The 10 Best LinkedIn Strategy Consultants in Brussels - 2024 Reviews

Top LinkedIn Strategy Consultants in Brussels

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All LinkedIn Strategy Agencies in Brussels

  • 4.9
    (42 reviews)

    Aantrekkelijke communicatie

    Verruimende concepten, designs en content: aantrekkelijke communicatie Wij zijn Graviteit , creatieve wezens die de krachten bundelen om bij elk project het onderste uit de kan te halen. Ons doel als communicatiebureau : zorgen dat jouw bedrijf niet blijft zweven tussen de veelheid aan concurrentie. Samen plaatsen we jouw onderneming op de kaart! Maar vrees niet, we blijven met beide voetjes op de grond. Klaar om samen aan de slag te gaan met jouw communicatie? Sterke communicatie komt enkel tot zijn recht wanneer deze  op maat  van jouw bedrijf is. Niet elke aanpak werkt voor jouw onderneming. Daar is Graviteit zich van bewust. Daarom plaatsen we elke klant in het  middelpunt  van zijn eigen sterrenstelsel. We willen weten welke krachten er van werking zijn en wat er leeft in jouw omgeving. Dit is noodzakelijk voor stevig uitgebouwde communicatie. Enkel zo kan jouw bedrijf  groeien   binnen het universum . We geloven in een  open  en  transparante  manier van communiceren. Het is ons doel om boeiende en succesvolle samenwerkingen tot stand te laten komen. Het spreekt voor zich dat we steeds inzetten op een  partnership op lange termijn , en dat we als communicatiebureau werk afleveren waar we fier op zijn. Overtuigd? Of nog net dat extra duwtje in de rug nodig?  Laten we afspreken, en wie weet voel jij de aantrekking tot Graviteit!   Broadening concepts, design and content: attracting communication. We are Graviteit , creative beings combining their strengths to get the most out of every project. Our goal as a communication agency ? To make sure that your business doesn’t hover among all your competitors. Together, we pin your business on the map! But fear not, we’ll keep our feet on solid ground. We can’t wait to launch your company’s communication.  Communication only works out great when it is  customized for your business . Not every approach is fitting for each company. Graviteit is aware of this. That is why we place each customer at the centre of his own galaxy . We want to know which forces affect you, and what is going on in your field. This is necessary to develop a strong communication model . Only by doing this can we make your company  grow within the universe . We believe in  open and transparent communication . Our goal is to create fascinating and successful collaborations . It goes without saying that we are always aiming for  long-term partnerships , and that we want to deliver projects that we are proud of. Convinced? Or do you just need that extra push?  Let’s meet, and hopefully you feel the attraction to Graviteit!
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+23)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    We create performant video content

    Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes leaders dans la création de campagnes vidéos de + en + PERFORMANTES, grâce à un modèle d’AB testing unique que nous avons développé. Duckmotion crée du contenu vidéo optimisé. L’entièreté de la production et de la diffusion se fait en interne. Nous gérons également vos budgets de campagne. Nous sommes une équipe polyvalente ! Du motion design au digital marketing. Nous offrons d'autres services complémentaires à la production de vidéo. Notre équipe crée du contenu vidéo original qui atteint vos KPIs et séduit les algorithmes. La performance ne s’improvise pas. Elle se travaille. Le processus de création: Tout au long du processus de création, nous avons une relation avec le client qui valide chaque étape! Nous ajustons la création de contenu selon vos envies/désirs, grâce à la maîtrise de nombreuses compétences (storyboard - script - copywriting - analyse marketing - illustration - graphisme - animation - musique - voix-off - bruitage - référencement). Notre objectif est de livrer le produit final en deux semaines. Nos services: La société VIVIOU a développé le projet Duckmotion en 2014. Spécialisée dans le graphisme, le motion design, l'illustration et le digital marketing, Duckmotion a vite prit une place importante dans la société pour s'imposer en 2016 en leader dans l'activité de l'entreprise.  Production vidéo : motion design, film, interview, 3D, vidéo interactive, screencast, film corporate,... Digital marketing : SEA, SEO, content strategy, community management, campagnes e-mailing,... Création d'identité visuelle, création de site web,... Ils nous font confiance : VOO, RTBF, Greenpeace, Bruxelles Formation, Huawei, Daoust, Ville de Bruxelles, Aedes, Croix-Rouge, Canada Embassy, l'UCL, Crewbooking, AF Golf, REB, MPLEO, ... Découvrez notre portfolio sur notre site web.      
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium (+3)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+26)
    Speaks French, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    The creative & performance agency for leading brands, now & tomorrow.

