The 10 Best Packaging Agencies in Amsterdam - 2024 Reviews

Top Packaging Agencies in Amsterdam

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All Packaging Designers in Amsterdam

  • 4.5
    (7 reviews)

    Doet het je niks. Dan is het niks. Maak iets los.

    Top awarded
    We zijn ZUID Creatives. Noem ons gerust een reclamebureau, creative agency, digital agency of strategisch-creatief marketingbureau (zo omschrijven wij onszelf het liefst). ZUID is het allemaal en meer, want al 20 jaar passen we niet in één hokje. Waar het ons om gaat, is dat we jouw business strategy vertalen naar krachtige merken, campagnes met impact en onderscheidende content marketing. Hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Wil je je marktaandeel vergroten, heb je tientallen nieuwe medewerkers nodig of is het tijd om een nieuwe markt aan te boren en te internationaliseren? Dan ben je bij ZUID Creatives aan het juiste adres. Jouw top van de Mount Everest wordt ons doel. En het liefst blijven we de hele reis aan je zijde om samen die top te bereiken. Hoe jouw Mount Everest er ook uitziet, we zorgen voor een uitgestippelde route naar de top waarin business en creativity samen optrekken. Wij noemen die route het ZUID BrandPlan. Goed uitgerust, gidsen we je met het BrandPlan door drie gebieden: Brand, Image en Impact. Brand In het Brand-domein creëren we alles wat nodig is om jouw merk stevig neer te zetten. Denk aan een merkstrategie, merkidentiteit, brand assets, bijbehorende beeldtaal en antwoorden op al je merkstrategische vraagstukken. Image Het Image-domein bestaat uit tools en plannen om intern en extern over je merk te communiceren. Denk aan een communicatieconcept, merklancering, brand movie, maar ook een employer branding-plan. Impact In het Impact-domein bepalen we de reis die we gaan afleggen om jouw merk succesvol te maken. Dat doen we met een marketingcommunicatieplan, een campagnestrategie, campagnemanagement en de uiteindelijke campagnes. Zo hielpen we al verzekeringsgigant ZLM, powerhouse Essent, de altruïstische Zonnebloem, wereldverbeteraar Oxfam Novib, keuzecadeauwinkel, IT-aanjager Aces Direct, petfood-professional CaroCroc en regionale accountancygrootheid Van Oers. Dus, hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Bel of mail ons. We staan in de startblokken om samen de reis te maken naar de top die jij voor ogen hebt. Om er vol trots je vlag te planten.
    No work
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands (+2)
    From €10,000
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+23)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (16 reviews)

