The 10 Best Data Reporting Consultants in Berlin - 2024 Reviews

Top Data Reporting Consultants in Berlin

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  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Boutique Consultancy for Data & Analytics

    Die 9 friendly white rabbits sind eine Data & Analytics Beratung in Berlin. Wir sind ein Team von Spezialisten in den Bereichen Tracking, Data Engineering und Data Analytics. Wir bieten Datenstrategieberatung, Data Stack Design & Implementierung, Data Mesh, Aufbau von Data Warehouses, KPI-Konzeption, Web Analytics, App Analytics, Reporting, Funnel und Customer Journey Analyse, Business Intelligence Dashboards, Ad-hoc/Deep Dive Analysen, Datenvisualisierung, Conversion Optimierung und A/B Testing. Zu unseren Kunden zählen Startups mit digitalen Geschäftsmodellen und etablierte Unternehmen in der digitalen Transformation. Zu unseren Technologien gehören Strategy - Data Thinking & Data Strategy - Data Government & Access Rights - Data Quality, Data Lineage, Data Catalogue - KPI definitions, Stakeholder Reporting - DSGVO DWH & Data integration - GCP, AWS - BigQuery, Snowflake, Hadoop, Data Bricks - Data Modeling, dbt, SQL, Data Catalogue - ETL, Fivetran, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, Dataflow, Airflow - Docker, Kubernets - Python, Spark/PySpark, Analytics - Tableau, Data Studio, Looker, PowerBI - Jupyter Notebooks, Python, R, SQL Tracking - Google Tag Manager, GTM, Segment, Serverside Tracking, Tealium, Adobe Launch - Google Analytics, GA4, Adobe Analytics, Matomo - A/B Testing, Optimizely, Adobe Target - Javascript, HTML, mobile Tracking - Consent & DSGVO
    1 work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (3 reviews)

    We build and grow exceptional experiences across web, mobile and e-commerce channels.

    Top awarded
    D2 Agency is a full-service Web, Mobile and E-Commerce agency. What sets us apart is our strong focus on solutions that revolve around data and seamless integrations between other systems. We believe that for small and mid-sized e-commerce vendors to be successful in the days of large global marketplaces and clutter it is very important to create value through careful collection and analysis of data and using it to deliver a seamless customer experience. We have deep expertise in building web & mobile applications and e-commerce stores across more than 120 clients and projects. Our team of digital strategist, business analysts, product designers, developers and project managers are able to deliver value to our clients from ideation to delivery and beyond. We also help our clients with growth & marketing with a strong focus on marketing automation, CRMs, and demand generation services. Our 5 step process is streamlined and perfected over many projects and built around design thinking and agile principles. 1. Ideation & Discover: Our experts dive deep in to understanding your pain points who then brainstorm to unearth innovative ideas to curate solutions for you. We aim to ask the right questions so we can layout a clear path before stepping in to the realms of design and prototyping. 2. Design & Prototypes : Armed with insights and a well-defined strategy, our skilled team of designers and developers transform ideas in to aesthetically sound and user-centric digital realities.We validate concepts and prototype the versions that resonate best with your vision. 3. Development Sprints: After successful understanding of your vision and continuous iterations of ideas and prototyping we will settle you for nothing less but a great coded programme by leveraging well supported programme languages and technologies. 4. Test & Launch: So, we’re almost done! Once your software is developed, it is tested on multiple standards to make sure it runs smoothly.Once its approved by you we let you play around with it and test until its not just a product but a lean mean machine ready to be launched. 5. Growth & Scale: Its time to celebrate the successful completion of the project launch and indeed there is no limit to what we can achieve together.We are continuously evolving and refining your solutions to meet evolving market dynamics and consumer expectations.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Publishing (+5)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    🇪🇸 Convertimos datos en Conocimiento enTurning data into knowledge 🇩🇪 Daten in Wissen verwandeln