    Top awarded
    Digital Leader is een strategisch online marketing bureau dat op basis van data en merkstrategie de digitale leiders van morgen creërt.
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Haaltert, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Sports (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (8 reviews)

    Digital Growth Agency

    Devcom-Media est une agence web active dans quatre grands pôles du secteur digital . Le développement de solution web et mobile, comme des sites internet , des marketplaces , des applications mobiles ou tout type de projet web nécessitant l’expertise de nos codeurs. Ensuite, le pôle de marketing stratégique , où nous implémentons du contenu de qualité sur votre site aligné avec votre cible. Nous fournissons aussi un plan de communication stratégique et des outils d’acquisition de trafic en fonction de vos besoins. Nous mettons en place des stratégies multicanales au travers des réseaux sociaux (organique et payant SEM), de l’E-mailing, des influenceurs et du référencement gratuit et payant (SEO et SEA). Devcom-Media est aussi équipé d’un studio graphique à la pointe de la technologie, pour tous les besoins de création d’identité visuelle, de branding de votre marque, jusqu’à la retouche de visuel existant et du support à la création de web et print.   Finalement, nous proposons un service d’outsourcing , pour aider les entreprises qui cherchent une vraie expertise pour la gestion de leurs sites. Nous nous occupons de l’encodage de données sur vos sites, du maniement des bases de données et de leurs entretiens et de la gestion de vos E-commerces comme de l’analyse des données de celui-ci. Ce service s’adresse aux entreprises qui désirent avoir une gestion professionnelle et performante de leurs outils digitaux. Nous espérons pouvoir collaborer dans le futur et amener votre projet à une solution concrète et aboutie qui apportera une réelle valeur ajoutée à vos clients. ------ Devcom-Media is a web agency working over four of the main digital themes . First of all, the web and mobile development such as websites, mobile apps, marketplaces , or any type of web project needing the skills of our developers. Following up is the strategic marketing where we implement quality content that is aligned with your targeted audience on your website. We offer a strategic communication plan and traffic acquisition tools according to your business needs. We will create multi-channel strategy thanks to the social networks (SEM), e-mailing systems, organic and paid search (SEO and SEA).  Our offices are also geared with the latest graphic studio, for all your projects that would require graphic work. From the branding and the visual identity of your company to slightly modifying already existing visuals our teams will help you with graphic creation in both web and print. Last but not least, we offer outsourcing services to help companies that seek a professional management of their websites . We will encode content and data onto your websites with all the technical requirements, we will manage and maintain your databases and your E-commerce services. We will also be analysing your traffic on a daily basis and providing monthly reports with insights on your website’s performance and how to improve it. This service is aimed at businesses that desire to have a professional and efficient management of their digital tools. We hope that we will be able to work with you in the future to bring your project to a real and finished solution that will bring a real added value to both your company and your customers. ------ Devcom-Media is een digitaal communicatiebureau dat actief is in de vier belangrijkste sectoren van de digitale wereld . Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van web- en mobiele oplossingen, zoals websites, marketplaces, mobiele applicaties of elk type project waarvoor de expertise van onze codeerders vereist is. Wij zijn ook actief op het gebied van strategische marketing waarbij we content implementeren op uw website dat is afgestemd op uw doelgroep. We bieden een strategisch communicatieplan aan en hulpmiddelen voor verkeersverwerving op uw website, afhankelijk van de behoeften van uw bedrijf. Wij creëren onze strategieën op verschillende kanalen dankzij ons expertise op het gebied van social networks (SEM), e-mailsystemen, organische en betaalde zoekresultaten (SEO en SEA).   Ons team bestaat ook uit top professionelen op het gebied van creatie , branding en het opmaken van de visuele identiteit van uw bedrijf. Ten slotte bieden we een outsourcing-service aan om bedrijven te helpen met een echte expertise in het beheren van websites . Wij zorgen voor de codering van gegevens op uw website, het beheer van de databases en uw e-commerce, evenals de cijferanalyse van uw digitale activiteiten. We hopen in de toekomst samen te werken en uw project tot een concrete en succesvolle oplossing te brengen.
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Forest, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Human Resources (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (4 reviews)