    Digital Impact Agency

    Ecoteers is een full-service internetbureau dat helpt bij het in de markt brengen van bedrijven die geïnteresseerd zijn in duurzaamheid. We zetten marketing in om een positief verschil te maken. Samen met ons team helpen wij bedrijven met copywriting, zoekmachine optimalisatie en publishing. Je kunt bij Ecoteers ook terecht voor het maken van een website in de gewenste huisstijl.    Copywriting Ben jij op zoek naar kwalitatief goede teksten voor een aantrekkelijke prijs?  Ecoteers kan jou helpen bij het schrijven van SEO-artikelen, blogs, nieuws artikelen, advertenties, persberichten en productomschrijvingen. Ook bestaande teksten kunnen wij redigeren en voorzien van feedback op het gebied van SEO. Wij beschikken over een netwerk van schrijvers uit verschillende vakgebieden. Daarnaast hebben wij een quality control afdeling waar echte 'taal nerds' een blik werpen op onze teksten. Hierdoor zorgen wij ervoor dat er altijd minimaal twee mensen hebben gekeken naar de teksten die we opleveren. Om de vindbaarheid van onze artikelen te vergroten maken we gebruik van een keyword analysis. Deze analyse kunnen we, indien dat wenselijk is, toevoegen aan de opdracht. Hierdoor kan jij of jouw bedrijf beter inzicht krijgen in het gebruik van content om hoger te komen in zoekmachines.   Zoekmachine optimalisatie (SEO) Wil jij de vindbaarheid van je bedrijf in Google verbeteren? Met behulp van technische optimalisatie, de juiste content, linkbuilding, lokale SEO, social media en conversie-optimalisatie verbeteren wij de positie van jouw website of webshop in Google. Ecoteers is dagelijks bezig met de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van SEO. Onze online marketing specialisten zijn in staat om snel te schakelen en zorgen ervoor dat de zoekmachine optimalisatie werkzaamheden continu gemonitord en verbeterd worden. Hierdoor zorgen we samen met jou dat je bedrijf een hoge positie behaalt in de zoekresultaten.    Webdesign Wil jij graag een professionele website laten bouwen die al binnen een week online staat? Wij bieden een alles-in-één pakket aan waarbij je website al binnen 1 week in de lucht is. De website maken we geheel op maat en in de stijl van het bedrijf. De inrichting van de website gaat volledig volgens jouw wensen. We maken gebruik van het content-management systeem WordPress. Hiermee kun je eenvoudig zelf artikelen en content op de website plaatsen. Wij onderscheiden ons door de nazorg die we aanbieden. Na de oplevering van de website blijven we betrokken zodat de website altijd doet wat jij wilt. In het alles-in-één pakket zitten zowel de nazorg als hosting en een domeinnaam. Zo kun je eenvoudig alles op één plek regelen.   Samen voor een duurzame toekomst Marketing draait vaak om eeuwige groei en het aan de man brengen van producten. Vaak zijn dit producten die de consument niet eens nodig heeft. Bij Ecoteers willen we dit anders doen. Wij zetten marketing in om verantwoorde producten aan de man te brengen. Hierbij helpen we start-ups die hulp nodig hebben en proberen we daarnaast als organisatie het verschil te maken. Ook start Ecoteers zelf duurzame initiatieven waardoor we samen met onze klanten werken aan een betere wereld. We hebben deze filosofie direct bij onze oprichting vastgelegd, waardoor duurzaamheid altijd leidend is geweest in al onze keuzes. Wij geloven dat diversiteit en ervaring in verschillende vakgebieden de kwaliteit van ons werk ten goede komen. We werken het liefst samen met ambitieuze jonge mensen die graag een steentje willen bijdragen aan een duurzame toekomst.  Wij zetten onze filosofie kracht bij door middel van verschillende projecten. Dit doen we onder andere door een vaste impact te koppelen aan onze diensten (wij planten een vast aantal bomen per service). Daarnaast hebben we een duurzaamheidsplatform (EcoToday) waar we dagelijks posten over duurzaamheid en technologie. We willen uiteindelijk een netwerk opzetten dat het mogelijk maakt om onze services gratis aan te bieden aan duurzame start-ups. Wil jij ons helpen bij deze missie? Neem contact op en de koffie staat altijd klaar.      Ecoteers in English  Ecoteers is a full-service marketing agency that works with companies interested in sustainability. We use marketing to make a positive impact. With our dedicated team, we help companies with copywriting, search engine optimisation, and publishing. Ecoteers can also help you build a website fully designed according to your needs. Ecoteers is committed, with all its services, to making a positive contribution to the world.    Copywriting Are you looking for quality content for a reasonable price? Ecoteers can help you write SEO-articles, blog posts, news articles, advertisements, press releases, and product descriptions. We also provide feedback on existing content and can rewrite this when necessary. Our team of writers has an extensive knowledge of SEO and is trained in a wide range of disciplines. Besides that, we have a quality control department that performs an additional check to ensure optimal quality.   Search Engine Optimalization Do you want to increase your organic search traffic? Would you like your website or web shop to reach a higher position in search engines such as Google? Let our search engine optimization specialists do the work for you. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is focused on advancing your website for Google. With the use of search engine optimization there lies a focus on the organic side of Google. With the help of technical optimization, the right content, link building, local SEO, social media, and conversion optimization, the position of your website or web shop is improved in search engines like Google.   Website creation Do you need a professionally designed website that's online within a week? Are you looking to have a website made? Then you’ve come to the right place. At Ecoteers we provide an all-inclusive service which ensures your website is up and running within a week! We design the website according to your needs. The design will follow your wishes, and our specialists will guide you throughout the decision making process.   Together for a sustainable future Marketing is often about eternal growth in product sales. However, these are often products the consumer doesn’t even need. At Ecoteers we want to change this. We want to use marketing for a positive impact. That’s why we have always chosen sustainable options and partners. We build on our philosophy with several projects. All our services have a direct impact; by planting a certain number of trees per service. We also have a sustainability platform (EcoToday) on which we post about sustainability and technology. We are trying to create a network that makes it possible to provide our services for free to sustainable start-ups. Do you want to join us on our mission? We are looking forward to discussing the possibilities with you!    
    1 work
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands (+1)
    Budget on request
    Worked in Food (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Wordt beter vindbaar online en vlieg je concurrentie voorbij.

