The 10 Best Brand Creation Agencies in Brussels - 2024 Reviews

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  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Brands acting human

    Brands Acting Human Merken zijn als mensen. Daarom staat de mens centraal in alles wat we bedenken en creëren. Zo gaan we na wat mensen drijft en hoe we voor onze klanten een zinvolle en duurzame relatie met hen kunnen opbouwen. Want branding en communicatie gaat altijd over mensen. Mensen maken merken Virtuele assistenten, dialogerende chatbots, responsive design, smart packaging, … De digitalisering grijpt om ons heen. Indrukwekkende technologie, dat wel. Maar leiden digitale kanalen je niet af van je doel, waardoor je merk de voeling met de essentie verliest? Wij geloven dat branding en communicatie over mensen gaat. Mensen kiezen merken, mensen maken merken.   Wat drijft mensen naar jouw merk? Een sterk merk herken je aan zijn identiteit. Het is een persoonlijkheid die mensen aanspreekt. Stemt jouw merkimago overeen met hun gedroomde zelfbeeld, dan ontstaat er spontane interactie. Je merk voedt de relatie. En zo verbinden we mensen met merken. Elk merk heeft een sterk verhaal Branding is alles. Een sterk merk is het hele werk. Wij draaien de woordvolgorde om: alles is branding. Alles heeft een verhaal. Daarom luisteren we naar jou en naar de mensen. Wat jouw merk voor hen uniek maakt, daarover hoort het te gaan. Dat verhaal willen mensen horen. Sterke verhalen, daar houden ze van. Wij maken jouw merk sterker We ontwikkelen een brede merkenstrategie. En begeleiden je merk met merkconcepten, design van websites en verpakkingen, creatie van cross-mediale campagnes en acties voor employer branding. Met oog voor de mens. En met het oog op een meetbare return op je investering. Zo maken we je merk sterker.   Benieuwd hoe wij jouw merk sterker maken? Contacteer ons via of bel +32 9 233 65 95 
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+16)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (40 reviews)

    Communication de caractère pour marques d’exception ★ Audacious Branding for Smashing Brands

    Highly recommended
    Notre mission : vous assurer de toucher vos cibles de manière audacieuse et percutante, et de rayonner grâce à votre singularité dans un monde sans cesse en mouvement. Nos expertises répondent à vos problématiques et à vos attentes : branding, UI/UX Design, Développement Web, identité visuelle, graphisme, cybersécurité, etc. — CE QUE NOUS FAISONS ••• Identité de marque > Naming | Identité visuelle | Storytelling ••• Studio Web > UI/UX Design | Développement Web | Cybersécurité ••• Studio graphique > Direction artistique | Design graphique | Motion Design ••• Iconographie > Photographie | Illustration | Achat d’art ••• Marketing digital > Rédaction Web | Stratégie SEO & SEA | Stratégie de contenu — QUELLE STRATÉGIE ADOPTER POUR TOUCHER VOS CIBLES DE MANIÈRE AUDACIEUSE ET PERCUTANTE ? NOTRE MISSION Le rôle du branding est d’attribuer à une entreprise une personnalité et une identité uniques. Nous allons plus loin : grâce à un accompagnement stratégique subtil et précis, nous vous permettons de vous différencier de votre concurrence en sublimant votre univers et de trouver le ton juste dans votre communication, cela dans le but de vous adresser à vos cibles avec pertinence et finesse. Conscients que chaque organisation doit valoriser son identité, ses savoir-faire et son offre, nous revendiquons la pertinence d’une communication sémantique et visuelle à la fois sensible, audacieuse et profondément singulière. Pour ce faire, nous vous proposons une approche stratégique ayant pour but de construire un dispositif de communication performant et percutant. Notre ouverture sur le monde nous a immédiatement permis de développer notre clientèle à l'international : en Europe mais aussi en Afrique et aux États-Unis. — COMMENT VOUS ASSURER DE RAYONNER GRÂCE À VOTRE SINGULARITÉ DANS UN MONDE SANS CESSE EN MOUVEMENT ? NOTRE VOCATION Animés par la conviction que l’esthétique est un puissant vecteur d’adhésion, nous cultivons l’amour du bel ouvrage au service de votre rayonnement. Nous soutenons vos valeurs, vos engagements et vos objectifs en prenant le parti esthétique de l’élégance. Nous n’imaginons pas qu’une marque d’exception comme la vôtre puisse faire l’impasse sur l’audace et le raffinement. Travailler avec nous, c’est faire le choix d’une image de marque contemporaine et séduisante dans le but de vous permettre de rayonner sur votre territoire, à l’échelle nationale et internationale. Par ailleurs, nous accompagnons les marques éthiques et responsables depuis 2005 (et cela depuis le lancement de notre activité), ce qui fait de nous des pionniers en matière d’accompagnement des organisations participant aux transitions écologiques et sociétales. — Nous vous invitons à visiter l'ensemble de notre portfolio créé à votre attention sur notre profil Sortlist ou bien évidemment sur notre site Internet. - > — — — We create glamorous yet sophisticated works that stand out from the crowds through boldness. Our team, founded by a Franco-Belgian duo, is dedicated to fine and elegant work and rich from the crossing of our two cultures. Our openness to the world immediately enabled us to develop our clientele internationally: in Europe but also in Africa and the United States. Our team is completed by native English-speaking copywriters, in order to maximize the reach of your brand's communication across international channels. We have been supporting ethical and sustainable brands, and this since the launch of our activity in 2005. — Our key areas of focus are: ••• Branding > Naming | Visual Identity | Storytelling ••• Web Studio > UI/UX Design | Web Development | Cybersecurity ••• Graphic Studio > Art Direction | Graphic Design | Motion Design ••• Iconography > Photography | Illustration | Art Buying ••• Digital marketing > Web Writing | SEO & SEA Strategy | Brand Content — We invite you to visit our entire portfolio created for you on our Sortlist profile. For more information please visit our Website. - > — — — FRANCE & OTHER COUNTRIES +33 (0)6 11 31 83 09 — BELGIUM +32 (0)460 21 61 19 — — —
    10 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+6)
    From €3,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+25)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (24 reviews)

    Let's ignite your brand.

