The 10 Best Elixir Development Firms in Berlin - 2024 Reviews

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  • 4.9
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    Moin! Wir sind - eine Full-Stack-Softwareagentur aus Hamburgs pulsierender HafenCity.

    Highly recommended
    Moin! Willkommen bei 🌊 Wir sind deine Full-Stack-Softwareagentur aus der lebendigen HafenCity in Hamburg. Bei uns steht deine Vision im Mittelpunkt – wir setzen sie in digitale Realität um, mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen, die sowohl funktional als auch benutzerfreundlich sind. Wer wir sind Wir sind ein junges, dynamisches Team von Softwareentwicklern und Innovatoren. Mit Neugierde und Entdeckungsgeist bringen wir technologische Exzellenz in jedes Projekt. Unsere Mission? Lösungen zu schaffen, die wirklich funktionieren und deinen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Unsere Expertise Unser technisches Know-how umfasst unter anderem: Backend-Sprachen : Python, Golang, C# Frontend-Frameworks : React, Vue, Flutter (Dart) Datenbanktechnologien : MySQL, NoSQL Das sind nur einige Beispiele unseres Technologie Stacks. Wenn du nach einer bestimmten Technologie suchst oder mehr über unsere Expertise erfahren möchtest, wende dich gerne an uns! Unsere interne Kreativagentur: 🎨 Wir leben für Design. Jedes Projekt ist für uns eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, etwas Außergewöhnliches zu schaffen. Mit Hingabe und akribischer Detailverliebtheit erwecken wir deine Ideen auf beeindruckende Weise zum Leben. Mit einem Auge für das Neue und einem Gespür für das Zeitlose gestalten wir Designs, die nicht nur beeindrucken, sondern auch nachhaltig wirken. Gemeinsam mit arbeiten wir Hand in Hand, um dir ganzheitliche Lösungen zu bieten, die Technologie und Design nahtlos verbinden. So entstehen digitale Erlebnisse, die sowohl funktional als auch ästhetisch herausragend sind. Warum wir? Weil wir mehr als nur externe Entwickler sind. Wir sind Partner, die mit dir auf Augenhöhe arbeiten, deine Herausforderungen verstehen und gemeinsam innovative Lösungen entwickeln. Bei uns gibt es keine starren Strukturen – Flexibilität und Kreativität sind unser Markenzeichen. Lust auf Zusammenarbeit? Wir freuen uns darauf, mit dir spannende Projekte anzugehen und deine Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen. Lass uns gemeinsam Großes schaffen!
    Looking for work in Elixir Development
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1,000 for Elixir Development
    Worked in Others (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Ihre Vision, unser Know-how

    Vention ist ein führendes Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen mit Sitz in den USA und weiteren Standorten in Europa, darunter auch Berlin und Wien. Seit über 20 Jahren unterstützen wir VC-finanzierte, dynamische Startups, KMUs und Großunternehmen weltweit dabei, ihre digitale Transformation voranzutreiben. Wir stellen unseren Kunden engagierte, dedizierte Entwicklerteams zur Seite, darunter auch IT-Teams mit sehr spezifischem technischen Know-how und umfangreicher Erfahrung in zukunftsweisenden Technologien wie Blockchain, AR/VR, KI/ML oder IoT. Ganz gleich, ob unsere Kunden ihre Produktentwicklung starten oder ihr Unternehmen skalieren möchten, wir stellen ihnen maßgeschneiderte Teams zur Seite, die die vielfältigen IT-Herausforderungen zu bewältigen wissen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren sind wir Mitgestalter des digitalen Wandels. Mit wachsender Anzahl an Kunden und Projekten wächst auch unser Team. So bieten wir mittlerweile Zugang zu weltweit mehr als 3.000 Entwicklern in über 20 Niederlassungen. Unser Angebot umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Leistungen: • Individuelle Softwareentwicklung • Webentwicklung • Mobile App-Entwicklung • Cloud-Entwicklung • UI-/UX-Design • Software-Qualitätssicherung und -Testing Dabei legen wir stets großen Wert auf individuelle Konzepte und anspruchsvolle Designs. Im Rahmen der individuellen Softwareentwicklung realisieren wir auch innovative und branchenspezifische IT-Projekte - basierend auf unserer umfassenden Erfahrung in mehr als 30 Branchen und unseres erstklassigen Know-hows in zukunftsweisenden Technologien. Was Vention von anderen Dienstleistern unterscheidet: • Vention ist seit 2002 in der Branche tätig und verlässlicher Partner in allen Technologie-Fragen. • Die durchschnittliche Dauer der Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden beträgt 36 Monate. • Wir blicken bereits auf mehr als 500 erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte zurück. • 71 % unserer IT-Experten sind Senior-Experten und Teamleiter. Haben Sie Fragen oder möchten weitere Details besprechen? Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail unter Wir melden uns schnellstmöglich zurück, um die Details zu Ihrem Projekt zu besprechen.
    Looking for work in Elixir Development
    Located in New York, United States (+4)
    From €1,000 for Elixir Development
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    1001-5000 members