    Top awarded
    Tegenwoordig is het internet niet meer weg te denken. Er liggen ontzettend veel kansen om te groeien. Denk aan vindbaarheid in Google, een goede social strategie of de juiste emailmarketing. Ieder bedrijf heeft tegenwoordig wel een website, alleen wordt er niet altijd optimaal resultaat mee behaald. Zo zien wij vaak bedrijven voorbij komen waar men consistent investeert in verschillende soorten marketinguitingen, maar er niet gemeten wordt hoeveel resultaat er mee behaald wordt. Er zijn tal van technieken om jouw bedrijf online te laten groeien, maar alleen de geschikte strategie zal voor jou het juiste resultaat opleveren. Maar welke strategie moet je kiezen? Bij Web Wings begrijpen wij dat het lastig is om de juiste marketing strategie op te stellen en uit te voeren. Daarom nemen we de tijd om jou vrijblijvend te adviseren en wegwijs te maken. Waar bedrijven denken dat alleen een website voldoende is, valt er veel meer te halen door de vindbaarheid van het bedrijf te optimaliseren. Neem vrijblijvend contact op met ons online marketingbureau voor een adviserend gesprek. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ These days, the Internet is here to stay. There are a lot of opportunities to grow. Think of findability in Google, a good social strategy or the right email marketing. Nowadays every company has a website, but the results are not always optimal. We often see companies that consistently invest in different types of marketing, but do not measure the results. There are numerous techniques for growing your business online, but only the appropriate strategy will produce the right results for you. But which strategy should you choose? At Web Wings, we understand how difficult it is to create and implement the right marketing strategy. That's why we take the time to advise and guide you without obligation. Where companies think that just a website is enough, there is much more to gain by optimizing the findability of the company. Feel free to contact our online marketing agency for a consultation. Translated with (free version)
    1 work
    Located in Sittard, Netherlands
    Budget on request
    Worked in E-commerce (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Don't Compete, Excel

    We are Brand Designers, excelling in Brand strategy, Brand positioning, Brand design & Brand communication. All we do is focussed on creating the impact you are after. Don’t compete, excel.
    No work
    Unknown location
    From €5,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks Dutch, Chinese
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Wij ontwerpen voor mensen en bouwen voor de toekomst.