    Highly recommended
    We are a full-service branding and communication agency. We believe brands need to move people in order to be successful . Spark session: designed to ignite your brand. Is your brand still relevant in today's fast changing world? During a workshop we dive into your brand. We clarify your objectives and explore new opportunities, which will serve as a kick-start for your battle plan .  Ignite your brand with our battle plan. Do you have great ideas but you feel stuck in your daily business? Do you have a great product or service but you don’t know how to kick-off? The list of questions is loooong when you’re busy building a brand. No matter how big or small your question may be, we can help you define your tactics. Our battle plan gives direction to your brand or company. As you go through the following steps, you’re going to (re)discover where you need to go. Don’t be overwhelmed. Together we will figure out where to start. With this battle plan, we support you intensively and personally during this process to make sure you reach new heights . We are small enough to care, big enough to scale. For each project, we carefully select a dedicated brand team . Our account managers and creative minds pulling together show that different expertise working closely together on the same idea will reinforce your brand. Our team of experts will work closely with your team to achieve your goals. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? We are in for the long run. Did we say we are committed to lead you to your most ambitious and long-lasting business? And so we will, by making the best use of your budget and by maximizing our efforts . With our battle plan tactic, we offer an authentic and personal journey, where we strive to expand your business’s full potential.
    5 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €5,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+23)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (44 reviews)

    deBottomline = resultaten door strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte, kostenbewuste manier.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    deBottomLine = het bewijs dat uitmuntend strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte , kostenbewuste en resultaatgedreven manier kan neergezet worden. Onze focus ligt op resultaatgedreven communicatie vanuit een strategisch-analytische aanpak . We zijn 'full-service', maar voor PR of evenementen kan je niet bij ons terecht. Conceptueel en planmatig nemen we het mee, maar voor de uitvoering verwijzen we graag door naar collega's! Wat maakt onze aanpak anders ? Wel: 1. Aanspreekpunt Geen accounts die intern alles moeten navragen, maar korte lijnen met de mensen die werken met jouw merk en product en alle ins- en outs van het dossier kennen. Als je belt, helpen Steven, Veerle en de projectverantwoordelijke je meteen verder. Alle informatie is gedeeld, alle kennis is op niveau.   2. Creativiteit Creativiteit is belangrijk… maar niet zo belangrijk als het verhaal. Als het verhaal van jouw merk of product goed zit, kan een straffe creatie je véél meer opbrengen. Is het verhaal niet perfect, dan kan zelfs de beste creatie je geen fantastische resultaten brengen.  Daarom werken we altijd analytisch vanuit het verhaal: eerst de basis, de rest volgt wel. Is een idee geweldig maar past het niet ‘helemaal’ in het verhaal? Dan is het GEEN goed idee!   3. ROI ROI moet meetbaar en aantoonbaar zijn. Daar houden we rekening mee van bij de start van een project. De ROI moet voelbaar zijn voor de eindklant. Het gaat niet over hoeveel prijzen een bureau kan winnen met een idee!   4. Teams & Medewerkers Wij zorgen ervoor dat creatieven en specialisten gekozen worden op basis van hun profiel: passen ze bij een klant, product of opdracht? Zo zorgen we voor een snelle en efficiënte opvolging… die ook kosten scheelt.  We hebben een netwerk van meer dan 70 freelancers waaruit we steeds het best passende team samenstellen. Handig dat we ons niet moeten beperken tot een beperkt aantal personen dat op een loonlijst staat… .   5. Tarieven Uurtarieven hangen niet af van wie je bent, maar wel van wat je doet. En ofwel ben je aan het denken over iets, ofwel ben je iets aan het doen. Dat zijn dan ook onze 2 uurtarieven: denken of doen.  Want waarom zou je méér betalen omdat je ervaring hebt (of toevallig manager bent) als je bijvoorbeeld even naar een drukker belt?   6. Technologie Technologie moet bij een klant passen, niet omgekeerd. We krijgen er de kriebels van om alle klanten op 1 platform of in 1 technologie te duwen omdat we die toevallig beheersen of omdat we commissie zouden krijgen.  Het wordt pas efficiënt voor jou als je technologieën hebt die passen bij je organisatie, structuur, doelstellingen en budget… toch?   --------------------------------------------------------------   . Nous sommes une agence 'Full-Service' mais pour les RP our des événements nous vous renverrons vers un partenaire! ?   1. Point de contact Pas de commerciaux qui doivent tout demander en interne, mais une communication directe avec les personnes qui travaillent sur votre marque et produit, et connaissent tous les tenants et les aboutissants de votre dossier.  Si vous nous téléphonez, Steven, Veerle et Marlies vous aident immédiatement. Toute l’information est partagée, on est tous au courant de tout.   2. Créativité La créativité est importante… mais pas aussi importante que le récit. Si le récit de votre marque ou produit est excellent, une solide création peut vous rapporter beaucoup plus. Si le récit n’est pas parfait, même la meilleure création ne vous apportera pas de résultats fantastiques.  C’est pourquoi nous travaillons toujours de manière analytique à partir du récit : d’abord la base, le reste suivra. Une idée est excellente mais ne convient pas ‘entièrement’ au récit ? Dans ce cas, ce n’est PAS une bonne idée …   3. ROI Le retour sur investissement doit être mesurable et démontrable. Nous en tenons compte dès le début d’un projet. Le ROI est pour le client final … et ne concerne pas ‘les statistiques de la campagne’.   4. Equipe & Collaborateurs Nous veillons à ce que les créatifs et les spécialistes soient choisis en fonction de leur profil : Ils conviennent à un client, un produit ou une mission ? C’est ainsi que nous assurons un suivi rapide et efficace… ce qui fait aussi la différence au niveau des coûts.  Nous disposons d’un réseau de plus de 70 freelances et composons toujours l’équipe la plus appropriée. C’est bien pratique de ne pas devoir nous limiter à un nombre restreint de personnes figurant sur notre payroll.   5. Tarifs Les tarifs horaires ne dépendent pas de qui vous êtes, mais bien de ce que vous faites. Soit vous réfléchissez à quelque chose, soit vous faites quelque chose. Ce sont nos 2 tarifs horaires : réfléchir ou faire.  En effet, pourquoi faudrait-il payer plus parce que vous avez de l’expérience (ou êtes occasionnellement manager) alors que vous téléphonez à un imprimeur par exemple ?   6. Technologie La technologie doit s’adapter aux clients et non l’inverse. Cela nous donne des sueurs froides à l’idée d’obliger tous les clients à passer à 1 plateforme ou 1 technologie parce qu’il s’avère que nous la maîtrisons ou recevons une commission.  Il est question d’efficacité pour vous seulement lorsque vos technologies conviennent à votre organisation, votre structure, vos objectifs et votre budget… vous ne trouvez pas ?   --------------------------------------------------------------
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Pets (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (29 reviews)