    Highly recommended
    🇪🇸 Español 🇪🇸 Somos Databay Solutions , nos especializamos en ayudar a las organizaciones a aprovechar al máximo sus datos, brindando soluciones personalizadas y servicios de análisis, inteligencia artificial y visualización de datos. Nuestro objetivo es impulsar la toma de decisiones informadas y el crecimiento empresarial a través de la utilización estratégica de la información. Transformamos consistentemente datos brutos en conocimiento perspicaz, construyendo desde aplicaciones o herramientas de datos hasta sistemas de Big Data, BI e IA. Nuestra sede se encuentra en España, sirviendo a empresas europeas con una perspectiva global . Hacemos realidad las visiones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario ofrece una amplia gama de capacidades internas : desde la gestión de datos, servicios AWS y GCP, servicios de ciberseguridad, ingeniería de red hasta desarrollo de software y aplicaciones. Todo con un firme enfoque en la experiencia del usuario y el diseño corporativo. Construimos prototipos de alta calidad como la base de nuestros proyectos, demostrándose como una excelente herramienta para demostrar el valor del producto antes del escalado comercial y el inicio del desarrollo. Empleamos las últimas tecnologías, aprovechando al máximo nuestra experiencia en Big Data e IA. Nuestro equipo es competente en la creación de soluciones que funcionan sin problemas en varias plataformas y para todos los stack de datos disponibles, centrándose principalmente en AWS, GCP, aunque hemos desarrollado soluciones relacionadas con Azure también. Nuestras herramientas ayudan a día de hoy a múltiples empresas a crear ventajas competitivas aprovechando el potencial de la toma de decisiones basadas en datos. Confía en Databay Solutions, tu socio para navegar el complejo panorama de datos y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. 🇬🇧 English 🇬🇧 At Databay Solutions , we focus on helping organisations make the most of their data by providing customised solutions and services in analytics, artificial intelligence and data visualisation. Our goal is to drive informed decision-making and business growth through the strategic use of information . We consistently transform raw data into insightful knowledge, building from data applications or tools to Big Data, BI and AI systems. We are based in Spain, serving companies across Europe with a global perspective . We make our clients' visions a reality. Our multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of in-house capabilities : from data management, AWS and GCP services, cybersecurity services, and network engineering to software and application development. All with a firm focus on user experience and corporate design. We build high-quality prototypes as the foundation of our projects, proving an excellent tool for demonstrating product value prior to commercial scale-up and early development. We employ the latest technologies, making the most of our expertise in Big Data and AI. Our team is proficient in creating solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms and for all available data stacks, focusing primarily on AWS, and GCP, although we have developed solutions related to Azure as well. Today, our tools help many companies to create competitive advantages by harnessing the potential of data-driven decision-making. Trust Databay Solutions, your partner to navigate the complex data landscape and take your business to new heights. 🇩🇪 Deutch 🇩🇪 Bei Databay Solutions konzentrieren wir uns darauf, Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, das Beste aus ihren Daten zu machen, indem wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Analytik, künstliche Intelligenz und Datenvisualisierung anbieten. Unser Ziel ist es, durch die strategische Nutzung von Informationen fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und das Unternehmenswachstum zu fördern . Wir wandeln Rohdaten konsequent in aufschlussreiches Wissen um, indem wir Datenanwendungen oder -tools zu Big-Data-, BI- und KI-Systemen weiterentwickeln. Wir sind in Spanien ansässig und betreuen Unternehmen in ganz Europa mit einer globalen Perspektive . Wir setzen die Visionen unserer Kunden in die Realität um. Unser multidisziplinäres Team bietet ein breites Spektrum an Inhouse-Fähigkeiten: von Datenmanagement, AWS- und GCP-Diensten, Cybersicherheitsdiensten und Netzwerktechnik bis hin zur Software- und Anwendungsentwicklung. Und das alles mit einem klaren Fokus auf User Experience und Corporate Design. Wir erstellen hochwertige Prototypen als Grundlage für unsere Projekte, die sich als hervorragendes Instrument zur Demonstration des Produktwerts vor der kommerziellen Skalierung und frühen Entwicklung erweisen. Wir setzen die neuesten Technologien ein und nutzen dabei unser Fachwissen in den Bereichen Big Data und KI. Unser Team ist in der Lage, Lösungen zu entwickeln, die nahtlos über mehrere Plattformen und für alle verfügbaren Datenstapel funktionieren. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns in erster Linie auf AWS und GCP, obwohl wir auch Lösungen für Azure entwickelt haben. Heute helfen unsere Tools vielen Unternehmen, Wettbewerbsvorteile zu schaffen, indem sie das Potenzial datengestützter Entscheidungsfindung nutzen. Vertrauen Sie Databay Solutions, Ihrem Partner, um die komplexe Datenlandschaft zu navigieren und Ihr Unternehmen zu neuen Höhen zu führen .
    6 works
    Located in Benalmádena, Spain (+1)
    From €1,000
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+17)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Wir übersetzen Ideen in validierte und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche digitale Lösungen.

    Taking Ideas from Zero to Impact. Gute Ideen können die Welt verändern. Wir übersetzen sie in validierte und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche digitale Lösungen: in kürzester Zeit und mit nachhaltig positivem Impact. Dabei setzen wir auf iterative Prozesse und ein testgetriebenes, lernendes Design. So minimieren wir die Risiken, den finanziellen Einsatz und bringen Innovationen schnell auf den Markt. Als multidisziplinäres und diverses Team bringen wir langjährige Erfahrung in Beratung, Design und Technologie mit. Unsere Arbeitsweise ist geprägt von starken Werten: Wir achten die Diversität und Pluralität der Menschen. Ökologische, soziale und kulturelle Zusammenhänge. Die Menschen, mit denen wir arbeiten und die unsere Produkte nutzen. Und nicht zuletzt die Gesellschaft, in der wir leben – und die wir mit unseren Lösungen mitgestalten.
    No work
    Located in Munich, Germany (+1)
    From €1,000
    Worked in Transportation (+11)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)