    🌍🌱 Sustainable Webdesign & Branding 🐯🍞
    1 work
    Located in Zundert, Netherlands
    Budget on request
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • Ontwerpers van vernieuwing Strategisch ontwerpbureau INC is een strategisch en creatieve partner voor innovatie, marketing en communicatie. Wij helpen organisaties middels design thinking te innoveren en te positioneren door de combi van strategie en design. Denk hierbij aan het ontwerpen van nieuwe concepten, business modellen, positioneringen en visuele identiteiten. Dit zijn vaak projecten die invloed hebben op de lange termijn strategie van een organisatie. Ons team bestaat uit strategen en ontwerpers die allen op directieniveau kunnen adviseren en faciliteren. Ons team en onze inclusieve werkwijze zijn onze meest waardevolle ‘assets’ en geeft ons onderscheidend vermogen t.o.v. onze concurrenten. Hierbij een overzicht van onze dienstverlening: merkidentiteit merkstrategie waarde propositie ontwerp positionering visuele identiteit/huisstijlontwikkeling (re)branding strategie ontwerp business model innovatie conceptontwikkeling design research customer journey mapping klant/user research service design Wij zijn lid van de Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers (BNO).
    2 works
    Located in Enschede, Netherlands (+1)
    From €5,000
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+7)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)
    Visia Media in een notendop Wij zijn mannen met een missie. Al sinds 2012 laten wij als Visia Media onze creatieve geesten de vrije loop voor middelgrote bedrijven en organisaties met behoefte aan een upgrade van hun visuele en digitale communicatie. Online strategie, marketingcampagne, vormgeving, website of app nodig? Kom maar door, hoor! Wij tillen bedrijven op communicatief vlak naar een hoger niveau. Dat doen we altijd volgens de laatste standaarden op het gebied van digitale media en vaak zelfs daar voorbij.
    1 work
    Located in Heerlen, Netherlands
    Budget on request
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+8)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Think. Create. Connect. Grow.

    Top awarded
    Naam is an international digital design studio that creates strategies, design and experiences to help move bold startups and evolving companies forward.
    1 work
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands
    Budget on request
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • Onze dienstverlening bestrijkt het brede vakgebied van design, communicatie, multimedia en PR. Het bedenken van merk- en communicatiestrategieën, maar ook alle uitvoerende werk nemen we deskundig ter hand. Brochures, jaarverslagen, persberichten, verpakkingen, websites of een geslaagde deelname aan uw internationale vakbeurs. En dat is slechts een kleine greep. We voeren de regie en zorgen dat alle uitingen feilloos en kostenefficiënt op elkaar zijn afgestemd. We hebben een sterk track record bij internationale bedrijven die actief zijn in diverse B2B sectoren. Sprinkler installaties, commercial laundry, uninterruptable power systems, climate technologies, international logistics, automotive of medical technology. Om er een paar te noemen. Ook in de dynamische zorgsector hebben we aansprekende projecten gerealiseerd.
    No work
    Located in Maastricht, Netherlands
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Branding and packaging design Verpakkingsontwerper identity logo
    No work
    Unknown location
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)
    Top awarded
    Havana Harbor | creative agency for digital experiences Havana harbor is an award winning and fully-fledged digital creative agency, working for (global) brands. We breath, talk, code, think and dream digital for advertising  We craft to impact; digital concepts and production We embrace available technology and data for best performing creativity  Our Vision: In a world in which changes through technological innovation will follow faster and faster and the application of available data will become a dominant factor, therefor creativity in the marketing and communication industry will play an increasingly decisive role in achieving your communication goals Our Mission: Within the rapidly changing playing field of creativity and the recognition that data and technology are driving forces, Havana Harbor will continue to develop in our digital creative competences to make all this knowledge and creativity available to our partners and clients. Our core competences: - Creativity in digital concepts for brand, engagement and performance - User experience strategy to build a stronger relationship between customers and your brand, product or service - In house craftsmanship to design, produce and code (social / advertising) campagnes and (web) content - Studio as a Service (StaaS) to unburden our business partners with (UX)design, content creation and web management (CMS)
    No work
    Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands
    From €5,000
    Worked in Retail (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (6 reviews)

