The 10 Best Slogan Design Companies in Berlin - 2024 Reviews

Top Slogan Design Companies in Berlin

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All Slogan Design Agencies in Berlin

  • 4.9
    (18 reviews)

    You are leaving the ordinary sector.

    Wir sind CRU — schön, dass Ihr hier seid. Wir bauen außergewöhnliche Marken, indem wir vier Dinge zusammendenken: Strategie, Story, Design und Experience. Denn gewöhnliche Marken sind schlecht fürs Geschäft. Und wer will schon ein Branding, das schlecht fürs Geschäft ist? Die Designer und Storytellerinnen, Strategen und Account Managerinnen bei CRU zählen zu den Besten ihrer Art. Euer Projektteam arbeitet lean und schnell zusammen — und bleibt Euch während der ganzen Projektlaufzeit erhalten. Denn nur so können wir die persönliche Beziehung herstellen, die es für außergewöhnliche Arbeit braucht.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €10,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+18)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Mit frischen Ideen und viel Know-how erfolgreich kommunizieren.

    Top awarded
    Die PETER PAUL AND MARY Werbeagentur Berlin ist eine inhabergeführte Full-Service Agentur mit einem breitgefächerten Kundenportfolio. Ebenso vielfältig wie die Kunden sind auch die Ideen und Herangehensweisen der Berliner Kreativagentur. Die von PPAM Berlin entwickelten Werbemaßnahmen bringen den Kunden weiter und unterstützen ihn beim Erreichen der Unternehmens- und Marketingziele. Effekthascherei ist hier nicht gefragt, Beeindrucken und Begeistern umso mehr. PPAM verbindet Kreativität und Design mit Kompetenz und Wissen, sodass keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Dabei arbeitet PPAM stets zuverlässig, schnell, transparent und zu fairen Konditionen. Mit eigens entwickelten Workshops für Markenentwicklung, Webentwicklung und Einzelkampagnen sorgt PPAM dafür, dass von Beginn an zielführend und effizient gearbeitet wird und Kunde und Agentur stets wissen, wie das Ergebnis aussehen soll. Für PPAM ist seit jeher ein respektvoller und fairer Umgang mit Lieferanten und Kunden die Basis für eine vertrauensvolle und oft langjährige Zusammenarbeit.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+15)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    Agentur für anspruchsvolle Kommunikation

    SALZ ist die Agentur für komplexe Themen und neue Wege – wir sind Spezialist für Kommunikation mit Anspruch . Für Marken, Produkte und Themen, die erklärt werden möchten: z.B. im Pharma-, Healthcare-, Finanz-, IT-, Consulting- oder Non-Profit-Bereich. Wir helfen. Full-Service, B2B, B2C und immer mit Herzblut. Wir finden neue Wege in der Kommunikation!
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+4)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    Wir prägen die Welt der Kommunikation: Live - Hybrid - Digital - Nachhaltig

    Highly recommended
    Wir sind VATERBLUT. Seit Jahrzehnten schärfen wir Markenidentitäten und prägen die Welt der Livekommunikation. Roh. Angewandt. Kontemporär. Provokant. Ironisch. Nachhaltig. Wir lieben das digitale Leben so sehr wie die analoge Realität. Wir lieben die Kunst der perfekten Imperfektion. Wir lieben den Blick aufs Wesentliche und den kreativen Schaffensprozess. Wir sind weder simpel noch minimalistisch, kryptisch oder unzugänglich. Wir sind VATERBLUT. Agentur für prägende Kommunikation.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Government & Administration (+7)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    "Good Design is Good Business!"