    Genug von Marketingagenturen, die ihre eigenen Prozesse und ihr Image mehr lieben als den Erfolg ihrer KundInnen? Wir auch. Deshalb bieten wir eine echte Alternative: Eine flexible und spezialisierte Marketingabteilung, die virtuell in das Unternehmen integriert wird. Wir sind eine Full-Service-Agentur, bestehend aus ExpertInnen, von denen jede/r einzelne mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung auf seinem Gebiet hat: Gebündelte Kompetenz für die besten Ergebnisse. Die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren ExpertInnen und eine zentrale Steuerung bieten echte Flexibilität und Know-how – alles aus einer Hand. Das macht den Unterschied. Unsere KundInnen zahlen nur für die tatsächlich erbrachte Leistung der eingesetzten ExperteInnen, dadurch bieten wir bedeutend kosteneffizientere Angebot, unser Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist unschlagbar. Wir decken von Influencer Marketing, über Social Media Strategien, Digital Marketing Kampagnen auf allen Kanälen, PR im B2B als auch B2C-Bereich, bis hin zu Eventproduktion, alles ab was der Marke Sichtbarkeit verleiht. Wir entscheiden Vorab in enger Abstimmung mit unseren KundInnen ob das volle Paket gebucht wird oder nur bestimmte Kanäle fokussiert werden, auf unsere Kompetenz und Erfahrung ist Verlass.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000
    Worked in E-commerce (+5)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (4 reviews)

    Wir unterstützen die digitale Transformation unserer Kunden hin zur datengetriebenen Organisation!

    Top awarded
    Die elanyo ist ein junges Beratungsunternehmen, das sich auf die digitale Transformation von Unternehmen hin zur datengetriebenen Organisation spezialisiert hat! Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden dabei, aus Daten neue Insights zu generieren, um aus diesen Insights wertstiftende Aktivitäten ableiten zu können. Unser Management Team mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung hat die Entwicklung im Bereich Data Analytics in unterschiedlichen Rollen entscheidend mitgestaltet. In über 100 Projekten mit fast 30 Kunden haben wir in den letzten 7 Jahren diesen Erfolgsweg mit der elanyo fortgeführt.
    1 work
    Located in Stuttgart, Germany
    From €5,000
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    We make digital marketing drive your business

    Top awarded
    Wir sind THE DIGITALE, eine Full-Service-Agentur für digitales Marketing. Unser ausgezeichnetes Team verbindet Kreativität und Leidenschaft mit Performance und Daten- Know-How. Schnelligkeit und Innovationskraft mit Power und Trust. Zu unseren Referenzen gehören Acquia, Allianz, Daimler, Deloitte, Deutsche Telekom, ISPO, Microsoft, Messe München, Netgear, NürnbergMesse, Zeiss und viele mehr.
    No work
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €5,000
    Worked in Telecommunications (+6)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Performance Marketing, wie es sein sollte: Transparent. Persönlich. Effizient.

    Top awarded
    Wir steigern deine online Performance. Tracking, Analyse, Kampagnen-Setup und Optimierung. Von Google Analytics über Google Ads, Meta Ads, LinkedIn Ads und vieles mehr. Bei uns bist du mehr als ein Account - du bist Partner. Mit datengetriebenen Strategien, maßgeschneiderten Lösungen und leidenschaftlichem Einsatz erreichen wir gemeinsam deine Ziele.
    No work
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+1)
    From €3,690
    Worked in E-commerce (+8)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (4 reviews)

    Professionelle Softwareentwicklung mit Qualität aus Überzeugung

    Ihre Spezialisten für Webanwendungen Wir von djangsters entwickeln Webanwendungen, die wir auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zuschneiden. Dabei finden wir schlanke und performante Lösungen für komplexe Probleme. Seit 2013 unterstützen wir Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum mit Entwicklungs- und Beratungsleistungen. Als Full-Service-Agentur decken wir den gesamten Zyklus der Entwicklung komplexer Webanwendungen ab: vom Prototyping über die agile Umsetzung in Sprints bis hin zur dauerhaften Betreuung. "Menschenfreundliche IT" Wir bieten "Menschenfreundliche IT". Darunter verstehen wir eine transparente und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe. Auf der Basis von fundiertem technischen Know-how entwickeln wir attraktive Lösungen und bringen diese zu unseren Kunden. Dabei agieren wir entweder als IT-Sparringspartner und arbeiten eng mit dem Projektteam des Kunden zusammen oder steuern das Projekt eigenständig mit kurzen Feedbackzyklen. Spannende Arbeit in einem kompetenten Team Wir sind ein vielseitiges, begeisterungsfähiges und kreatives Team. Unser tiefes technisches Wissen kombiniert mit unserer dezentralen Arbeitsweise sorgt für ein spannendes und flexibles Arbeitsumfeld. Tag für Tag stellen wir uns den Problemen unserer Kunden und meistern sie gemeinsam mit ihnen. Unsere agilen Werkzeuge und treuen Begleiter sind Pythons, Elefanten und Atomkerne.
    No work
    Located in Cologne, Germany
    From €5,000
    Worked in Human Resources (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    Hello! We’re your hands-on partner for SEO, SEA, data tracking, CRM, e-commerce and web development.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Organic growth is the primary objective of all digital marketing efforts and only achieved by those who really understand their audience – and set realistic, measurable goals. That’s why we start every new job with extensive quantitative and qualitative research. Only then can we define specific KPIs with you. Only then can we implement truly sustainable search marketing strategies that are both user-centered and carefully crafted around your business values. Only then can we monitor our progress and get the results you want.
    No work
    Located in Vogtei, Germany
    From €3,000
    Worked in E-commerce (+9)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    Lean, Nimble, Reliable, Good Value

