERN-IT est une société de développement informatique basée à Bruxelles qui assure la conception de votre identité graphique jusqu'à la réalisation de votre produit numérique sur mesure. Nous sommes une équipe soudée d’ experts passionnés par leur domaine et nous couvrons tous les aspects nécessaires à la réalisation et au succès de votre projet de développement informatique. Nous privilégions une approche pragmatique et holistique pour relever vos défis. Nos solutions sont optimisées en fonction de vos besoins. Au cours de ces 10 dernières années, nous avons pu répondre aux besoins de plus de 50 clients et nous avons réalisé ensemble plus d’une centaine de projets de toutes tailles. Nos références clients principaux sont Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, et bien d’autres… Nous avons de l'expérience dans divers secteurs tels que: Télécommunications, Gestion locative, Agences immobilières, Histoire et Culture, Impression, Finances, Ecologie, ONG, Ressources humaines, Paramédical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa… Nos spécialités / Pourquoi faire appel à nous ? Logiciel Web sur mesure CRM & ERP sur mesure Outils cartographiques Design web Développement web UX / UI design Objets connectés Data science Administration système / DevOPS / Réseaux Recherche & Développement Nos valeurs Esprit d’équipe Intégrité Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless ------- KERN-IT SRL is a software development company based in Brussels. Our team will assist you in the design and development process. We will create and deliver your tailor-made digital product. We are a team of experts with a passion for their field and we cover all aspects necessary for the success of your software development project. We favor a pragmatic and holistic approach to your challenges, our solutions are optimized to your needs. Over the past 10 years we helped more than 50 customers and together we executed more than 100 projects of all sizes. Our customers include Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, and more… We have experience in Telecommunications, Rental Management, Real Estate, History and Culture, Printing, Finance, Ecology, NGOs, Human Resources, Paramedical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa. Our expertise Tailor-made web based software Custom CRM & ERP Geomapping tools Web design and development UX / UI Design Internet Of Things Data Science System Administration / DevOPS / Networks Research & Development Our values : Team spirit Integrity Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • 6W Agency

    6W Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    THE 360 marketing agency

    Established in 2010, 6W Agency is an integrated marketing & advertising company that specialises in advertising, communications, digital media buying, website development, social media, AV production, PR, Events and talent acquisition. 6W consults a variety of clients through strategies that support executing creative, planning, content creation and resource implementation across communications sectors. We offer global expertise in all aspects of the marketing and communications sector, supporting a broad base of functions and industry sectors. Following an in-depth consultation, 6W AGENCY adds value to every step of the marketing and communications process by delivering professionally and efficiently. Whatever your challenges, we provide solutions. We can work with your in-house team, create a team or delegate the work to our team. The 6W Agency team is spread all around the world but headquartered in Dubai where the team services the MENA, Europe and Latin America region. 6W AGENCY works with a diverse portfolio of Clients from a wide range of industries both locally and internationally, so we understand market diversity and create unique solutions to suit the needs and goals of each Client. __________________ Establecida en 2010, 6W AGENCY es una compañía comunicacional dedicada a implementar y ejecutar planes de marketing integral, entregando servicios de publicidad, comunicaciones, relaciones públicas, eventos, digital media buying, desarrollo de páginas web, manejo de medios sociales, y campañas digitales. 6W AGENCY es consultora que trabaja con una variedad de clientes internacionales entregando estrategias, creatividad, diseño, planificación, creación de contenido e implementación incluyendo evaluación de resultados. Nuestro equipo ofrece una experiencia global en todas las etapas de nuestro proceso apoyando a cualquier mercado e industria. Esto ha sido comprobado en los pasados años donde hemos logrado apoyar a nuestros clientes en el Medio Oriente, África, Asia, Europa y hoy en América Latina.
    1 work in Project Management
    Active in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Fine Production

    Fine Productionverified-flag

    (1 review)

    analogic feeling IN digital consciousness

    Noi di Fine Production ci occupiamo principalmente di creare contenuti digitali, soprattutto video e grafica animata. Grazie alla nostra esperienza di oltre dieci anni, siamo in grado di gestire ogni aspetto di un progetto, dalla fase di ideazione alla sua realizzazione. Collaboriamo con agenzie di comunicazione e organizzatori di eventi, garantendo tempi rapidi e workflow ottimizzati senza mai compromettere la qualità del lavoro finale. Siamo il partner ideale per qualsiasi esigenza in ambito di digital content.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Turin, Italy
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Alham Webtech

    Alham Webtechverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Crafting Exceptional Web and Software Solutions

    Elevate Your Digital Presence with Alham Webtech. We're your trusted experts in web development and custom software solutions. Our passion for innovation and commitment to excellence drives us to create user-friendly, cutting-edge digital experiences that fuel business success. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we tailor our services to your specific needs. Let us be your digital partner, helping you thrive in the online world through our web development and custom software services.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Victoria, Canada
    From €250 for Project Management
  • Significa


    (5 reviews)

    Think. Design. Develop. Launch. Repeat.

    We are a Design-led agency focused on Product Development. We think, design, develop and launch Digital Products.
    9 works in Project Management
    Active in Porto, Portugal
    From €15000 for Project Management
  • USTS, leader d’innovation depuis 10 ans

    USTS, leader d’innovation depuis 10 ansverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    Développe 👩‍💻 & Finance 🏦 vos projets :

    1 - Confiez votre projet au n°🥇 sur 🏆 2 - Soyez financés de 12 à 48 mois sans frais 💶 3 - Bénéficiez d'un remboursement de 20% pour tout projet innovant* éligible**💰 La base de tout, c’est le rendez-vous : *Financement CII que nous obtenons pour vous en cas d’acceptation du dossier. **Offre de lancement valable pour toute commande passée jusqu’au 15/11/2022.
    59 works in Project Management
    Active in France, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Make it

    Make itcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Entrepreneurs dedicated to your software development

    🇫🇷 Make it Services est la filiale spécialisée dans le développement de software sur mesure de Make it Studio, un studio de startup à succès. Actif depuis 2014, Make it a travaillé pour plus de 300 clients et a lancé avec succès 13 de ses propres startups. Notre mission est de combiner nos capacités techniques et entrepreneuriales pour créer des solutions digitales sur mesure afin de répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'entreprises ambitieuses. Nous appliquons une méthodologie agile et lean pour répondre réellement aux besoins de nos clients. Si vous êtes intéressé ou si vous voulez savoir comment Make it peut vous aider, contactez-nous. Et si nous ne pouvons pas vous aider, nous avons probablement un partenaire qui peut le faire. ------- 🇬🇧 Make it Services is the specialized branch for custom software development of Make it Studio, a successful startup studio. Active since 2014, Make it has served over 300 clients and successfully launched 13 of its own startups. Our mission is to combine our technical and entrepreneurial capabilities to create tailor-made software to meet the specific needs of ambitious businesses. We apply an agile and lean methodology to genuinely serve our clients. If you are interested or if you want to check how Make it can help you, contact us. And if we can’t help you, we probably have a partner who can.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Media4U Group

    Media4U Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Wir handeln ganzheitlich. Wir sind Experten im Bereich E-Commerce.

    Wir sind Ihr perfekter Partner! Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Implementierung von E-Commerce-Plattformen in Polen und im Ausland erhöhen unsere technologischen Lösungen nachweislich die Verkaufsergebnisse unserer Kunden. Die Zahlen sprechen für sich +21 Jahre auf dem polnischen und internationalen Markt +100 Spezialisten bereit für Herausforderungen +200 effektive E-Commerce Implementierungen +15 Jahre Entwicklung und Optimierung unserer eigenen Plattform Cartalo Unsere E-Commerce-Agentur ist hauptsächlich auf die Modebranche spezialisiert. Unter anderem sind wir seit über 20 Jahren Partner von Bonprix in 9 Ländern. Auf der Grundlage von Dutzenden von Audits, die wir für unsere Kunden durchgeführt haben, ergreifen wir die Initiative, Online-Shops in diesem Bereich ein kostenloses UX-Audit anzubieten. Sprechen Sie uns an, wenn Ihnen die Einkaufsergonomie und das Einkaufserlebnis Ihrer Kunden wichtig sind!“
    No work in Project Management
    Unknown location
    From €1000 for Project Management

    NERDZ LABverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Helping early-stage startups and growing businesses with UI/UX design and mobile & web development.

    NERDZ LAB is a full-cycle software product design and development company. We’re here to bring your project idea to life, and help it grow and succeed. Founded in 2017 in Lviv, Ukraine, today we’re a team of 80+ professionals with a passion for what we do. We offer full-cycle software product development, from prototyping and UI/UX design for MVP validation to market-ready mobile and web app development, all backed by the expertise of our CTO as a service/fractional CTO model, and ongoing support. With our wide experience working with startups and growing businesses, we know what it takes to grow a product and make it thrive. What we do: UI/UX and product design Mobile app development Web development Quality assurance Consulting Cooperation models: Time & material Dedicated development team Fixed-price Why NERDZ LAB? Proud recipients of Top Software Developers 2023 by Techreviewer, Top Mobile App Developers 2023 by AppFutura, Top 1000 Global Companies 2022 by Clutch, and Upwork Top Rated Agency since 2017 Top-tier talent, driven by our Scandinavian management model, strong culture, and dedicated focus on employee well-being, ensuring we're not just your service provider but a reliable partner for our clients ISTQB and Laravel-certified professionals 150+ projects since 2017 Last but not least: resource-wise full-cycle software product development, full project ownership, exceptional communication, and customer service. We love challenges and are keen to work with new technologies and ideas. Let’s talk about your project!
    5 works in Project Management
    Active in Lviv, Ukraine
    From €1000 for Project Management

    SUPERMACHINE NVverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    A creative agency working for brands who want to beat the algorithm with a heartbeat.

    A creative agency working for brands who want to beat the algorithm with a heartbeat. – through branding, campaigning, content marketing and community building.
    13 works in Project Management
    Active in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • EBS Integrator

    EBS Integratorverified-flag

    (20 reviews)

    #TeamEBS - a Bespoke Software Development Group that brings eCommerce to the next level

    EBS Integrator is a Chisinau based software and mobile development firm that has been creating customized iPhone, Android and Web business solutions since 2010 As soon as we have determined your requirements clearly, we’ll take your worries off your hands. From the first analysis till maintenance and support, we'll deliver a Turnkey Project that should at least check your expectations list. We're focused on delivering Outstanding Digital Experiences to individuals, SMEs as well as Enterprises that seek custom software development and are in need of a dedicated IT provisioning team.  Our business model is powered exclusively by high-quality peer-to-peer prospect relations and this is what segregates us from our main competitors.  We transparently say what we do and do what we say, to enable trust and quality-driven development cycle for our stakeholders and we’ll never abandon what we’ve started. On top of the above, we enable incredible time-to-market metrics, enhanced service scalability and outstanding performance management strategies. With EBS, you’re not getting an outsourcing partner, you’re getting your own IT department. We carry out a full software life cycle development process, for delivering: Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) – delivery of expandable either throw-away proof of concepts (up to the stakeholder’s choice) that enables our prospects to test-drive their ideas against target audiences. Here, we can either build a quick-fix that should not be scaled-up or build the beta version of something bigger (depending on the prospect’s scope); Full-Featured Products – delivery of mature software products that align to a particular business scope, designed to scale, adapt and dynamically expand to market demand and unforeseen circumstances. These are usually SaaS platforms, white-label solutions, customer-centric platforms or highly-available marketplaces that serve 500+ thousand active users on a daily basis; Application Refactoring  – optimization of existing web-enabled software that requires a tune-up, service expansion either application performance strategies (given the current state of the software is malleable enough to be adjusted). The main scope of this service is to “resurrect” prospect’s application, discover bottlenecks, lags or issues that hold its service behind; Software Architecture and Code Redesign – when refactoring is not an option, a complete system redesign is what the doctor prescribes. EBS’s approach to re-designing system architectures builds premises for releasing better, faster, stronger software, that will not require a rewrite for at least 5 years. A system redesign’s mission is 0-code dependencies and highly available services for the most demanding audiences. As part of our provisioning, we also provide: Infrastructure Blueprinting – this service focuses on building system/software infrastructures that last, within a highly manageable approach. The main purpose of EBS’s blueprinting is delivering a system that is scarce on server resources, easy to manage and malleable enough to slash time-to-market metrics in half. EBS’s day-zero CI/CD approach will solve obsolete bottlenecks and its FaaS model will finally set stakeholders free of that legacy code. High-Load Management & Data Streaming Solutions – a paradigm designed to address the needs of prospects that process more data than they could handle. On Average, data-centric experiences provided by EBS generate prospect savings beginning with 14 000 EUR per quarter, enable snappy queries, near-to-instant data access and complex analytics across the entire data flow. Performance Management – a service designed for prospects enable high-fidelity software that requires surgeon-like operations when performing maintenance and optimization tasks. EBS’s approach to performance management allows prospects to avoid imminent outages without any service disruption, spot and fix bottlenecks on the fly and get a better grip on the overall system monitoring. Comprehensive Code Reviews – this service is focused on spotting short-comings of a prospect’s software and getting a proper service iteration roadmap. EBS’s code review process delivers an overview for a particular source-code quality, a list of scope-oriented imminent changes and a full-sized report on targeted software improvements. Our current development stack is focused on, but not limited to the following: Infrastructure design and deployment: Docker, GIT, GitLab, Sentry, Kubernetes, Kafka, Graylog, Redis, RabbitMQ, Sonatype Nexus, Jenkins, CentOS/Redhat Middleware; Backend and API Micro-Services: Java, Spring, Python3, Django, Websockets, JWT, Node.js, PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Slim; Front-End Provisioning: JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, Vue.js, Vuex, Angular.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Material Design, Rafael.js, BackBone.js, ExpressJS, KoaJS; Native and Cross-Platform Mobile Production: Swit5, Storyboard, Autolayout, VIPER, Firebase Crashlytics, Fabric, Kotlin, JAVA, ADT, NDK, React Native, Flutter. Why should you choose EBS Integrator? We have established a robust Business Analysis, Infrastructure Blueprinting, Software Delivery, Quality Control/Quality Assurance, as well as Software Piloting Cycle and have gathered considerable expertise regarding Dedicated IT Provisioning Services across Betting, E-commerce, FinTech, Healthcare and Datacentric-Solutions - this though is not the main thing you should consider. Each and everyone, here, at EBS, believes in user-centric experiences and we strive to bring any piece of software we design, to the next level. We also believe legacy systems are not a throw-out, but an opportunity and that new ideas deserve a fast-to-market approach.   In our perspective, re-engineering "the old" into modern platforms and implementing processes as software is the shortest path to productivity and this is what we are best at. If this is not enough, just take a look at our past-record: 100% Delivery – 0 ditched projects in the last 10 years; A full software life cycle development process; Customer-centric delivery; 100% exclusivity for custom-developed business logic; Dedicated Business Analysis and IT consultancy for new and recurring products; A dedicated IT division for product development and maintenance, similar to in-house provisioning, without any recruitment, operational or management costs. A to Z digitization (from process to software); Just in time maintenance and delivery.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Chisinau, Moldova
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Visual Publinet S.L.