    Increase your impact with our 360° marketing support

    Plant a Flag is your 360° marketing partner, based in Brussels, Belgium. We unify a wide range of marketing expertise to create a positive impact for our remarkable clients. We provide Marketing strategy - by transforming your great ideas into actionable strategies & plans. Marketing execution - you can count on our team of marketing experts for full-service marketing support including design, development, content & performance marketing. We work for Ambitious and passionate people who are building towards sustainable growth and societal impact. Our portfolio of clients includes businesses (small & large), associations, and non-profit organizations. Let's partner up and Plant your Flag!  
    5 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Management Consulting (+6)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (17 reviews)

    What matters is how far we can go together.

    🇫🇷 Caracal est une agence de développement et consulting digital spécialisée dans le web, la transformation digitale, la stratégie digitale et le branding. Nous sommes une entreprise experte dans la conception, le design et la gestion d'applications Web de haute qualité pour les entreprises. Nous sommes convaincus que les entreprises de tous les secteurs peuvent bénéficier d'un site Web soigneusement conçu et géré pour améliorer leur présence en ligne et leur image de marque. En tant qu'entreprise technologiquement innovante, nous sommes toujours à l'affût des dernières tendances et des meilleures pratiques en matière de développement Web. Nous croyons que l'espace digital est en constante évolution et que les entreprises doivent s'adapter pour rester compétitives. C'est pourquoi nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions de pointe à nos clients pour les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux. Nous visons à livrer à nos clients des solutions répondant à leurs besoins tout en priorisant la fluidité des processus de collaboration. Depuis sa création, Caracal a su capitaliser sur un nombre d’axes qui constituent actuellement sa force: Attention particulière aux interactions avec le client / partenaire. Veille technologique et formation continue de l’équipe Standards de qualité et d’esthétique Alignement avec les recommandations de bonnes pratiques SEO Spécialisation en matière de langages de programmation et frameworks: JavaScript / PHP / React / Node / Next / GraphQL / SQL / ... ________________________________________ 🇬🇧 Caracal is a digital development and consulting agency specializing in web, digital transformation, digital strategy, and branding. We are experts in designing, developing and managing high-quality web applications for businesses. We believe that companies from all sectors can benefit from a carefully designed and managed website to improve their online presence and brand image. As a technologically innovative company, we are always on the lookout for the latest trends and best practices in web development. We believe that the digital space is constantly evolving and companies must adapt to stay competitive. That's why we are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients to help them achieve their business goals. We aim to deliver solutions to our clients that meet their needs while prioritizing the fluidity of the collaboration process. Since its creation, Caracal has been able to capitalize on several areas that currently constitute its strengths: Special attention to interactions with the client / partner. Technological watch and continuous training of the team Quality and aesthetic standards Alignment with SEO best practice recommendations Specialization in programming languages ​​and frameworks: JavaScript / PHP / React / Node / Next / GraphQL / SQL / ...
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Government & Administration (+15)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (10 reviews)

    We create 'Good Branding!'

    Top awarded
    We are a full service design agency specialised in branding & brand positioning. DesignRepublic is an experienced, yet young at heart, branding agency located in Brussels, Belgium. Since the creation of the agency in 2009 we work for a diverse range of customers, from multinationals, SME's and local start-ups. We create brands from scratch, develop complete corporate identities, work on re-branding or brand uplifting, create the concept and story behind the identity, translate this branding in attractive packaging design and/or look and feel of the website and social media. We have a lot of expertise in FMCG while, at the same time, we have developed a strong expertise in corporate identity branding and sustainable packaging. Our biggest strength is to combine creativity with a down to earth attitude, resulting in a design that is contemporary, attractive for its audience and has all the potential for becoming glorious.
    4 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Saint-Gilles, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Legal Services (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    Nous sommes une agence tech et créative qui développons vos projets avec passion.