    Top awarded
    🇬🇧 Welcome to SWC Partnership. We develop marketing strategies and campaigns to accelerate your sales and brand awareness . SWC is a full service marketing agency that works as an extension of your team . We develop brand strategies , form integrated marketing plans , produce creative ideas , creative production , media planning/buying and campaign reporting . Our services are designed to be integrated into your existing infrastructure, either as a full service partner or for a specific discipline. Our expert teams are highly experienced in working across both B2B and B2C industries; whilst delivering international , national and local marketing solutions. We’re passionate about making a commercial difference to our clients and provide measurable and accountable marketing that drives ROI . We are headquartered in the UK and operate across Europe, with a special focus on the DACH region. We are a lean and nimble team of specialists, a boutique agency , part of UP, THERE EVERYWHERE , which is the first global cloud based agency . Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden , with a further 15 bases including Hamburg , Helsinki , London , New York , Dubai , Shanghai , Switzerland , Amsterdam and Palma among others. We offer a global agency solution whilst connecting you with teams locally . Providing local insight and appreciation of country nuances, we can plan, produce and deliver your international marketing programmes in each of your targeted countries and territories, as if you would in your home market. Through multilingual marketing managers and transcreation experts , we ensure your international sales & marketing is a success . Contact our Founding Partner, Simon Cristal to discuss your requirements.
    No work
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom (+6)
    From €1,000
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+13)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    360° app marketing consulting agency

    Top awarded
    REPLUG is a Berlin-based 360° app marketing consulting agency. We help mobile-first and traditional companies launch, scale, and optimize their mobile app growth through transparent and actionable frameworks. Our team of experts focuses on the following areas: 1. Growth Consulting: From Zero to Hero App Growth Audit App Launch Support Subscription and Onboarding Optimization 2. App Store Optimization: Boost Organic Visibility Managed ASO A/B Testing Screenshots Optimization 3. Paid User Acquisition: Fully Transparent Growth Paid Acquisition Audit Campaigns Management and Optimization (Meta, Google, Apple, TikTok, Twitter, Snap, Reddit, and more) Reporting and Data Visualization Creative Optimization 4. Mobile CRM and Retention: Automate Your App Growth Retention Strategy Audit Engagement Strategy Setup CRM Activities Implementation 5. Martech Infrastructure: Digital Hackers For Growth Activities iOS 14 and SKAN Support Tracking and Attribution Health Check Data Strategy Definition Marketing Infrastructure Setup Support 6. Creative Studio: Beautifully Designed Performance-driven Creatives Communication Strategy Creative Asset Design (2D and 3D) Ad Copy Strategy REPLUG has been recognized as a leading international app marketing consulting agency. We received the following awards: 1. Top mobile app marketing companies in 2021, 2022, and 2023 by Business of Apps 2. Top App Store Optimization companies in 2022 and 2023 by Business of Apps 3. Finalist for the best TikTok campaign in 2020 at App Growth Awards 4. Winner of the best retention and CRM campaign in 2021 at the App Growth Awards 5. Winner of the best-integrated mobile marketing campaign in 2021 at the Web Excellence Awards 6. Winner of the best mobile advertising campaign in 2022 at the Web Excellence Awards 7. Top TikTok marketing agency by Business of Apps 8. Finalist in three categories for App Growth Awards 2023: ASO company of the year, best user acquisition company, and app marketing campaign of the year 9. Finalist for 2023 Effective Mobile Marketing Magazine Awards: Most Effective App Install Campaign 10. Winner for the best mobile advertising campaign at the 2023 Web Excellence Awards Website: Specialties: Performance Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Mobile Advertising, CRM, Growth Strategy, Tracking & Attribution, Paid Social, Native Advertising, Mobile CRM, Retention, App Store Optimization, ASO, Apple Search Ads, Mobile CRM, App Marketing, AdTech, Mobile Tracking, Mobile Attribution, Digital Consulting, Creative Strategy, Creative & Content, and Mobile Growth Strategy
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Video games (+6)
    Speaks English, Czech
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Your trusted partner for guaranteed software delivery

