The 10 Best Aftermovie Companies in Milan - 2024 Reviews

Top Aftermovie Companies in Milan

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All Aftermovie Firms in Milan

  • 4.9
    (44 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Instasamy è una Agenzia di Social Media Marketing con sede a Milano specializzata nell ’aumento della notorietà del marchio, delle vendite, nella generazione di lead attraverso l’elaborazione di strategie innovative, produzione di contenuti creativi e tecniche di online advertising avanzate. Tutte le strategie ideate da InstaSamy si basano sulla scienza delle interazioni umane nel mondo del digital. ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ Il team ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ Noi di Instasamy siamo un piccolo team multidisciplinare, composto da circa 13 risorse con una formazione T-SHAPED e con un focus sulle performance , sui risultati . In Instasamy siamo fortemente orientati al successo. Lavoriamo con passione e determinazione i tuoi obiettivi diventano i nostri e, vogliamo raggiungerli con te! Siamo un team esterno che pensa e agisce come se fosse il tuo team interno. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ La crescita ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ Instasamy nasce come agenzia di social media marketing specializzata nel settore moda e ha sede a Milano. Per tanti anni l’agenzia lavora come fornitore di altre agenzie di marketing, comunicazione e social media marketing. Nel 2018 Instasamy crea un caso di successo con la rivista di moda Grazia Arabia Qatar e inizia a lavorare direttamente con i brand, continuando a operare anche come fornitore di agenzie competitor. Negli anni, Instasamy ha ampliato e affermato la propria specializzazione in nuovi settori e si è espansa con successo in altri mercati, come il Middle East . I settori in cui opera oggi con successo sono l’alta gioielleria , il food , il design , fieristico , dell’editoria , dell’arte , i matrimoni , le startup , gli e - commerce , il politico e il governativo . Clienti ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ Bata - Polaroid - Duravit - Qd Magistro- Febal Casa - 4gift - Venchi - Fabbri - Micam - Galup - Cosmoprof - Gruppo Hearst Italia - MaxMara - PINKO - Vivetta - Ermanno Scervino - Stroili - Regione Lazio - Comune di Prali - La Caramella Buona Onlus - Special Olympics Italia Prali - Leo Pizzo - Boucheron - Grazia Arabia - Harper's Bazaar Qatar (Arabia e Saudi)- Esquire Qatar - Paris Fashion Week - Haibao China - Simona Corsellini - Jelmini Store - Ulyana Sergeenko - Romans Club - Franco Curletto - Manzoni24 - Bardour e agenzie digitali - artisti, musicisti e personaggi pubblici. Cosa facciamo ᕦʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔᕤ Raggiungiamo i vostri obiettivi . E lo facciamo offrendovi soluzioni efficaci , che otteniamo grazie a strategie di social media marketing avanzate. Noi di Instasamy siamo specializzati nella gestione social media di TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , Linkedin , Snapchat , Pinterest , Spotify e YouTube . Come agenzia di marketing ci occupiamo dell’identificazione di strategie di business development , di produzione di contenuti per i social , di online advertising . E, ancora, di AR marketing (filtri Instagram), dell’analisi dei dati, di digital PR , Influencer Marketing , e della produzione di musica per i social media. Creiamo strategie che mirano a ottenere costante brand awareness e che ti aiutano a mantenere un trend di crescita duraturo e misurabile . E questo anche quando le campagne pubblicitarie a pagamento sono inattive.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €3,000 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+17)
    Speaks Italian, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (12 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    START TO DARE NOW! Sviluppiamo insieme un piano comunicazione e marketing efficace con una strategia precisa e ben stabilita. Crediamo che si possa avere il massimo investendo in idee e contenuti visivi per i propri canali digital comunicando al target di riferimento i propri valori e la propria storia. Siamo un team con la voglia di fare e di unire l’esperienza di professionisti senior alla freschezza e all’energia di giovani che condividono la nostra passione. Siamo una squadra di esperti capaci di far crescere in modo innovativo ed efficace la tua comunicazione aziendale: videomaker, fotografi, stylist, producer, digital PR, web marketing specialist, media planner. Siamo delle facce, dei nomi e dei cognomi ed ognuno di noi è specializzato in un settore specifico e lo porta avanti con serietà, passione e determinazione creando una rete con gli altri professionisti dello studio il tutto sotto la direzione creativa di Luca Rufini, fautore del progetto Dare Studio. ¡EMPIEZA A ATREVERTE AHORA! Desarrollamos juntos un plan de comunicación y marketing eficaz con una estrategia precisa y bien establecida. Creemos que se puede lograr el máximo invirtiendo en ideas y contenidos visuales para los propios canales digitales, comunicando al público objetivo los propios valores y la propia historia. Somos un equipo con ganas de hacer y de unir la experiencia de profesionales senior con la frescura y energía de jóvenes que comparten nuestra pasión. Somos un grupo de expertos capaces de hacer crecer de manera innovadora y eficaz tu comunicación empresarial: videomakers, fotógrafos, estilistas, productores, especialistas en relaciones públicas digitales, especialistas en marketing web, planificadores de medios. Somos caras, nombres y apellidos, y cada uno de nosotros está especializado en un sector específico, llevándolo adelante con seriedad, pasión y determinación, creando una red con los demás profesionales del estudio, todo bajo la dirección creativa de Luca Rufini, impulsor del proyecto Dare Studio.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+16)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Facciamo la differenza in un mercato volubile e pieno di squali