    Travailler avec Epekta, c’est faire confiance à une équipe créative expérimentée et un brin allumée. Notre mission ? Comprendre et co-créer le futur de votre entreprise. Peut-être pas en sept jours mais avec un réel savoir-faire en design, en UX et une solide expérience en développement web.
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Others (+9)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (21 reviews)

    Brand Adventurers

    L'efficience créative au service de vos aventures de marque ! La véritable aventure est celle qui nous emmène où nous ne pensions pas pouvoir aller. En mettant la créativité au cœur d’une approche stratégique globale et pertinente, La Superboite vous aide à écrire une histoire épique pour votre marque. Un récit à partager chaque jour avec vos clients, grâce à des communications percutantes et des identités de marque inoubliables. La Superboite c’est l’équilibre parfait entre deux ingrédients essentiels à votre succès. Aussi à l’aise en design qu’en communication, nous vous offrons un mix idéal pour la valorisation de votre marque. Pour vous aider à mettre le cap sur le succès, nous définissons un positionnement stratégique unique et déclinons tous les supports nécessaires. Et pour que vos aventures aient un véritable souffle épique, nous créons des contenus inspirants dans le cadre de campagnes publicitaires intégrées, du copywriting affûté et des visuels impactants. Plus d'infos sur notre approche sur Retrouvez toutes nos réalisations photographiques sur
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Uccle, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+16)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Creative strategies and strategic creations

    Proud Mary is your foothold in turbulent marketing waters. We pull out all the stops to proudly communicate the brand values of your company or product. Our mission is to help companies grow through creative strategies and strategic creations . Since pride is an important core value of us, branding is our passion. Pride makes people grow. —————— Proud Mary is uw houvast in woelige marketing wateren. Wij zetten alle zeilen bij om de merkwaarden van jouw bedrijf of product met trots uit te dragen. Want trots doet groeien. Onze missie is om bedrijven te helpen groeien door middel van creatieve strategieën en strategische creaties. Trots laat mensen groeien, trots laat mensen stralen en dat is waar het bij ons allemaal om draait.
    2 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Roeselare, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Food (+20)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (9 reviews)

    In Digital We Trust

    Andromede Digital est une agence qui provient de la fusion entre technologie et communication . Forte de 20 ans d’expérience dans la communication, la stratégie digitale et le développement web, l’équipe d’Andromede sait pour l’avoir observée la difficulté qu’ont les entreprises à adapter leur technologie.. Nous pouvons être votre partenaire à tout niveau de la chaîne de développement. Les technologies que nous proposons sont libres et collaboratives. Nous pouvons ainsi vous suggérer des solutions sur mesure qui s’adaptent aux besoins business de nos clients. Notre équipe a des années d’expérience dans les technologies de l’information pour des clients privés et institutionnels. Nous comprenons les enjeux tant en termes de stratégie, de technologie, de calendrier et de budget. Nous sommes à même de réunir ces enjeux afin de vous proposer la meilleure solution pour gagner en maturité numérique. A la multiplication d’outils complexes, qui vont alourdir la gestion quotidienne et les coûts, nous préférons l’analyse de la stratégie et des enjeux de votre société. Mieux vous comprendre pour transformer vos idées en outils digitaux sur-mesure. Nos services: Sites web Solutions web sur mesure CMS & e-commerce Consultance Staff Augmentation Sécurité & Hébergement UX/UI Analyse et conseil  Découvrez davantage sur notre site -- Andromede Digital is an agency that comes from the fusion of technology and communication . With 20 years of experience in communication, digital strategy and web development, the Andromede team knows from experience how difficult it is for companies to adapt their technology. We can be your partner at any level of the development chain. The technologies we offer are open source and collaborative. We can therefore suggest tailor-made solutions that fit our clients' business needs. Our team has years of experience in information technology for private and institutional clients. We understand the challenges in terms of strategy, technology, timing and budget. We are able to bring these issues together to provide you with the best solution to gain digital maturity. Instead of multiplying complex tools, which will add to the daily management and costs, we prefer to analyse your company's strategy and objectives. Understanding you better to transform your ideas into tailor-made digital tools. Our services: Websites Tailor-made web solutions (ERP, intranet, extranet, CRM) Web application CMS & e-commerce  Consultancy Staff Augmentation  Security & Hosting  UX/UI  Analysis and advice  Discover more on our website
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Beverage (+14)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (8 reviews)

    Digital Growth Agency

    Devcom-Media est une agence web active dans quatre grands pôles du secteur digital . Le développement de solution web et mobile, comme des sites internet , des marketplaces , des applications mobiles ou tout type de projet web nécessitant l’expertise de nos codeurs. Ensuite, le pôle de marketing stratégique , où nous implémentons du contenu de qualité sur votre site aligné avec votre cible. Nous fournissons aussi un plan de communication stratégique et des outils d’acquisition de trafic en fonction de vos besoins. Nous mettons en place des stratégies multicanales au travers des réseaux sociaux (organique et payant SEM), de l’E-mailing, des influenceurs et du référencement gratuit et payant (SEO et SEA). Devcom-Media est aussi équipé d’un studio graphique à la pointe de la technologie, pour tous les besoins de création d’identité visuelle, de branding de votre marque, jusqu’à la retouche de visuel existant et du support à la création de web et print.   Finalement, nous proposons un service d’outsourcing , pour aider les entreprises qui cherchent une vraie expertise pour la gestion de leurs sites. Nous nous occupons de l’encodage de données sur vos sites, du maniement des bases de données et de leurs entretiens et de la gestion de vos E-commerces comme de l’analyse des données de celui-ci. Ce service s’adresse aux entreprises qui désirent avoir une gestion professionnelle et performante de leurs outils digitaux. Nous espérons pouvoir collaborer dans le futur et amener votre projet à une solution concrète et aboutie qui apportera une réelle valeur ajoutée à vos clients. ------ Devcom-Media is a web agency working over four of the main digital themes . First of all, the web and mobile development such as websites, mobile apps, marketplaces , or any type of web project needing the skills of our developers. Following up is the strategic marketing where we implement quality content that is aligned with your targeted audience on your website. We offer a strategic communication plan and traffic acquisition tools according to your business needs. We will create multi-channel strategy thanks to the social networks (SEM), e-mailing systems, organic and paid search (SEO and SEA).  Our offices are also geared with the latest graphic studio, for all your projects that would require graphic work. From the branding and the visual identity of your company to slightly modifying already existing visuals our teams will help you with graphic creation in both web and print. Last but not least, we offer outsourcing services to help companies that seek a professional management of their websites . We will encode content and data onto your websites with all the technical requirements, we will manage and maintain your databases and your E-commerce services. We will also be analysing your traffic on a daily basis and providing monthly reports with insights on your website’s performance and how to improve it. This service is aimed at businesses that desire to have a professional and efficient management of their digital tools. We hope that we will be able to work with you in the future to bring your project to a real and finished solution that will bring a real added value to both your company and your customers. ------ Devcom-Media is een digitaal communicatiebureau dat actief is in de vier belangrijkste sectoren van de digitale wereld . Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van web- en mobiele oplossingen, zoals websites, marketplaces, mobiele applicaties of elk type project waarvoor de expertise van onze codeerders vereist is. Wij zijn ook actief op het gebied van strategische marketing waarbij we content implementeren op uw website dat is afgestemd op uw doelgroep. We bieden een strategisch communicatieplan aan en hulpmiddelen voor verkeersverwerving op uw website, afhankelijk van de behoeften van uw bedrijf. Wij creëren onze strategieën op verschillende kanalen dankzij ons expertise op het gebied van social networks (SEM), e-mailsystemen, organische en betaalde zoekresultaten (SEO en SEA).   Ons team bestaat ook uit top professionelen op het gebied van creatie , branding en het opmaken van de visuele identiteit van uw bedrijf. Ten slotte bieden we een outsourcing-service aan om bedrijven te helpen met een echte expertise in het beheren van websites . Wij zorgen voor de codering van gegevens op uw website, het beheer van de databases en uw e-commerce, evenals de cijferanalyse van uw digitale activiteiten. We hopen in de toekomst samen te werken en uw project tot een concrete en succesvolle oplossing te brengen.
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Forest, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Human Resources (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (42 reviews)