    Visual Publinet S.L.verified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Podíamos haber sido una agencia digital. Pero elegimos ser mucho más #lapiezaquefaltaba

    Visual Publinet es una Agencia de Comunicación Digital con más d e 24 años de experiencia, decana en Galicia, con cuatro oficinas; En Vigo , Coruña, Lugo y Madrid y más de 30 trabajadores. Nuestra empresa está dividida en 3 Departamentos: Factoría Web; (diseño de páginas web, tiendas virtuales, programación Web, Apps, Hosting, Mantenimiento y Seo orgánico) Marketing Digital ; (Seo, Strategy Paid, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Mail marketing, Analítica..) Consultoría y Estrategia Tecnológica y de Comunicación: (Negocio Online, Apss, UX, ...) SOMOS AGENTES DIGITALIZADORES DEL PROGRAMA DE AYUDAS KIT DIGITAL. Visita nuestra web y los servicios que ofrecemos en el marco de este programa:
    18 works in Project Management
    Active in Vigo, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Bambuu


    (8 reviews)
    Bambuu is een award-winning strategisch marketingbureau voor ondernemers met groeiplannen. Onze missie is om mooie MKB bedrijven het podium te geven wat ze verdienen. Bij Bambuu werken we met een unieke groeiformule bestaande uit de volgende ingrediënten: Strategie Regie Implementatie Ritme In de praktijk betekent dit: Van strategie naar duurzaam succes, i.p.v. ‘dingetjes doen’ Dwingend kwartaal-ritme, garantie op doorontwikkeling Agile marketing: snel lanceren, leren en continu verbeteren Regie en coördinatie nemen we bij je uit handen Certified medewerkers én partners voor alle specialismen De beste marketingtools in de markt tot je beschikking Focus op inbedden van kennis en beleid in jouw organisatie Benieuwd of we jouw bedrijf kunnen helpen? Neem dan contact met ons op! Ps. Weet je wat de top 5 uitdagingen van onze bestaande klanten waren? "het ontbreekt ons aan een goed plan, we doen maar wat" "we hebben wel ideeën, maar missen implementatie-kracht" "er is te weinig regie en samenhang in het beleid" "er komt te weinig resultaat uit inspanningen" "we gaan achterlopen op onze concurrenten" Herkenbaar? Laat ons eens vrijblijvend uitleggen hoe wij deze uitdaging(en) aanvliegen.
    13 works in Project Management
    Active in Purmerend, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Helio


    (0 review)

    Endless shine, Timeless impact

    Named after the God of the Sun, the source of light and life. We believe in new beginnings. New possibilities that spark conversation and ignite action. Possibilities that are dazzling. Possibilities that lead. Possibilities that create and shape culture. Possibilities that build brands. Possibilities for companies that also want to be new beginnings.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Atelier Design

    Atelier Designverified-flag

    (10 reviews)
    Based in Brussels, we are a creative agency, specialized in strategy, web design & branding. Founded by two design enthusiasts in 2009, we're perfectionists and resourceful by creating solid and evolving communication tools. Our team made of different and complementary profiles: Art director, graphic designer, developer, project manager & business developer. We surround ourselves with the most qualified partners to serve you in the best possible way.  Our expertise Check out below to see our works   Our projects cover all fields, whether in the corporate, cultural, associative, industrial or food sector.  We're small, but we deliver big.   We have received numerous awards for our original designs and efficient websites.  Let's discuss your project over coffee? Together we will go far. FR Basée à Bruxelles, nous sommes une agence de création spécialisée en stratégie, web design & branding. Fondée par deux passionnés de design en 2009, nous sommes perfectionnistes et ingénieux en créant des outils de communication solides et évolutifs.  Notre team est composée de profils différents et complémentaires : Directeur artistique, graphiste, développeur, chef de projet et business developer. Nous nous entourons de partenaires qualifiés pour vous servir au mieux.   Notre expertise  Découvrez nos réalisations (scrollez vers le bas) Nos projets couvrent tous les domaines, que ce soit dans le secteur corporate, de la culture, du monde associatif, de l'industrie ou de l'alimentation.  Petits, nous livrons de grandes choses.   Nous avons reçu de nombreux prix pour nos designs originaux et nos sites web efficaces.  Discutons de votre projet autour d'un café ? Ensemble, nous irons loin. NL Gevestigd in Brussel, we zijn een creatief bureau op menselijke schaal, gespecialiseerd in strategie, webdesign & branding. Opgericht door twee designliefhebbers in 2009, we zijn perfectionisten en inventief door het creëren van solide en evoluerende communicatiemiddelen.  Vandaag zijn we met 8 personen, met verschillende en complementaire profielen: Art director, grafisch ontwerper, developer, projectmanager & business developer. We omringen ons met de meest gekwalificeerde partners om u zo goed mogelijk van dienst te zijn.   Onze expertise  Bekijk hieronder onze werken  Onze projecten bestrijken alle gebieden, of het nu gaat om de bedrijfs-, culturele, associatieve, industriële of voedingssector.  We zijn klein, maar we leveren groot.   We hebben talrijke onderscheidingen ontvangen voor onze originele ontwerpen en efficiënte websites.  Laten we uw project onder het genot van koffie bespreken? Samen gaan we ver.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Etterbeek, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Tomorrow Media Group

    Tomorrow Media Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Tomorrow has already begun.

    Marketing communications, Advertising, Media planning, Media buying, People-Based Marketing , Creative, Innovation, Data et Technology We are Tomorrow, a collective dedicated to aiding brands in foreseeing and preparing for upcoming disruptive opportunities. Our mission revolves around not only predicting these potential shifts but also cultivating fresh avenues for growth within a sustainable economic framework. Our unparalleled grasp of human insights enables us to bridge the gap between brand, content, commerce, and experience, all fueled by a contemporary approach to creativity. We stand as the pioneering network poised for what lies ahead. At Tomorrow Media Group, we assemble a robust team committed to assisting brands in anticipating and strategizing for future transformative prospects. Our ultimate aim is to carve out novel routes to growth amidst a sustainable economic landscape. Distinguished by our profound comprehension of individuals, we transcend conventional agencies. This unique understanding empowers us to establish interconnections among brand, content, commerce, and experience, spotlighting avant-garde and inventive creativity. Our network is meticulously designed to remain on the cutting edge of emerging trends and technologies. Through perpetual evolution, we adapt swiftly to the latest developments. With our expertise, we guide brands in strategic positioning and seizing pioneering opportunities that arise within the market. As trusted partners, we work hand in hand with our clients, fostering close collaboration to grasp their specific objectives and needs. We're fervently dedicated to devising customized solutions that yield tangible value to their endeavors. Our approach, grounded in innovation and sustainability, serves as a compass for steering our clients toward a prosperous future, all while aligning with the prevailing environmental and societal challenges. In the realm of Tomorrow Media Group, we firmly uphold the conviction that success hinges on anticipation and readiness. We stand prepared to confront the trials of tomorrow and unlock fresh vistas of growth for brands, concurrently contributing to the shaping of a more sustainable and just world.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Tunisia, Tunisia
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Digital Assets

    Digital Assetsverified-flag

    (1 review)


    Integrating digital marketing and creative marketing planning is the optimum way to reach, engage and profitably satisfy the right customers. Digital Assets is a marketing agency offering a wide range of solutions to support in developing your brand story, planning your marketing activities and executing through digital and traditional channels. Our offices are based in Cairo and Dubai (SG Production) along with a strong presence in KSA through strategic Partners, while SG Holding the mother company is based in USA. With diverse expertise across the GCC countries and Egypt, we will unleash our talent and capabilities to best serve your business.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Nasr City, Egypt
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (12 reviews)

    Improve your online image, with us it's easy.

    As Unico-IT, we combine the best practices of project management and software development to deliver the best possible solution to our clients.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Puck County, Poland
    From €30 for Project Management
  • Outsight Studio

    Outsight Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We design high-performing digital solutions

    Outsight is your strategic partner for innovation and growth. We blend creative design and cognitive science to deliver solutions that captivate visually and resonate deeply with your users. Our unique approach ensures every project isn't just innovative but truly impactful. Born in Brussels in 2021, Outsight Studio is a fast-growing digital agency. Our keystone? Helping companies creating useful, desirable, viable and frictionless products.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Beapp


    (16 reviews)

    Boostez votre impact en développant votre potentiel mobile !

    Depuis plus de 10ans, Beapp aide les entreprises à déployer des applications mobiles utiles et impactantes pour leurs activités tout en prenant en compte les enjeux environnementaux et sociaux d'un numérique responsable. Expert historique reconnu sur le développement mobile, nous intervenons également sur les applications web et autres projets techniques complexes (IoT, développement de SDK...). Notre ADN produit associé à une vision pragmatique nous permet de mener vos projets application dans leur globalité, que ce soit dans la définition stratégique, la conception produit, le développement technique ainsi que le suivi de votre roadmap digitale. Notre préoccupation est de placer l'utilisateur final au centre de la réflexion pour mener une vraie démarche ROIste. L’objectif étant de concevoir un outil performant sur-mesure créant une vraie valeur ajoutée pour vos utilisateurs. Notre ambition au service de votre produit numérique : Un accompagnement complet sur la globalité du cycle de vie de votre application Une démarche centrée sur vos utilisateurs grâce à une conception d’expériences digitales Une sensibilisation aux différents aspects d’un numérique responsable pour votre marque (tant environnemental que social) Une volonté de faire monter en compétence vos équipes pour maîtriser l’univers du digital et assurer un transfert technologique L’agence a initié une démarche "Impact" pour réduire son empreinte et agir avec son éco-système. Notre ambition est d'œuvrer pour un numérique responsable tant sur le plan environnemental que social et éthique. Un plan d’actions complet à court et moyen terme a été défini en interne et piloté par notre Chief Impact Officer. En cours d’obtention du label NR et signataire du manifeste Planet Tech Care, nous œuvrons tant en interne sur notre vie au quotidien que dans nos projets et les accompagnements clients. Nous adressons de nombreux sujets auprès de nos clients pour les accompagner vers un numérique plus responsable : Audit accessibilité , conception UX/UI et développements adaptés à cet aspect Eco-conception de vos applications (démarche complète de la définition stratégique à l’hébergement et la fin de vie, en passant par la conception UX/UI et les développements techniques) Éthique de la données : accompagnement et conseil dans la collecte et l’utilisation raisonnée et sécurisée des données personnelles Formation "Agir sur votre empreinte numérique" pour sensibiliser aux impacts environnementaux du numérique et aux actions possibles pour les limiter Notre feuille de route pour un numérique plus soutenable et éthique est disponible sur notre site ! Ils nous font confiance pour répondre à leurs enjeux : Marmiton, 20Minutes, Cash Express, Vinci Energies, Groupe Dubreuil, Enedis, Groupe Rossel, Lefeuvre Immobilier, Trécobat, Quo Vadis, Blynd... Nous sommes également labellisés Crédit d'Impôt Recherche et Crédit d'Impôt Innovation !
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Nantes, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Cat Around Films

    Cat Around Filmscertified-flagverified-flag

    (19 reviews)
    We have a passion for creating branded content that delivers results. Our work has brought real value to local, national, and international brands and organizations over the years, and we aim to continue evolving the scope of our services with time. We love telling our clients’ stories and capturing powerful moments to support them, and we work closely with them to create content that communicates both authenticity and credibility. Our story began in March of 2014, when Cat Around Films came together with the idea of there being a tremendous need for quality content. It is our belief that the play button is your most important tool for conveying key messaging to your community. We work with both growing and established brands to tell their stories through cinematic campaigns, education, training, and events. Our creative film production and content strategies are often used as part of sales and lead-generating initiatives that bring results, no matter how niche or precise the objective may be. We manage all aspects of planning and creative direction that occur prior to filming. The pre-production process is a collaborative effort between Cat Around Films and our clients. We are comfortable with assuming full creative control, or working with our clients and their teams, to create effective content that conveys the message that our clients intend to communicate. In the pre-production process, our goal is to determine what type of content will get our clients the results they expect. Once planning and strategy are complete, the stage is set to begin capturing your footage. Our experienced team of directors, cameramen, sound engineers, lighting specialists, art directors, and make-up artists are always eager to get on set and carry out memorable productions for our clients. Cat Around Films maintains an in-house inventory of specialty equipment including cameras, lenses, stabilizers, lighting rigs, drones, audio equipment and much more. Post-production is where the magic happens.  This is where the raw content becomes consumable.  Our post production studio is complete with all the major elements and talent to make your videos awesome.  Our post production team works with our productions as well as that of others.  Whether we are working on your entire project or we are your post production team, you can count on us to deliver every time.  We always honour our commitments and deadlines and strive to create an amazing experience for everyone.  
    2 works in Project Management
    Active in Montreal, Canada
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Techkhana


    (0 review)

    Transforming Ideas into Reality

    We are a software development house based in Cairo, Egypt. Our logo embodies how we work with our projects, which is structured around cycles in technology that close up to a full loop. Techkhana was founded in 2016, and has worked with all project sizes. We've made sure that all projects delivered were to the highest quality possible and outputs we can be proud of ourselves.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Cairo, Egypt
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Apps Square

    Apps Squareverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Empowering Innovation, Transforming Success, Digitalization, Websites & Mobile Apps Development

    "Apps Square: Igniting Innovation, Empowering Market Leaders" Step into the future of business with Apps Square, your trusted digital partner since 2015. Our mission is to revolutionize the way upcoming business leaders break market records and achieve unrivaled success. As pioneers in the MENA region, Apps Square delivers cutting-edge technology and software solutions to SMEs, enterprises, and startups. Specializing in the e-commerce, finance, and healthcare sectors, we bring expertise and innovation to drive your business forward. Our relentless pursuit is to provide effective support and durable software products that cater to the daily lifestyle needs of our partners in the MENA region. We understand the challenges you face and are committed to helping you thrive. At Apps Square, our goals extend beyond excellence. We foster team performance, building an organizational hierarchy that facilitates seamless workflows. Through our dedication to developing a standard process life cycle, we ensure efficiency and quality in every project. Learning, programming, and simplifying are at the core of our DNA. With Apps Square, we bring you the smart way to tech, propelling you forward with accelerated technology. Experience the transformative power of our solutions as we streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth. Join us at the forefront of innovation as we redefine the digital landscape together. With Apps Square, ignite your business potential and embrace the limitless possibilities of tomorrow.  
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Giza Governorate, Egypt
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Codingart


    (10 reviews)

    Appréhendez le digital avec ART.