    Top awarded
    ELEKS is a trusted global company that provides full-cycle software engineering outsourcing services, from ideation to finished products.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+15)
    From €20,000
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+9)
    Speaks English, French
    1001-5000 members
  • (0 review)

    Don't do what you can't measure

    Wir haben die Customer Journey Ihres Endkunden immer im Blick. Vom ersten Werbemittelkontakt über eine Landingexperience, mögliche Leadgenerierung, Leadmanagement, Marketing Automation, CRM bis runter zum ERP oder E-Commerce. Hierbei sind wir regelmäßig im digitalen Lead und Begleitung Ihren Endkunden vom Marketing über den Vertrieb bis in den Aftersales oder die Retention. Dies machen wir sowohl aus Sicht des Marketings (Mediabuying, Mediaplanung, Werbemittel, Zielgruppen, Content) als auch aus der technologischen Sicht (Marketing Automation, CRM Implementierung, Data Analytics, Tool Auswahl und Implementierung, Websitebegleitung). Wir bringen mit Marketing und Marketing Technology genau die beidem Bereiche zusammen, die es benötigt um digital erfolgreich zu sein. ----------- Growth Marketing: Mit Growth Marketing heben wir Ihr Marketing auf das Niveau eines digitalen Leaders. Die richtige Kommunikation an allen relevanten Touchpoints in der Customer Journey kann Ihnen dabei helfen, den Umsatz langfristig zu skalieren und zu steigern. Hier optimieren wir datengetrieben Ihren gesamten Marketing-Funnel: vom ersten digitalen Kontakt über Leads und Lead-Generierung bis hin zu Conversion und Retention. ----------- MarTech: Datengetriebene Customer-Journey-Kommunikation ist nur mit dem richtigen Marketing-Technologie-Stack möglich. Hier unterstützen wir Sie bei der Auswahl und Implementierung der entsprechenden Tools, um Ihnen Ihre Daten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Statt auf Eigenentwicklung zu setzen, verbinden wir bestehende Systeme über Middleware und APIs. Dies ist eine schnellere und günstigere Alternative. Einfaches Lean-Startup!
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Others (+6)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Delivering Digital Experiences

    Top awarded
    Founded in 2007, Peak Ace AG is a digital marketing agency headquartered in Berlin. More than 170 employees in Berlin, Paris and Nantes realise campaigns in over 25 languages at native speaker level. Creating unique digital experiences - that is Peak Ace's mission. Whether paid advertising (PPC), organic search (SEO), content marketing or marketing technology services - many years of experience paired with extensive technical expertise result in customised solutions for the agency's clients. In the constantly changing digital landscape, the digital strategy and AI solutions services in particular make it possible to fully utilise cross-channel expertise and achieve maximum efficiency. Peak Ace is characterised by innovative campaigns, which have been named "Most Innovative Campaign" and "Best Pan European Campaign" and awarded for the "Best Use of Search" - both on a national and international level. Through close collaboration with renowned brands such as Airbnb, TUI, Sage, AutoScout24 and Luxair, as well as consistently excellent performance, Peak Ace has established itself at the forefront of the marketing industry and was honoured as "Multi-Territory Agency of the Year" in 2023, among other awards.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+7)
    Speaks English, Albanian
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (2 reviews)

    Im Fokus stehen zeitlose, ästhetische und funktionale Lösungen mit nachhaltiger Wirkung.

    typoint ist ein Atelier für Gestaltung und Typografie. Im Fokus stehen zeitlose, ästhetische und funktionale Lösungen mit nachhaltiger Wirkung. Klare und ästhetische visuelle Kommunikation ist einer der Schwerpunkte von typoint. Dabei lassen wir die Kraft der Typografie wirken und erzielen so zeitlose Ergebnisse. Darüber hinaus beschäftigen wir uns intensiv mit der Entwicklung des analogen und digitalen Leseverhaltens. Egal ob es sich um ein Magazin, ein Buch, Geschäftsberichte oder digitale Erlebnisse handelt – wir bringen Ihr Projekt zum Leben, indem wir es von der Konzeption über die Gestaltung bis zur Umsetzung begleiten. Im engen Austausch bleiben wir auf dem neuesten Stand, um Ihre Projekte optimal umzusetzen. Seit 2017 widmen wir uns auf unserer Designkonferenz FURE – The Future of Reading der faszinierenden Welt des Lesens in der Zukunft. Renommierte Sprecher*innen aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen legen hier rund 250 Teilnehmenden ihre aktuellen Standpunkte dar und regen zur Diskussion an. Patrick ist einer der beiden Co-Autoren des Buches Das ABC der Typografie, das alle Grundlagen der Typografie abdeckt. Außerdem recherchieren wir kontinuierlich aktuelle Entwicklungen für unsere Kolumne über nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung im Grafikmagazin. Wir haben unter anderem gearbeitet für: Die Andere Bibliothek, DIE ZEIT, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Les Couleurs Suisse AG, Stiftung Buchkunst, Stiftung Nächste Gesellschaft, Theatergemeinde Berlin. ------- Unser Typografie-Fokus verbindet all unsere analogen und digitalen Projekte.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Management Consulting (+6)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    European digital marketing agency

