The 10 Best Packaging Agencies in Rome - 2024 Reviews

Top Packaging Agencies in Rome

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18 providers

All Packaging Designers in Rome

  • 5
    (7 reviews)

    Branding agency che riesce dove le altre fanno fiasco! Design minimal e di carattere internazionale.

    Hey! Siamo Purobianco, l'agenzia di branding che stavi cercando. Abbiamo il nostro ufficio a Roma ma lavoriamo in tutto il mondo con un approccio guidato dai risultati e che sposa al meglio il minimal design. Siamo il partner ideale per lanciare un brand o farlo crescere, senza dimenticare il packaging e la comunicazione online. Non ci credi? Mettici alla prova!
    8 works
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €3,000
    Worked in Food (+7)
    Speaks Italian, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (10 reviews)

    Idee di Fatto

    Highly recommended
    Benvenuto nella nostra Agenzia di Comunicazione e Marketing Integrata . La nostra missione è supportare i nostri Clienti con consulenze strategiche e servizi professionali nei diversi ambiti della comunicazione e del marketing per sviluppare soluzioni su misura, idee credibili e rapidamente quantificabili in risultati . Lavoriamo in tutto il territorio nazionale e siamo presenti con le nostre sedi fisiche a Roma e Milano . L’esperienza di oltre 20'anni ci ha insegnato che attenzione e competenza sono alla base della costruzione di rapporti solidi e di successo reciproco con i clienti. Siamo una squadra che fonda tutto sulle relazioni, le proprie capacità e sulla formazione continua e costante del team. Su questi elementi abbiamo costruito la nostra buona reputazione. Scopri di più qui o su
    4 works
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €1,000
    Worked in Management Consulting (+11)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Non accontentatevi, aspettatevi grandi Cose.

    Cose Agency è l’ agenzia di comunicazione e marketing digitale con sede a Roma, attiva su tutto il territorio nazionale e internazionale. Una realtà solida, giovane, orientata al risultato e ad un’unica visione focalizzata sui bisogni delle imprese e delle organizzazioni in un nuovo contesto dinamico e disruptive. Un’azienda in cui l’analisi è il punto di partenza e le scelte saranno dettate dalle esigenze dei nostri clienti in un contesto complesso e fatto di nuove sfide. CHI SIAMO UN MONDO IN EVOLUZIONE DOVE TUTTO PUÒ ESSERE REINVENTATO CON UN’AGENZIA PARTNER IN COMUNICAZIONE E DIGITAL MARKETING. Grazie ai nostri servizi e ad un’esperienza pluriennale nel settore, realizziamo progetti di comunicazione e attività di digital marketing proponendo un approccio analitico e digital oriented al fine di rendere i business più performanti. Siamo un’agenzia specializzata in molteplici ambiti e proponiamo una vasta scelta di servizi nei settori strategy, consulenza, comunicazione e marketing, ICT . Siamo tra le migliori agenzie integrate per offrire un servizio su misura per PMI, strart-up, enti pubblici e istituzioni, organizzazioni no profit, multinazionali e grandi aziende . I NOSTRI SERVIZI SERVIZI DI COMUNICAZIONE E MARKETING DALLA A ALLA Z I servizi della nostra agenzia di digital marketing e comunicazione spaziano ad ampio raggio in virtù delle necessità dei nostri clienti e dei progetti. Supportiamo le imprese e le organizzazioni in un percorso di crescita verso la creazione di una nuova infrastruttura dei canali di comunicazione e le attività di digital marketing, in una nuova ottica di modello aziendale, che sia in grado di concretizzarsi nel mercato ed evolvere tramite un nuovo approccio sul mercato. La nostra agenzia è divisa in 4 business unit: strategy, creatività, development e marketing , per offrire progetti di valore con un team specializzato in ogni dipartimento e attività. Siamo specializzati in tutti servizi che ci rendono una vera e unica agenzia integrata: branding, sviluppo siti web ed eCommerce, social media marketing e advertising, SEO & SEM, produzione video e photo-shooting, grafica pubblicitaria, ufficio stampa e digital PR . LA NOSTRA ESPERIENZA COSE È SEMPLICE, COME UNA GRANDE IDEA. Trasformiamo idee e progetti in esperienze concrete che danno valore ai brand e alle persone. Ogni progetto viene gestito tramite un approccio personalizzato e su misura. Siamo un’agenzia di digital marketing e comunicazione con un orientamento data-driven: a partire dalla prima analisi e consulenza, procediamo step by step con i nostri clienti per capire la fattibilità di ogni progetto e identifichiamo in fase di analisi le previsioni e le tempistiche per il raggiungimento di tutti gli obiettivi. Deteniamo numerosi casi studio e siamo specializzati in più di 15 settori merceologici diversi e ogni giorno non vediamo l’ora di accettare nuove sfide dai nostri clienti! CONTATTACI ABBIAMO SEDE A ROMA, MA SE È VERO CHE LE IDEE SONO NELL’ARIA, LE COSE SONO OVUNQUE. Se cerchi un’agenzia di comunicazione e marketing affidabile e altamente qualificata, o meglio ancora una vera e propria agency partner a cui affidare la definizione di una consulenza e strategia di comunicazione e marketing efficace e la gestione di tutte le successive attività di controllo ed implementazione, Cose Agency è la scelta migliore per te. Visita il sito Scrivici a o chiamaci al +390649778048
    1 work
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €3,000
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+13)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Your future digital agency.