    Codingart : Votre agence web et développement informatique spécialisée dans le développement web et mobile sur mesure. Nous proposons des services de qualité en SEO et SEA pour optimiser la visibilité en ligne. En tant qu'agence web et marketing digital , nous sommes experts en taux de conversion , design web créatif, affiches et flyers percutants. Nous excellons également dans le développement IoT , SaaS et ERP , ainsi que dans les domaines du machine learning , de la gestion de projets informatiques et de l'intelligence artificielle. Faites confiance à notre équipe expérimentée pour transformer vos idées en réalité numérique. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour développer votre présence en ligne de manière efficace et innovante. "Codingart : Votre partenaire expert en agence web et développement informatique depuis plus de 7 ans. Chez Codingart, notre passion pour l'art du codage se manifeste dans chaque projet que nous réalisons. Nous sommes une équipe talentueuse et expérimentée, dédiée à offrir des solutions web de haute qualité et à répondre aux besoins uniques de nos clients. En tant qu'agence web, nous nous spécialisons dans le développement web sur mesure, créant des sites internet dynamiques, fonctionnels et esthétiquement attrayants. Que vous ayez besoin d'un site vitrine élégant, d'une boutique en ligne sécurisée ou d'une plateforme web complexe, nous avons les compétences nécessaires pour transformer vos idées en réalité numérique. Notre expertise ne se limite pas au développement web. Nous sommes également spécialisés dans le développement mobile, offrant des applications mobiles performantes et intuitives pour les plateformes iOS et Android. Nous nous engageons à fournir des expériences utilisateur exceptionnelles et à garantir que votre présence sur mobile soit optimisée pour attirer et fidéliser votre audience. Chez Codingart, nous comprenons l'importance du référencement (SEO) et de la publicité en ligne (SEA) pour maximiser votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche. Nous mettons en œuvre des stratégies de référencement efficaces, des mots clés bien recherchés et des campagnes publicitaires ciblées pour attirer un trafic qualifié vers votre site web et augmenter votre taux de conversion. En tant qu'agence de marketing digital, nous offrons des services complets pour promouvoir votre entreprise en ligne. Du design web créatif à la conception graphique d'affiches et de flyers percutants, nous créons des supports visuels qui reflètent l'identité de votre marque et captivent votre public cible. Codingart se démarque également par son expertise dans des domaines avancés tels que le développement IoT (Internet des objets), le développement SaaS (Software as a Service) et le développement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Notre équipe possède une solide expérience dans l'intégration de technologies émergentes et dans la création de solutions logicielles personnalisées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de votre entreprise. En tant que précurseurs dans le domaine du machine learning et de l'intelligence artificielle, nous utilisons ces technologies pour vous aider à exploiter pleinement les données et à prendre des décisions éclairées. Que ce soit pour l'analyse prédictive, la personnalisation de l'expérience utilisateur ou l'automatisation des processus, nous avons l'expertise pour vous guider à travers ces domaines en constante évolution. Chez Codingart, nous croyons en une approche centrée sur le client. Nous sommes à l'écoute de vos besoins, de vos objectifs et de vos contraintes, et nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec vous à chaque étape du projet. Notre équipe de gestion de projet expérimentée assure une communication transparente et un suivi rigoureux pour garantir la réussite de votre projet. Faites confiance à Codingart pour vous accompagner dans votre transformation numérique. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour discuter de vos idées, obtenir une consultation personnalisée et découvrir comment nous pouvons donner vie à votre vision en ligne. Nous sommes impatients de créer une expérience web exceptionnelle qui propulsera votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets."
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • AppsChopper


    (16 reviews)

    Ideas Delivered

    AppsChopper is a leading mobile app development company with locations in New York, Walpole, and Boston. We began operations in 2011, and since then, we have grown to provide mobile applications powered by the latest technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Blockchain. Our teams consist of specialists lending their experience and expertise to each phase of the app development process, from app development, project management, and design, to testing, DevOps, and system administration. However, the buck doesn't stop here as we ensure the app works perfectly and is updated with proper post-launch maintenance solution. Our vision and commitment to offering the best possible results to our clients have enabled us to maintain our reputation as a leader in the mobile app development market. We make sure every app we built is compliant with its relevant compliance and regulations. AppsChopper has gained expertise in several industries, owing to its clients. We have worked with wide-ranging requirements, which has made us capable of delivering scalable solutions. Whether you require assistance in a mid-range collaboration or a team of experts in a large app development undertaking, we have the skill set and experience to match your unique requirements. Our portfolio extends to projects from diverse fields, including, but not limited to, the following: Healthcare: AppsChopper has designed and built healthcare and fitness apps with various features, such as a step tracker, calorie and water intake counter, geolocation tracker, etc. We have delivered outstanding results for mobile devices, wearables, IoT, and other technologies in this domain. Travel: Our teams are well aware of the direction to go regarding custom travel app development. We have successfully created complex workflows that facilitate convenient online bookings. Rest assured, we have what it takes to build your app, whether you need it for hotel booking, air ticketing, or any purpose pertaining to travel and tourism. eCommerce: AppsChopper offers eCommerce app development solutions that involve the integration of vital business processes. We aim to deliver engaging, user-friendly apps for seamless user experiences. Our expertise is second to none when it comes to assisting our clients with business growth using eCommerce. Education: We are capable of creating personalized learning experiences that offer the perfect combination of immersive environments and interactive exercises. Our team builds EdTech apps with user experience at the forefront, incorporating innovative trends to build reliable educational tools. As your next IT project approaches, we at AppsChopper look forward to bringing our decades of collective experience and passion for excellence to the table.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in New York, United States
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Im3diA comunicación
    Somos una empresa creativa y tecnológica que nació en 2001 de la mano de un equipo de especialistas apasionados con la comunicación y las nuevas tecnologías, especialmente en el Desarrollo web en Madrid, Albacete, Alicante y Valencia, en el Desarrollo de APPS y en el Marketing Digital. Desde entonces hemos desarrollado fórmulas que garantizan la competitividad, la eficiencia y el posicionamiento de quienes confían en nosotros. Confianza Con nuestro equipo de profesionales estás en buenas manos. ¡Cuéntanos tu idea y disfruta durante el proceso! Flexibilidad Cada proyecto es único, por eso nos adaptamos a tus inquietudes y circunstancias. Compromiso Velamos por tu éxito. Por eso estamos encantados de acompañarte y asesorarte hasta conseguir tus objetivos. Innovación Investigamos y desarrollamos nuestras propias herramientas garantizando la máxima eficacia y seguridad. Creatividad Nuestro equipo cuenta con ingenio e imaginación para proporcionarte siempre la mejor solución. Nos sentimos orgullosos de trabajar con un equipo multidisciplinar altamente cualificado y experimentado, formado por consultores, creativos, ilustradores, diseñadores gráficos, ingenieros informáticos y de telecomunicaciones. Personas innovadoras, inquietas, proactivas y con una gran fuente de recursos que favorecen el crecimiento óptimo de los proyectos que abanderan.  ¡Consulta todos nuestros servicios en nuestra web,!  
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Albacete, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Finebirds Boutique

    Finebirds Boutiquecertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Luxury Retail and five-star hospitality interwoven.

    Wir sind die Agentur für Retail Experience. Wir entwickeln Retail mit dem Anspruch der Fünf-Sterne-Hospitality weiter. Unser Fokus ist ein immersives Konzept, das auf eine personalisierte Kundenbeziehung setzt. Unsere Strategie zeichnet sich durch unsere Erfahrung in Retail, Hotellerie und Marketing im Luxussegment aus, wo personalisierte Kundenerlebnisse, exzellenter Service und ein starkes Kundenbeziehungsmanagement zum Standard gehören. Unser Ziel ist es, Umgebungen zu schaffen, die eine tiefe Bindung zwischen Kunden und Marke fördern und das Einkaufserlebnis zu etwas Einzigartigem machen. Für Sie bedeutet die Zusammenarbeit mit Finebirds eine effiziente Customer Journey, die potenzielle Kunden erreicht, sleeping Clients erfolgreich reaktiviert und Bestandskunden zu treuen und loyalen Stammkunden entwickelt.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Frankfurt, Germany
    No budget for Project Management
  • Digis


    (0 review)

    Custom Software Development | Mobile Apps | Web Development | UX/ UI Design | AI Chatbots

    Digis is a Software Development company with a robust team of 200+ professionals dedicated to custom development and design . We specialize in both web and mobile development , ensuring a comprehensive digital solution for our clients . Our team boasts AI specialists , pushing the boundaries of innovation. We have a wealth of experience across several industries, particularly in Education, Healthcare, Fintech, E-Commerce, Media & Entertainment, GIS and Automotive .
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Odesa, Ukraine
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Zipper Studios

    Zipper Studiosverified-flag

    (10 reviews)
    Zipper Studios #1 in App and Web Development Unsere Services im Überblick: Mobile Entwicklung: Native iOS- und Android-Anwendungen mit Swift und Kotlin. UX / UI-Entwicklung: Atemberaubende Designs, während die Benutzeroberfläche intuitiv und einfach bleibt. Web-Entwicklung: Erweiterte Webanwendungsentwicklung mit dem MEAN-Stack und React (MEAN ist ein Open-Source Software, die zum JavaScript-Software-Stack gehört). Qualitätssicherung: Automatisierte und manuelle Web- und Mobile-Tests. Wir sind mehrsprachig: Android: Kotlin & Java iOS: Swift & Objective-C Flutter: Dart Unsere Experten: Projekt Manager, Produkt Manager, Scrum Master Mobile Entwickler, Software Entwickler, UI/UX Designers Solution Architects, Produkttester, Security Experts Wie wir unsere Kunden noch erfolgreicher machen: In unserem Softwareentwicklungsprozess arbeiten wir in Sprints, stellen in Frage, was nicht sinnvoll ist, und arbeiten an Funktionen, die Kundenprobleme lösen. Durch diesen Ansatz können wir uns auf Prioritäten konzentrieren und Qualitätsprodukte liefern. In unseren Kundenbeziehungen versuchen wir, die Geschäftsperspektive zu verstehen, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen und stets die Erwartungen unserer Kunden zu übertreffen. Wer wir sind: Wir sind ein Softwareunternehmen für Gründer und Mittelständler. Mit unserer Hilfe ermöglichen wir es Unternehmen, ihr Softwareprodukt zu auf den Markt zu bringen oder ihre Teams mit engagierten Softwareentwicklern und Produktmanagement-Know-how zu erweitern. Dank unserer jahrelangen Arbeit am Markt verfügen über tiefgreifende Erfahrung in den aktuellsten Technologien. Unser ständig wachsendes Team bietet unseren Kunden aus aller Welt eine große Vielfalt an Dienstleistungen und Services an. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden zu wachsen.   Wie wir arbeiten: Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden definieren wir den Projektrahmen Wir stellen alle relevanten Fragen und suchen allen relevanten Antworten. Im Anschluss stellen wir ein Team zusammen, dass ausschließlich für Dein Projekt arbeitet Nach der Projektdefinition ist das Team der wichtigste Baustein für ein erfolgreiches Projekt. Gemessen an Erfahrung, Tech Stack und persönlichen Interessen wird das Team zusammengesetzt. Erstellen einer Roadmap / Definition von Meilensteinen Gute Entwickler sind nur so gut, wie das Produktmanagement im Hintergrund. Unsere Produkt Manager definieren ToDos und planen die Arbeit der Entwickler. Entwicklung, Iteration und Qualitätskontrolle Im Normalfall findet die Softwareentwicklung in mehreren Iterationen statt, bei denen die Anforderungen gegenüber der Entwicklung gestellt werden. :   Ein Auszug unserer Referenzen: AskData (Analyse/KPI App): Services - iOS Entwicklung • Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • QA • Maintenance Codex (Interaktive Museumstouren): Services - iOS Entwicklung • Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • Project Management • QA • Maintenance Runlive (Community/Sport App): Services - iOS Entwicklung • Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • Project Management • QA • Maintenance Heria PRO (Personal Training App): Services - Android Entwicklung • QA • Maintenance SNP Network (Werbenetzwerk): Services - Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • QA Foodcourt (Food App): Services - iOS Entwicklung • Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA Circle (Social Media App): Services - iOS Entwicklung • Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • Project Management • QA • Maintenance King Of The Spot (Foto/Video App): Services - Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Project Management • QA Anywhere by Technoelectric (E-Commerce App): Services - Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Project Management • QA SmartPark (App zur Parkplatzsuche): Services - Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Project Management • QA CoTaxi (Taxi App): Services - Android Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA • Maintenance eLearning platform (E-Learning App): Services - Node.js Entwicklung • Angular Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA • Maintenance Medistoric (Digitaler Gesundheitspass): Services - Angular Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA Davila.Healthcare (Netzwerk für medizinische Produkte): Services - Node.js Entwicklung • Angular Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA • Maintenance Greenshare (Carpooling App): Services - Angular Entwicklung • Flutter Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA • Maintenance Werkstatt Software: Services - Angular Entwicklung • Technische Leitung • UI/UX • Produkt Management • QA • Maintenance   EN Zipper Studios is a software product company that has a culture of working with a passion for quality and reliability. We understand how important it is for you to have solid partners and productive partnerships, and people that you can always count on. We work closely with our clients in order to understand their business and their objectives. We consider that transparent and honest communication is a must everywhere, especially in this domain. Our company is composed of a strong team with great management and technical skills and a passion for software products. We strive to make the best products for our customers, leaving a signature on the industry and creating lasting relationships with the people that we work with. With a vast experience across several technologies and a continuously growing team, we provide a strong variety of services for our clients from all over the world . We focus on the user experience and their interaction while maximizing the efficiency of the business.  The ability to think outside the box and deliver astonishing designs are some other key aptitudes we are focusing on. If you have an idea or a plan for a new application, don’t hesitate to reach us. We will analyze your needs in a short period of time and provide you multiple options so you can choose the best one for you.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Eurasburg, Germany
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • MarketingOne


    (7 reviews)

    Where opposites attract, Opportunities arise

    Welcome to MarketingOne, where we transform marketing challenges into briliant solutions. For over 25 years, we've specialized in resolving the intricate puzzle of aligning marketing strategies with compliance requirements. Our expertise lies in providing bespoke solutions that bridge the gap between Marketing and Compliance departments. Whether it's navigating the complexities of Brand management, streamlining Workflow processes, or innovating in Digital advertising, we tailor our approach to meet your unique needs. Trusted by industry leaders like Achmea, Hyundai Motors, Deutsche Telekom, Heineken, and Opel, we are committed to turning your vision into a sustainable success. Let's collaborate to tackle your marketing hurdles and achieve excellence together! MarketingOne is a trademark of Paragon B.V. -- Wij zijn MarketingOne. Al meer dan 25 jaar zijn we gespecialiseerd in het oplossen van de ingewikkelde puzzel van het afstemmen van marketingactiviteiten op compliance-eisen. Onze expertise ligt in het leveren van oplossingen op maat die de kloof tussen marketing- en complianceafdelingen overbruggen. Of het nu gaat om het navigeren door de complexiteit van merkbeheer, het stroomlijnen van workflowprocessen of het innoveren in digital advertising, wij stemmen onze aanpak af op uw unieke behoeften. Vertrouwd door marktleiders zoals Achmea, Hyundai Motors, Deutsche Telekom, Heineken en Opel. MarketingOne is een handelsmerk van Paragon B.V. -- Hallo! Wir sind MarketingOne. Wir sind Experten für die Konzeption, Entwicklung und Implementierung von Software für Marketingabteilungen. Wir liefern "Compliance by Design" und bringen Marketing und Compliance zusammen. Das tun wir schon seit mehr als 25 Jahren. Unsere Lösungen für Markenmanagement, Workflow-Management und digitale Werbung sind hochmodern und auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zugeschnitten. Unternehmen wie Achmea, Hyundai Motors, Deutsche Telekom, Heineken und Opel schätzen uns für unsere Qualität, Innovation und unser persönliches Engagement. Kontaktiere uns und gemeinsam machen wir dein Projekt zu einem nachhaltigen Erfolg! MarketingOne ist eine Marke von Paragon B.V.
    3 works in Project Management
    Active in Deventer, Netherlands
    From €5000 for Project Management
  • Eview Software

    Eview Softwarecertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Master your strengths, Outsource your weakness

    At Eview-Software, we are your strategic partners in growth and success. 
 We work with mid & large international corporations throughout Europe and US in projects that demand leading-edge software development skills. 