    87seconds, The Creative Content House

    87seconds is a social-led creative and production  house expert in ATAWADAC content (Any Time, Any Where, Any Device, Any Culture). From strategy, to creation, production, post-production, and localization, our 360° offer, 100% in house , allow us to create content and campaigns that make people feel all across the user journey. We engage with people on all strategic & relevant touchpoints. We are powered by in-house production capabilities with our owned studios dedicated to: 🎙 sound  📸 photo  🎥 video. We create and produce - Global 360° campaign to impact brand love and business - Social content to engage & entertain communities - Internal campaign to federate audiences - BtoB campaign to drive leadership & business - Campaign adaptation to create cultural relevance  Our methods in 4 steps 1 - MARKET INSIGHTS & STRATEGY Identify trends and innovations / Understand each market’s specific needs / Define insights / Build the strategy 2 - CREATIVE SMART CONTENT Define a strong creative territory / Produce agile content for each platform and market / 100% In-house conception, creation, production and post-production 3 - INTERNATIONAL CONTENT MANAGEMENT Adapt assets according to each market, each platform & culture / Build specific assets for each region 4 - MEDIA, PERFORMANCE & OPTIMIZATION Growth hacking / Tracking & optimized performance / ROI content / Definition of strong KPIs / Continuous improvement
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+4)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+15)
    Speaks French, Arabic
    51-200 members
  • 4.5
    (17 reviews)

    Votre département graphique et marketing numérique externalisé

    Votre département graphique et marketing numérique externalisé ! Fort de plus de 10 ans d’expérience, Sweet Globe met son expérience au service de votre entreprise ! Nous ne voulons pas être une simple agence, mais votre département de marketing digital. De la stratégie à la mise en place des actions numériques, Sweet Globe met tout en œuvre pour assurer une présence en ligne optimale de votre business. Que fait-on ? Stratégie digitale Notre équipe vous propose un plan de marketing digital complet basé sur vos objectifs, votre cible et votre budget. Cette étape est primordiale pour connaître les points d’actions efficaces sur le parcours utilisateurs de vos potentiels clients. Campagnes média Nous vous aidons à atteindre vos objectifs en paramétrant des campagnes publicitaires sur les canaux adéquats. Une analyse fréquente est établie en vue d’optimisations continues visant à améliorer vos performances. Référencement naturel Être visible dans les résultats de recherche est primordial pour votre business. Notre équipe vous propose un service allant de l’audit complet de votre présence organique jusqu’à la mise en place de recommandations SEO spécifiques couvrant aussi bien l’aspect technique qu’éditorial. Réseaux sociaux Une présence professionnelle sur les réseaux sociaux est indispensable. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube,… peuvent être non seulement de belles vitrines, mais aussi être des canaux de trafic et de conversion pour votre business. Notre équipe vous conseille, vous accompagne et vous encadre dans l’activation, l’animation et la gestion de vos réseaux sociaux. Analytics Analyser, comprendre et interpréter les données digitales est indispensable pour s’améliorer. Que vous ayez un simple site vitrine ou que vous disposiez d’un e-commerce, le traitement des données numériques est primordial dans l’amélioration de votre stratégie ! Nos experts s’ occupent de l’analyse et vous fournissent un reporting clair de vos performances, de votre trafic et des opportunités d’optimisation. Emailing De la newsletter au marketing automation, l’emailing reste un canal unique de vente. Fidéliser ou réactiver votre base de données clients, promouvoir un nouveau produit, relayer une offre spéciale,… voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles l’emailing peut être efficace !
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Waterloo, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Automotive (+7)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (6 reviews)

    Helping you reach your audience

    At S1 Digital knowledge, experience and technology come together to help brands grow and succeed online.  We connect brands with their respective audiences through exclusive partnerships with fast-growing media platforms combined with advanced ad tech solutions. It all starts with the customer who’s embracing the expanding opportunities to enjoy media and online experience uniquely tailored to their own personal preferences , contexts and schedules.  Consumers are moving towards the creation of a new type of personal space by carefully selecting their preferred media platforms and experiences, one which continues to evolve by new social-media splinters and technology. The result is a rapid expansion in consumer touchpoints.  With the combination of biddable solutions, media representation and tech & insights we are able to connect your brand with the consumer where they are throughout their customer journey. Aggregating data across platforms to see the big picture while we analyze, optimize and adjust our online channels with campaign data to reach your business goals . 
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €2,500 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Pets (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Your exclusive partner to drive reach, activation and frequency

    Our mission is to help our clients achieve their digital acquisition and activation goals by providing a range of expert services that are tailored to their unique needs. We believe that success in today's digital landscape requires a deep understanding of how to leverage funnels and data to optimize results.
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Auderghem, Belgium
    From €3,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (3 reviews)

    Put the power of a performance agency behind your digital marketing !