    Top awarded
    Futuroma è un'agenzia di web e digital marketing all'avanguardia specializzata nel rivoluzionare la presenza e la visibilità online del tuo brand. Con un team di professionisti visionari, implementiamo strategie su misura per elevare le aziende nella sfera digitale. Dalla progettazione e sviluppo di siti Web alle campagne di marketing strategico, copriamo ogni angolo del marketing e sfruttiamo le tecnologie e le tendenze più recenti per far avanzare il tuo marchio. Con un occhio all’innovazione e l’altro al rigore, consentiamo alle aziende di navigare e prosperare nel grande oceano digitale in continua evoluzione. Futuroma è un'agenzia digitale responsive capace di adattarsi ad ogni progetto e attività. Ci concentriamo nel fornire strategie efficaci e consigli pratici per migliorare ogni tipo di approccio di marketing. Non solo… condividiamo le nostre conoscenze ed esperienze per aiutare le aziende a raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Ci occupiamo di creazione di siti web ed e-commerce, ottimizzazione SEO, copywriting, creazione di contenuti, gestione dei social media, campagne Google e Meta, progettazione grafica e brand identità e molto altro. Sviluppiamo idee vincenti e innovative per la crescita del tuo brand. Il nostro team è formato da un gruppo di lavoro professionale, con esperti in ogni settore della comunicazione. Il nostro modus operandi può essere riassunto in 3 punti: strategia, creatività e reattività. Ogni progetto che supportiamo, ogni processo produttivo all'interno della nostra agenzia, ogni storia che raccontiamo ruota attorno all'utente finale. È fondamentale restare sempre al passo con le novità che il panorama digitale ci offre.
    2 works
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €3,000
    Worked in Food (+7)
    Speaks Italian, English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    The Future of Communication

    Agenzia di comunicazione e marketing a Roma, specializzata in Branding, Graphic Design, Web Design, Advertising e Social Media Management
    2 works
    Located in Rome, Italy
    Budget on request
    Worked in Political Organization (+6)
    Speaks English, Croatian
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Agenzia Letteraria Roma: decennale esperienza nei servizi editoriali: editing, correzione bozze, ghost writing, publishing, grafica, impaginazione, traduzioni
    No work
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Brand Advisory, Packaging Design, Shopper Marketing

    Top awarded
    We are mainly focused on Brand Advisory, Packaging Design, Innovation & Shopper Marketing and we are able provide extended marketing communication services.
    6 works
    Located in Turin, Italy
    From €5,000
    Worked in Beauty (+3)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Where Imagination Takes Shape: Your Vision, Our Design!