 With over 14 years of experience, we specialize in: 💼 Management & Consulting: Streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and achieve better results with our expert management and consulting services. 💻 Software Development: Unlock the full potential of your business with our creative and business-oriented software solutions that drive earnings and scale-up companies. 📱 Mobile App Development: Power your business with high-functional apps that support operations and generate significant revenue. 🎯 Marketing Consulting: Target the right clients and boost sales with our effective marketing strategies.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Stratagemma Studio

    Stratagemma Studioverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Facciamo la differenza in un mercato volubile e pieno di squali

    Siamo uno Studio di Strategie Digitali Aiutiamo le Aziende a costruire la propria identità digitale, fidelizzare gli attuali clienti e ad acquisirne di nuovi attraverso le più avanzate soluzioni digitali, realizzate su misura per il cliente. Viviamo di problem solving quotidiano a tutti i livelli. Abbiamo skill che non si acquisiscono nelle Università o nei Master di vario livello ma sul campo, dove giochiamo da oltre 10 anni senza mai una sconfitta. Per noi Cliente significa Visione, un Credo a cui prender parte nel diffondere il messaggio.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Caserta, Italy
    From €500 for Project Management
  • Expand My Business

    Expand My Businessverified-flag

    (15 reviews)

    Helping businesses transform Digitally.

    Expand My Business is Asia's largest managed platform for all your digital needs. With our one-stop solutions , we offer an end-to-end delivery solution and allot a dedicated project manager to your project. We provide services under 3 major verticals: IT Development, Digital Marketing, and Web 3.0. Having served more than 3000+ project s we take a consultative approach to understanding your business and project needs. Furthermore, we secure your payments through Escrow Payment Security Solutions through our milestone-based delivery model wherein we divide your project deliverables into different phases.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Sarhol, India
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Devside


    (6 reviews)
    Devside is a software development company focused on Mobile Applications 📲 & Digital Strategy . We help you shape this mobile strategy across different iOS, Android & AppGallery platforms. We love to create useful apps and are passionate about what we do. We started with the iPhone 1 in 2009 and have already created more than 150 applications ( Proximus , SFR, Governments , Institution or The Loterie Nationale). Each of our developers 👨🏼‍💻 have expertise in one of the major mobile development platforms and use a variety of programming languages ​​used in this vast world of applications. Do not hesitate to contact us 📩 if you are looking for an estimate or even if you want to discuss the world of applications. ******** Devside est une société de développement de logiciels axée sur les Applications Mobiles 📲 principalement et la Stratégie Digitale . Nous vous aidons à façonner cette stratégie mobile sur les différentes plateformes iOS, Android et AppGallery . Nous aimons créer des applications utiles et sommes passionnés par ce que nous faisons. Nous avons démarré avec l’iPhone 1 en 2009 et avons déjà créé plus de 150 applications notamment pour Proximus , SFR, certains Gouvernement s, Institution ou même La Loterie Nationale. Chacun de nos développeurs 👨🏼‍💻 possède une expertise dans une des principales plates-formes de développement mobile et utilise une variété de langages de programmation utilisés dans ce vaste monde d'applications. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter 📩  si vous cherchez une estimation ou même si vous avez envie de discuter du monde des applications.  
    11 works in Project Management
    Active in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Berliner Werbeagentur & Online-Marketing Experten. Unsere deutschen und englischen Fachabteilungen arbeiten gemeinsam mit Ihren Projekt-Leitern an Digitalen Marketing Kampagnen, Beratungsprojekten zur Digitalen Transformation im Mittelstand, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Werbe- und Kommunikations-Strategien, Branding & Positionierung Ihrer Marke, sowie leidenschaftlich an Firmen-Events & Messe Dienstleistungen. Wir sind mehr als eine Werbeagentur. Wir sind Freigeist, Kreativität, Innovation. Auf der Suche nach einer ganzheitlichen Werbeagentur in Berlin, die sich nicht nur auf Nischen beschränkt, sondern das große Ganze vor Augen hält, kann man sich heutzutage nahezu verlieren. Bis Sie auf uns stoßen – Paranoid Internet. Ein Jahr Online Marketing steht oft in Relation zu 5-10 Jahren klassischer Werbung und/oder offline Aktivitäten. Besonders deshalb ist es so wichtig, den Mitstreitern stets einen Schritt voraus zu sein. So, als sei man paranoid – man muss alles im Blick behalten und für Vorsprung. Wir begreifen uns als vielseitige Internetagentur, Medienagentur und Kreativagentur mit besonderer Spezialisierung auf aktuelles Online Marketing, Eventmanagement, Podcast Marketing, Public Relations (PR Agentur) und Digital Transformation Consulting. Mit Hauptsitz in Berlin und verschiedenen Projekt Units in ganz Europa ist es unser Bestreben, jedes Jahr aufs Neue die aktuellen Trends zu verstehen, anzuwenden und dadurch für unsere Kunden den besten Erfolg zu erzielen.Unsere stetige Weiterentwicklung nehmen wir uns durch internes Reporting und Fortbildungen sehr zu Herzen, ebenso wie wertvolles Feedback, das immer zu unserer Verbesserung angenommen wird. Wenn auch Sie ihrer Zeit voraus sein möchten und einen erfrischenden Advertising Sparringspartner suchen, kontaktieren Sie unsere Werbeagentur aus Berlin. ------ English Version: Berlin-based advertising agency & online marketing experts Our English and German specialist departments are working jointly together with your project leaders on digital marketing campaigns, consulting projects for the digital transformation in the mid-tier, press and public relations, advertising and communication strategies, branding & positioning of your company, as well as corporate events and trade fair services. We started in Hamburg in 2013 before we successfully expanded to Berlin in 2016. In the German capital, we built an international team of experts for the success of your company. We’re looking forward to hear from you    
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Berlin, Germany
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Genesistemas


    (7 reviews)

    ¡Nuestro negocio es hacer crecer el tuyo!

    Expertos en Marketing Digital Somos una agencia digital independiente, especializada en servicios de marketing digital en Madrid. Nos basamos en datos con orientación a resultados. ¿Quieres que te ayudemos a ganar clientes online? Estamos aquí para ayudar a despegar a tu negocio. En un entorno digital en constante evolución, el éxito de los negocios depende de lo que haces o dejas hacer para dar a conocer tu empresa en internet. La estrategia es el punto de partida para conseguir tus objetivos. Es por ello que trabajamos con tres pilares con los que lograremos que alcances tus objetivos. Diseño y Desarrollo web Estudiaremos tu caso y en función de tus objetivos de negocio te propondremos el mejor proyecto para llevarlo a cabo a nivel de; diseño web, tipo de página, programación, arquitectura y estructura de páginas. Posicionamiento web Diseñamos una estrategia de posicionamiento web minuciosa. Nuestra especialidad es aumentar exponencialmente el número de visitas de clientes potenciales y mejorar la tasa de conversión. Marketing Digital Elaboramos estrategias de marketing digital a medida, que incluyen: posicionamiento SEO, publicidad de pago por clic o SEM, comunicación en redes sociales o el email marketing.
    9 works in Project Management
    Active in Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Summum Marketing

    Summum Marketingverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Tú pones los objetivos, nosotros ponemos los resultados. Estamos especializados en estrategia

    Somos una agencia de marketing especializada en ofrecer soluciones integrales a nuestros clientes, cubriendo sus necesidades offline y online. Ponemos a trabajar en tu proyecto la última tecnología para tu proyecto, como nuestros servicios de neuromarketing.  Nos puedes encontrar en Valladolid, Burgos, Palencia, Zaragoza y Aranda de Duero.
    9 works in Project Management
    Active in Valladolid, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • WeFlare


    (1 review)

    Pioneering Growth for Startups and Scaleups

    WeFlare is an international growth agency. We help you enhance your brand's digital footprint, optimize your marketing ROI, connects you with your ideal audience by crafting strategies that that resonate and as unique as your business is. At WeFlare, we architect the blueprints for your brand's accelerated success. We stands at the intersection of innovation, technology, and strategy, delivering solutions that drive consistent results. Our approach is collaborative and data-driven, ensuring that every marketing move is synchronized with your goals. We’re not just another agency, we’re founders, designers, marketers, and growth hackers united by a passion for innovation! Our success is aligned with yours, which is why we walk the talk, moving as your trusted partner to navigate the complexities of digital marketing.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Castellón de la Plana, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • 26lights


    (9 reviews)

    We help you grow

    We are growth architects. For the past 12 years. We've worked with about 100 start-ups, scale-ups and ambitious SMEs. We have contributed to the success of businesses you may know like Cowboy, Lizy, Sharingbox, RingTwice, Be Angels, Monizze and We are a solid team of experts (business coach, tech engineers and marketing experts) working as a growth partner for our clients with a true focus on quality, reliability, and flexibility to support the development of strategic projects and this, only when needed. Here's where we can bring value: - Dev/IT: We can temporarily be your tech team, reinforce your team, build MVPs, or join as a B team that focuses on projects your dev team can't handle right now. Only top engineers across technologies. - Marketing/Growth: We co-construct your marketing strategy and implement every aspect of the funnel, from branding to customer acquisition. We can also train your team. - Strategy/Organization: We build everything from business strategy to processes, to business and financial plans, to funding applications, to recruitment. At 26lights, we believe that launching or running a company is an incredible but challenging journey. Finding good partners is one of the toughest challenges. We will help you grow!
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Forest, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • tapptitude


    (3 reviews)

    a product studio

    tapptitude /’taptitju:d/ = mobile apps with attitude. Tapptitude is a Product Studio that partners with funded startups and established brands to build interactive, mobile-first products that people love to use. We work with our clients as Product Partners, supporting them proactively throughout the journey from idea to launching a product and scaling it up. Startups and brands work with us to define their product, design their prototype, develop their MVP and scale a successful product. Our process stands out through our early focus on value and close partnerships. We work on each product to identify and create easy acquisition flows, generate value early to retain users, and build a solid infrastructure for scalability. Our workflows are based on lean principles, rapid prototyping techniques and agile development, making us very fast and flexible in iterating value to users. Our solutions for startups: Product definition Rapid prototyping MVP development Our solutions for larger organisations: Design sprints UX research and persona design Evidence-based growth plan Our technical team delivers full-stack implementation solutions, to build Native and React Native products for iOS, Android, Wearable Devices and the Web. Our services include: Product strategy and definition UX/UI design Mobile and web development Backend services AI, Machine learning and data science Full Testing and QA Product launch solutions Product growth We’ve built products for industries like: IoT Health Proptech Fintech Marketplaces and retail Social platforms Arts, entertainment and culture  
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (1 review)

    We are dedicated to stimulating business growth through creative, customized digital solutions.

    Our mission Guided by our unique vision of the digital, we aim to assist companies in standing out and elevate their businesses. Our studio is home to passionate and free-minded entrepreneurs, motivated to find dedicated digital solutions that fit with the goals of our partners. By using efficient, essential and practical strategies, we craft and offer creative products for companies committed to improving and elevating their businesses. Why work with us At, we value transparency, effective collaboration and practical design solutions. We are agile Being small and agile allows us to tailor your projects and deliver a service that perfectly meets your needs. We have a B2B & B2C industry experience We developed deep B2B and B2C industry expertise that guides us to make clever decisions and deliver results-oriented solutions. We look from business perspective We always focus on your business goals, your vision, your story, and most importantly your customers' goals. We are source of efficiency We follow a efficient process of work that enables us to maintain premium quality and maximize your value for money.
    No work in Project Management
    Unknown location
    From €1500 for Project Management
  • Royal Comunicación
    Nuestra empresa tiene 13 años y tenemos muchos clientes que se han quedado con nosotros durante esos 13 años. Nuestros principales clientes son: Auchan, Bluespace, PSA Retail, Consum, Udima, Huesitos (Chocolates Valor), Housers, Parcel ABC y Man Medical. Monitoreamos campañas los 365 días del año. Estamos abiertos los 365 días del año para atender incidentes las 24 horas del día. Somos emprendedores, profesores universitarios e investigadores. Atraemos talento en las universidades y escuelas de negocios donde enseñamos. Escribimos artículos científicos sobre marketing digital y análisis web en revistas internacionales JCR y Scopus. Tenemos una relación muy cercana con todos nuestros clientes. Hablamos con ellos al menos una vez al día, incluso si no tenemos nada urgente de qué hablar, y nos reunimos personalmente con el comité directivo una vez por semana.  Innovación: respondemos a todos los que desean nuestra ayuda u orientación y consideramos todas las posibilidades. Este enfoque es la razón por la que tenemos socios en 7 países. Tecnología: nuestro equipo de TI cuenta con 16 especialistas internos con un gran conocimiento de Google Analytics. Seguimos de cerca las pautas del departamento de agencias de Google. Trabajamos codo a codo para mejorar las métricas de habilidades. La analítica es nuestra pasión. Lo usamos intensamente para la orientación de la audiencia, no solo para los informes. Nuestro equipo pasa muchas horas todos los días investigando el comportamiento e identificando oportunidades. Estas son las cosas más importantes en las que nos concentramos: modelos de atribución, conversiones asistidas, dispositivos cruzados y canales cruzados. Tanto los clientes como nosotros nos divertimos mucho en esta parte porque todos aprendemos mucho juntos. Integramos Analytics con el CRM del cliente para medir las conversiones reales. No importa si es para la venta de un automóvil o una operación de cirugía estética. De esta forma podemos identificar qué campaña generó la conversión. Además, mantenemos un registro diario de los resultados de los clientes, midiendo el CPA real. Medimos llamadas, formularios, mensajes de WhatsApp y otras conversaciones. Utilizamos una gama de software como: optimizar, spaceboost, cliccease, makemereach y semrush, entre otros. Realizamos investigaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas con el software de estadísticas IBM SPSS. Nuestro equipo tiene mucha experiencia en el uso de Smart Biding. Tenemos cuentas de clientes donde el 100% de la inversión se administra con Smart Biding y se han adoptado creatividades inteligentes. Siempre usamos las recomendaciones de aprendizaje automático que hace Google. Hacemos un seguimiento de las acciones que activamos y verificamos los resultados para aprender lecciones. Revisamos regularmente estas recomendaciones y proporcionamos alertas de evaluación para los resultados. Las acciones que funcionan se aplican a otras campañas y otros clientes.  Realizamos campañas experimentales para comparar cómo las diferentes configuraciones de campaña afectan los resultados. Parte del software que utilizamos nos proporciona información generada por el aprendizaje automático. Evaluamos si estas recomendaciones son apropiadas y las aplicamos cuando corresponde. Comparamos nuestra empresa con la operación de un restaurante con estrella Michelin. Consideramos que administrar un buen restaurante es muy complejo y requiere mucho esfuerzo.Esta metáfora nos ayuda a ayudar a nuestros empleados a comprender que las cosas siempre se pueden hacer mejor, que siempre se puede lograr un mayor nivel de excelencia y que nuestros clientes buscan esa excelencia en nosotros. El buen ambiente, el bienestar de los empleados, la confianza y el desarrollo profesional son puntos clave. Encuestamos a los empleados para averiguar cuáles son sus prioridades personales y profesionales para conocer sus expectativas y poder ofrecer un plan de vida personalizado. Las certificaciones son muy importantes, por lo que los empleados obtienen una retribución económica cada mes por cada certificación de Google que obtienen. Tenemos una aplicación de comunicación interna llamada Dialenga. Esta aplicación se instala en todos los equipos móviles del equipo. Mediante esta aplicación, nos comunicamos tanto formal como informalmente: saludos de cumpleaños, noticias sobre clientes y empleados del mes, entre otros. Reconocimiento de mérito profesional con nominaciones para empleado del mes. Cada mes elegimos a uno de nuestros empleados y los recompensamos con un cheque para comprar productos de Amazon. Ofrecemos soluciones de movilidad y teletrabajo, seguro de salud, becas para estudios, cursos de idiomas, tarifas de gimnasio, cuidado de niños y cheques gourmet. La administración de la empresa siempre está cerca de los empleados en los momentos difíciles: embarazos, paternidades, maternidades, divorcios y problemas de salud o económicos. La mayoría de nuestros empleados han estado en Royal por más de 8 años.    
    8 works in Project Management
    Active in Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Preferendum


    (7 reviews)

    S'adapter ou disparaître !