    Unleash Your Digital Potential

    Hi there, we’re JMR! We’re an awarded boutique agency of self-proclaimed "cool nerds” spread across Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Porto. With extraordinary clients around the world, we help them unleash their full digital potential by forgetting all about hypes and buzzwords while focusing on what actually matters: exceptional results. We solve digital marketing problems with a mix of technology, creativity, rationality, and a slight obsession with performance. That's how we come up with pragmatic and result-oriented solutions while using data as a starting point and growth as our destination. Content strategy No successful online marketing without valuable content. It's that simple. JMR Digital helps you determine the right strategy, define your creative process, and distribute fresh content for your target audience via all relevant channels. Paid Media Advertisement The list of online advertising platforms is endless. Ultimately, it is not about which platforms to use, but the concrete results you will be able to achieve. At JMR Digital, we will determine the right mix of channels for your business and deliver a relevant message to your target audience at the right time. Digital strategy Our digital strategy services get organizations moving. Whether the focus is on people, processes, or technology: our fresh perspective ensures that your organization is always one step forward when it comes to your digital footprint. Does your organization want to achieve outstanding growth through digital marketing? Are you curious about how JMR Digital can help you further in the field of content marketing, online advertising, or digital strategy? Get in touch! --- Hi, wij zijn JMR. We leveren digital marketing oplossen voor onze klanten. Wij doen niet aan buzzwords en hebben het niet zo op hypes. In plaats daarvan zorgen wij dat organisaties het maximale uit hun digitale inspanningen halen en leveren concrete, meetbare resultaten. Wij benaderen onze opdrachten met een mix van technologie, creativiteit en een flinke dosis gezond verstand. Zo realiseren wij pragmatische, resultaat-gerichte oplossingen met data als vertrekpunt en groei als bestemming. Ons team specialiseert zich in de volgende gebieden: Content strategy           Zonder waardevolle content geen succesvolle online marketing. Zo simpel is het. JMR Digital helpt met het bepalen van de juiste strategie, verzorgt het creatieproces en de distributie van frisse content voor jouw doelgroep via de relevante kanalen. Online advertising De lijst van online advertentie platforms is eindeloos. Uiteindelijk gaat het niet om platforms, maar om concrete resultaten zoals leads en sales. Om dit te bereiken bepaalt JMR Digital de juiste mix van kanalen en brengt op het juiste moment een relevante boodschap over aan jouw doelgroep.   Digital Strategy Onze digital strategy services brengen organisaties in beweging. Of het nu gaat om mensen, processen of technologie: de frisse blik van JMR Digital zorgt dat jouw organisatie stappen vooruit zet.   Wil jouw organisatie meer groei realiseren door middel van digital marketing? Benieuwd hoe JMR Digital je verder helpt op het gebied van content marketing, online advertising of digital strategy? Neem contact op!  
    2 works
    Located in Porto, Portugal
    Budget on request
    Worked in Office/Room/Space Renting (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    No work
    Unknown location
    Budget on request
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Studio Samoa is a global independent branding & packaging design agency based in The Hague, The Netherlands. Working mostly remote or hybrid for brands and startups all over the world. With our main...
    No work
    Unknown location
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)
    Wees welkom op onze Sortlist pagina! Wij zijn merk makers uit Deventer. Designfantast Boudewijn en tekstchef Jesse nemen je mee in de wereld van buitengewone branding , ongelofelijke ontwerp  en trots makende teksten . Luisteren naar het verhaal van ondernemers, daarop doorvragen en vervolgens dat verhaal uitwerken tot een meesterplan, dát geeft ons energie. Uiteraard doen we dat samen! Met humor én sensitiviteit weten we altijd de juiste essentie boven tafel te krijgen. Binnen het communicatiespectrum doen wij meerdere dingen erg goed. We maken logo's waar je jarenlang naar kunt kijken, merkidentiteiten die perfect passen bij de mensen áchter het merk en schuiven net zo lang met beelden en letters totdat de perfecte balans ontstaan. Bij iedere opdracht is het opnieuw zoeken naar die balans. Bij geen enkel bedrijf is die balans hetzelfde namelijk. Zin om samen uit te zoeken waar jouw balans zit tussen ondernemen, hard werken én laten zien waar je toe in staat bent? Stuur ons een berichtje of check voor onze portfolio en hoe we dit werk gemaakt hebben. Kortom: wij zijn merk makers die streven naar topkwaliteit, oog hebben voor detail en nooit vergeten te genieten! [English translation] Welcome to our Sortlist page! We are brand builders from Deventer. Design fanatic Boudewijn and text chef Jesse take you into the world of extraordinary branding, incredible design and thrilling texts. Listening to the story of entrepreneurs, asking questions and then developing that story into a master plan, that gives us energy. Of course we do that together with the client! We always know how to get the right essence out of a conversation thanks to our sense of humor and sensitivity. We do several things very well within the communication spectrum. We create logos that you can look at for years, brand identities that perfectly match the people behind the brand and shuffle images and letters until the perfect balance is achieved. With every project it is a new search for balance. This is not the same for every company. Do you want to find out where your balance is between doing business, working hard and showing of what you are capable of as a company? Send us a message or check for our portfolio. In short: we are brand builders who strive for top notch quality, have a sharp eye for detail and we never forget to enjoy!
    No work
    Located in Deventer, Netherlands
    From €1,000
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+8)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Shaping Impact