    DE: GoldenWing ist eine dynamische Webentwicklungs- und Digitalmarketing-Agentur, die auf innovative, kundenorientierte Lösungen spezialisiert ist. Mit einem Team aus kreativen Köpfen und technischen Experten gestalten wir digitale Erlebnisse, die Marken von der Masse abheben. Unsere Dienstleistungen umfassen maßgeschneidertes Webdesign, fortschrittliche SEO-Strategien und zielgerichtetes Online-Marketing, die alle darauf ausgerichtet sind, unsere Kunden vorwärts zu bringen und ihre Sichtbarkeit im digitalen Raum zu maximieren. Bei GoldenWing verbinden wir Ästhetik mit Funktionalität, um beeindruckende, benutzerfreundliche Websites zu schaffen, die nicht nur ansprechend sind, sondern auch Ergebnisse liefern. EN: GoldenWing is a dynamic web development and digital marketing agency specializing in innovative, customer-centric solutions. With a team of creative minds and technical experts, we design digital experiences that set brands apart from the crowd. Our services include customized web design, advanced SEO strategies and targeted online marketing, all designed to move our clients forward and maximize their visibility in the digital space. At GoldenWing, we combine aesthetics with functionality to create stunning, user-friendly websites that are not only engaging but also deliver results.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+2)
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+8)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (6 reviews)

    Euer Luftschloss ist unsere Hüpfburg

    Wir sind „Schach zu Dritt“, ein kreatives Powerhouse aus Berlin für smarte und moderne Kreation, nachhaltige Markenkommunikation und innovative Veranstaltungskonzepte. Unter dem Motto “Euer Luftschloss ist unsere Hüpfburg” lässt das 15-köpfige Team mit viel Leidenschaft, Kreativität, Strategie, Ehrgeiz und Empathie, Kundenwünsche mit einer gewissen Portion Extravaganz wahr werden. Wir verfolgen langfristige Ziele und wollen gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden*innen ein positives Momentum erzeugen. Lasst uns einander kennenlernen!
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+16)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    From strategic insight to operational success

    Top awarded
    Bei eobiont arbeiten wir eng mit unseren Kunden zusammen, um ihre Markenbekanntheit zu steigern, ihren Vertrieb anzukurbeln und ihr Geschäftswachstum zu fördern. Besonders gerne stellen wir uns den Herausforderungen der Technologiebranche und öffentlichkeitswirksamen Kampagnen . Unsere Hauptdienstleistungsbereiche umfassen Marketingstrategie , Markenentwicklung , Website-Erstellung und Online-Marketingkampagnen . Einige bekannte Marken, denen wir geholfen haben, sind Oracle , Tetra Pak, Hilton, Siemens und der World Health Summit . Warum eobiont? Unsere einzigartige Methodik verkürzt die Entwicklungszeit von Monaten auf Wochen und optimiert die Ergebnisse. Top-globale Unternehmen nutzen unsere Strategieworkshops . Wir arbeiten sowohl mit großen Marken als auch mit schnell wachsenden Start-ups . Wir sind ein internationales Team , das die globalen Märkte versteht. Viele unserer Kampagnen wurden mit Branchenpreisen ausgezeichnet. Wir sind seit über 20 Jahren im Geschäft. Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, Ihre Zielgruppe und Ihre Wachstumsziele zu erreichen? Wir können Ihnen helfen. Beginnen Sie noch heute mit einer kostenlosen Erstberatung .
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Non-profit (+6)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (11 reviews)

    Consult. Connect. Create.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Die EVERNINE steht als mehrfach ausgezeichnete strategische Kommunikationsberatung und Full-Service Agentur für effektive Next-Level-Kommunikation und innovative Marketing Services. Wir beraten unsere Kunden strategisch, ermöglichen die digitale Transformation von Marketing, Sales, PR & HR und bieten ein großes Portal- & Verlagsnetzwerk für effektivem KPI-getriebene Kampagnen. Schwerpunkte liegen in unserem Branchen-Know-How, in unserem großen Technologie-Stack, in der kosteneffizienten Vernetzung von Kommunikationsdisziplinen sowie dem Service, sämtliche Agenturleistungen auch dauerhaft auszulagern. Gemäß unserem Leitsatz „Consult. Connect. Create“ findet unsere Betreuung via „One Voice“ statt. Sie entscheiden – Wir stehen als Beratung an Ihrer Seite oder als umsetzungsstarke 360°-Agentur. Mit uns setzen Sie auf eine zukunftsweisende Digitale Kommunikationsberatung, während auf Ihren Wunsch hin unsere angebundene Full-Service-Agentur alle benötigten Leistungen mitliefert. Sie erwartet gleichermaßen dauerhafte technologische und kreative Unterstützung, optional im Outsourcing-Modell. Transformieren und vernetzen Sie mit uns Ihr Marketing, PR, Sales & HR, intern wie extern.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Management Consulting (+18)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (7 reviews)