    Preferendum est avant tout une agence conseil en stratégie de marque , créée en 1998, forte d'une douzaine de collaborateurs. L'agence est spécialisée dans la croissance des "Marques PREMIUM" . Entendez par là, des entreprises proposant des produits et/ou des services de qualité supérieure, dont il faut raconter l'histoire, différencier sur le plan technique, de la fabrication, des bénéfices apportés et souvent justifier un prix de marché supérieur. Dans un contexte où il faut absolument émerger, sortir la marque de sa routine ou zone de confort, l'agence propose une vision stratégique globale s'appuyant sur des techniques d'inbound marketing et de traction stratégie. Aucune marque n'est à l'abri d'une uberisation ou d'un nouvel entrant bouleversant les codes et les habitudes des consommateurs. Il faut donc savoir réagir et… s'adapter ou disparaître . Preferendum est là pour accompagner les marques dans leurs mutation et digitalisation. Notre quotidien : Lead generation, Marketing Automation, Lead Nurturing, Content, création de site et campagne webmarketing et Display… mais aussi Publicité et opérationnel nos métiers d'origine. L'agence dispose également d'un département RP & influencing qui complète parfaitement ses activités et renforce la visibilité et la réputation des marques qui lui sont confiées. Preferendum est partenaire des solutions CRM et mkt Hubspot, Plezi, Talkwalker... L'agence travaille sur le pouvoir émotionnelle des Marques et a développé sa propre méthodologie que nous serions heureux de vous faire partager. Enfin pour finir cette introduction, le nom de Preferendum n'est pas anodin. En effet, les Marques se comporte comme des candidats en politique, avec leur programme électoral, leur promesse, leur style, etc, tandis que les consommateurs se comportent comme des électeurs avec le pouvoir de dire OUI (vote pour), NON (vote contre) ou de voter BLANC et de passer à côté des signaux de la marque. Notre mission est donc de faire élire la Marque, c'est à dire lui donner la Préférence au moment du vote. Le plus médiatique étant celui du peuple : le Referendum . Nous avons crée Preferendum une agence full services centrée sur les marques et ses consommateurs.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Paris, France
    From €5000 for Project Management
  • Aptagon Technologies

    Aptagon Technologiesverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Where innovation meets excellence!

    Aptagon Technologies believe in using innovative technologies to deliver the best services. We are leading the digital world to a better solution where innovation meets excellence. At Aptagon Technologies, we are an emerging software agency committed to delivering top-notch IT services worldwide. Since our establishment in 2020, we have grown from a small start-up to a renowned company with offices in Pakistan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Trusted by a global clientele, our team of 100+ highly skilled professionals excels in national and international projects, bringing expertise and qualifications to every endeavor. Our Vision: Our vision is to make life easier for people by providing them digital solutions to their problems. We are here to transform your ideas into a digital product. Our Services: In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, Aptagon Technologies ensures you stay ahead with our cutting-edge strategies. Business Analysis Technical writing UI/UX design Web development Mobile app development Quality assurance Search engine optimization (SEO) We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. Feel free to discuss your project requirements with us, as we're providing FREE Initial Consultation.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Dorset, United Kingdom
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Inevitable Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

    Inevitable Infotech Pvt. Ltd.certified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Built to Perfection

    As the founder of Inevitable Infotech, I embarked on a solitary journey, armed with a vision and determination. Over the course of five years, I nurtured this seedling of an idea into a flourishing enterprise, now boasting a team of 150 talented individuals. As a mother myself, I intimately understand the challenges of balancing career aspirations with familial responsibilities. It's a delicate dance that many mothers are familiar with. That's why at Inevitable Infotech, we prioritize creating opportunities for deserving moms, recognizing their potential regardless of career gaps. We believe in fostering an inclusive environment where talent and dedication are the only metrics that matter, enabling every team member to thrive both personally and professionally.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Gujarat, India
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Olla Digital

    Olla Digitalverified-flag

    (0 review)

    A visionary company dedicated to delivering comprehensive IT services in Tanzania.

    Olla Digital is a part of Olla Group, specializing in a comprehensive array of IT services designed to empower businesses through innovative technology solutions. Established with a commitment to excellence and driven by a passion for transforming IT landscapes, Olla Digital leverages its expertise to enhance operational efficiency and strategic growth for its clients.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Denali Outdoor Events

    Denali Outdoor Eventsverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Nous imaginons des concepts originaux... Nous créons des expériences inoubliables !

    Denali Outdoor Events is a company specialized in the conception and organisation of events . Beyond it's key concepts such as Sand Race and Bulky Games, Denali is also organizing events for other organisations managing  their marketing, defining their strategy plans and managing their event operations and logistics. 
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Wavre, Belgium
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Pixie Labs

    Pixie Labsverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    High-impact digital products. Thoughtfully crafted solutions driven by data and creativity.

    Pixie Labs is a leading London-based digital product studio. We partner with ambitious organisations to design and build high-impact apps, platforms and digital tools. Whether you're at the ideation stage, need help with user-centric design, are ready to build a rock-solid platform or app, or want to improve an existing product - we can help. We'll partner with you to deliver a unique solution to achieve your unique business goals.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in London, United Kingdom
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Latable Events

    Latable Eventscertified-flagverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    La Table Events are the premier wedding and event management company based in the UAE

    Latable is a UAE based wedding organizer in Dubai for making your weddings memorable. We are one of the best providers of event management in Dubai for UAE weddings as well as destination weddings. Visit:
    12 works in Project Management
    Active in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agency

    KIND - The positive impact growth marketing agencyverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    We scale positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚

    Are you looking to attract more conscious consumers, grow revenues and positively impact our planet? KIND supports positive impact brands with storytelling, growth marketing and community amplification 💚 We're made up of serial founders, digital marketers, social media experts and content creators with a vision of making the sustainable attainable and accessible. Our founder, Caner, successfully built and scaled a global startup and worked alongside some of the most recognisable brands such as Adidas, Burberry and IKEA. He now supports impact brands to increase their impact in order to build a better and fairer future. We operate differently from other agencies. Alongside our core team, we leverage our community of the sharpest minds in sustainable marketing to amplify and accelerate your growth and brand awareness. Sustainable growth only happens when you take the health of your entire business into account, not just the ROI of a single channel. If you're looking to scale your impact, then it makes sense to work with people who have done it before at the highest level. We help our clients with: Branding & Positioning Performance Advertising Digital Strategy Content Social Media Email Marketing Online eCommerce & Website Design Communications and PR Sustainable & Ethical Marketing Investment & Fundraising Book a 30 minute discovery call with us to see what's possible, and join other brands making the sustainable attainable and accessible.
    11 works in Project Management
    Active in London, United Kingdom
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Shortcut


    (2 reviews)

    Nous développons des applications dont vos utilisateurs ne pourront plus se passer.

    Développement d'application webs et mobiles. Expertise des applications métiers, SaaS, intranet, extranet et des outils de productivité. Shortcut est une agence française, fondé en 2020 par deux développeurs et managers d'équipe technique passionnées avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience chacun. Ils ont à coeur de mettre leurs compétences au service de l'automatisation des tâches répétitives et à faible valeur ajoutée, et de créer des logiciels permettant aux utilisateurs un gain de productivité significatif, et un accès aux fonctionnalités simplifié. L'ergonomie et l'accessibilité sont au coeur de l'approche de Shortcut.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Colombes, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Nebulae


    (7 reviews)

    Combining innovative technologies into wonderful products.

    We are an agency with a focus on full blown product development. We take your idea and bring in the most relevant and contemporary technology to create a wonderful product! We also provide excellent project management so that you don't need to worry about all of the complexities involved in setting up the solution.
    6 works in Project Management
    Active in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management

    EVENT TIME LTDcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Best Event Management Company in Bangladesh

    We Recognize Every Type Of professional event planning services that include event management, event coordination, event theming, Brand Activation Event, decor & styling, conferencing, exhibitions & signage, Exhibition stall designing, Exhibition stand Fabrication, Exhibition Organize, product launching event, wedding planning, entertainment, and venue sourcing. Corporate Event management companies are also familiar with Trade events & conferences Event Etc We Provide EveryWhere Our EVENT TIME LTD – Professional event managers are skilled in the technical as well as the designing and execution of events. EVENT TIME LTD planning companies can work with you to create a unique conference identity with careful programming of content and detailed logistic planning to Make Your Dream to Bring Our Touch. Event Management- Professional event managers are skilled in the technical as well as the designing and execution of events. it’s a trade show, product launch, wedding, cocktail party, awards ceremony or sit-down gala dinner, event managers first identify the audience of each event and go out of the way to understand your brand and budget as well. We are the best creative wedding planner & event management in Bangladesh. We develop an event theme in comfortable linen and do all the arrangements and funky entertainment options to make your special event perfect.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Dhaka, Bangladesh
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Roonyx


    (14 reviews)

    All-in-one BNPL solution

    All-in-one BNPL solution - an efficient system that brings together various elements of BNPL services, automating processes, and ensuring a smooth operation that benefits both merchants and customers on a global scale.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Saint Petersburg, United States
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Creative Minds Agency

    Creative Minds Agencyverified-flag

    (12 reviews)

    We breathe technology. Digital transformation and online existence is our life.

    We give consultations, do analysis, development, test, support, manage, and advertise for your products. We are more than an IT company. Here Are Some of Our Services that we have made: Technical consultations. Business Analysis. User Interface/User Experience Design (UI/UX) Project Management. Quality Control & Assurance. Stress Test. Security Test. Mobile Applications Development. Native IOS applications. Native Android Applications. Hybrid Mobile Applications. Website and Web Applications Development. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Solutions. Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & VR). Security Test. Full IT Solution Evaluation (Security, performance, code evaluation, enhancement advice, and execution). Hosting & Cloud Solutions: Shared Hosting. Resellers. VPN/VPS. Dedicated Root Servers. Dedicated Managed Servers. Cloud Architecture, Deploy, and Management. DevOps. Data Migration. Due diligence. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO Analysis. SEO Strategy (short/long term). On-page SEO. Off-page SEO. Backlinks. Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing Strategy. Social Media Management. Planning. Design. Media Buying Influencers. Google Ads. Facebook Ads. Twitter Ads. TikTok Ads. Bulk SMS. Outdoor Advertising. Graphic & Content Creation: Branding. Content Creation. Graphic Design. Animation. Video Production. Some of Our VIP Clients : Saudi CITC (Communications and Information Technology Commission - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology). Saudi ZATCA (Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority - Ministry of Finance). Saudi Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development. Saudi Ministry of Commerce. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Saudi Venture Capital Company (SVC). Our Experience Sectors: Governmental. Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. Financial inclusion. Digital transformation. Healthcare. Education. Automotive & Transportation. E-Commerce. Events. Online Payments. Mobility. Tourism. Food & beverage.
    36 works in Project Management
    Active in Qism El-Nozha, Egypt
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Superkraft


    (4 reviews)

    Make Brands Matter More

    Superkraft is not just your average creative agency. We Make Brands Matter More. Superkraft is about craftmanship; a mindset that drives us to go beyond the ordinary. It’s about pushing boundaries, challenging conventions and leaving a lasting impression with every project. Whether you’re looking for a fresh brand strategy, creative concepts or a dazzling approach to social media… We’ve got you covered. To unlock your brand’s fullest potential, we create tailor-made work that is as unique as your vision. Here at Superkraft, creativity knows no bounds and innovation is our driving force. With both national and international projects, we’ve gathered years of experience and have built deep connections with our clients. Our global perspective and local insights allow us to explore diverse markets and deliver personalised solutions in different industries. So, ready to take a plunge into the digital world with us? Reach out! Let's get in touch: or +32 9 330 07 33
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Take The Lead

    Take The Leadverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    E-commerce, applicaties en integraties

    Sterk in e-commerce Onze missie is het bouwen van een e-commerce platform dat écht werkt. Een technisch en functioneel werkende e-shop vinden we een olympisch minimum. We maken het verschil met een platform dat jouw groei ondersteunt en meteen ook marketingtechnisch correct is opgebouwd. Dat versterken we door een datagedreven strategie al vanaf moment één mee te nemen in je analyse- en ontwikkeltraject. Maatwerk applicaties Elke organisatie is uniek en dat zorgt voor unieke processen. In sommige gevallen volstaat een standaard oplossing of tool (net) niet. Wij starten met het begrijpen van jouw business processen om van daaruit een oplossing uit te tekenen. Die kan liggen in het koppelen van je bestaande tools, maar even goed in het ontwikkelen van een applicatie, waarin jouw specifieke werkwijze vervat zit. Oplossingen Shopware ontwikkeling Akeneo PIM Marktplaatsen B2B bestelplatformen Klantenportalen Integraties met ERP
    5 works in Project Management
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €10000 for Project Management
  • EBS Maroc

    EBS Marocverified-flag

    (4 reviews)