    Aantrekkelijke communicatie

    Verruimende concepten, designs en content: aantrekkelijke communicatie Wij zijn Graviteit , creatieve wezens die de krachten bundelen om bij elk project het onderste uit de kan te halen. Ons doel als communicatiebureau : zorgen dat jouw bedrijf niet blijft zweven tussen de veelheid aan concurrentie. Samen plaatsen we jouw onderneming op de kaart! Maar vrees niet, we blijven met beide voetjes op de grond. Klaar om samen aan de slag te gaan met jouw communicatie? Sterke communicatie komt enkel tot zijn recht wanneer deze  op maat  van jouw bedrijf is. Niet elke aanpak werkt voor jouw onderneming. Daar is Graviteit zich van bewust. Daarom plaatsen we elke klant in het  middelpunt  van zijn eigen sterrenstelsel. We willen weten welke krachten er van werking zijn en wat er leeft in jouw omgeving. Dit is noodzakelijk voor stevig uitgebouwde communicatie. Enkel zo kan jouw bedrijf  groeien   binnen het universum . We geloven in een  open  en  transparante  manier van communiceren. Het is ons doel om boeiende en succesvolle samenwerkingen tot stand te laten komen. Het spreekt voor zich dat we steeds inzetten op een  partnership op lange termijn , en dat we als communicatiebureau werk afleveren waar we fier op zijn. Overtuigd? Of nog net dat extra duwtje in de rug nodig?  Laten we afspreken, en wie weet voel jij de aantrekking tot Graviteit!   Broadening concepts, design and content: attracting communication. We are Graviteit , creative beings combining their strengths to get the most out of every project. Our goal as a communication agency ? To make sure that your business doesn’t hover among all your competitors. Together, we pin your business on the map! But fear not, we’ll keep our feet on solid ground. We can’t wait to launch your company’s communication.  Communication only works out great when it is  customized for your business . Not every approach is fitting for each company. Graviteit is aware of this. That is why we place each customer at the centre of his own galaxy . We want to know which forces affect you, and what is going on in your field. This is necessary to develop a strong communication model . Only by doing this can we make your company  grow within the universe . We believe in  open and transparent communication . Our goal is to create fascinating and successful collaborations . It goes without saying that we are always aiming for  long-term partnerships , and that we want to deliver projects that we are proud of. Convinced? Or do you just need that extra push?  Let’s meet, and hopefully you feel the attraction to Graviteit!
    1 work in Brand Creation
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+23)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (9 reviews)

    Building brands & spaces

    Top awarded
    At La Movida, two generations joined forces, creating total concepts for immersive experiences. We are more than a marketing agency alone; we design, restyle and construct projects that go from redesigning spaces to refreshing and redefining brand identities. Together with our team, we push brands forward on a creative and strategic level to bring the best possible and most creative designs and ideas to our clients.  Our agency was founded in 1987 by the founder Michele De Maertelaere and we build brands & spaces. In 2021 two agencies, La Movida and Elle&M's merged, to become the new La Movida. Where brands and spaces are designed under one roof. We take a 360° view of your company and your market. Going from logos and websites to fair stands and events. Everything that has an impact on your brand image is important to us.  We don't do everything in-house, but we want to be your one-stop go-to-partner to guide all your needs in the right brand-image direction. go-to partner Our 30+ years of experience in this field gives us the helicopter view you may need to bring your brand or space to the next level or to keep it at the top.   
    11 works in Brand Creation
    Located in Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium (+2)
    From €250 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Consumer Electronics (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Yungo - Disrupt the Norm, Set the Standard 💥 Award-winning marketing agency