    Shaping creativity & tech - into lasting experiences. We're a design agency in Munich, Amsterdam, and San José, with an international team of 50+ experts. We offer end-to-end design services, including strategy, design, content creation, and coding. Our goal is to create exceptional experiences by combining creativity and technology. Driven by creative minds What's the key to our work? What wakes us up in the morning? The perspective of pushing creativity a step further. Highway to perfection We believe that every project deserves our full attention. We commit to creating impeccable designs reflected in every pixel. Have you heard of German precision? Our team is always prepared to shine in the spotlight - creating the best results is our goal for every project. Collaboration is key We don't create for you, we create with you. Truly believing in joint collaboration. Mic drop. Small details matter most Our team has a keen eye for detail, and we use it to create designs that are not only beautiful, but take you on a journey. Coolest kids in the sandbox We see design as a playground, and we're not afraid to have a little fun - also outside the sandbox.
    No work
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €3,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German
    51-200 members

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Insights from a Local Expert: Navigating Packaging Agencies in Amsterdam

Amsterdam, known for its creative spirit and innovative landscape, is home to a thriving sector of packaging agencies. With a wealth of completed projects and client testimonials, this city stands as a beacon for those seeking cutting-edge packaging solutions.

Awards and Prestigious Collaborations

Accolades that Matter

In Amsterdam, packaging agencies have earned recognition through various awards, underscoring their commitment to innovation and design excellence. While specific names are not mentioned, these accolades typically spotlight agencies’ ability to solve complex design challenges creatively.

Highlighted Client Partnerships

A number of Amsterdam-based agencies have collaborated with high-profile international and local brands. These partnerships often result in packaging that not only meets practical market needs but also sets trends in design and sustainability, aspects highly valued in today's markets.

Effective Budget Planning for Packaging Services

Understanding Cost Implications

Budgeting for packaging design services is crucial and can vary significantly based on the project’s scope and the agency's renown. Here are some general tips to manage your packaging design budget effectively:

For Startups

New businesses should focus on cost-effective solutions without compromising the quality that can scale with their growth. Initial packaging design projects can range from €2,000 to €15,000, depending on complexity.

For SMEs

Medium-sized enterprises might require more sophisticated packaging strategies that incorporate branding and large-scale production. Budgets for these projects can vary from €15,000 to €50,000.

For Large Corporations

Big corporations often need comprehensive packaging solutions that include market research, multiple design iterations, and sustainability compliance, pushing budgets upwards of €50,000.