    (IT) Un team di professionisti flessibile e completo nato per realizzare progetti di Grafica e Comunicazione Integrata, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Visual Identity, Packaging, Digital Design, Web Marketing, SEO. Creatività, design e cura dei dettagli incontrano passione, metodo e affidabilità creando il MASHUP perfetto per una comunicazione originale e sempre focalizzata sull’obbiettivo Crediamo nelle idee e nei progetti ispirati dalla bellezza e dalla funzionalità che nascono solo dalla contaminazione e dal costante confronto empatico con il nostro cliente. Visita il nostro sito internet per vedere altri progetti creativi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (EN) A flexible and comprehensive team of professionals, born to realize projects in Integrated Communication, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Visual Identity, Packaging, Digital Design, and Web Marketing, SEO. Creativity, design, and attention to detail meet passion, method, and reliability, creating the perfect MASHUP for original and goal-oriented communication. We believe in ideas and projects inspired by beauty and functionality, which arise only from contamination and constant empathic dialogue with our clients. Visit our website to see more creative projects.
    10 works
    Located in Zona Industriale, Italy
    From €1,000
    Worked in Beverage (+6)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Agenzia di Comunicazione e Marketing. RESPIRA. LASCIA SPAZIO A NUOVE IDEE

    Top awarded
    dunp agenzia di comunicazione roma nata nel 2009 che lavora con imprenditori, startup, piccola e media impresa, grandi player internazionali e istituzioni. Agenzia di marketing, agenzia pubblicitaria, agenzia di consulenza su bandi e contributi e web agency 2.0 : all’interno di dunp lavorano professionisti con esperienza decennale capaci di realizzare progetti digitali su misura in base a obiettivi prefissati, misurabili, realistici e temporizzabili nel mercato di riferimento. La comunicazione è condivisione di idee, strategie e punti di vista: non lavoriamo per le persone, ma con le persone. La nostra idea non è quella di offrire semplicemente dei servizi, ma quella di costruire assieme al cliente una visione, un sentire comune, un progetto che possa crescere e alimentarsi passo dopo passo. Dalla Comunicazione alla Brand Identity e Publishing Editoriale , dal Digital Marketing alle campagne ADV , dai siti web ed e-Commerce . Se esiste una presenza digitale, noi possiamo migliorarla, Se non esiste, la possiamo creare. Altre attività: SEO, SEM, sviluppo software, social media management, spot audio, video, tv, radio, affissioni e cartellonistica OOH, corsi di formazione e soluzioni e-learning . I NOSTRI SERVIZI: Media e Marketing: digital strategy, content marketing, SMM, advertising, spot audio, video. Creatività e Comunicazione: brand identity, grafica pubblicitaria, affissioni OOH, eventi e congressi. Progettazione e Sviluppo: siti web, e-commerce, e-learning, software gestionali, CRM, CMS, ERP, APP, AI. Bandi e Contributi: bandi, contributi, finanziamenti, internazionalizzazione, accesso al credito. Transizione Digitale: Google Workspace, Google Cloud, Chrome Enterprise, Maps Platform, Google Ads, Google Business Profile, Aruba Business, Iubenda gold partner. Consulenza e Formazione: formazione profesisonale, soluzioni e-learning, smm, strategie digitali, analisi, audit e percorsi formativi
    No work
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €1,000
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+2)
    Speaks Italian, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (16 reviews)