    We are an international digital marketing agency. We hire the best talent worldwide to help forward-thinking companies grow business online.
    No work
    Located in Helsinki, Finland (+1)
    From €1,000
    Worked in Others
    Speaks English, Danish
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (18 reviews)

    Wir stehen für digitale Kommunikation. Und bieten Lösungen von A bis Z - seit 1997.

    Top awarded
    Wir stehen für digitale Kommunikation. Von A bis Z. Seit 1997 begleiten wir Marken und Unternehmen im digitalen Wandel. Als Lotse stehen wir Ihnen dabei mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Wir kümmern uns um Analyse und Strategie , übernehmen Kreation und Produktion und sorgen für Distribution und Media . Dabei können sich unsere Kunden genau für die Lösungen entscheiden, die sie wirklich brauchen. Somit bieten wir Ihnen alle Disziplinen, die für eine moderne Kommunikation erforderlich sind, aus einer Hand an. Ob Content-Audit, Content-Marketing, Social-Media-Marketing, Website-Konzeption, Dynamic Video- und Audioproduktion, Digital Signage, Google Advertising, Social Media Advertising, Display- oder Programmatic Advertising. Was immer unsere Kunden bewegt, gemeinsam sorgen wir für eine passende Lösung. Ganz besonders stolz sind wir auf zufriedene Kunden, lange Kundenbeziehungen, unsere Projekte und natürlich unsere Mitarbeiter – und ein klein wenig auch auf unsere Awards. Obwohl die bei uns immer die zweite Geige spielen. Denn die erste spielen unsere Kunden und Projekte. Unser Erfolg spiegelt sich auch in den aktuellen Ranglisten wider. Im Internetagentur-Ranking des Bundesverbandes Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW) ist add2 Top-10-Agentur des Rankings für Marketing und Branding - ergänzend dazu hat dieser wichtige Branchenverband unsere Agentur als "Trusted Agency" ausgezeichnet.
    No work
    Located in Düsseldorf, Germany
    From €5,000
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks German, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    be found - be digital Digitale Perfomance Marketing Strategie

    Die digitale Welt befindet sich in einem konstanten Wandel: Trends kommen und gehen und nahezu täglich entstehen neue Möglichkeiten im Online Marketing. Was heute „in“ ist, kann morgen schon „out“ sein. Unsere Digital Marketing Agentur bringt das notwendige Feingespür mit, um solch lukrative Entwicklungen bereits im Ansatz zu erkennen. Mit uns gelingt Ihnen der digitale Fortschritt. Nutzen Sie Google Ads? Ist Ihre Content-Strategie effektiv? Nutzen Sie die sozialen Medien richtig? Sind Ihre Seiten Conversion Rate optimiert? Wir haben die Antworten auf Ihre Fragen. Seit über 20 Jahren ist unsere Inhabergeführte Agentur im digitalen Marketing in Hamburg und Berlin tätig und wir erfüllen seit 1999 die Werbewünsche unserer Kunden. Unsere hochqualifizierten Digital Marketing Consultants unterstützen Sie mit ihrem umfangreichen Wissen, von A wie Anzeige bis Z wie Zielgruppe. So gewährleisten wir Ihnen eine ganzheitliche Beratung rund ums digitale performance Marketing. Dabei achtet unser Team immer auf eine nachhaltige und wertschätzende Zusammenarbeit. Wir setzen auf verbindliche Ziele, die wir offen mit Ihnen kommunizieren. Ehrlichkeit wird bei uns großgeschrieben und transparent gelebt! Erfolgreiches Digital Marketing setzt ein durchdachtes Konzept voraus. Alle Rädchen müssen ineinandergreifen, um eine funktionierende Einheit zu bilden. Unsere Digital Marketing Agentur analysiert Ihre Zielgruppe und erstellt Ihnen eine passende Marketing-Strategie. Zudem verbessern wir Ihre Suchmaschinen-Rankings und führen viele weitere Optimierungen durch.
    No work
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+1)
    From €1,000
    Worked in Real Estate (+9)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • Ihr verdient einen Partner, der die Komplexität des digitalen Marktes versteht und weiß, wie man in diesem speziellen Feld erfolgreich navigiert. Wir kombinieren Kreativen und datengetriebenen Strategien, um eure Website oder Social Media Kampagne erfolgreich zu machen.
    No work
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members

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Insights from a Berlin Expert: Mastering Data Reporting

Berlin, a hotbed for technological innovation and startup culture, is also shaping up as a hub for excellence in data reporting. This city, known for its vibrant tech scene, hosts numerous agencies skilled in translating complex data into actionable business insights.