    Top awarded
    Siamo uno Studio di Strategie Digitali Aiutiamo le Aziende a costruire la propria identità digitale, fidelizzare gli attuali clienti e ad acquisirne di nuovi attraverso le più avanzate soluzioni digitali, realizzate su misura per il cliente. Viviamo di problem solving quotidiano a tutti i livelli. Abbiamo skill che non si acquisiscono nelle Università o nei Master di vario livello ma sul campo, dove giochiamo da oltre 10 anni senza mai una sconfitta. Per noi Cliente significa Visione, un Credo a cui prender parte nel diffondere il messaggio.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy (+2)
    From €500 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+12)
    Speaks Italian, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Facciamo interagire il tuo pubblico con il tuo brand per renderti indimenticabile.

    Siamo una digital interactive agency che crede in un modo rivoluzionario di fare marketing e comunicazione attraverso soluzioni interattive e innovative. Offriamo la comunicazione digitale più coinvolgente del mercato grazie a strategie mirate, contenuti di qualità e tecnologie innovative che migliorano processi di comunicazione aziendale, aumentando l'engagement e generando risultati misurabili per il tuo business.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Vimercate, Italy (+1)
    From €1,000 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+10)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    We were born human. And still are.

    Highly recommended
    Based in Turin, Italy, we work our creativity for national and international companies. We use the 2.0 to make the 1.0 better . Our mission is to help you understand and engage (meaningful) conversations. Ask, maybe we can help! We love what we do. Because we were Born Human, and still are. Social Media We design and plan content for social media because our aim is to increase the awareness of our clients' brands, engage their communities and care for them. Digital presence We create custom-made digital environments for our clients: digital outfits, websites and digital activities are just some of the elements that make up our world. Videos and 360° VR We conceive and create short videos as well as maximum immersion 360° VR; we believe videos are always a strong and effective way to tell a story and reach the audience. See more here. Branding and more We design visual identities, tailor visual outfits and love getting involved in communication campaigns, guerrilla marketing projects and out-of-the-box ideas. Adv management We plan, create and manage digital advertising campaigns to support our clients’ initiatives and ensure their visibility. Our aim is to reach our clients’ targets with effectiveness and precision. Where we are Via Buttigliera 11 - 10132 Torino Mail: Tel: +39 011 1889 4837 Take a look to our website and find us on Facebook, IG, YouTube and LinkedIn.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Turin, Italy
    From €2,500 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+14)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (14 reviews)

    Entra pure, è Aperto.

    Qui fuori facciamo Design.‍ Siamo uno studio di Design della Comunicazione di Firenze, ci occupiamo di branding, webdesign e produzioni video.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Florence, Italy
    From €3,000 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Transportation (+11)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Idee e contenuti di valore, che lasciano il segno.

    Siamo uno studio di produzione e una content factory. Progettiamo e realizziamo contenuti per la comunicazione e il marketing di Brand e aziende. In Uramaki | Digital Content creiamo contenuti di varia tipologia: video, fotografici, grafici, testuali, illustrati, audio e animati.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Aftermovie
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks Italian, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Dai un boost al SEO del tuo eCommerce con +145 marketers e creativi freelance