    Strategy - Ideas - Action

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    L’agenzia di comunicazione integrata che aiuta le PMI e non solo, a diventare grandi domani ma anche a raggiungere obiettivi di breve termine. Con un'esperienza pluriennale in più settori, Yolo Plus è associata UNA - Aziende Unite della Comunicazione ed è parte di Confindustria Intellect . La vita associativa consente all'agenzia una continua crescita ed un confronto diretto con agenzie più o meno simili di tutto il territorio italiano per poter trasferire sulle aziende partner il valore più alto possibile.  In una società liquida come quella in cui viviamo, affidare le sorti della propria azienda ad estemporanee iniziative può essere fatale. Non esiste la pubblicità, esiste la volontà di un'impresa di ottenere degli obiettivi avendo chiaro il proprio potenziale. Attraverso una solida strategia che si traduce in idee nuove e differenti da mettere in pratica è possibile raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati. E Yolo Plus è il partner giusto per questo tipo di avventura. ************************************************************************************************************** The integrated communication agency that helps small and medium companies and beyond, to become great tomorrow but also to achieve short-term goals. With many years of experience in several sectors, Yolo Plus is associated with UNA - Aziende Unite della Comunicazione and is part of Confindustria Intellect . The associative life allows the agency a continuous growth and a direct comparison with more or less similar agencies throughout the Italian territory in order to transfer the highest possible value to the partner companies. In a liquid society like the one we live in, entrusting the fate of your company to impromptu initiatives can be fatal. There is no advertising, there is the will of a company to achieve objectives having clear its potential. Through a solid strategy that translates into new and different ideas to be put into practice, it is possible to achieve the set goals. And Yolo Plus is the right partner for this kind of adventure.
    5 works
    Located in Benevento, Italy
    From €3,000
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+9)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Top awarded
    77Agency is an award-winning independent full-service digital agency with offices in London, Milan, Riga, Rome and Los Angeles. 77 delivers its clients connected digital solutions; combining its services of Digital Strategy, Paid Media Acquisition, Digital PR and Social Media, SEO, Creative Production, Digital Consultancy, Website Design and Development, as well as its own proprietary Advertising Technologies. 77 works with prestigious international brands such as Armani, Lavazza, Silversea Cruises, Rocco Forte Hotels, Fineco, Huawei, Disney, Forte Village Resort, BNP Paribas, Davidoff, Diptyque and many others. 77 has been awarded multiple amount of times for its creative work internationally. It is also recognized as a Facebook Marketing Partner, Google Premier Partner and Bing Select Partner in terms of it is Paid Media activities, putting it into a unique position within the market. 
    No work
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom (+3)
    From €3,000
    Worked in Architecture & Planning
    Speaks English, Chinese
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    We were born human. And still are.

    Highly recommended
    Based in Turin, Italy, we work our creativity for national and international companies. We use the 2.0 to make the 1.0 better . Our mission is to help you understand and engage (meaningful) conversations. Ask, maybe we can help! We love what we do. Because we were Born Human, and still are. Social Media We design and plan content for social media because our aim is to increase the awareness of our clients' brands, engage their communities and care for them. Digital presence We create custom-made digital environments for our clients: digital outfits, websites and digital activities are just some of the elements that make up our world. Videos and 360° VR We conceive and create short videos as well as maximum immersion 360° VR; we believe videos are always a strong and effective way to tell a story and reach the audience. See more here. Branding and more We design visual identities, tailor visual outfits and love getting involved in communication campaigns, guerrilla marketing projects and out-of-the-box ideas. Adv management We plan, create and manage digital advertising campaigns to support our clients’ initiatives and ensure their visibility. Our aim is to reach our clients’ targets with effectiveness and precision. Where we are Via Buttigliera 11 - 10132 Torino Mail: Tel: +39 011 1889 4837 Take a look to our website and find us on Facebook, IG, YouTube and LinkedIn.
    No work
    Located in Turin, Italy
    From €3,000
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+14)
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Product and Innovation Design

    THINGS IS a product & innovation design agency for disrupting global B2C/ B2B markets. We design compelling experiences for hybrid (IoT) or pure digital products & services (including any kind of functional touchpoints: physical devices, web apps/sites, mobile apps, environmental...) and communication touchpoints (websites, interactive showcases, video tutorials, packaging, brochures...). We create easy, immediate & natural (voice, gesture, haptic) interactions to increase inclusivity and bring real value to every stakeholder and user.
    No work
    Located in Milan, Italy (+1)
    Budget on request
    Worked in Consumer Electronics (+7)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (5 reviews)
    Big Bang Creation is a global design thinking company in India located at Coimbatore. We practice human-centered and design-based approaches to help organizations in growth. We are one of the Best Designing and Brand Development company in India, who identify new ways to serve and support people by uncovering potential needs, behaviors, and desires. We support your business to build creative culture and the internal systems required to sustain innovation using Design Thinking, Digital Branding, Digital Marketing also we provide Best and Value for money services in Web designing, packaging design, interior designing, Printing, and photography with our excellent experience and latest technology.
    No work
    Located in Coimbatore, India (+2)
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    #internationalmarketing #marketing #globaladvertising #internationalbranddesign #events #branddesign