    Dotée d’une parfaite maîtrise technologique, EBS Maroc se présente comme une agence digitale 360° : agence web, E-Maketing et SSII/ESN. Cette connaissance technologique nous permet de réaliser des sites web, des applications mobiles ou des applications métiers sur mesure et d’intégrer les principales solutions technologiques du marché. Un seul partenaire pour plus de réactivité et de cohérence, une vision globale, des coûts et des délais maîtrisés. Nous nous engageons à accompagner nos clients à asseoir une stratégie Webmarketing efficace : Développer leur E-réputation, leur générer du trafic et améliorer la notoriété de leur marque,… De taille humaine et réactive, l’agence est composée d’experts qui imaginent et conçoivent avec vous votre projet. Vous êtes conseillés et accompagnés du début à la fin. Notre valeur ajoutée : écouter, échanger, comprendre, analyser, penser digital et multicanal mais aussi et surtout optimiser l’expérience utilisateur pour tirer le meilleur potentiel de chaque support, qu’il soit web ou mobile.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Casablanca, Morocco
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (3 reviews)

    Design follows strategy

    Design folgt Strategie | ND-DESIGN.WORKS ist eine international agierende Agentur mit Creative Associates rund um den Globus. Unser Ansatz ist strategischer Natur. Marken und Produkte haben Geschichten zu erzählen und Botschaften zu übertragen. Unsere Arbeit umfasst alle gestalterischen und kommunikativen Bausteine einer Marke oder eines Produktes – analog und digital – sowie Diagnosen bestehender Gestaltung. Unser Auftrag ist es, diese dem richtigen Publikum verständlich und zugänglich zu machen. Wo und wie müssen sie erzählt werden? Wann und in welchem Umfang? Wie entsteht mehr, als nur eine Projektionsfläche für ein unbelebtes Produkt? Denn nur eine emotionale Verbindung bewirkt tiefgehendes Bewusstsein bei der Zielgruppe. Marken und Produkte werden Identitäten. In unserem Team arbeiten leidenschaftliche Designer verschiedener Disziplinen, die alle einen Blick auf die zwei Kernthemen der Aufgabe gerichtet halten: Verständlichkeit und Begehrlichkeit für die Zielgruppe. Unsere Leistungen: Strategisches Design Corporate Design Markenentwicklung Styleguide Entwicklung Redesign von Marken Markendesign bei Fusionen Personal Branding Designmanagement Designgutachten Produktdesign Arbeitsbereiche: Konzeption Visualisierungen Branding Interdisziplinäres Design (Print, Web, mobil, Produkt) 3D Design und Animation Shopkonzepte (Interior) Text Redaktion Lektorat
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Neuwied, Germany
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Kalika Digital Hub

    Kalika Digital Hubverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    KALIKA DIGITAL HUB Business Simplified & Growth Amplified

    We Build Digital Experiences. Unraveling creative challenges efficiently entails dissecting complex problems with precision, finding innovative solutions, and delivering results effectively. Planned Business Growth Stertagies Discover effective business growth plans for your success. From market expansion to strategic partnerships, we've got you covered! Develop Business Website & Apps Unlock growth with expertly crafted business websites & apps. Elevate your online presence & attract more clients today. Creative Video Editing & Video Production Elevate your brand with captivating video editing & production services. Stand out with compelling visuals and storytelling! Digital Marketing Services Empower your startup or business with our digital marketing expertise. From SEO and social media to content and PPC, we'll elevate your online presence and drive growth.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Joginder Nagar, India
    From €99 for Project Management
  • Works Digital

    Works Digitalverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    You are unique. And so are our digital solutions.

    Embrace your uniqueness. In the realm of digital solutions, your challenges are as distinct as your fingerprint. So, when you're seeking to maximise your investment and achieve tangible results, where do you turn? Look no further than Works Digital. We're not your run-of-the-mill digital agency. We're a dynamic team of creative minds with many years of experience, dedicated to delivering unparalleled white-label digital solutions that transcend the ordinary. We don't just offer services; we forge partnerships, committed to walking alongside you on your journey to success. With us, there are no disappearing acts - only steadfast support and unwavering dedication. From strategic consultancy to a myriad of digital services - whether it's event portals, copywriting, design, content creation, sales and event support, SEO, SEM, email marketing, mobile apps, customer acquisition and retention portals, or searchable collateral document stores - we've got you covered. Our process is as flexible as it is effective. While we tailor our approach to suit your unique needs, our methodology generally unfolds in five stages: Consult, Design, Build, Report, Support. With Works Digital by your side, you're not just a client; you're a partner in progress. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your digital presence.
    17 works in Project Management
    Active in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • NOMAD. Agence Web

    NOMAD. Agence Webverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Escaladez les sommets du web : Accompagnement personnalisé, solutions digitales avancées.

    À propos de notre agence : Nous sommes une agence de Web Design & développement, composée d'une petite équipe de professionnels passionnés par le design, le développement web et l'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche. Basée au Rouret (06650), en France, notre agence fonctionne de manière efficace et flexible. Chez nous, pas de locaux ni de commerciaux. Tout le monde travaille en télétravail, ce qui nous permet d'offrir un service rapide, personnel et axé sur vos besoins, pour un tarif très compétitif. 🔑 Expérience et compétences : Fondée en 2017, notre agence se distingue par sa solide compréhension business et sa culture web. Nous offrons une gamme complète de services aux entreprises de différents secteurs d'activité, comme l'aérospacial, neo-banques, automobile, parfumerie, BTP, ... Nous travaillons principalement avec des entreprises francaises mais aussi Anglaise, Thailandaise, Luxembourgoise. Nous nous formons en continu au dernière technologies du web : React Native, React.js, Gatsby js, Shopify, Wordpress custom, ... 💼 Réalisations notables : Nous sommes fiers d'avoir travaillé sur des projets variés et de renommée. Voici quelques-unes de nos réalisations notables : : Gestion de projet et développement pour une startup du secteur bancaire et des cryptomonnaies. : Conception, développement, maintenance et formation pour une boutique de mobilier haut de gamme. Ils nous font confiance depuis 5 ans, et nous avons su les accompagner dans la croissance de leur CA sur le web, particulièrement quand la boutique physique était fermée (covid). Institut Océanographique de Monaco : Intégrations front-end pour un institut de renommée internationale. Challenge Family Frejus et Cagnes sur Mer : Création de sites web & documents de course pour des événements majeurs de triathlon. ACRI-ST : Développement de sites web pour une entreprise spécialisée dans le secteur aérospatial. : une application mobile de création d'itinéraires de roadtrip pour les passionnés de voyages. Pour découvrir l'ensemble de nos réalisations et notre expertise, nous vous invitons à visiter notre site web Nomad Agence Web : 💻 NOS SERVICES Identité de marque Web design Conception de sites internet vitrine Création de boutiques en ligne Conception d'applications mobiles Développement web Référencement naturel (SEO) Marketing digital Hébergement web et gestion de domaines Maintenance et support technique Analyse et rapports Formation Nous proposons des devis personnalisés et nous nous tenons constamment à jour des dernières technologies du web. Notre équipe est réactive et disponible par téléphone 7 jours sur 7 pour répondre à vos besoins. Si le projet le permet, nous travaillons toujours en collaboration avec le client. Vous aurez régulièrement accès à notre travail en cours et plusieurs vagues de modifications pour parvenir à un résultat qui vous satisfait totalement. Nous adoptons également des méthodes agiles, telles que le product management, pour assurer une gestion efficace et flexible de vos projets. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour discuter de votre projet et découvrir comment notre agence peut vous aider à atteindre
    4 works in Project Management
    Active in Le Rouret, France
    From €200 for Project Management
  • Events & Media

    Events & Mediaverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Met persoonlijke aandacht maken wij van jouw event een groot succes!

    Met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in de evenementenbranche biedt Events & Media een uitgebreid aanbod van diensten, van evenementenplanning en -ontwerp tot productie en uitvoering. Met de focus op persoonlijke aandacht worden er memorabele evenementen gecreëerd en uitgevoerd. Daarbij wordt er goed geluisterd naar de behoeften van de opdrachtgever om er voor te zorgen dat het evenement een blijvende indruk achterlaat en alle verwachtingen overtreft. Events & Media heeft opdrachten mogen uitvoeren voor o.a. CUPRA, Loyens & Loeff, BlackBerry, RTL Nederland, Rabobank, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland en het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Ede, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Metric Design Studio

    Metric Design Studioverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    great digital agency in shanghai

    Established in 2013, MDS is an award-winning, independently owned integrated digital agency in Shanghai. We specialize in web design & development, graphic design, videography, e-commerce management, and WeChat solutions. We help both international and domestic brands navigate China's ever-changing digital landscape. Whether it's China market entry or integrated WeChat campaigns, we're always ready for the next challenge.   Focus areas Web Design & Development, Graphic Design, E-commerce Management, Videography, Branding   Services Digital Strategy, WeChat Account Registration, WeChat Page and Community Management, WeChat Shop Opening, WeChat Shop Management, WeChat Advertising, Weibo Account Registration, Weibo Page and Community Management, Weibo Advertising, Social Media Campaigns, KOL and Blogger Management, Youku Marketing, Douban Marketing, Baidu Zhidao Marketing, Baidu SEO, Baidu SEM, Sogu SEM, 360 Marketing, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Marketing, Google SEO & SEM, Photo Shooting, Website Design and Development, Graphic Design, Video Production, Translation & Adaptation Services, Management.   Industries Higher Education, Hospitality & Tourism, Health & Fitness, Real Estate, F&B, etc.   Current and past clients include: Kaspersky, Bayer, Lamborghini, Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), U.S. News Global Education, Covestro, Polymaker, Bowflex, UBER, Shangri-la Hotels, Infiniti, JLL, NFL, Jiaotong University, Duke Kunshan University, Wilhahn, Four Loko, LUX Resorts, Sinocare, Dipont Education, Kipling, Jameson Irish Whisky, Cottingham, ZUJU GP, Viña Concha y Toro   For more information, please visit our website at
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Shanghai, China
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Echte Liebe Programmatic Marketing Agency Inc.
    Echte Liebe ist eine Agentur für digitales Marketing. Wir bieten unterschiedlichste Services an, um unsere Kunden auf der strategischen und der operativen Ebene bedienen zu können. Das Leistungsportfolio umfasst Content Marketing, SEA, SEO, Programmatic Advertising, Inbound Marketing und Social Media Marketing. Daten bilden bei uns das Fundament und dienen gleichzeitig als Bindeglied zwischen den unterschiedlichen Disziplinen. Wir unterhalten Standorte in Köln, Berlin sowie Miami/USA. Unsere Services bieten wir national und international an. Was macht uns aus? Wir setzen in erster Linie die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Welche Herausforderungen gilt es kurz- und langfristig zu stemmen? Wie schaffen wir Substanz? Wie können wir Nachfrage erzeugen? Wie können wir Umsätze generieren? Wie verschaffen wir unseren Kunden entscheidende wirtschaftliche Vorteile? Wir wollen mit Marketing Relevanz erzeugen. Wir wollen mit kostbaren Budgets die richtigen Endkunden erreichen. Wir wollen den Endverbrauchern ein Werbeerlebnis verschaffen. Wir denken nicht in Kampagnen, sondern in langfristigen Beziehungen. Wir verkaufen keine Produkte, sondern Leistung. Unsere Kunden kommen, um zu bleiben. Uns ist es daher ein großes Anliegen unseren Kunden ein wertvoller Partner und nicht der Budgetverwalter zu sein. Uns kennzeichnet, dass wir authentisch sind, dass man sich auf uns verlassen kann. Wir sehen die Chance, nicht ausschließlich das Problem. Wir suchen das ehrliche Wort und flüchten uns nicht in Ausreden. Worten folgen Taten.   Haben Sie eine Herausforderung, dann scheuen Sie nicht davor uns anzusprechen. Wir freuen uns drauf.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Cologne, Germany
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • theTribe


    (6 reviews)

    Nous ne réalisons pas seulement des apps, nous aidons nos clients à réussir leur business.

    NOTRE MISSION Nous accompagnons les entrepreneurs et décideurs tech à innover et réussir leur(s) produit(s) en ayant un impact fort sur leurs utilisateurs finaux. Nous intervenons sur l'ensemble du cycle de réalisation des produits : conception, développement, déploiement et maintenance applicative et évolutive. Notre approche s'appuie sur 3 axes : 1/ Comprendre vos enjeux métiers et business Chaque collaboration est basée sur la nécessité de résoudre des problèmes métiers, et de créer de la valeur pour votre activité. Cette démarche à impact est au centre de notre proposition de valeurs. 2/ Designer des applications intuitives et élégantes Nous accordons une grande importance à l'UX et l'UI pour concilier design et efficacité. 3/ Développer sur des bases solides Le code produit doit être maintenable & testé, et utiliser les dernières versions des technologies open source les plus performantes. NOTRE EXPERTISE Développer de nouveaux produits, c’est notre coeur de métier. Nous intervenons sur 3 types de missions : 1. Identifier les opportunités de croissance Nos équipes travaillent à vos côtés pour identifier les projets qui vous permettront d'assurer vos relais de croissance, et en les réalisant avec vous pour sécuriser le retour sur investissement. 2. Concevoir & développer les bons produits Nos équipes travaillent pour la réussite de vos projets soit en prenant en charge la réalisation de votre produit de la conception au déploiement, soit en renfort de vos équipes pour apporter les expertises qui amélioreront l'efficacité de votre production. 3. Accompagner la croissance de votre organisation Nos experts interviennent auprès de vos équipes produit et tech pour permettre à votre organisation et votre SI de croître efficacement (méthodo, organisation RH, accompagnement à la chasse des talents manquants, formation, audit et identification des leviers de scalabilité).
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Nantes, France
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • This is Not an Agency

    This is Not an Agencyverified-flag

    (7 reviews)
    This is Not an Agency levert digitale contentmarketing, met een focus op sociale media, voor bedrijven die strategisch, creatief en meetbaar willen communiceren.   Tina bestaat uit 5 enthousiaste en gemotiveerde teamleden, die - elk met hun eigen kennis en ervaring - samen bijna het volledige spectrum aan digital marketing competenties beslaan. Voor elk nieuw (deel-)project wordt het team samengesteld in functie van de benodigde competenties en expertise. Op basis van uw briefing zetten we de juiste profielen samen en leggen we de rol van elk teamlid vast. Per project wordt er ook een projectmanager aangesteld: deze heeft een coördinerende, communicerende en controlerende functie en draagt de eindverantwoordelijkheid.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • finecortex


    (1 review)

    Your digital product development agency.