    Digital Product Agency

    Fancy Global is a digital product agency that finds business solutions by creating digital assets. We are a team of experts with both IT and business backgrounds. We combine our skills to create an agency that operates simultaneously as a tech crew, design squad, marketing gang and a consulting group. Basically we invite you to come to us with your goals and ideas and we will provide you with a full operating digital solution ready to convert your know-how into profit.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+1)
    From €5,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in E-commerce (+16)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (5 reviews)

    Our about us is about you.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Our About us is about you. Denn wir wissen: Zusammen wird’s geiler. For sure! Es geht schließlich um Dich, Dein Unternehmen, Dein Projekt und Deine Zukunft! Gemeinsam kreieren wir herausragende visuelle und intellektuelle Qualität.  Manche halten uns für irrational oder unprofessionell – and we love it. Beschreite mit uns neue Wege in unbekanntes Terrain. Muffensausen und Herzklopfen inklusive. Let’s do some bold shit together!
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+1)
    From €3,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+9)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    On a mission to drive meaningful transformation by shaping brands that ignite change

    Bolder is an independent creative marketing agency, joining forces with game-changers committed to positively shaping the future. Our agency offers extensive solutions, including Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Design, Websites, Social Media Growth, Market Analysis & Research, Brand Positioning, Communication Strategy, Creative Direction With over 50 successful cases across various industries like Tech, Sustainability, and Fashion, we supercharge your brand by increasing awareness, driving engagement, and optimising performance. Our results are measurable and backed by strategic approach, research, data-driven insights, captivating storytelling, appealing designs, and innovative thinking.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+2)
    From €3,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+5)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    Dein Erfolg ist unser Anspruch!

    Top awarded
    Wir sind Eure unabhängige Kommunikations- und Designagentur aus dem Herzen Hamburgs. Unseren Kunden bieten wir ein ganzheitliches Spektrum das deine Marken nachhaltig stärkt. Unser Leistungsangebot reicht von Strategie-Ausarbeitung, über zielgerichtete Awareness-Impulse bis zur ästhetischen Verpackung Deiner Botschaft. Dabei haben wir stets die Bedürfnisse Deiner Zielgruppe im Blick und bringen sie sowohl digital als auch analog zusammen. Unsere Inhouse-Spezialisten-Teams stellen wir passgenau für Deine Projekte zusammen und liefern überzeugende Ergebnisse, auch bei sehr straffen Zeitplänen. Wir lieben, was wir tun. Deshalb stehen wir für umfassenden Service, mit dem Ziel, Deine Bedürfnisse und die Deiner Kunden allumfassend zu erfüllen. Überzeuge Dich selbst!
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+8)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Brand Driver