    We are a digital marketing agency with a results-oriented mindset. We create long-term solutions to accelerate your growth and reach your goals. See what a difference performance marketing can make ! We are both CREATIVELY DRIVEN & DATA & MEDIA DRIVEN Our objective is to combine a performance-oriented media strategy, execution and optimisation aligns with digital creativity to find your brand breakthrough. STRATEGY The strategy team pinpoints your needs and the most effective digital solution, ranging from digital consultancy to the creation of campaign structures and annual communication plans : Digital expertise, consultancy and workshop. Advice, review, vision and planning, push/pull strategy, digital campaigns and annual media plans, E-loyalty and follow-up scripts strategies. MEDIA The media team are digital experts. They apply key skills to all the digital channels required for your online business. Working hand in hand with the strategic team they create data driven marketing strategies and an annual media plan to meet all your business objectives : Media buying: Google, Facebook, Native etc. Data-driven marketing analysis: Google analytics reports, Hasoffer, Facebook Business Manager, Google Data Studio, Tableau. Copywriting, configuration and optimization of Google Ads search campaigns, Google Ads Display and video (YouTube) campaigns, Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn campaigns. Affiliate marketing experts. DESIGN The design team create and implement your campaign in fixed or animated digital formats: display, native, social media etc. They also master UX / UI and web design : Graphic identity, website design, UX / UI analysis, video & motion design, ads design & production – if your campaign needs it, we provide it. DEVELOPMENT The development teams create powerful web solutions such as effective landing pages, websites and fluid forms that increase the impact or conversion rates of your campaigns. Boost ROI with a maximum of form entries, e-mail or SMS sign-ups and fewer basket abandons : Open-source or custom websites, web services, back-office management, admin, front-end solutions. Google Analytics, traffic, beacon management and pixel implementation. Let’s unleash the full potential of your product, service or company together and talk about your project !
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Non-profit (+7)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (2 reviews)

    Engineering Emotions, that's what we do

    Top awarded
    June20 is a creative communications agency, with offices in Ghent and Antwerp. We believe your brand is only as strong as it is in the heart of your audience. That’s why we specialise in establishing that emotional connection you need. We call it Engineering Emotions. As engineers, we start from data and consumer insights to build your brand in every interface. We consider your brand as a system with many interfaces and, therefore, create work that connects every element with the right emotional impact at every phase of the customer journey. Our name is also emotion-driven. Did you know June 20 is regarded as the most joyous day of the year? It's the perfect name for us as it radiates the positivity and cheerfulness we stand for. We try hard to make every day as joyous as June 20, for our employees as well as for our clients. Our services We Engineer Emotions using: Strategy: We create content with a solid strategic foundation throughout the customer journey Communication: We develop campaigns, content and activations that trigger the right emotions Branding : We make your brand distinctive and recognisable in all communication Platforms & Technology: We select the best technology and communication channel Media: We find you the perfect media mix, from email marketing and SEO to online advertising PR & Content Marketing: We bring and reinforce the right messages with regard to your brand We design and build your brand consistently in every interface, to optimally connect with the power of emotions. Let’s meet!  
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €3,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Construction (+13)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Proven successful go2market campaigns in healthcare, technology and engineering

    Top awarded
    Living Stone is your B2B marketing agency for healthcare, technology and engineering organisations. We help you as a B2B marketer to make your mark . To share your company’s story, to present information in a way that makes a difference – to plant a flag that proclaims excellence and value. We support you with conventional as well as digital marketing. Our tools are easy to implement and build on your existing corporate tradition, sales customs and market ambitions. We’ve successfully been helping B2B marketers make an impact +30 years . As experts in go2market programs, we know that a lot of things are critical for a marketing partnership and projects, to succeed. We’ve set-up our company to make sure we deliver on all of them . "You should be proud of your team! You guys have worked wonders! Your communication and work delivered is top notch professional. This was my first time working with an agency like yours, but it tastes like more!"    
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Zwalm, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+10)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (4 reviews)