    [ENG] Conceptual UX/UI design and software development are our strengths, specializing in cutting-edge technology projects. We are a team based in the tech-hub of Barcelona bringing expertise and passion for solving real-world problems . Our team dedication has earned us partnerships with major companies and organizations, enabling us to leave a lasting impact on the industries we work in. Proven market results validate us as a trusted partner in both the Americas & Europe, with recurring clients showing our value. We are experts in: --> Software design --> UX/UI Design --> Software development: front-end and back-end --> App development --> Website development --> Branding --> Consulting [ESP] Tu agencia desarrollo de productos digitales. El diseño conceptual y eldesarrollo de software son nuestras fortalezas, especializándonos en proyectos de desarrollo con la última tecnología. Somos un equipo establecido en el centro tecnológico de Barcelona , aportando nuestra experiencia y pasión por proporcionar soluciones a problemas reales. Con la dedicación de nuestro equipo hemos conseguido partnerships con grandes compañías y organizaciones, dejando un duradero impacto en las industrias en las que trabajamos. Los resultados de nuestros trabajos nos validan como un partner en el que confiar, tanto en las Américas como en Europa, con clientes recurrentes que demuestran nuestro valor . Somos expertos en: --> Diseño de software --> Diseño UX/UI --> Desarrollo de software: front-end y back-end --> Desarrollo de aplicaciones --> Desarrollo web --> Branding --> Consultoría
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Barcelona, Spain
    From €0 for Project Management
  • Five Mnkys

    Five Mnkysverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    We convert thoughts into reality.

    WHO ARE WE? We are 5MNKYS, a 360 agency covering everything and anything marketing and advertising, swinging branches and building brands. Providing the best quality at competitive prices, we go bananas to tackle and master each aspect of the marketing and advertising spectrum. We create a safe haven for all brands, where they can seek refuge as we go out into the advertising jungle and guide them through their journey in the market. We are a troop of Mnkys' striving to groom your business, bringing unique services into the market since 2019. We have been able to help market all sorts of events, brands, and corporations to reach their desired target audience immediately and effectively. WHY THE MNKYS'? The only thing our Mnkys' love more than bananas is grooming our clients to perfection. We like to work closely with our clients to fully understand their brand DNA to deliver the best results, and what better way to do that than having creative Mnkys' groom you? OUR SERVICES: DIGITAL MARKETING: CONTENT CREATION STRATEGY MARKET STUDY SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLING MODERATION PLANNING PUBLIC RELATIONS: INFLUENCERS CELEBRITY MANAGEMENT EVENT MANAGEMENT DIGITAL CAMPAIGNS OFFLINE CAMPAIGNS PHYSICAL CAMPAIGNS GIVEAWAYS MEDIA PRODUCTION: 360 EVENT MANAGEMENT  VIDEO PRODUCTION  PHOTOSHOOT MEDIA BUYING: SPONSORED ADS  GOOGLE ADS  BILLBOARDS BOOTHS ON GROUND  ACTIVATIONS  E-MAIL MARKETING BRANDING:  BRAND CONSULTATION CREATIVE CONCEPTS DEVELOPMENTS IDENTIFICATION BRAND BOOK LOGO DESIGN IT ALL STARTS WITH A BRIEF: The more details you can share the more we can properly analyze, understand and consult on your project. Once we’ve grasped the brief, we give you our service expertise and drop you a full 360 marketing proposal to help you achieve your goal. PREPARATIONS: We start the grooming right after budgeting approval. Preparing visuals, a content plan, a timeline, an execution plan, and a full marketing strategy. We might even suggest topping up your plan by constructing your campaign from the ground up, by doing an influencer campaign, a pop-up event, a launching event, a store opening, full production coverage and content creation. PROPOSAL: We get back to you with our Mnky thoughts, market studies and creative ideas. If you like what you see, we start going bananas into a full concept with budgeting for the project. GOAL: Results are what we are all looking for - the numbers! After years in the market, we are well aware of how the industry works and understand the consumer with their needs, converting the studies into sales.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in First New Cairo, Egypt
    From €5000 for Project Management
  • BlackCard


    (11 reviews)

    Crafting Success, Shaping Tomorrow

    BlackCard is where Consultation meets Branding and UX Design Blends with Precision Software Development. Consulting • Branding • UI/UX • Software Development Consulting Our consulting process is the cornerstone of our client-centric approach. We believe in understanding your unique challenges, goals, and aspirations to craft tailored solutions that drive success. Our seasoned consultants engage in deep conversations with stakeholders, analyze market trends, and evaluate your current strategies. Branding In the realm of branding, we go beyond creating visually appealing logos and catchy taglines. Our meticulous branding process is a strategic endeavor aimed at building a compelling and authentic brand identity. We delve into market research, competitor analysis, and customer behavior to craft a brand narrative that resonates with your target audience. UI/UX User experience (UX) design is more than just making interfaces visually appealing; it's about creating seamless, intuitive, and delightful interactions. Our UX design process begins with user research to understand their needs, behaviors, and pain points. We then translate these insights into wireframes and prototypes, refining and testing until we achieve a user-centric design that enhances usability and satisfaction. Software Development Our software development process is a fusion of innovation and efficiency. From concept to deployment, we follow an agile methodology, breaking down complex projects into manageable tasks. We prioritize robust architecture, clean coding practices, and rigorous testing to deliver scalable, secure, and high-performance software solutions. Here at BlackCard we focus on building Technology, that scales and lasts. That is the reason why we always use the newest and most advanced Tech-Stacks, that mesh well together and gives you all the tools you need for your business. No matter what you need, we will build a solution, that fits YOUR needs. Your success is our success.
    1 work in Project Management
    Active in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €3000 for Project Management
  • Fomp - Design & Web

    Fomp - Design & Webverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Creating business success

    Un seul point de contact pour l’ensemble de vos besoins en conception web, design graphique, marketing et communication. Nous collaborons avec des spécialistes dans chaque domaine pour vous offrir une expertise combinée et des compétences variées. NOTRE EXPERTISE À VOTRE SERVICE Notre équipe est composée d’experts internationaux. Implantée au Luxembourg et en Belgique, elle collabore avec des professionnels de premier plan dans leur domaine pour vous offrir une expérience unique et un excellent rapport qualité-prix. NOTRE MISSION : Nous créons de la valeur pour votre entreprise avec des solutions soigneusement sélectionnées qui répondent au mieux à vos besoins. Nous produisons des solutions et des campagnes axées sur les résultats, à la fois on-line et off-line, afin de créer le succès de votre business.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Court-St.-Etienne, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Port d'Idees

    Port d'Ideesverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Perquè ens agrada el que fem

    El Port de les Idees  es una agencia de comunicación que nace el año 2020 en Barcelona y que ofrece las mejores soluciones y herramientas de  publicidad ,  marketing  y  comunicación digital . El Port de les Idees surge de la mano de dos emprendedores locales, que buscan apasionadamente lograr las mejores técnicas para hacer realidad los deseos de nuestros clientes. Entendemos la  comunicación como una forma de expresarse y transmitir a nuestro entorno. Se trata de un proceso lleno de  oportunidades que con frencuencia pasan desapercibidas, donde es necesario entender la influencia que tienen nuestras acciones en los consumidores. El Port de les Idees somos un equipo de gente joven y valiente, curiosa, optimista y creativa. Es por esto que nos ofrecemos a trabajar con personas y empresas con grandes  sueños y ambiciones . 
    10 works in Project Management
    Active in Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • XApps specialized in mobile applications programming since 2009.     How can we make your application success?     - With strong, fast and high-quality native developed applications. - Building your app from scratch methodology to develop it easily in the future. It's not just app but system structured to increase your investments and revenues. - High-Quality modern UI / UX (User interface / User experience) graphic designs that provide your users with excellent experience. So, they love to use your app several times that increase your revenues.   Andriod Application development and iOS application development    This file contains our portfolio:     - Also, Reading our blog provide you with resources about applications success:     We appreciate co-operating together. So, If you need any clarification don't hesitate to contact us.           كيف نعمل على إنجاح تطبيقاتك؟ نعمل في برمجة تطبيقات الاندرويد و برمجة تطبيقات الايفون  - نعمل بجانبك لانجاح مشروعك لأننا نمتلك خبرة منذ 2009 في مجال تطبيقات الموبيل- يهمنا ان نصمم تطبيقات بجودة عالية لتكون التطبيقات سريعة وقوية Native programming. - كما نحرص على عمل برامجنا من البداية from scratch حتى يمكنك تطويرها مستقبلا لأننا لا نصمم لك مجرد تطبيق لكن مشروع كامل تبني عليه وتستثمر فيه وتربح منه. - ونحرص ان تكون تصميمات الجرافيك عصرية وجذابة لتكون مريحة ومحببة للمستخدمين وهذا يعني مستخدمين كثيرين لتطبيقك وارباح وفيرة لك لذلك نستخدم أحدث توجهات خبرات المستخدم وواجهة المستخدم في تصميم شاشات تطبيقك UI/UX = User interface / User experience- - شاهد سابقة اعمالنا:  - هذا الملف يحتوي علي تصميمات المشروعات الحالية:  XApps Works '​ - و لأننا حريصين علي نجاحك نرشح لك قراءة مدونتنا حيث بها مواضيع مفيدة عن نجاح التطبيقات:
    13 works in Project Management
    Active in Al Maadi, Egypt
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Brightwall


    (9 reviews)

    Le partenaire web focus sur la performance.

    Nous sommes une agence spécialisée dans l'optimisation de la performance web et à l'amélioration de la visibilité en ligne des PME et des grandes entreprises. Notre approche stratégique et personnalisée nous permet de fournir des solutions sur mesure pour répondre aux objectifs de croissance de nos clients. De l'audit d'état des lieux à l'accompagnement sur le long terme, nous offrons une gamme complète de services axés sur l'amélioration de la performance web, du référencement naturel, de l'expérience utilisateur et de la conversion. Notre équipe d'experts passionnés maîtrise les dernières tendances du marketing digital, du développement web et les meilleures pratiques pour vous aider à obtenir des résultats tangibles. Chez Brightwall, nous comprenons que chaque entreprise est unique, c'est pourquoi nous mettons l'accent sur une approche personnalisée et sur la compréhension approfondie de vos besoins spécifiques. Nous collaborons étroitement avec vous pour élaborer des stratégies sur mesure, mettre en place des actions concrètes et analyser les données pour optimiser continuellement vos performances en ligne. Nous sommes fiers de notre expertise, de notre transparence et de notre engagement envers nos clients. Notre objectif ultime est de vous aider à atteindre une présence en ligne de premier plan, à générer du trafic qualifié et à augmenter vos conversions. Faites équipe avec Brightwall, démarquez-vous !
    9 works in Project Management
    Active in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • studio fifty fifty

    studio fifty fiftyverified-flag

    (13 reviews)
    Studio Fiftyfifty is a communication and graphic design agency based in Brussels. We design brands and we love the challenges of rebranding.Studio Fiftyfifty’s strength lies in its small, close-knit, permanent team with highly complementary skills and know-how bound together by a shared love for creative projects and the desire to fully satisfy each client in its own way. In addition, we have built a very strong network of talent around us: high profile names in the fields of communication and design (web designers, strategic planners, video producers, architects, photographers, printers). This allows us to tailor every project perfectly to meet the client’s specific needs. - fr Studio Fiftyfty est une agence de communication spécialisée en création ou évolution d’identité graphique créée en 2010 par Aurélie Coene (diplomée de La Cambre en communication graphique et passée par l’agence Hoet &Hoet dont elle a lancé les bureaux à Paris avant de se mettre à son propre compte) et Thomas Vanden Driessche (diplômé en communication de l’ULB et en gestion de projets à l’UCL. Plusieurs expériences professionnelles comme chargé de communication au sein d’organisations internationales). L’agence compte actuellement 6 collaborateurs et un réseau très soudé de partenaires permettant à la structure de facilement s’adapter aux demandes des clients (web, copywritting, photographie, community management, rebranding). Studio Fiftyfifty compte actuellement parmi son portefeuil quelques clients de référence dans le domaine commercial, culturel et éducatif(Exki, Tupperware, Europalia, EFP, Abelag Private Jet) ainsi que dans le domaine institutionnel (Tipik, Comité International de la Croix-Rouge, Leaseurope, Plan Belgique). Studio Fiftyfifty est également à l'origine d'identités graphiques de lieux tendances (mode/food) de la capitale (Mellow, Lunetier Ludovic, Eva Velasquez, etc.) 
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • About You and Co

    About You and Coverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Let's connect

    Jeune et dynamique agence de communication digitale indépendante créée en Janvier 2017, nous sommes spécialisés dans la création, refonte de sites web, applications mobile, marketing digital et conseil global en communication. Fort d'une expérience dans l'univers du web depuis 7 ans et dans les medias (presse, web, radio) depuis 15 ans, About you and Co met à votre disposition un réseau d'experts dans les domaines suivants. Nos domaines d'expertise : Sites web (vitrine, e-commerce) et applications mobiles : Audit de site existant CMS : Wordpress, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Shopify , ... Réalisation de sites en code pur (HTML5, CSS, JS, Java,Jquery, PHP...) Marketing digital : SEO, SEA, SMO Community management / Gestion des réseaux sociaux (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) Publicité sur Facebook et Instagram Référencement naturel Google Ads Conseil en communication : Audit de stratégie de communication Conseil pour le développement d'activité Elaboration de stratégie de communication 360° Elaboration de stratégie de communication spécifique au digital Création de contenu : Réalisation de charte graphique Rédaction (français, anglais, arabe) Traduction (français, anglais, arabe) Motion design, 3D Nous travaillons également en sous-traitance pour des agences sur des projets dans des univers divers en toute confidentialité selon le besoin du mandataire (décoration, architecture, automobile, coiffure, vêtements, luxe) N'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail ou directement par téléphone pour nous parler de votre projet. Au plaisir d'échanger avec vous
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Paris, France
    From €300 for Project Management
  • S2M-group


    (12 reviews)

    Win, Retain, Grow through B2B Lead Generation & Account-Based Marketing

    S2M-group is a leading global agency specializing in B2B Lead Generation, Sales Development and Account-Based Marketing (ABM) services specifically tailored for Software and Technology companies. Founded in 2009, S2M has grown to more than 240 experts, running programmes from our regional offices in Europe, Asia-Pacific and North-America. We have partnered with over 250 leading brands such as SAP, Software AG, NICE, etc., expanding their global reach, strengthening their lead generation engine, boosting their sales pipeline, and piloting new solutions. Our expertise in software / technology, sales and marketing development, combined with our data-driven approach, enables the team to deliver predictable results which generate growth, revenue, and a clear ROI for our technology clients.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (4 reviews)

    We do mind.

    Multichannel Communication Agency - DMIND is an Italian Communication Agency with offices in Milan and Venice, the pulsing hearts of Italian Culture: Fashion, Food and Design.  We live at this intersection and we specialize in delivering brand strategy as well as communication projects.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Gaggio, Italy
    From €1000 for Project Management


    (6 reviews)

    Expertise, passion, écoute

    Agence de développement de solutions numériques, Dixeed est composée d'experts du développement web & app Nous apportons des solutions techniques optimales répondant à vos besoins réels. Ancrons votre outil dans le marché et dans l'horizon technologique pour un meilleur retour sur investissement. Chaque projet est unique, travaillons ensemble pour mener à bien le votre. Nous vous accompagnons et vous conseillons à toutes les étapes : de la première analyse à la maintenance. Nous créerons ensemble un environnement de confiance et de proximité afin de vous inclure pleinement dans la conception de votre solution.  
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Lyon, France
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Esparta Digital

    Esparta Digitalverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    La agencia de Marketing Digital estratégicamente diferente.