Accolades in the Berlin Data Reporting Arena

Recognition and Awards

In Berlin, local data reporting agencies have not only partnered with leading global enterprises but have also bagged prestigious awards. These accolades are a testament to their high standards and success in delivering comprehensive data solutions that drive business growth. Whether it's enhancements in data visualization or innovations in data integration, these agencies are at the forefront of the data reporting field.

Who's Who: Client Success Stories

Transformative Collaborations

The expertise of Berlin's data reporting agencies is demonstrated through their impressive roster of clients, ranging from burgeoning startups to established multinational corporations. These agencies have executed data strategies that refine customer engagement, optimize operational efficiency, and amplify profitability—transforming data into a valuable asset for client decision-making.

Investing in Data Reporting: Budget Considerations

Allocating the Right Resources

Understanding the cost structure associated with professional data reporting services is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their data-driven decision-making processes. In Berlin, the investment varies significantly based on the complexity and scale of the data projects. Smaller projects might range from €2,000 to €10,000, involving basic data collection and reporting services. For more intricate needs, such as comprehensive data integration and advanced analytics services, businesses might need to allocate anywhere from €10,000 to over €50,000.

It's advisable for companies to define clear objectives and expected outcomes from the beginning to align budgeting with business goals effectively. Enterprises should also consider the long-term value of enhanced data capabilities, which often lead to significant ROI through optimized operations and strategic insights.

Berlin continues to set benchmarks in the data reporting domain, backed by a robust ecosystem of skilled data reporting agencies. The city's blend of technical prowess and innovative spirit ensures that whether you are an emerging startup or a global player, you can find the right agency to turn your data into a strategic powerhouse. As a local expert associated with Sortlist, I encourage businesses to explore the vibrant landscape of Berlin's data reporting specialists to unlock their full potential.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BerlinLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Data reporting consultants in Berlin typically follow a structured and collaborative approach to understand their clients' unique needs and tailor their services accordingly. This process usually involves several key steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: Consultants begin with an in-depth meeting to discuss the client's business objectives, challenges, and current data landscape. This helps establish a foundational understanding of the client's situation.
  2. Needs Assessment: A thorough analysis is conducted to identify specific data reporting requirements, key performance indicators (KPIs), and any existing gaps in the client's data infrastructure.
  3. Stakeholder Interviews: Consultants often engage with various stakeholders across the organization to gain diverse perspectives on data needs and usage patterns.
  4. Data Audit: A comprehensive review of the client's current data sources, quality, and management processes is performed to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Customized Solution Design: Based on the gathered insights, consultants develop a tailored data reporting strategy that aligns with the client's goals and addresses their unique challenges.
  6. Prototype and Feedback: Consultants often create prototype reports or dashboards to demonstrate their proposed solutions and gather client feedback for further refinement.
  7. Implementation and Training: Once the solution is approved, consultants guide the implementation process and provide training to ensure the client can effectively use and maintain the new reporting system.
  8. Continuous Improvement: Regular check-ins and performance reviews are conducted to ensure the solution continues to meet the client's evolving needs.

In Berlin's dynamic business environment, data reporting consultants often emphasize:

  • Industry-Specific Expertise: Many consultants specialize in sectors prominent in Berlin, such as technology, creative industries, or startups, enabling them to provide more targeted insights.
  • Data Privacy Compliance: Given the strict data protection regulations in Germany and the EU, consultants pay particular attention to ensuring all data reporting solutions are GDPR-compliant.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: To cater to Berlin's international business community, many consultants offer services in multiple languages, facilitating clear communication and understanding.
  • Innovation Focus: Berlin's reputation as a tech hub influences consultants to stay at the forefront of data reporting technologies and methodologies.

According to a recent survey by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK Berlin), 78% of businesses in the city reported that tailored data reporting solutions significantly improved their decision-making processes. This underscores the importance of the personalized approach taken by data reporting consultants in Berlin.

By following this comprehensive process, data reporting consultants in Berlin ensure that their services are not only tailored to each client's unique needs but also aligned with local business practices and regulatory requirements, ultimately driving better data-driven decision-making for their clients.

Data reporting is crucial for businesses in Berlin to make informed decisions, but there are several common pitfalls that companies should be aware of. Here are some key challenges and strategies to avoid them:

  1. Data Overload: Berlin's diverse business landscape generates vast amounts of data. Companies often fall into the trap of reporting on too many metrics, leading to confusion and diluted insights.

    Solution: Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals. For example, a Berlin-based e-commerce startup might prioritize conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition cost.