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Backend Software Dev for FinTech Company

Backend Software Dev for FinTech Company

Frequently Asked Questions.

The Elixir ecosystem plays a crucial role in supporting rapid application development, and this is particularly evident in Berlin's thriving tech scene. As a hub for innovation and technology in Germany, Berlin has seen a growing adoption of Elixir for building scalable and maintainable applications quickly. Here's how the Elixir ecosystem contributes to rapid development:

1. Phoenix Framework:

At the heart of rapid Elixir development is the Phoenix framework. It allows developers in Berlin to quickly build feature-rich, high-performance web applications. Phoenix's productivity features include:

  • Live View for real-time UI updates without JavaScript
  • Generators for scaffolding code
  • Built-in testing tools for robust development
2. Package Manager (Hex):

Hex, Elixir's package manager, provides a vast collection of reusable libraries and tools. Berlin-based developers can leverage these packages to accelerate development by not reinventing the wheel for common functionalities.

3. OTP (Open Telecom Platform):

OTP, which comes bundled with Elixir, offers battle-tested patterns for building concurrent and distributed systems. This is particularly valuable for Berlin's startups and scale-ups looking to create robust, fault-tolerant applications quickly.

4. Ecto:

Ecto, Elixir's database wrapper and query generator, simplifies database interactions. It supports rapid prototyping and iteration, which is crucial for Berlin's fast-paced development environment.

5. Mix Build Tool:

Mix streamlines project management, dependency handling, and task automation. It's an essential tool for Berlin developers focusing on rapid application development and continuous integration.

6. Community and Resources:

Berlin boasts a growing Elixir community, with regular meetups and events like 'Elixir Berlin'. This community support, coupled with extensive online resources, accelerates the learning curve and problem-solving process for developers.

7. Interoperability:

Elixir's ability to interoperate with Erlang and integrate with other languages through ports or NIFs allows Berlin developers to leverage existing codebases and libraries, speeding up development.

AspectImpact on Rapid Development
Concurrency ModelEnables building highly concurrent applications with less code
Functional ProgrammingPromotes code reusability and easier testing
Hot Code ReloadingAllows updates without stopping the application, reducing downtime
Pattern MatchingSimplifies complex data handling, reducing development time

In conclusion, the Elixir ecosystem's comprehensive tooling, robust framework, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for rapid application development in Berlin. Its ability to handle high-concurrency and build scalable systems aligns well with the city's innovative tech projects, from fintech startups to large-scale enterprise applications. As Berlin continues to establish itself as a major European tech hub, the adoption of Elixir for rapid and efficient development is likely to grow further.

In the thriving tech scene of Berlin, where Elixir development is gaining traction, implementing robust testing and quality assurance (QA) practices is crucial for delivering high-quality software. Here are some best practices for testing and QA in Elixir development projects:

1. Embrace Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Berlin's innovative tech culture aligns well with Test-Driven Development. In Elixir projects:

  • Write tests before implementing features
  • Use ExUnit, Elixir's built-in test framework
  • Aim for high test coverage, typically above 80%
2. Implement Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Many Berlin-based companies use CI/CD to ensure code quality:

  • Integrate with popular CI tools like GitLab CI or GitHub Actions
  • Automate test runs on every commit
  • Set up automated deployments for successful builds
3. Utilize Property-Based Testing

For complex systems, property-based testing is invaluable:

  • Use libraries like PropCheck or StreamData
  • Define properties your code should satisfy
  • Automatically generate test cases
4. Perform Static Code Analysis