    Make Brands Matter More

    Superkraft is not just your average creative agency. We Make Brands Matter More. Superkraft is about craftmanship; a mindset that drives us to go beyond the ordinary. It’s about pushing boundaries, challenging conventions and leaving a lasting impression with every project. Whether you’re looking for a fresh brand strategy, creative concepts or a dazzling approach to social media… We’ve got you covered. To unlock your brand’s fullest potential, we create tailor-made work that is as unique as your vision. Here at Superkraft, creativity knows no bounds and innovation is our driving force. With both national and international projects, we’ve gathered years of experience and have built deep connections with our clients. Our global perspective and local insights allow us to explore diverse markets and deliver personalised solutions in different industries. So, ready to take a plunge into the digital world with us? Reach out! Let's get in touch: or +32 9 330 07 33
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+2)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+14)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • iProspect is a global, award-winning marketing agency that drives digital performance for many of the world’s largest brands. A trusted partner with an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior, iProspect reshapes brand strategies to meet the fast-paced demands of the convergent world with a focus on exceeding the client’s business objectives. We deliver personal, adaptive and valuable digital experiences utilizing proprietary solutions including: Paid and natural search (SEA & SEO) Content generation Data & insights Social media campaign management Structured data and feeds Performance display & programmatic Mobile strategy Video Conversion Rate optimization Affiliates marketing Since 1996, iProspect’s client list spans many industries and includes Fortune 500 companies such as General Motors, Adidas, Neiman Marcus, American Express, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, The Gap, Hilton Worldwide, and others. Representing a diverse global footprint, iProspect is the first truly global digital performance marketing agency, with 4,500+ employees in 93 offices across 55 countries. In Belgium, our Brussels office supports a large range of clients, through 24 digital experts: International company: Danone, Thomas Cook, BNP Paribas... Local firm: Voo, Immoweb, Eurogenerics...
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Construction (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (10 reviews)

    Don't just target your market be part of it!

    Top awarded
    STRAREX is your full-service strategic marketing agency.    Together with you, we develop the most optimal marketing strategy for your organization towards sustainable growth and reliability.  We build more than a beautiful website or graphics, but strategic marketing that is measurable and one that really works. No nonsense, straight to it. Let’s grow your business. See what’s beyond limits for your marketing.    Strategy - Structured marketing plans based on strong data and detailed market research Work proactively and structurally on your ambitious goals by means of a strategic marketing plan A thorough marketing plan will lead to measurable results, allowing you to focus on the core of your business   Digital - More than a beautiful website, but a full-fledged digital marketing plan that is measurable and one that truly works.  Our digital marketing strategy translates the long-term objectives from your strategic plan into a concrete digital approach that makes your company grow: Targeted campaigns tailored to the target groups relevant to you that lead to measurable results. Get to know your customers better and reach them with the right message on the channels most relevant to them.   Creative - (Re)Branding - The human side of business, bringing your brand to life with aesthetics that make sense.  Artistry meets Strategy: visualize your business with modern & relevant aesthetics for your market & customers, while staying true to your core business & brand.  With a dedicated team of experts experienced in a wide range of design, working with both small to large businesses, we develop brands that connect you to your audience.  logo designs | brand positioning | storytelling | content branding | photography | styling | digital & print design ...    Why STRAREX? Personal contact with close follow-ups and updates  Focus on total care throughout the journey  Measurable results and a clear ROI factor  A clear structure in your tactical marketing  Transparent pricing
    1 work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Household Products (+15)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    It has to be different