    Yungo is de enige Vlaamse Agency die zich focust op Disruptive Marketing. Aandacht grijpen én vasthouden, dat is voor jouw bedrijf of merk in deze snel veranderende wereld méér dan cruciaal. Geen voor de hand liggende uitdaging, wetende dat de gemiddelde mens 377 advertentieboodschappen per dag consumeert. Maar … don’t worry, be Yungo! Want Yungo helpt je. Niet alleen met overleven, maar vooral met openbloeien, opvallen én groeien. Hoe? Door de magische mix van onze disruptieve marketingstrategieën en ons team prettig gestoorde, creatieve geesten. We zijn een straf team digitale pioniers en laat ook jouw merk pionieren . Samen met jou creëren we een slimme strategie , unieke content en de juiste tools . Zo bouwen we een solide merkbasis , veroveren we het juiste doelpubliek en jagen we je groeicijfers de hoogte in. Klaar om je brand écht te boosten? Let’s Yungo! Altijd straffere cijfers? Altijd beter communiceren? Altijd nieuwe doelen bereiken? Roep gauw je speurhonden terug, want dan is Yungo jouw betrouwbare partner de route! Yungo heeft een krachtige body die gestaag groeit en een breed arsenaal relevante expertises . Zo ontplooien we voor elke uitdaging de nodige power op het vlak van digitale marketing, performance, branding, video, conceptcreatie, design en storytelling . Met een hart voor jouw missie, een neus voor ROI en een onverschrokken vibe exploreert Yungo alle mogelijkheden om jouw resultaten exponentieel te versterken. Guerillagewijs voor directe impact en in de diepte voor langetermijngroei. In een hecht partnership. Zo groeien en bloeien we samen. Want echte pioniers vinden sterke partners. Let’s Yungo!
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Genk, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Construction (+19)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (1 review)

    Human-driven creative agency

    Josworld - Creatief huis voor merken die ertoe doen  Noem ons gerust een ‘team on a mission’. Met een duidelijk ideaal, maar met beide voeten stevig op de grond. Want het verhaal versterken van merken die voluit gaan voor maatschappelijke verandering, dat is onze dagelijkse missie. Human Driven We zijn meedenkers en leven ons graag helemaal in. Als een co-creatief team nemen we jouw DNA en dat van je eindgebruiker stevig onder de loep. We komen tot slimme, creatieve oplossingen in branding, design en communicatie. Digitaal en print. Met de mens als vertrek en als eindpunt in je merkverhaal. Zo vergroten we je impact op een meetbare manier. Waarom? Omdat we beiden geloven dat positieve verandering geen hol begrip hoeft te zijn maar net heel tastbaar kan worden.
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €2,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Government & Administration (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Meaningful digital projects

    Top awarded
    Walking Men is a strategic partner to help you develop your digital capabilities and better connect with your audiences. We build digital ecosystems and create digital brand universes. We love finding simple solutions to complex challenges and aim to deliver beautifully crafted work. Collaboration is key We join forces with our clients and work closely together to improve the connection with their customers. Always put people first We always put people first and walk alongside users, focusing on their needs. Performance is a must We believe in data and analytics to measure and optimise performance. We use analytical skills and tools to obtain insights and craft excellent digital strategies, in order to have a greater impact on users and drive conversions. Content is king We deliver clear and connected stories that will bring customers closer, and aim to deepen their engagement in the brand. We build beautiful, meaningful and sustainable projects Digital convenience is now part of the minimum demand of people. Your audience uses digital tools all day long and expects the same level of quality throughout their customer journey. To get there, Walking Men highly recommends a customer centric approach. The more value you will bring to the customer, the more value you will get in return. OUR APPROACH  1. Discovery : Reveal and Align We start the project with a thorough understanding of your current digital ecosystem, you business context and your audiences. We help businesses to build digital projects that will support them to reach their end-to-end digitalisation, from the very first connection with potential customers to the after-sales support where full engagement with customers is reached. 2. Strategy: Define and refine the fundamentals The strategic approach of your digital ecosystem is the only way to provide your audiences with an optimal experience throughout the digital touch points of your business. Our aim is to create a meaningful and customer centric experience. To achieve that, we need a solid digital strategy. Together we will align our client’s expectations, outline user journeys and define the KPIs that will steer the project. 3. Content and users : Build strong foundations Our content-first approach ensures that the project will meet users’ expectations, integrating SEO strategy and clear KPI. Walking Men has a content-first approach. This allows us to create a rock-solid foundation for the client’s website, providing a guarantee of strong storytelling, both relevant to the brand and appealing to its users. 4. Design : Don’t fail to make a good first impression Based on your graphical identity and your company values, we explore and experiment with possibilities that make you stand out. We create a solid design system to build a strong digital brand universe. 5. Building and deployment : Flawless execution Mobile and desktop-friendly code, Drupal, WordPress... The right technology choice in line with the client’s needs.The website will adapt gracefully to all common screen resolutions (mobile, tablet, desktop) and types (touch or not), following the Responsive Design principles. 6. Maintenance and care : It’s not the end, it’s the beginning We assist our clients to continuously improve their projects. Success is about getting small things right. Not all issues can be fixed at the same time and not all goals can be reached right away, and it is normal to find more improvement points as projects move forward. We think good websites are kept up-to-date and relentlessly adjusting. We have a long track record of building the online presence of brands On you will find some selected projects that illustrate our long lasting relationship with industry leaders in both B2C and B2B. Learn more about our work on our website : Know more about our Agency life and behind the scenes on :
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Music (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Proven successful go2market campaigns in healthcare, technology and engineering

    Top awarded
    Living Stone is your B2B marketing agency for healthcare, technology and engineering organisations. We help you as a B2B marketer to make your mark . To share your company’s story, to present information in a way that makes a difference – to plant a flag that proclaims excellence and value. We support you with conventional as well as digital marketing. Our tools are easy to implement and build on your existing corporate tradition, sales customs and market ambitions. We’ve successfully been helping B2B marketers make an impact +30 years . As experts in go2market programs, we know that a lot of things are critical for a marketing partnership and projects, to succeed. We’ve set-up our company to make sure we deliver on all of them . "You should be proud of your team! You guys have worked wonders! Your communication and work delivered is top notch professional. This was my first time working with an agency like yours, but it tastes like more!"    
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Zwalm, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+10)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)


    The Oval Office is a creative communication agency that puts real-life experience in the heart of campaigns. With a team of more than 130 experts we work from our offices in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Dusseldorf & Paris. We blend live, digital, content, social, technology, loyalty and media into remarkable internal and external campaigns. We communicate for Google, BMW, Proximus,, ABVV, Nintendo, Adobe, SD Worx,, Randstad, AB Inbev, adidas and many others. The Oval Office is a member of IDEA, ACC Belgium and founder-shareholder of 27Names, Europe´s live communication agency.
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+3)
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (4 reviews)

    CREATE + PRODUCE > PLAY We are a Creative Content Studio.