Berlin's focus on code quality extends to static analysis:

  • Integrate Credo for style checking and code consistency
  • Use Dialyzer for type checking and finding potential bugs
  • Consider SonarQube for comprehensive code quality analysis
5. Implement Comprehensive Unit Testing

Thorough unit testing is a cornerstone of Elixir development:

  • Test individual modules and functions in isolation
  • Use mocking libraries like Mox for handling dependencies
  • Aim for fast-running unit tests to encourage frequent runs
6. Conduct Integration and End-to-End Testing

For Berlin's interconnected tech ecosystem:

  • Use Hound or Wallaby for browser-based testing
  • Implement API testing with libraries like HTTPoison
  • Consider Phoenix integration testing for web applications
7. Performance Testing and Optimization

Berlin's competitive market demands high-performance applications:

  • Use Benchee for benchmarking critical parts of your application
  • Implement load testing with tools like k6 or Gatling
  • Monitor performance metrics in production environments
8. Code Reviews and Pair Programming

Leverage Berlin's collaborative tech culture:

  • Implement regular code reviews
  • Practice pair programming for complex features
  • Use tools like GitHub or GitLab for streamlined review processes
9. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing

In Berlin's diverse tech community, clear documentation is crucial:

  • Use ExDoc for generating documentation from code comments
  • Maintain up-to-date README files and user guides
  • Implement a knowledge base or wiki for project-specific information
10. Security Testing

With Berlin's focus on data protection:

  • Conduct regular security audits
  • Use tools like Sobelow for security-focused static analysis
  • Implement penetration testing for critical applications

By adhering to these best practices, Elixir development teams in Berlin can ensure they're delivering high-quality, robust, and secure applications. Remember, the key is to integrate these practices into your development workflow consistently and to stay updated with the evolving Elixir ecosystem and Berlin tech scene.

Elixir, a functional programming language built on the Erlang VM, excels in facilitating the creation of distributed systems and microservices architectures. This is particularly relevant for Berlin's thriving tech scene, where scalable and robust solutions are in high demand. Here's how Elixir supports these modern architectural paradigms:

1. Built-in Concurrency Model
  • Elixir leverages the actor model, allowing developers to create lightweight, concurrent processes that can handle millions of connections simultaneously.
  • This is crucial for Berlin-based companies dealing with high-traffic applications or IoT systems.
2. Fault Tolerance and Self-Healing
  • Elixir's 'Let it crash' philosophy, inherited from Erlang, enables the creation of self-healing systems.
  • Supervisors monitor and restart failed processes, ensuring high availability – a critical feature for Berlin's fintech and e-commerce sectors.
3. Hot Code Swapping
  • Elixir allows for updating code in running systems without downtime, perfect for continuous deployment practices popular among Berlin startups.
4. Distributed Computing
  • Elixir makes it easy to create distributed applications that can run across multiple nodes, ideal for Berlin's cloud-native development landscape.
  • The language provides tools like GenServer and Task for managing distributed state and computations.
5. Phoenix Framework
  • Phoenix, Elixir's web framework, is designed for building scalable, real-time applications and APIs – essential for microservices architectures.
  • It's being adopted by several Berlin-based companies for creating responsive and performant web services.
6. Message Passing
  • Elixir's message passing mechanism facilitates communication between microservices, aligning well with event-driven architectures popular in Berlin's tech ecosystem.
7. Clustering and Node Discovery
  • Elixir provides libraries like libcluster for automatic node discovery and clustering, simplifying the deployment of distributed systems in cloud environments commonly used by Berlin tech firms.

In the context of Berlin's tech industry, Elixir's capabilities are particularly valuable. The city's startup ecosystem, with its focus on scalable and innovative solutions, finds Elixir's strengths in distributed systems and microservices architectures highly advantageous. Companies in sectors like fintech, e-commerce, and IoT are increasingly leveraging Elixir to build robust, scalable, and maintainable systems that can handle Berlin's growing digital demands.

According to a 2023 survey by the Berlin Tech Alliance, there's been a 30% increase in the adoption of Elixir for microservices architectures among Berlin-based startups over the past two years. This trend underscores the language's growing importance in the local tech landscape and its effectiveness in addressing the challenges of modern, distributed system design.