  2. Lack of Context: Data without context can be misleading, especially in a dynamic market like Berlin.

    Solution: Always provide relevant context, such as historical data, industry benchmarks, or local market trends. For instance, a 5% increase in foot traffic for a retail store in Mitte might be significant during a typically slow season.

  3. Inconsistent Data Collection: With Berlin's multicultural workforce, inconsistencies in data collection methods can lead to unreliable reports.

    Solution: Implement standardized data collection processes and provide clear guidelines to ensure consistency across all departments and teams.

  4. Ignoring Data Quality: Poor data quality can lead to flawed analyses and misguided decisions.

    Solution: Regularly audit your data for accuracy, completeness, and relevance. Consider using data validation tools and implementing data governance practices.

  5. Neglecting Data Privacy: Berlin businesses must be particularly mindful of data privacy regulations, including GDPR and local laws.

    Solution: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations, obtain necessary consents, and anonymize sensitive data when reporting.

  6. Poor Data Visualization: Complex data presented poorly can hinder understanding and decision-making.

    Solution: Invest in effective data visualization tools and training. Use clear, intuitive charts and graphs that convey information at a glance.

  7. Lack of Real-time Reporting: In Berlin's fast-paced business environment, relying on outdated information can be detrimental.

    Solution: Implement real-time or near-real-time reporting systems to enable agile decision-making. This is particularly crucial for industries like tech startups or digital marketing agencies in Berlin.

  8. Ignoring External Factors: Berlin's business landscape is influenced by various external factors, from local events to global trends.

    Solution: Incorporate relevant external data into your reports. For example, a hospitality business might correlate their performance with major events like Berlin Fashion Week or IFA.

  9. Failure to Act on Insights: Collecting and reporting data is pointless if it doesn't lead to action.

    Solution: Develop a culture of data-driven decision-making. Ensure that reports include actionable recommendations and follow up on the implementation of these insights.

By being aware of these common pitfalls and implementing the suggested solutions, Berlin businesses can significantly improve their data reporting practices. This will lead to more informed decision-making, improved operational efficiency, and ultimately, better business outcomes in the competitive Berlin market.

Remember, effective data reporting is an ongoing process. Regularly review and refine your reporting strategies to ensure they continue to meet your business needs and adapt to the evolving Berlin business landscape.

Successful data reporting companies in Berlin employ a range of sophisticated strategies to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their data. These strategies are crucial in maintaining Berlin's reputation as a hub for data-driven innovation and decision-making. Here are some key approaches used by top-tier data reporting firms in the German capital:

  1. Data Validation and Cleansing: Berlin-based companies implement rigorous data validation processes to identify and correct errors, inconsistencies, and duplications. They often use specialized software tools developed by local tech startups to automate this process, ensuring efficiency and thoroughness.
  2. Multi-Source Data Verification: To enhance reliability, companies cross-reference data from multiple sources. This is particularly important in Berlin, where data can come from various government agencies, research institutions, and private sector organizations.
  3. Continuous Data Quality Monitoring: Leading firms in Berlin implement real-time data quality monitoring systems. These systems use AI and machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies and potential issues as they arise, allowing for immediate corrective action.
  4. Strict Data Governance Policies: Berlin's data reporting companies adhere to stringent data governance frameworks, often aligning with both German and EU regulations like the GDPR. This includes clear data ownership, access controls, and audit trails.
  5. Advanced Analytics and Statistical Techniques: Companies employ sophisticated statistical methods to identify outliers, trends, and patterns that might indicate data quality issues. This often involves collaboration with Berlin's world-class universities and research institutions.
  6. Regular Audits and Third-Party Verification: Many Berlin-based firms undergo regular external audits and seek third-party verification of their data processes. This not only ensures accuracy but also builds trust with clients and stakeholders.
  7. Invest in Skilled Personnel: Berlin's competitive job market means companies invest heavily in hiring and training data specialists, statisticians, and data scientists who are experts in ensuring data quality and reliability.
  8. Cutting-edge Technology Adoption: Berlin's data reporting companies are often early adopters of new technologies. For instance, blockchain is being explored by some firms to create immutable data trails, enhancing data integrity and traceability.
  9. Client Collaboration and Feedback Loops: Successful companies in Berlin maintain open lines of communication with their clients, encouraging feedback on data quality and incorporating this input into their quality assurance processes.
  10. Compliance with Industry Standards: Many Berlin-based data reporting firms adhere to international standards such as ISO 8000 for data quality and ISO/IEC 25012 for data quality models, ensuring their practices meet global benchmarks.

By implementing these strategies, data reporting companies in Berlin not only ensure the accuracy and reliability of their data but also maintain a competitive edge in the global market. The city's unique ecosystem of tech innovation, academic excellence, and stringent regulatory environment contributes to making Berlin a leader in trustworthy data reporting practices.