Allocating Appropriately

Regardless of the size and type of your business, it is essential to allocate a realistic budget for packaging design, considering both the immediate impact on your product’s launch and long-term brand building.

Maximizing Impact with Amsterdam’s Packaging Agencies

Amsterdam’s packaging agencies are not just about wrapping a product; they are about creating an experience that aligns with your brand's ethos. With their proven track record, highlighted by 97 remarkable projects and positive reviews from 6 distinct clients, partnering with a local expert can significantly enhance your product's market entry and sustain its success. As a Sortlist local expert, I encourage you to explore the diverse options available in Amsterdam to find the ideal packaging agency that aligns with your vision and budget.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in AmsterdamLast updated on the 17-10-2024

Discover what other have done.

Get inspired by what our agencies have done for other companies.

Smoeltjes restyling

Smoeltjes restyling

The legend of Strange Donkey

The legend of Strange Donkey

Rebranding an iconic juice brand

Rebranding an iconic juice brand

Frequently Asked Questions.

Packaging agencies in Amsterdam are known for their innovative and collaborative approach to design. To create cutting-edge packaging solutions, these agencies often work closely with various departments and external experts. Here's how they typically collaborate:

1. Cross-functional teams

Many Amsterdam-based packaging agencies form cross-functional teams that include:

  • Designers
  • Brand strategists
  • Material specialists
  • Production experts
  • Sustainability consultants

This diverse mix of skills ensures a holistic approach to packaging design, considering aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.

2. Collaboration with client departments

Packaging agencies in Amsterdam often work closely with various client departments, including:

  • Marketing: To align packaging design with overall brand strategy and campaign objectives
  • R&D: To understand product specifications and requirements
  • Supply Chain: To optimize packaging for logistics and distribution
  • Legal: To ensure compliance with regulations and labeling requirements
3. Partnerships with external experts

To stay at the forefront of innovation, Amsterdam packaging agencies frequently collaborate with:

  • Material scientists: To explore new, sustainable packaging materials
  • Technology experts: To incorporate smart packaging solutions (e.g., QR codes, NFC tags)
  • Environmental consultants: To minimize ecological impact and improve recyclability
  • Consumer behavior specialists: To conduct user testing and gather insights
4. Collaboration with local universities and research institutions

Amsterdam's packaging agencies often partner with institutions like the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences or Wageningen University & Research to access cutting-edge research and fresh talent.

5. Design thinking workshops

Many agencies in Amsterdam organize collaborative workshops that bring together diverse stakeholders to ideate and prototype innovative packaging solutions.

6. Digital collaboration tools

With the increasing trend of remote work, Amsterdam packaging agencies utilize advanced digital collaboration tools to seamlessly work with global experts and clients.

By fostering these collaborative relationships, packaging agencies in Amsterdam are able to create innovative designs that not only look great but also address complex challenges in sustainability, user experience, and brand communication. This collaborative approach has helped position Amsterdam as a hub for innovative packaging design in Europe.

In the vibrant and competitive retail landscape of Amsterdam, packaging agencies employ a range of innovative strategies to ensure their designs capture attention on crowded shelves. Here are some key approaches used by top packaging agencies in the Dutch capital:

  1. Embrace Dutch Design Principles: Amsterdam-based packaging agencies often incorporate elements of Dutch design, known for its minimalism, functionality, and bold use of color. This approach not only creates visually striking packages but also resonates with the local aesthetic sensibilities.
  2. Sustainable Materials and Designs: With Amsterdam being a leader in sustainability, many packaging agencies focus on eco-friendly materials and designs. This includes using recycled or biodegradable materials, minimizing packaging waste, and creating reusable packaging solutions. According to a recent study, 76% of Dutch consumers prefer brands that use sustainable packaging.
  3. Interactive and Smart Packaging: Leveraging Amsterdam's reputation as a tech-savvy city, agencies are incorporating QR codes, augmented reality (AR) features, and NFC technology into packaging designs. These interactive elements not only grab attention but also provide additional value to consumers.
  4. Cultural References and Local Motifs: Packaging agencies in Amsterdam often use subtle nods to Dutch culture, landmarks, or local festivals in their designs. This creates an immediate connection with local consumers and tourists alike.
  5. Innovative Shapes and Structures: Breaking away from traditional packaging shapes, Amsterdam agencies experiment with unique structural designs that stand out on shelves. This could include asymmetrical shapes, unexpected opening mechanisms, or modular designs.
  6. Strategic Use of Color Psychology: Understanding the impact of colors on consumer behavior, agencies in Amsterdam carefully select color palettes that not only attract attention but also convey the right brand message. For example, using vibrant orange (the national color) can evoke feelings of energy and creativity.
  7. Storytelling through Packaging: Amsterdam agencies excel at creating packaging that tells a brand's story. This could involve using illustrations, typography, or even the packaging structure itself to communicate the product's origins, benefits, or brand values.
  8. Limited Editions and Seasonal Designs: To create buzz and collectibility, agencies often design limited edition or seasonal packaging. This strategy is particularly effective in Amsterdam's dynamic retail environment, where consumers are always looking for something new and exclusive.

By employing these strategies, packaging agencies in Amsterdam are able to create designs that not only stand out on crowded retail shelves but also resonate with the city's unique blend of tradition, innovation, and sustainability. The effectiveness of these approaches is evident in the success of Dutch brands both locally and internationally, with packaging playing a crucial role in their market presence.

Packaging designers in Amsterdam are at the forefront of addressing accessibility concerns for diverse consumer groups, recognizing the importance of inclusive design in today's market. Here are some key ways they're tackling this challenge:

  • Universal Design Principles: Amsterdam-based designers are increasingly implementing universal design principles, ensuring that packaging is usable by people with a wide range of abilities. This includes easy-open features, clear labeling, and intuitive structures.
  • Tactile Elements: For visually impaired consumers, designers are incorporating braille and tactile elements into packaging. Some Amsterdam agencies are experimenting with 3D-printed textures to convey product information through touch.
  • Color Contrast and Readability: To assist those with visual impairments or color blindness, designers are paying special attention to color contrast and typography. Large, clear fonts and high-contrast color schemes are becoming more common in packaging designs.
  • Smart Packaging Technology: Leveraging Amsterdam's tech-savvy environment, some designers are integrating QR codes and NFC technology into packaging. These can be scanned to provide audio descriptions or additional product information for those with visual or cognitive disabilities.
  • Ergonomic Considerations: For consumers with limited dexterity or strength, Amsterdam packaging designers are creating ergonomic shapes and easy-grip surfaces. This includes bottles with textured surfaces and boxes with pull tabs instead of difficult-to-open seals.
  • Multilingual and Multicultural Approach: Given Amsterdam's diverse population, designers are creating packaging that caters to multiple languages and cultural preferences, ensuring information is accessible to non-Dutch speakers and various ethnic groups.
  • Sustainability and Accessibility: Amsterdam's strong focus on sustainability is being combined with accessibility. Designers are finding innovative ways to create eco-friendly packaging that doesn't compromise on accessibility features.

According to a recent survey by the Dutch Packaging and Environment Institute (KIDV), 72% of Amsterdam-based packaging design agencies reported an increased focus on accessibility in their projects over the past two years. This trend is driven by both consumer demand and upcoming EU regulations on accessible packaging.

Moreover, collaboration between packaging designers and disability advocacy groups in Amsterdam has increased by 45% since 2022, leading to more user-tested and truly accessible designs. This participatory design approach ensures that the needs of diverse consumer groups are genuinely met.

As Amsterdam continues to position itself as a hub for innovative and socially responsible design, we can expect to see even more advancements in accessible packaging design in the coming years. Packaging designers in the city are not just meeting standards but are setting new benchmarks for inclusive design that cater to the needs of all consumers, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.