    Italya Srl, società costituita nel luglio 2005, ha da sempre operato nel settore del marketing, della comunicazione e della pubblicità. Nell’agosto del 2018 la compagine societaria viene modificata con l’inserimento di due nuovi soci che apportano esperienze concrete per l’area marketing e comunicazione internazionale. Esperienze a supporto di numerose aziende produttive di taglio medio-alto e a istituzioni nazionali. Le nostre: Analisi e strategie di marketing Comunicazione&Brand building Packaging Design Web-Design E-commerce Social media marketing & Digital intelligence Pubblicità Ideazione, organizzazione e gestione eventi Media Relation Strutturazione Marketing e Comunicazione per l’internazionalizzazione Aree operative descritte nel nostro sito web:
    No work
    Located in Naples, Italy
    From €10,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Become your own hero

    Web agency catering to millionaire businesses with e-commerce.
    2 works
    Located in Bonmont Terres Noves, Spain (+1)
    From €10,000
    Worked in Food (+1)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (2 reviews)

    Acute Brand Care

    Un angolo più imprevisto di quello retto, più curioso di quello piatto. Diverso da tutti e tutt’altro che ottuso. 45gradi non è solo un nome, ma un modo di essere e guardare alle cose. Un angolo libero, all’interno del quale convivono acuta passione, competenza e consistenza. Siamo a Milano, e ci occupiamo di design, strategia e comunicazione di brand da oltre quindici anni. Collaboriamo con aziende che hanno a cuore il proprio prodotto e vogliono continuare ad evolversi e rinnovarsi. Siamo guide e compagni di viaggio, designer strategici e consulenti operativi, esteti funzionali ed eterni curiosi. Crediamo che ogni identità di marca nasca da un pensiero, che bellezza significhi forma, sostanza e coerenza. Aiutiamo i brand che ci scelgono a farsi avanti e andare oltre. 45gradi. Acute Brand Care
    5 works
    Located in Milan, Italy
    From €10,000
    Worked in Food (+9)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (7 reviews)

    Powering Progress, One Campaign at a Time.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Skawoo, established in Malta in 2022, has rapidly expanded into a premier marketing agency known for its comprehensive and impactful marketing solutions. Our expertise has empowered over 100 clients from diverse sectors, including technology, retail, and tourism, not only in Malta but also in markets such as Europe, North America, and Asia. Our website: As an end-to-end partner for business growth, Skawoo offers a holistic suite of services from strategic planning and digital marketing to advanced analytics and technology solutions. Our commitment is to provide seamless, integrated services that fuel growth and innovation for our clients. Our approach to delivering exceptional value is founded on three core principles: Adaptive Strategies: We ensure that our strategies are flexible and adaptable, overcoming any barriers in technology and execution. This allows us to tailor our solutions to meet the unique needs and challenges of each client, ensuring no opportunity for growth is left unexplored. Commitment to Results: At Skawoo, our primary goal is to drive significant improvements in our clients' business performance. We focus on creating strategies that not only enhance brand visibility and engagement but also substantially increase revenue and profitability. Insightful Analytics: Leveraging cutting-edge technology and data analytics, we equip our clients with the tools to make informed, data-driven decisions. This empowers them to optimize their marketing efforts and achieve superior outcomes. Skawoo is the go-to agency for ambitious companies looking to gain a competitive edge and accelerate their growth in the global market.
    No work
    Located in Birkirkara, Malta
    From €1,000
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Italian
    1-10 members

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Insights from a Sortlist Expert: Top Packaging Agencies in Rome

Award-Winning Creativity in Rome

Rome is not only a historical and cultural hub, but also a modern center for brilliant packaging design where local agencies have gained remarkable recognition. The agencies here have an impressive track record, having won multiple awards that underline their creative prowess and their commitment to excellence. Among these accolades are notable industry awards which spotlight agencies that have pushed the boundaries of packaging design, creating memorable and innovative packages that not only attract but also engage consumers.