    Les consommateurs n’achètent plus de marques. Ils achètent des histoires. Captivez-les avec du contenu stratégique et percutant. Disturb Studio est une agence de création et production de contenu publicitaire > video & motion design I photographie I podcast. CREATE. Do Disturb ! Ne soyez pas tiède. Osez être vrai, original, amusant, inattendu, honnête . Seules les histoires audacieuses et authentiques captent l'attention du public. La différence entre une bonne et une excellente histoire commence par vous, par la compréhension de votre vision. Notre créativité vient ensuite. Nous donnons vie aux messages et concepts publicitaires sous la forme qui leur convient le mieux. Nous produisons le format le plus percutant, créatif, attractif en fonction de vos objectifs marketing. PRODUCE. Toutes les images ne se valent pas, soyez remarquables. Nous croyons au pouvoir des idées bien conçues et parfaitement exécutées pour renforcer votre audience. Toute marque forte devrait donner la priorité à la production de son propre contenu et placer la vidéo au cœur de sa stratégie de communication. Notre sens aigu du détail, nos solides compétences narratives et notre expertise en matière de production font toute la différence. PLAY. Les médias ne dorment jamais, c'est une bonne chose. Il y a énormément de (nouveaux) contenus et de plateformes à regarder. Adapter le contenu à l'audience et au media pour maximiser l'impact est au cœur de chaque histoire que nous produisons. Nous sommes constamment à la recherche du format vidéo le plus approprié, le plus créatif et le plus attrayant. Ces 10 dernières années, nous avons collaboré avec de nombreuse marques de différents secteurs : Proximus, Luminus, KBC, ING, RTL, IKEA, la Croix-Rouge, Peugeot… et travaillé avec de nombreuses célébrités dont Charlie Winston, Christophe Maé, Julie Taton... Plus de 200 films nationaux et internationaux au compteur, et pourtant... nous sommes convaincus que le meilleur reste à produire.
    Looking for work in Brand Creation
    Located in Ixelles, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Brand Creation
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members

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Insights from Our Expert: Brand Creation Agencies in Brussels - Shaping the Future of Brands

Brussels, not just the capital of Belgium but also a hub of creativity and innovation within the marketing and branding industry. With a vibrant collection of 328 ports for projects and insightful feedback with 30 client reviews, the brand creation agencies in Brussels stand as pivotal players in sculpting corporate identities.

Key Players and Their Portfolios

Diverse Agencies for Varied Brand Needs

The landscape of brand creation in Brussels is characterized by a wide spectrum of agencies. From large-scale companies to niche boutiques, each agency offers unique approaches and specialty services in brand strategy, visual identity, and corporate messaging.

Clients and Accolades

Local agencies have worked with prestigious clients ranging from high-profile startups to established multinational corporations, proving their capability to manage and effectively execute large-scale projects. They are also recognized with various awards, showcasing their commitment to excellence in brand creation.

Guidance on Budget Planning for Brand Development

Understanding Budget Needs

Budgeting is a critical aspect when it comes to selecting a brand creation agency. In Brussels, costs can vary depending on the agency's pedigree and the project's scope. Defining your financial boundaries and expectations before commencing your agency search is vital.

Small Businesses and Startups

For startups and small enterprises, opting for mid-sized or specialized boutique agencies might be a wise choice. These agencies frequently offer competitive rates while delivering high-quality services. A basic branding package could range from €2,000 to €10,000.

Medium-sized Enterprises

For more established businesses with comprehensive needs, partnering with agencies that possess a broad skill set and experience can be beneficial. Full branding packages, including in-depth market research, strategy formulation, and brand design, may cost between €10,000 and €50,000.

Large Enterprises and Multinationals

Larger organizations with complex requirements should consider agencies well-versed in handling extensive branding strategies. Costs for such advanced services can start from €50,000, escalating based on the project's complexity and breadth.

Reviewing Past Work and Success Stories

Examining previous projects showcased by agencies provides insights into their capability and creative prowess. With 328 projects available for review, companies can gauge which agency aligns best with their vision and brand aspirations.

Elevate Your Identity with Brussels’ Top Brand Creators

As a local expert at Sortlist in Brussels, I encourage businesses to explore the dynamic offerings from our skilled brand creation agencies. Whether you’re looking to launch a fresh brand or revamp an existing one, Brussels boasts an array of options that can cater to your unique branding needs. Armed with extensive portfolios and positive client testimonials, the path to finding the perfect agency for your project has never been clearer.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BrusselsLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Reimagining home renovations with Brioval

Frequently Asked Questions.