    Esparta Digital es una agencia de marketing digital orientada a la consecución de unos objetivos específicos y cualitativos. Para eso, cada uno de nuestros especialistas trabaja para plantear y llevar a cabo la mejor estrategia según las necesidades de cada sector. Como resultado, nuestros clientes destacan por tener una presencia digital trabajada desde cada una de las diferentes disciplinas del marketing digital, lo que les lleva a liderar el escenario online y a despuntar de entre sus competidores más directos.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Valencia, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Digieggs


    (10 reviews)

    Best Outsourcing on Mobile & Web Development

    DIGIEGGS is a software and consultancy company specializing in new generation software and project development. Has developed many projects from comprehensive projects to company-specific projects and provides various consultancy supports to many companies.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Bornova, Turkey
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Future Mediatrix Group

    Future Mediatrix Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Innovate Your Marketing Way Through Social Media & Digital Activation

    Future Mediatrix Group (FMG) is an integrated marketing communication company. We were established in 2009 and have proven track record in handling local & international clients. Indeed, many digital agencies now offer various digital and social media services, but only few marketing agencies can truly provide appropriate and integrated solutions from the start of the strategy to the implementation. We have a team of experts in the field of social media, digital activation, video & TVC Production, and we believe that we can provide significant growth in accordance with the needs of the company and your brand.  FMG was founded by three experts namely Thomas, Edhozell and Yusmin. Thomas, as CEO (Chief Executive Officer), has more than 18 years of experience in marketing, design and digital. Yusmin, as COO (Chief Operational Officer), has experience in the web and IT field for more than 10 years. We also have Renville Rizanul as a brand and marketing communication expert with more than 19 years of experience.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in West Jakarta City, Indonesia
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Sadja WebSolutions

    Sadja WebSolutionsverified-flag

    (10 reviews)

    Your Digital Growth Partner

    Sadja WebSolutions is a digital agency focused on creating custom websites, mobile apps, and digital marketing to grow brands online. We help companies around the world increase their online presence and ROI through design, development and online marketing. Our digital marketing services are tailored to send targeted traffic to your website & mobile app to generate qualified leads and grow your business. The first step to growing a brand online is to drive qualified leads to your website or mobile app. Having a user-friendly experience is an important part of any successful business strategy, but generating relevant traffic is essential to have a strong conversion rate. As a full-service digital agency, we provide a strategic approach to driving qualified traffic. Through various coordinated marketing campaigns, we integrate search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), email marketing, targeted display advertising and social media campaigns. This allows clientele to be targeted locally, nationally, or globally to fit your brand's needs. We take pride in our marketing team's achievements, and you can browse through our case studies for a preview of the quality results we deliver to our clients. You can get in touch on our website
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Kampala, Uganda
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • The Goodplace

    The Goodplaceverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    Een uitzonderlijk gewoon digitaal bureau

    Wij zijn een creatief digitaal bureau met één doel: het vinden van een antwoord op jouw vraag. Door strategie, design en techniek te combineren brengen we merken (digitaal) tot leven. We praten in begrijpelijke taal en bedenken idem oplossingen, passend bij het doel en de uiteindelijke doelgroep. We zijn gespecialiseerd in het ontwikkelen van unieke (digitale) experiences, die we tot leven brengen met behulp van sprekende designs en innovatieve technieken. We doen dit samen, met het team, met de klant en/of eventuele andere belanghebbenden. We hebben namelijk ook de tools in huis om een nieuwe stijl al in een vroeg stadium te kunnen toetsen bij andere (geselecteerde) belanghebbenden. Zo weet je zeker dat een nieuw concept ook gedragen wordt. Kortom: we zijn altijd op zoek naar manieren om de (digitale) wereld, mooier, makkelijker en nuttiger te maken. We volgen de laatste ontwikkelingen in ons vakgebied en houden van een uitdaging! Ook toe aan verandering? Bekijk onze cases en get in touch!
    2 works in Project Management
    Active in Utrecht, Netherlands
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Recommended
    Somos una Empresa de Marketing Digital. En Lewis & Carroll - The Social Media Company, somos especialistas en Estrategia y Marketing Digital, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing y Research & Analysis. Nos gusta definirnos como un taller estratégico para la gestión de la relación de las marcas con las personas. Somos especialistas en Marketing y Comunicación Digital. Conocemos bien tanto el mundo ON como el OFF. Diseñamos Estrategias y Planes de acción . Diseñamos, producimos, activamos, dinamizamos, gestionamos y medimos resultados. Somos apasionados y rigurosos. Expertos e ilusionados. Estimulamos e impulsamos los negocios de nuestros clientes. El entorno Social Media es nuestro elemento. Elaboramos y producimos contenidos específicos a la medida de cada proyecto. Estamos presentes en las Redes sociales  y los canales de comunicación conversando y dinamizando conversaciones, grupos y comunidades. Construimos, mantenemos y dinamizamos relaciones con los diferentes targets de interés para cada uno de nuestros clientes. Monitorizamos y analizamos la presencia, la reputación y la evolución de nuestros clientes en la Red. Creamos experiencias para los clientes de nuestros clientes. Contamos con una red de expertos y colaboradores para crear equipos a medida de las necesidades de cada proyecto.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Barcelona, Spain
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Idea Design Group

    Idea Design Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)
    We try to solve the graphic design and branding, web design and development, GIS, etc. problems our clients have in an effective and efficient way, in a way that satisfies their needs, wants and requirements and supports our overall brand.  Our cohesive and friendly team has enough experience and skills at its disposal allowing it to create delicate logo, brochure and other marketing materials designs; websites and web applications of different complexity levels, sophisticated software; various maps and more. The story of Idea Design Group has begun in May 2008 after two motivated and enthusiastic friends decided to open a company with the intention to make it one of the leading web development, GIS and database consultation companies in the region. With a lapse of time, our group managed to grow its operations, increase its turnover, number of employees, propositions offered and more. Currently, we have three main departments that can be combined together to create a fascinating product for a client, those are: Web Design and Development Graphic Design and Branding Geographic Information Systems and Maps Let’s do more together - Inspiration followed by Creation
    1 work in Project Management
    Active in Tbilisi, Georgia
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Made


    (5 reviews)

    Excite change, push delivery.

    Are you considering your next big innovation? Will you be developing new products, services & interfaces? Start your journey here! You are in the right place. Have it made. We design to excite, change & deliver.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • ABlimits Studio

    ABlimits Studioverified-flag

    (12 reviews)

    We Design You Download!

    ABlimits Studio is a Digital Agency specialized in: Web Development, Web Design Graphic Design, 3D Logo Animation Graphic Video (Advertising)  Online Marketing. Our design and engineering services are transparent, flexible and cooperative to realize your vision according to your conditions with a professional conclusion. Need an Website Built For Your Business? Get an Experienced Dedicated Developer & Designer  From Us.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Tirana, Albania
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Stratigo Brandmakers

    Stratigo Brandmakersverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Strategy. Branding. Digital.

    About Stratigo Brandmakers Stratigo Brandmakers is a strategic branding and creative design firm. Our team of experts specializes in marketing strategy, visual design, digital technologies solution and marketing communication. We provide multi-channel solutions that combine a strategic high-level approach with creative flair, backed by end-to-end, full-service capabilities, all under one roof. As a leader in contemporary branding strategy and hi-tech solutions, we work with international B2B technology companies building strategic infrastructure that creates differentiation, brings value to the customers, and secures the future. We are the crossroad of strategy, design, technology, and entrepreneurship. We have helped hundreds of organizations reach their business potential by developing distinctive strategic brand plans, corporate identities, and robust technology solutions. Our cooperation with leading technology and industrial companies in various sectors such as water filtration, agri-tech and irrigation, fintech, medicine, industry 4.0, and Internet of Things (IoT) has only strengthened our ability to look beyond the common definition of brand strategy. The creative efforts of our team visible in our work for Microsoft, Amiad, Lumenis, McCann, Checkpoint, Ex Libris, Allflex Group, IDE Technologies, Rivulis, Powermat, Stratasys, Credorax, and Kaminario underlines our intrinsic passion and ability in these fields. For Stratigo, branding is an aggregated process in which multiple voices and tools come together to create smart, attractive products that stand the test of time. Our strategy and design methodology begins with identifying and exploring a company’s potential, defining its possible trajectories, and understanding its opportunities and threats. Moving forward, we reveal the story that will be at the heart of the business, which then becomes the basis for ongoing visual and content creation. We focus more on the ‘why’ of your business than the ‘how’. This school of thought, along with our wide range of offerings, has resulted in us being counted amongst the leaders in branding solutions. Choosing What’s Best for You! As one-stop design agency, Stratigo provides a comprehensive bouquet of services such as research and analysis; brand identity, intelligence, strategy, guidelines, hierarchy, and positioning; customer journey, naming and messaging, visual language, art direction, UX and UI, website design and development, app specification design and development, marketing automation, inbound marketing and many more. These outputs help us create a branding presence that resonates globally, spread the message, produce a profitable and measurable customer experience, and most importantly, a framework for engaging with your team members. We believe that a smart and collaborative process is the only path to creating effective brand voices. Let’s elevate your current game and make it an international success. Let’s talk BRANDING!
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • 7code


    (8 reviews)

    The modern way to build digital products

    7code is the software company you turn to for practical and innovative solutions in IoT with a particular focus on Smart Buildings. Over the years, we have created successful web and mobile applications in Smart Buildings, Insurance, Fintech, Social Networking, E-Learning, MarketplacePlatforms, and more. Our Services are recommended by previous and current partners alike. G42 - United Arab Emirates Lidl - Germany Synergo - Canada Arobs - Romania Numerize - France Rumage - UK
    1 work in Project Management
    Active in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    From €10000 for Project Management
  • On Air Collective

    On Air Collectivecertified-flag

    (0 review)

    An entrepreneurial spirit & curious mindset are what unites the strategists, visionaries, creatives

    Daring creativity, insatiable desire, and the shared purpose of forging unforgettable experiences. On Air Collective does all this with dashes of intelligence and imagination. Our mind-blowing experiences are tailor-made for you, with dashes of data, analysis, and insights to meet your goals. At the heart of our remarkable crafted strategy is making your brand connect with people. We collaborate as part of your team, with a 360° approach that makes an impact.
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
    From €1000 for Project Management
  • Yellostack


    (8 reviews)
    Yellostack combines strategic thinking and emerging technologies to provide innovative solutions that consistently break new ground. We develop long-term relationships with our clients. We deliver high-quality work through our focus on bidirectional communication, responsive customer service, client education, accurate project management, product quality, and an ethical approach to business.   We have a well-documented track record of performing work on budget and on deadline. “Our ultimate objective is to provide best services and improve overall growth of client’s business in the cut-throat market”. A strong foothold of innovative ideas, seasoned skills and ability to deliver a product with utmost perfection is what drives us vociferously in the global market. Our unparalleled technical skills, working experience of years, innovative strategies will really upgrade your business. We have provided best plus affordable software development services to numerous large as well as medium entrepreneurs. We are the masters in offering effective software development solutions. Sustainable business growth is a promised benefit to the users who hire us for complete solutions, as we:  Are dynamic yet professional at the same time  Have remained quality centric to offer solutions to clients of medium to larger enterprises  Possess the capability of rendering the right business solutions  Take it as our responsibility to render efficient solutions instantly  House the best resources to offer services that could match up to the clients’ expectations
    No work in Project Management
    Active in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
    From €1000 for Project Management

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

Our tips for choosing the right project management consultant

There are a lot of project management consultants out there. But finding the right one for your business can be a challenge. To help you narrow down the options, we've compiled a list of the top project management consultants. The list includes firms of all sizes and specialties, so you're sure to find one that's a good fit for your business. And because we know that cost is always a consideration, we've also included pricing information for each firm. So whether you're looking for help with a specific project or you need ongoing support, these are the best project management consultants to consider.

What does project management mean ?

Project management is the process of planning, executing, and monitoring the progress of a project to ensure its successful completion. It involves setting objectives, designing a work plan, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress. Project management is a critical skill for any organization, as it helps to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

There are four main phases of project management: initiation, planning, execution, and closure. The first phase, initiation, involves defining the scope and objectives of the project. The second phase, planning, involves developing a detailed work plan and assigning tasks to team members. The third phase, execution, involves carrying out the project tasks and monitoring progress. The fourth and final phase, closure, involves completing the project and evaluating its results.

Project management is a complex process, and there are a variety of tools and techniques that can be used to help ensure its success. However, at its core, project management is about effective communication and collaboration between all members of a project team.

Project management involves applying knowledge, skills, and tools to the efficient management of resources. There are five distinct phases of a project: planning, design, development, and testing. Each phase has its own goals and processes, so it's important to identify what each team member's role is and which tools and techniques will best meet that goal. A good project manager will develop a roadmap that details the process and helps teams stay on track.

Program management vs project management vs product management: what's the difference

When it comes to program management, project management, and product management, there are a few key differences. Program management is responsible for multiple projects that are interrelated and need to be coordinated in order to achieve the desired outcome. Project management is responsible for a single project from start to finish, ensuring that it is completed on time, within budget, and to the required specifications. Product management is responsible for the planning, development, and launch of a product or service.

Program managers need to have a strategic overview of all the projects they are overseeing, and be able to identify any potential risks or issues that could impact the overall program. They also need to have strong communication and coordination skills, as they will be working with a variety of different teams.

Project managers need to be very detail-oriented, and have a good understanding of all the different aspects of their project. They also need to be able to effectively communicate with their team, and keep track of all the different tasks that need to be completed.

Product managers need to have a good understanding of the market, and be able to identify what customers want and need. They also need to be able to develop a product that meets those needs, and plan for its launch.

What is a project management consultant ?

A project management consultant is a professional who provides advice and guidance to organizations on how to improve their project management practices. The role of a project management consultant is to help organizations increase their efficiency and effectiveness in managing projects.

The project management consultant works with the organization's senior management team to understand the company's business objectives and how project management can help achieve these objectives. The consultant then develops a customized project management solution that meets the specific needs of the organization.

The project management consultant also provides training and support to the organization's project managers and other staff members involved in projects. This includes providing guidance on best practices, tools and techniques, and helping resolve problems that occur during project execution.

The project management consultant may also be involved in the actual implementation of the project management solution, or may simply provide advice and guidance to the organization's staff. In either case, the goal of the consultant is to help the organization improve its project management practices so that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

7 things that project management companies do:

  • Help you monitor and report on project progress
  • Track progress and milestones
  • Provide project closure
  • Help you develop a project plan
  • Communicate project updates
  • Prepare project reports
  • Coordinate resources

5 Questions to ask to project management consultants:

  • What is your experience in our industry?
  • What are your availability?
  • What are the risks involved?
  • What are your project management case studies?
  • What is your approach to problem solving?