    Top awarded
    Mit unserer Positionierung, von der Markenführung her kommend, schließen wir die Lücke zu Handel und Vertrieb – immer mit dem besonderen Know-how über effiziente PoS-Kommunikation. Ziel ist die Verbindung klassischer Markenführung mit strategischem Handelsmarketing zu einer ertragsstarken Einheit. Dabei betrachten wir bei allen Konzepten sämtliche Touchpoints und verstehen den PoS nicht als Endpunkt der Kommunikationskette, sondern als deren wichtigstes Ertragsmoment. Wir bieten das Gesamtleistungsspektrum einer Full-Service-Agentur, konzentrieren uns aber auf Kommunikationskonzepte, die aus dem Markenkern heraus von Anfang an erfolgreich auf Vertrieb, Handel und den Point of Sale ausgerichtet sind.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Stuttgart, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Retail (+12)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (19 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    🇬🇧 below 🇩🇪 Sagen Sie Hi zu Digital Masters, Ihrer Agentur für E-Commerce, Websites und digitale Kommunikation. Die Zukunft ist digital. Und die gestalten wir mit Leidenschaft, Know-how und richtig viel Power. Bei uns arbeiten von Anfang an Profis aus Beratung & Strategie, Marketing, Technologie und Kreation gemeinsam an Ihren Zielen. Dieses Setup ist die Basis von Digital Masters, unsere DNA. Und das funktioniert richtig gut! Vom Start-up bis zum Big Player, wir unterstützen Sie bei der Digitalisierung Ihres Unternehmens. Wir optimieren Ihre Channels und Kampagnen, maximieren Ihre Ergebnisse, entwickeln passende Plattformen und lassen Ihre Marke dort strahlen, wo sie gesehen wird. Dabei orientieren wir uns an nichts Geringerem als Ihren Erfolg! Klingt richtig gut, oder? Dann melden Sie sich. 🇬🇧 Say hi to Digital Masters, your agency for e-commerce, websites and digital communication. The future is digital. And we're shaping it with passion, know-how and a lot of power. With us, professionals from consulting & strategy, marketing, technology and creation work together on your goals right from the start. This setup is the basis of Digital Masters, our DNA. And it works really well! From start-ups to big players, we support you in digitizing your business. We optimize your channels and campaigns, maximize your results, develop suitable platforms and let your brand shine where it is seen. In doing so, we focus on nothing less than your success! Sounds really good, doesn't it? Then get in touch.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €3,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Restaurants (+12)
    Speaks German, English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    Ripples Amplified

    BigFish solve marketing problems by combining in-depth creativity with advanced technology and innovative media.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Leading by Performance In A Digital Century