Brand creation agencies in Brussels, known for their innovative approach and international perspective, have developed sophisticated methods to incorporate client feedback throughout the brand development process. This collaborative approach ensures that the final brand aligns perfectly with the client's vision while benefiting from the agency's expertise. Here's how they typically manage this crucial aspect:

  1. Initial Discovery Phase: Brussels agencies often start with in-depth workshops and interviews to gather comprehensive client input. This helps establish a solid foundation for the brand's direction.
  2. Regular Check-ins: Throughout the project, agencies schedule frequent touchpoints with clients. These can be weekly or bi-weekly meetings, depending on the project scope and timeline.
  3. Iterative Design Process: Many agencies in Brussels employ an iterative approach, presenting multiple concepts and refining them based on client feedback. This allows for a more dynamic and responsive development process.
  4. Digital Collaboration Tools: Given Brussels' position as a tech-savvy European capital, agencies often use advanced digital tools for real-time collaboration and feedback. Platforms like InVision, Figma, or custom-built portals facilitate seamless communication.
  5. Stakeholder Involvement: Brussels agencies recognize the importance of including various stakeholders in the feedback process. They often organize sessions that involve not just the marketing team but also C-level executives, ensuring alignment across the organization.
  6. Quantitative and Qualitative Testing: Agencies may conduct surveys or focus groups with target audiences to gather external feedback, providing clients with data-driven insights to inform decision-making.
  7. Transparent Revision Processes: Clear communication about the number of revision rounds and the scope of changes helps manage expectations and keeps the project on track.
  8. Cultural Sensitivity: Given Brussels' multicultural environment, agencies are adept at incorporating feedback that ensures the brand resonates across diverse audiences, both locally and internationally.

According to a 2023 survey by the Brussels Creative Industries Association, 87% of brand creation agencies in the city reported that increased client involvement throughout the process led to higher satisfaction rates and more successful brand launches.

By integrating client feedback at every stage, Brussels' brand creation agencies ensure that the final brand identity is not only creatively excellent but also strategically aligned with the client's business objectives. This collaborative approach has contributed to Brussels' reputation as a hub for innovative and effective brand creation in Europe.

When selecting a brand creation agency in Brussels, businesses should carefully consider several crucial factors to ensure they partner with the right team for their branding needs. Here are the key aspects to evaluate:

  1. Local Market Understanding: Choose an agency with deep knowledge of the Brussels and Belgian market. They should understand local consumer behavior, cultural nuances, and multilingual requirements (French, Dutch, and possibly English).
  2. Portfolio and Experience: Review the agency's past work, especially projects related to your industry or similar in scope. Look for diversity in their portfolio and success stories that resonate with your brand goals.
  3. Creative Approach: Assess the agency's creative process and how they develop unique brand identities. Their approach should align with your vision while offering fresh perspectives.
  4. Strategic Thinking: The best brand creation agencies in Brussels don't just design logos; they develop comprehensive brand strategies. Look for agencies that offer market research, positioning, and long-term brand development plans.
  5. Digital Expertise: In today's digital-first world, ensure the agency has strong capabilities in digital branding, including website design, social media presence, and online brand management.
  6. Client Testimonials and References: Check reviews, case studies, and speak with past clients to gauge the agency's reliability, communication, and ability to deliver results.
  7. Team Composition: Inquire about the team that will work on your project. Ensure they have a mix of strategic thinkers, creative designers, and account managers who can cater to your needs.
  8. Cultural Fit: Consider how well the agency's culture and values align with your own. A good cultural fit can lead to a more productive and enjoyable collaboration.
  9. Pricing and Value: While not the sole determining factor, understand the agency's pricing structure and ensure it provides good value for the services offered. Remember, investing in quality branding can yield long-term benefits.
  10. Timelines and Project Management: Discuss the agency's ability to meet deadlines and their project management approach. Efficient processes are crucial for timely brand launches or rebrands.

To illustrate the importance of these factors, consider the following data:

Factor Impact on Brand Success
Local Market Understanding Up to 30% increase in brand resonance
Strategic Approach 25% higher brand recall rates
Digital Expertise 40% improvement in online engagement
Cultural Fit 20% more efficient project completion

By carefully considering these factors, businesses in Brussels can select a brand creation agency that not only meets their immediate needs but also sets the foundation for long-term brand success in the competitive Belgian and European markets.

Brand creation companies in Brussels, as in other major European cities, understand the critical importance of maintaining brand consistency across various marketing channels and touchpoints. This consistency is key to building a strong, recognizable brand identity that resonates with the target audience. Here are some strategies these companies employ to ensure brand consistency:

  1. Develop comprehensive brand guidelines: Brussels-based brand creation agencies create detailed brand guidelines that outline all aspects of the brand, including logo usage, color palettes, typography, tone of voice, and imagery styles. These guidelines serve as a reference for all marketing efforts.
  2. Implement brand management software: Many companies use specialized brand management software to store and distribute brand assets, ensuring that all team members and external partners have access to the most up-to-date materials.
  3. Conduct regular brand audits: Periodic reviews of all marketing materials and touchpoints help identify any inconsistencies and allow for prompt corrections.
  4. Train internal teams and partners: Brand creation agencies in Brussels often provide training sessions for internal teams and external partners to ensure everyone understands the brand guidelines and their importance.
  5. Create templates and pre-approved assets: To streamline content creation and maintain consistency, agencies develop templates and pre-approved assets for various marketing materials.
  6. Utilize integrated marketing platforms: Many brand creation companies in Brussels leverage integrated marketing platforms that allow for centralized control over various digital channels, ensuring consistent messaging and visuals.
  7. Establish a brand governance structure: This involves designating specific roles and responsibilities for brand management within the organization.
  8. Adapt to local nuances while maintaining global consistency: In a multicultural city like Brussels, brand creation agencies are adept at balancing global brand consistency with local market adaptations.

By implementing these strategies, brand creation companies in Brussels ensure that brands maintain a cohesive identity across all marketing channels and touchpoints, from traditional print media to digital platforms and physical locations. This consistency helps build brand recognition, trust, and loyalty among consumers in the Belgian market and beyond.

According to a 2023 study by the European Brand Institute, companies with consistent branding across all channels saw an average increase of 23% in revenue compared to those with inconsistent branding. This underscores the importance of the work done by brand creation agencies in Brussels to maintain brand consistency.