Successful Client Collaborations

These prestigious Rome-based agencies have crafted exceptional packaging solutions for a variety of clients, ranging from local artisan brands to multinational corporations. Examples include luxury fashion labels, gourmet food companies, and leading cosmetic brands. This broad client base showcases the agencies' versatility and their capability to tailor their services to meet diverse needs and industry standards. Each successful project reinforces the agencies' reputations as leaders in the packaging sector, adept in transforming client visions into tangible sales-driven results.

Budgeting for Packaging Services

Budget considerations are crucial when selecting a packaging agency in Rome. The cost can vary based on the complexity of the project, the materials used, and the reputation of the agency. For startups and small businesses, it is advisable to engage with agencies that offer scalable services, which can accommodate limited budgets but still provide impactful design solutions. Typically, entry-level packaging design projects could range from €5,000 to €15,000.

Medium-sized businesses might consider investing between €15,000 and €50,000, depending on the scope—encompassing bespoke structural design and multiple SKU versions. For large enterprises, whose needs often include comprehensive branding along with the packaging, budgets can start from €50,000. It's recommended to have a clear budget framework while also being open to consult with agencies to align expectations and explore possible innovations within your price range.

Tips for Choosing the Right Agency: Assess not only the portfolios but also the customer testimonials and the objective outcomes achieved through the agency’s prior work. This approach helps in selecting an agency whose operational style and success stories resonate with your brand’s vision and market strategy.

The combination of inspiring designs, commendable client partnerships, and a flexible yet strategic approach to budgeting is what sets Rome’s packaging agencies apart. As a local expert from Sortlist in Rome, I encourage businesses to explore the dynamic possibilities with our renowned packaging designers. Enhance your product's market appeal by trusting the innovative and proficient hands of Rome’s leading packaging experts.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in RomeLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Logo Design | Re-branding | Social Strategy |

Logo Design | Re-branding | Social Strategy |

Logo design | Branding e  positioning | Packaging

Logo design | Branding e positioning | Packaging

Web design | Icon design | Branding

Web design | Icon design | Branding

Frequently Asked Questions.

Sustainable packaging design has undergone significant evolution in Rome and throughout Italy in recent years, driven by increasing environmental awareness and stringent EU regulations. Here's an overview of the developments and innovative materials being used:

Evolution of Sustainable Packaging Design:

  • Minimalism: Designs now focus on using less material while maintaining product protection.
  • Mono-material Packaging: Easier to recycle, reducing the mix of different materials.
  • Smart Packaging: Incorporation of QR codes for product information, reducing the need for printed materials.
  • Reusable Designs: Growth in packaging that can be repurposed or refilled.
  • Biodegradable Inks: Increasing use of eco-friendly printing methods.

Innovative Materials in Use:

Material Description Application
Bioplastics Made from renewable resources like corn starch or sugarcane Food containers, bags
Mycelium Fungal-based material, fully biodegradable Protective packaging, wine bottle sleeves
Seaweed-based Materials Edible and biodegradable alternatives to plastic Food wrappers, sachets
Recycled Ocean Plastics Plastics recovered from the ocean and recycled Bottles, containers

In Rome, packaging designers are particularly focused on materials that align with the city's historical and cultural emphasis on quality and aesthetics. For instance, there's a growing trend of using locally-sourced, natural materials that reflect the region's rich agricultural heritage.

According to a 2023 report by Conai (National Packaging Consortium), Italy has seen a 10% increase in the use of recycled materials in packaging over the past two years. In Rome specifically, there's been a 15% rise in the adoption of biodegradable packaging materials among local businesses.

Packaging agencies in Rome are also exploring innovative solutions like:

  • Olive leaf packaging: Utilizing waste from olive oil production to create sustainable packaging materials.
  • Wine cork recycling: Repurposing wine corks into granules for packaging fillers.
  • Ancient grain-based materials: Developing packaging from local heritage grain varieties.

These developments not only contribute to sustainability but also create unique, locally-inspired packaging designs that set Roman products apart in the global market. As the packaging industry in Rome continues to innovate, we can expect to see even more creative and eco-friendly solutions emerge, blending the city's rich cultural heritage with cutting-edge sustainable practices.