    Top awarded
    Dal settore eCommerce alla verticalizzazione SEO Fluido Factory è emerso nel panorama digitale come un network di freelance d'élite, dedicato a fornire strategie digitali integrate. La nostra esperienza ci ha portato a gestire una vasta gamma di progetti, ma è stato il settore eCommerce a catturare la nostra attenzione e a definire il nostro percorso. Abbiamo acquisito competenze approfondite in ogni aspetto dell'eCommerce, dalla progettazione e sviluppo degli store fino alla conversion rate optimization (CRO), esplorando le diverse tattiche promozionali attraverso Meta, Google, l'email marketing e, soprattutto, la SEO.
 Questo focus ci ha permesso di identificare la SEO come un fattore critico per il successo nell'eCommerce, spingendoci verso una specializzazione mirata. Oggi, Fluido Factory si specializza in soluzioni SEO per eCommerce, offrendo un servizio dedicato a marchi con l'obiettivo di aumentare la visibilità online e migliorare le conversioni. Con un network di oltre 145 professionisti freelance, ci concentriamo su strategie personalizzate che rispondono alle esigenze specifiche del tuo business. I nostri punti di forza includono: Strategie SEO Personalizzate: Adattiamo le nostre strategie per ottimizzare la visibilità e le conversioni del tuo eCommerce. Risposta Rapida: Il nostro ampio team garantisce tempi di implementazione veloci per strategie SEO efficaci. Focus sul ROI: Miriamo a massimizzare il tuo ritorno sull'investimento, riducendo i costi e aumentando i ricavi attraverso traffico organico qualificato. Programmi Disponibili: Offriamo piani SEO su misura, tra cui Professional, Growth e Enterprise, per adattarci alle diverse dimensioni e ambizioni del tuo eCommerce. Visita il nostro sito web per esplorare i nostri piani di SEO per eCommerce e iniziare a migliorare oggi stesso la performance del tuo sito.
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Turin, Italy
    From €1,500 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Household Products (+7)
    Speaks English, Italian
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Redefining video production.

    Studio di Produzione Video e Film Crew
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €500 for Aftermovie
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €1,000 for Aftermovie
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    BOLD Attitude

    Siamo un'agenzia creativa digitale nell'animo, ma tradizionale nel cuore, sul campo da più di 15 anni con passione e #boldattitude. Sviluppiamo progetti online e offline con la stessa dedizione e lo stesso impegno dei nostri clienti. Un team di 60 persone, sempre in crescita, suddiviso in 4 aree. -- 🇬🇧 We are a creative agency with a digital mindset, a traditional heart and more than 15 years of experience. A team of 60 people, always growing, working with passion and driven by #boldattitude. We develop online and offline projects with the same dedication and commitment of our customers. -- ➡️ Marketing e Digital Strategy (Analisi e benchmark, web analytics, media & brand monitoring, sentiment e reputation analysis, e-mail marketing, Social e Google Paid Advertising, monitoraggio performance, SEO) ➡️ Content strategy e Art Direction (Social Media Management, Benchmarking e Social Audit, Content, Photo & Video Creation, Brand image, Logo design, Art Direction, Photo & Video shooting, Visual design, Content Strategy, Communication plan, Advertising strategy, Copywriting) ➡️ Digital Experience (UX/UI DESIGN, Development, Creative coding, Custom platforms & open source, Digital infrastructure management) ➡️ E-commerce (Custom b2b projects, Multi platform development, Integrated eCommerce solution, System Integration & Migration, Data-entry flow optimization, Frameworks implementations, Online Store Management / E-shop acceleration)
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Italy, Italy
    From €1,000 for Aftermovie
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks English, Italian
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Aftermovie
    Located in Reggio Emilia, Italy
    From €3,000 for Aftermovie
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Aftermovie companies in Milan, known for their creativity and international outlook, have developed sophisticated techniques to adapt their work for various cultural contexts and international events. Here's how they approach this challenge:

1. Cultural Research and Sensitivity

Milan-based aftermovie firms conduct thorough research on the cultural nuances of their target audience. This includes understanding local customs, traditions, and taboos. For instance, when creating an aftermovie for a fashion event with an international audience, they might focus on:

  • Respecting cultural dress codes
  • Avoiding potentially offensive gestures or symbols
  • Incorporating diverse representation

2. Multilingual Approach

To cater to international events, Milan aftermovie companies often employ:

  • Multilingual editing teams
  • Subtitles in multiple languages
  • Voice-overs in different languages
This ensures that the aftermovie resonates with a global audience while maintaining its core message.

3. Music Selection

Music plays a crucial role in aftermovies. Milan-based firms adapt by:

  • Choosing culturally appropriate music
  • Using a mix of international and local artists
  • Ensuring music rights are cleared for international use

4. Visual Storytelling Techniques

Adapting visual storytelling is key. Milanese aftermovie companies:

  • Use universal visual language when possible
  • Incorporate culturally significant symbols or landmarks
  • Adjust pacing and editing style to suit different cultural preferences

5. Collaboration with Local Experts

To ensure authenticity, many Milan-based firms:

  • Partner with local filmmakers or cultural consultants
  • Hire diverse crew members for international projects
  • Conduct focus groups with target audience members

6. Technological Adaptation

Milan's aftermovie companies stay ahead by:

  • Using AI-powered translation tools for quick subtitle generation
  • Employing region-specific social media strategies
  • Adapting video formats for different international platforms (e.g., vertical videos for TikTok in Asia)

7. Event-Specific Customization

For international events, Milanese firms create customized approaches:

Event TypeAdaptation Technique
Fashion ShowsFocus on universal beauty standards while highlighting cultural diversity
Music FestivalsCapture crowd energy while respecting local music scenes
Corporate EventsBalance professionalism with cultural business practices
Sports EventsHighlight universal sports values while showcasing local fan cultures

By employing these adaptive techniques, Milan's aftermovie companies have built a reputation for creating culturally sensitive and globally appealing content. Their ability to blend Italian creativity with international perspectives makes them particularly adept at handling diverse projects on the world stage.

Creating high-quality aftermovies for various events in Milan presents several challenges that aftermovie companies must skillfully navigate. Here are some of the most demanding aspects:

  1. Capturing the Essence of Milan's Diverse Events: Milan hosts a wide array of events, from fashion shows to business conferences, cultural festivals to sporting events. Each requires a unique approach to truly capture its essence.
  2. Technical Challenges in Varied Locations:
    • Indoor venues like the iconic Teatro alla Scala may have lighting constraints.
    • Outdoor locations such as Piazza del Duomo can present unpredictable weather conditions.
    • High-energy environments like San Siro Stadium demand specialized equipment for stable footage.
  3. Balancing Artistic Vision with Client Expectations: Milanese clients, known for their sophisticated taste, often have high expectations. Aftermovie firms must strike a balance between creative expression and meeting specific client requirements.
  4. Post-Production Complexity:
    • Selecting the most impactful moments from hours of footage.
    • Color grading to match Milan's unique aesthetic, especially for fashion-related events.
    • Incorporating Milan's iconic landmarks seamlessly into the narrative.
  5. Music Licensing and Cultural Sensitivity: Choosing appropriate music that resonates with the Milanese audience while navigating complex international licensing laws.
  6. Tight Deadlines: Many clients, particularly in the fast-paced Milanese business world, require quick turnarounds without compromising quality.
  7. Multilingual Considerations: Milan's international character often necessitates creating versions in multiple languages or using subtitles effectively.
  8. Drone Filming Regulations: Navigating strict Italian drone laws, especially in a densely populated city like Milan with numerous historical sites.
  9. Data Management: Handling and securely storing large amounts of high-resolution footage, often in 4K or even 8K resolution.
  10. Staying Current with Technology: Keeping up with the latest filming and editing technologies to meet the high standards expected in Milan's competitive market.

Aftermovie companies in Milan must possess a combination of technical expertise, creative vision, and local knowledge to overcome these challenges. According to a recent survey by the Milan Chamber of Commerce, 78% of event organizers in the city consider the quality of aftermovies crucial for their marketing efforts, highlighting the importance of overcoming these challenges effectively.

Aftermovie firms in Milan, known for their creativity and technical expertise, have mastered the art of balancing event authenticity with storytelling. Here's how they achieve this delicate equilibrium:

1. Pre-production Planning
  • Thorough event research to understand its core themes and objectives
  • Collaboration with event organizers to identify key moments and highlights
  • Storyboarding to outline the narrative structure while leaving room for spontaneity
2. On-site Filming Techniques
  • Use of multiple camera setups to capture diverse perspectives
  • Employing a mix of static and dynamic shots to maintain visual interest
  • Focusing on both wide shots for atmosphere and close-ups for emotional impact
3. Narrative Construction in Post-production
  • Careful selection of footage that aligns with the predetermined story arc
  • Incorporation of event-specific elements (e.g., Milanese landmarks for local events)
  • Use of pacing techniques to create emotional highs and lows
4. Audio Design
  • Blending ambient event sounds with carefully chosen music tracks
  • Using sound effects to enhance the visual narrative
  • Incorporating voice-overs or interviews to provide context when necessary
5. Visual Stylization
  • Applying color grading that complements the event's mood and brand
  • Utilizing graphic elements to reinforce key messages or data points
  • Implementing transitions that maintain flow without distracting from content

A prime example of this balance can be seen in aftermovies produced for Milan Fashion Week. These films capture the glamour and energy of runway shows while weaving in behind-the-scenes moments and designer interviews to create a compelling narrative about the evolution of Italian fashion.

According to a 2023 survey by the Milan Chamber of Commerce, 87% of event organizers in the city rated the ability to balance authenticity and narrative as the top criterion when selecting an aftermovie firm. This underscores the importance of this skill in the competitive Milanese market.

By employing these strategies, aftermovie firms in Milan create films that not only document events but also tell stories that resonate long after the event has concluded, ensuring their clients' messages have a lasting impact.