    Wer sind wir? DCBerlin ist die führende Agentur in Berlin für Performance- und Growth Marketing. DCBerlin ist die erste auf KI basierende Performance-Marketing-Agentur aus Berlin mit einem obsessiven Strategiefokus. Wir helfen Organisationen, durch datengesteuertes digitales Marketing und Kommunikationsstrategien zu wachsen. Unser digitaler Maschinenraum inspiriert Ihre Kampagne nicht mit österreichischen Energy-Drinks, sondern mit smarten Ideen und echter Handwerkskunst. Warum sollten Sie sich für uns entscheiden? Strategie trifft auf Performance! Effizienz: Von der Erstellung und dem Start von Google- & META-Anzeigen bis hin zu individuell gestalteten Landingpages - wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Ziele auf effizienteste Weise zu erreichen. A-Team-Spieler-Squad: Von umfangreichem PPC-Wissen bis hin zu konversionoptimiertem Design; wir bringen die besten Talente und Köpfe zusammen, um ein kreatives Feuerwerk zu entfachen und innovative, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihre Marketingbedürfnisse zu liefern. Wachstum: Von schnellen Erfolgen bis zu langfristigen Strategien; wir können agil mit verschiedensten Zeitrahmen arbeiten, um kurz-, mittel- und langfristiges Wachstum zu generieren. Agil & Transparent: Im Kern unseres Ansatzes liegt die Agilität und die 100-prozentig Transparenz. Wir passen uns nicht nur an Ihre Bedürfnisse an – wir antizipieren und passen an, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Strategie immer einen Schritt voraus ist. Transparenz ist nicht nur ein Versprechen; es ist unsere Praxis. Von klaren Erklärungen unserer Strategien bis hin zum Zugang zu allen Kampagnenplattformen und Tools, halten wir Sie in jedem Schritt informiert und eingebunden. Kommunikation: Effektive Kommunikation ist unser Eckpfeiler. Wir vertreten die Philosophie „Mehr ist besser“, wenn es um Interaktion geht. Erwarten Sie schnelle, reichhaltige Austausche mit unserem Team, untermauert durch regelmäßige, strukturierte wöchentliche oder zweiwöchentliche Meetings. Wir teilen nicht nur Informationen; wir tauschen entscheidende Einsichten aus, die für die Erstellung gewinnender Strategien unerlässlich sind. KI-Zuerst-Agentur: Als Pioniere in der KI-Integration haben wir im Januar 2023 die KI-Eventserie "AI-Breakfast" ins Leben gerufen und gehören damit zu den ersten Berliner Agenturen, die KI tief in unsere Operationen und Kundenlösungen integrieren. Unsere Expertise in KI ist nicht nur theoretisch – sie ist praktisch und schnell. Wir identifizieren nicht nur KI-Möglichkeiten für unsere Kunden; wir verwandeln sie schnell in Realitäten. Unsere Mission Wir werden von unserer Leidenschaft für unsere Arbeit angetrieben. Wir lieben, was wir tun, und wollen, dass auch Sie es lieben! Deshalb bauen wir unsere Arbeitsbeziehungen auf Transparenz, Vertrauen und gegenseitiger Wertschätzung auf. Nennen Sie uns altmodisch, aber wir lieben es, enge Arbeitsbeziehungen zu entwickeln und Projekte mit Enthusiasmus, Leidenschaft und Kommunikation voranzutreiben. Auch wenn wir wissen, dass nicht jeder seinen CPM von seinem CPR unterscheiden kann, bieten wir unseren Kunden Coaching und Training an, damit wir vollständig demonstrieren können, wie unsere Bemühungen Ihrem Geschäft zugutekommen. Was sind unsere Dienstleistungen? Strategie & Beratung Social Media Suchmaschinenmarketing KI-Beratung, Betreuung und -Integration English Version see below ______________________________ Who are we? DCBerlin is the leading performance and growth marketing agency in Berlin. DCBerlin is the AI first performance marketing agency from Berlin with an obsessive strategy focus. We help organizations grow through data-driven digital Marketing and Communication strategies. Our digital engine room inspires your campaign without Austrian energy drinks but with smart ideas and real craftsmanship. Why should you choose us? Strategy meets performance! Efficiency: From creating and launching Google & Facebook Ads to individually designed landing pages - we help you achieve your goals in the most efficient way. A-Team-Player Squad: From extensive PPC knowledge to conversion-optimized design; we bring the best talents and minds together to stoke those creative fires and deliver innovative, tailored solutions for your marketing needs Growth: From quick wins to long-term strategies; we can work on multi-timeframe approaches to generate growth in the short, medium, and long term. Agile & Transparent: At the core of our approach lies unmatched agility and 100% transparency. We don't just adapt to your needs – we anticipate and pivot swiftly, ensuring your strategy is always ahead of the curve. Transparency isn't just a promise; it's our practice. From clear explanations of our strategies to real-time access to all campaign platforms, we keep you informed and involved at every step. Communication: Effective communication is our cornerstone. We champion the philosophy of 'more is better' when it comes to interaction. Expect rapid, rich exchanges with our team, underpinned by regular, structured weekly or bi-weekly meetings. We don't just share information; we exchange insights that are crucial for crafting winning strategies. AI First Agency: Pioneering in AI integration, we initiated the AI Breakfast series in January 2023, placing us among the first Berlin-based agencies to deeply embed AI in our operations and client solutions. Our expertise in AI isn't just theoretical – it's practical and rapid. We don't just identify AI opportunities for our clients; we turn them into realities, fast. Our mission We are driven by our passion for our work. We love what we do and we want you to love it too! That’s why we like our working relationships to be based on transparency, trust, and mutual appreciation. Call us old fashioned (as we often call for in the bar) but we love to develop close working ties, driving projects forward with enthusiasm, passion, and communication. Whilst, we know not everyone may not know their CPM from their CPR we like to offer our clients coaching and training, so we can fully demonstrate how our efforts are benefiting your business. What are our services? Strategy & Consulting Social Media Search Engine Marketing AI Consulting and Integration
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Automotive (+4)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Internationale Erfolge: mit dem perfekten Markennamen. Marke & Design multipliziert = Persönlichkeit