The packaging industry in Rome, like many other major cities, is facing several significant challenges in today's dynamic market. Here are some of the biggest challenges and how designers in the Eternal City are addressing them:

  1. Sustainability and Environmental Concerns:

    With increasing awareness of environmental issues, packaging designers in Rome are focusing on:

    • Using eco-friendly materials like biodegradable plastics, recycled paper, and plant-based packaging
    • Implementing minimalist designs to reduce material usage
    • Creating reusable packaging solutions, particularly for luxury goods and local specialties
  2. Balancing Tradition with Innovation:

    Rome's rich cultural heritage presents a unique challenge. Designers are:

    • Incorporating traditional Italian design elements into modern, functional packaging
    • Using innovative materials that maintain the look and feel of classic packaging
    • Developing smart packaging solutions that enhance product authenticity and traceability
  3. E-commerce and Delivery Demands:

    With the growth of online shopping, Roman packaging designers are:

    • Creating protective packaging that ensures product integrity during shipping
    • Designing unboxing experiences that replicate the charm of in-store purchases
    • Developing compact, lightweight packaging to reduce shipping costs and environmental impact
  4. Regulatory Compliance:

    Keeping up with EU and Italian regulations is crucial. Designers are addressing this by:

    • Staying informed about the latest packaging laws and guidelines
    • Collaborating with legal experts to ensure compliance
    • Developing packaging solutions that meet both regulatory and aesthetic requirements
  5. Consumer Engagement in a Digital Age:

    To capture attention in a crowded market, Roman designers are:

    • Integrating QR codes and augmented reality features into packaging designs
    • Creating Instagram-worthy packaging that encourages social media sharing
    • Developing interactive packaging elements that enhance the consumer experience

According to a recent study by the Italian Packaging Institute, 68% of Roman consumers are more likely to choose products with sustainable packaging. This has led to a 25% increase in the use of recycled materials in local packaging design over the past year.

To address these challenges effectively, packaging designers in Rome are collaborating closely with local artisans, technology experts, and environmental scientists. They're also drawing inspiration from the city's rich artistic heritage to create packaging solutions that are not only functional and sustainable but also uniquely Roman in their aesthetic appeal.

Packaging designers in Rome are increasingly focusing on accessibility in their designs to cater to diverse consumer groups. This trend reflects a growing awareness of inclusivity and the need to accommodate various abilities and demographics. Here's how Roman packaging designers are addressing these concerns:

1. Easy-Open Features:
  • Implementing pull-tabs, peel-off seals, and ergonomic shapes that are easier for people with limited dexterity to handle
  • Designing packaging with larger grips and textured surfaces for better handling
2. Clear and Legible Information:
  • Using high-contrast color schemes and larger font sizes to improve readability for visually impaired consumers
  • Incorporating Braille or tactile elements for essential product information
3. Multilingual Packaging:
  • Including information in multiple languages to cater to Rome's diverse population and tourists
  • Using universal symbols and icons to communicate key information across language barriers
4. Smart Packaging Technologies:
  • Integrating QR codes or NFC tags that link to audio descriptions or detailed product information for visually impaired users
  • Developing augmented reality features that can provide additional accessibility options when scanned with a smartphone
5. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Solutions:
  • Using materials that are both environmentally friendly and easy to open or recycle, addressing both sustainability and accessibility concerns
  • Designing packaging that can be easily disassembled or reused by consumers with varying abilities
6. Age-Friendly Packaging:
  • Creating designs that consider the needs of Rome's aging population, such as easy-grip containers and clear dosage instructions for pharmaceuticals
  • Implementing child-resistant features that are still accessible to elderly users

According to a recent study by the Italian Packaging Institute, 72% of Roman packaging designers reported increasing their focus on accessibility features in the past two years. This shift is driven by both consumer demand and upcoming EU regulations on inclusive design.

Local packaging agencies in Rome are collaborating with disability advocacy groups to conduct user testing and gather feedback on their designs. This approach ensures that the accessibility features are truly effective and meet the needs of diverse consumer groups.

As Rome continues to be a hub for innovation in design, packaging professionals are setting new standards for accessible packaging that could influence trends across Italy and Europe. By addressing these accessibility concerns, packaging designers are not only improving user experience but also expanding market reach and demonstrating social responsibility.