    Atypic, a full services agency at your service!   Composed of 22 passionate people, the agency positions itself as a one stop shop whose primary mission is to detect what makes you different and turn it into a strength!   Whether a notoriety campaign, brand activation, a SoMe plan or digital strategy (Social media, e-commerce, website…), our teams will be at your side to offer you all the expertise that comes with our 15 years in business.   Our experience in FMCG, B2B and Healthcare allows us to best respond to the challenges set out by our advertisers every day…. and to yours tomorrow.
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Beverage (+11)
    Speaks French, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • Visibel ensures visibility and ease of work to smaller businesses and liberal professions in an ever more digitalized capital. Businesses From the definition of your identity and brand image to the management of your customer relationships (prospects, communications, invoicing), including the optimization or creation of your website , Visibel analyzes your commercial activity and implements tailor-made and instinctive digital solutions.  Liberal professions Liberal professions are distinguished from commercial activities in many ways. Because they represent civil acts and meet a general interest , they are also subject in Belgium to a particular legal framework. Visibel positions itself as a specialized partner and pays particular attention to it !
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in Legal Services
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    We are a global strategic consulting agency, we work alongside leaders and we provide direct access to experienced individuals with bold ideas 💡 and even bolder solutions 🔧 We also provide public affairs consulting. Whether it's shaping legislation, navigating crises, changing business models or delivering sustainable growth with purpose, you will be in good hands. Fancy transforming your challenges into opportunities on a global scale? Get in touch!
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+6)
    From €10,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    51-200 members
  • Red Communication est une agence de communication à Bruxelles offrant une palette de services dans le conseil, l'audit, marketing, l'ergonomie et le développement web et digital. Nous accompagnons nos clients dans l'étude et la définition de leurs besoins, la gestion des projets, le développement et la refonte de site web, application spécifique, le marketing web, le SEO, la veille et l’accompagnement.   Site Internet Conception de site web, CMS - Web strategy, Web marketing, E-mailing, Web advertising Graphisme Carte de visite, Flyers, Prospectus, Brochures, Catalogues, Affiches, Popup, Banner Contenu Vidéo Vidéo de présentation, Film corporate, Vidéo explicative, Infographie animée, Vidéo 3D Social Media Campagnes de Social Ads sur Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, et Snapchat Publicité Campagne publicitaire, Conception du message, Gestion média, Retour sur Investissement Stratégie et Conseil Audit Social Media, Stratégie de canaux, Stratégie éditoriale, Stratégie de conversation, Storytelling Social Media
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.4
    (12 reviews)


    Top awarded
    eTeamsys est une agence digitale partenaire officiel Google qui œuvre dans le secteur de l'e-marketing depuis 20 ans. Nous pouvons vous aider à augmenter votre visibilité sur le web et à acquérir du trafic pertinent grâce aux services suivants: - Référencement naturel (SEO) - Gestion des campagnes de publicité sur Google AdWords (SEA) - Gestion de votre visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Linkedin, Google +, Twitter) - Gestion de l'e-reputation. Ces actions vous permettent de vous démarquer de la concurrence, d'attirer un maximum de visiteurs ciblés sur votre site, d'attirer de nouveaux clients et ainsi augmenter votre chiffre d'affaires. De plus notre principal indicateur de performance est le retour sur investissement car contrairement à la publicité offline, la publicité en ligne permet de mesurer l'impact et la performance de chaque campagne afin de l'améliorer au jour le jour. Et c'est afin de vous assurer une exploitation optimale de ces nouveaux outils que nos experts sont certifiés Google AdWords et Google Analytics. Notre agence dispose de plus de 55 certifications cumulées en interne. Nous sommes PREMIER Google Partner et Prefer Belgium Agency. Google a sélectionné notre agence dans le cadre du programme Google Growth Engine. Durant la période de confinement notre Team Leader SEO Stéphane Collard a obtenu la précieuse et rare certification QASEO
    Looking for work in LinkedIn Strategy
    Located in Liège, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for LinkedIn Strategy
    Worked in E-commerce (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members

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Insights from Our Local Expert: LinkedIn Strategy Agencies in Brussels

Brussels, known not only for its rich history and vibrant culture but also for its prowess in digital communication, stands out particularly in the realm of LinkedIn strategy. As the heart of Belgium, Brussels hosts a plethora of specialized agencies that guide businesses in enhancing their professional network and reaching their B2B audience effectively. With a comprehensive database including 257 projects and 73 client reviews, Brussels is a key player in this niche sector.

Key Players and Their Achievements

Diverse Range of Specialist Agencies

In Brussels, LinkedIn strategy agencies offer a wide array of services tailored to cater to the diverse needs of businesses. From large-scale strategy design to personalized consulting, these agencies bring a unique flair and specialized knowledge to the table.

Prestigious Clients and Recognized Awards

The local agencies have partnered with prominent clients such as multinational corporations, and leading startups, showcasing their ability to handle substantial projects successfully. These collaborations often result in accolades and industry recognition, further cementing these agencies’ reputations for excellence in LinkedIn strategy implementation.

Client Reviews

Client feedback is crucial in choosing the right LinkedIn strategy agency. With 73 reviews, the agencies in Brussels gain significant endorsement from their clients, highlighting the effectiveness and professionalism of their services. These testimonials are vital for assessing an agency's reliability and performance.

Choosing the Right LinkedIn Strategy Agency

Evaluating Your Budget

Budgeting is a pivotal factor in selecting a LinkedIn strategy consultancy. In Brussels, fees can vary depending on the agency's size and prestige. Defining your budget and expectations clearly before engaging an agency is crucial. Here’s an insight into cost-effective strategies for companies of various sizes:

Small Businesses and Startups: Consulting with medium-sized or boutique agencies might be a wise choice as they often offer competitive rates while maintaining a high quality of service. Basic LinkedIn strategy services could range from 2,500 to 8,000 euros.

Mid-sized Companies: For more complex needs, agencies with a solid track record can provide comprehensive strategies including advanced content planning and targeted advertising. Prices for such extensive services can range from 10,000 to 30,000 euros.

Large Enterprises: Big companies might require detailed and broad-reaching strategies. Collaborating with top-tier agencies ensures global outreach and exceptional quality, with budgets starting from 40,000 euros.

Reviewing Past Work

Exploring an agency's past projects offers valuable insights into their capability and style, ensuring that their creative vision aligns with your company’s goals. The 257 projects featured in our database provide an excellent basis for evaluating potential agencies.

Enhance Your B2B Presence with Brussels’ Expert LinkedIn Strategists

As Brussels continues to excel as a hub of digital innovation and expertise, its array of LinkedIn strategy agencies is more equipped than ever to boost your professional profile and network. With an extensive database full of competent agencies, remarkable achievements, and detailed client reviews, finding the perfect agency for your LinkedIn needs is more accessible than ever. As a local Sortlist expert, I encourage you to explore the various options available and trust Brussels’ expertise to elevate your brand to new professional heights.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BrusselsLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Frequently Asked Questions.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your LinkedIn strategy, especially for businesses operating in Brussels' competitive market. Here are the key benefits of integrating Sales Navigator into your approach:

  1. Advanced Lead Generation: Sales Navigator provides sophisticated search filters that allow you to identify and target decision-makers in Brussels' diverse business landscape, from EU institutions to local enterprises.
  2. Real-time Lead and Account Updates: Stay informed about changes in your target accounts in Brussels, such as job changes, company growth, or new funding rounds, enabling timely outreach.
  3. InMail Credits: Expand your reach beyond your network with InMail credits, crucial for connecting with Brussels' international business community where second-degree connections might be limited.
  4. Lead Recommendations: Leverage AI-powered suggestions to discover potential leads you might have overlooked in the Brussels market, including professionals from various EU institutions and multinational corporations.
  5. CRM Integration: Seamlessly sync your Sales Navigator activities with popular CRM systems, streamlining your sales process and ensuring consistency across your Brussels-based team.
  6. TeamLink: Utilize your company's collective network to find warm introductions to prospects in Brussels, capitalizing on the city's interconnected business environment.
  7. Custom Lists: Organize and track your leads and accounts effectively, which is particularly useful for managing relationships across Brussels' diverse sectors, from tech startups to European policy influencers.
  8. Sales Insights: Gain valuable data on your outreach effectiveness and engagement rates, helping you refine your strategy for the Brussels market.

To illustrate the impact of Sales Navigator, consider this data:

Metric Improvement with Sales Navigator
Lead Acceptance Rate Increase by up to 30%
InMail Response Rate 5-15% higher than standard LinkedIn messages
Time Saved in Prospecting Up to 3 hours per week per sales representative

By leveraging LinkedIn Sales Navigator, businesses in Brussels can enhance their networking capabilities, improve lead quality, and streamline their sales processes. This tool is particularly valuable in Brussels' international business environment, where connecting with decision-makers from various global organizations and EU institutions is crucial for success.

Integrating LinkedIn strategy with overall content marketing efforts is crucial for businesses in Brussels to maximize their digital presence and engage with their target audience effectively. Here's how companies in the Belgian capital can achieve this seamlessly:

  1. Align LinkedIn content with your brand voice: Ensure that your LinkedIn posts, articles, and updates reflect the same tone and messaging used across other marketing channels. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps build trust with your audience.
  2. Repurpose and adapt content: Take your existing content marketing materials (blog posts, whitepapers, case studies) and adapt them for LinkedIn's format. For example, transform a long-form article into a series of carousel posts or create infographics from data-heavy reports.
  3. Leverage LinkedIn's native content features: Utilize LinkedIn's unique offerings such as LinkedIn Articles, native video uploads, and LinkedIn Live to diversify your content mix and increase engagement. These features often receive preferential treatment in LinkedIn's algorithm.
  4. Cross-promote across platforms: Share snippets or teasers of your LinkedIn content on other social media platforms or in your email newsletters. This cross-promotion can drive traffic back to your LinkedIn profile or company page.
  5. Showcase Brussels expertise: Highlight your local knowledge by creating content that addresses specific challenges or opportunities in the Brussels market. This could include insights on EU regulations, multilingual business practices, or industry trends specific to the Belgian capital.
  6. Engage with local business communities: Join and actively participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry in Brussels. Share your content, engage in discussions, and build relationships with potential clients or partners.
  7. Implement a content calendar: Develop a comprehensive content calendar that includes LinkedIn posts alongside other marketing activities. This ensures a consistent posting schedule and helps maintain a balanced mix of content types.
  8. Utilize employee advocacy: Encourage your Brussels-based employees to share company content on their personal LinkedIn profiles. This expands your reach and adds authenticity to your message.
  9. Incorporate multimedia content: Use a variety of content formats such as images, videos, and SlideShare presentations to make your LinkedIn posts more engaging and shareable.
  10. Monitor and analyze performance: Regularly review LinkedIn analytics alongside your other marketing metrics to understand what content resonates best with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these strategies, Brussels-based businesses can create a cohesive digital presence that leverages LinkedIn's unique features while aligning with their broader content marketing goals. Remember, the key is to provide value to your audience consistently and authentically, whether they're engaging with your brand on LinkedIn or through other marketing channels.

Content Type LinkedIn Format Integration Strategy
Blog Posts LinkedIn Articles or carousel posts Summarize key points, link to full post on company website
Whitepapers SlideShare presentations or document shares Share excerpts, offer full download for lead generation
Case Studies LinkedIn native video or image carousel Highlight key results, link to full case study for details
Webinars LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Live Promote upcoming webinars, host Q&A sessions post-event

By thoughtfully integrating LinkedIn into your content marketing strategy, Brussels businesses can enhance their digital presence, engage with a professional audience, and drive meaningful results across all marketing channels.

As an expert in LinkedIn Strategy in Brussels, I can highlight several emerging trends that local businesses should be aware of for their future strategy planning:

  1. AI-Powered Personalization: LinkedIn is increasingly leveraging AI to enhance user experience and content delivery. Brussels businesses should prepare to utilize AI-driven tools for more targeted and personalized content strategies, ensuring their messages resonate with their specific audience segments.
  2. Video Content Dominance: Short-form video content, such as LinkedIn Stories and live broadcasts, is gaining traction. Companies in Brussels should consider incorporating more video content to showcase their expertise, company culture, and behind-the-scenes glimpses, which can be particularly effective in the multilingual Brussels market.
  3. Employee Advocacy Programs: Encouraging employees to share company content and engage with their professional networks is becoming crucial. In a city like Brussels, with its diverse international workforce, this can significantly expand a company's reach across various communities and sectors.
  4. Thought Leadership Focus: With Brussels being a hub for EU policy-making and international business, there's an increasing emphasis on establishing thought leadership. Companies should focus on creating in-depth, insightful content that addresses industry challenges and future trends.
  5. Interactive Content: LinkedIn is introducing more interactive features like polls and live Q&A sessions. Brussels businesses can use these to engage with their audience and gather valuable insights, particularly useful in a city with such diverse professional backgrounds.
  6. Social Selling: The line between social networking and sales is blurring on LinkedIn. Companies in Brussels should train their sales teams to use LinkedIn effectively for prospecting, relationship building, and closing deals, especially important in B2B sectors prevalent in the city.
  7. Sustainability and CSR Communication: With the EU's focus on sustainability, Brussels-based companies should highlight their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and sustainability efforts on LinkedIn to align with both local and EU-wide priorities.
  8. Multilingual Content Strategies: Given Brussels' multilingual nature, companies should consider creating content in multiple languages (Dutch, French, and English at minimum) to reach a broader audience and demonstrate cultural sensitivity.

To implement these trends effectively, businesses in Brussels should consider working with local LinkedIn Strategy Consultants who understand the unique dynamics of the Belgian and European markets. According to recent data from LinkedIn, companies that regularly update their LinkedIn presence and engage with these emerging trends see up to 2.8 times more engagement than those who don't (LinkedIn Business Solutions, 2023).

Remember, while these trends are important, the key to success on LinkedIn remains consistent: provide value to your audience, engage authentically, and align your strategy with your overall business objectives. As the LinkedIn landscape continues to evolve, staying adaptable and open to new features and best practices will be crucial for businesses in Brussels looking to maximize their presence on the platform.