    Wir sind eine Agentur für Namensentwicklung und Branding. Namerock Brands entwickelt Namen, die ins Schwarze treffen: Stark. Marktführend. Perfekt. Ein Name und seine Gestaltung ergeben eine Einheit, eine Persönlichkeit. Das Logo richtet sich an der Namensidee aus und führt die Strategie weiter. Firmennamen, Produktnamen, App oder Patennamen: Namensentwicklung und Branding sprechen eine Sprache. Namerock Brands bringt Unternehmenserfolge: Luqom, Dornbracht, Lampenwelt, VW. Internationale Erfolge: Dafür stehen wir.
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in E-commerce (+1)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    Vom Logo bis zur Kundengewinnung mit Branding, Websites & Marketing für Premium-Dienstleister 🏴

    WELCOME TO WUNDERLABS Als Design- und Digitalagentur im Münchener Norden konnten wir seit 2018 bereits zahlreichen Klienten aus den verschiedensten Branchen in ganz Deutschland weiterhelfen. Inzwischen fokussiert sich unser Team aus zwei Handvoll Experten, eingespielten Freelancern und ausgewählten Partnern auf die Vermarktung von komplexen (B2B-)Dienstleistungen. Dabei gehen wir "die ganze Strecke" - von der Marke bis zur Lead- und Kundengewinnung für unsere Klienten. Langfristiger Erfolg, eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und klare Kommunikation prägen dabei unsere Beziehungen. Jetzt Wunder planen!
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Hallbergmoos, Germany
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Management Consulting (+17)
    Speaks German, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen.

    BREITETIEFE ist ein Kollektiv aus Agenturen, die kollaborativ für Kunden arbeiten und das für unkonventionelle, holistisch gedachte Kommunikationslösungen steht. BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen. Strategy - Brand Building - Technology
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Ratingen, Germany (+3)
    From €5,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Wir bewirken gute Kommunikation.

    Moin und Servus! Wir sind Albert Bauer. Wir lösen die kommunikativen Probleme und Herausforderungen unserer Kunden. Wir sind Generalisten – und zugleich Spezialisten. Dabei sind wir exakt so aufgestellt, wie die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden es erfordern. Und wenn diese sich verändern, passen wir uns den veränderten Anforderungen an. Schnell und flexibel. Diese Variabilität schätzen unsere Kunden. Sie ermöglicht es uns, ihnen jederzeit maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten und für sie umzusetzen. Für einige Kunden sind wir der verlässliche Allrounder, für andere der Innovationspartner, oder der kompetente Partner für das Kampagnen-Rollout, für das Digital Asset Management, für das Management großer Produktionen oder für langfristige Großprojekte. Wir sind proaktiv. Legen großen Wert auf eine menschliche, durch gegenseitigen Respekt geprägte Zusammenarbeit. Intern wie extern. Wir arbeiten technologisch und systemisch. Und lieben es, wenn unsere Arbeiten überzeugende und sichtbare Resultate erzielen. Als inhabergeführtes Unternehmen der 4. Generation können wir inzwischen auf 60 Jahre Markterfahrung zurückblicken und haben alle Entwicklungen und Innovationen innerhalb des Marketings nicht nur miterlebt, sondern auch mit unseren Kunden aktiv mitgestaltet. So pflegen wir partnerschaftliche Verhältnisse zu Unternehmen wie Montblanc, BMW und Wempe, für welche wir zum Teil seit 30 Jahren aktiv sind. Denn wir warten nicht auf Innovationen, wir treiben Sie aktiv mit unseren Kunden voran.  Mit einem Team aus 78 Mitarbeitenden an den Standorten Hamburg und München unterstützen Sie Spezialisten entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Marketingkommunikation . Der eigene Anspruch ist mit Erfahrung, Technologie & Know-How am Zahn der Zeit zu sein. Damit wächst das Portfolio und das Team, um für jede Herausforderung die bestmögliche Konstellation zu bieten.   Wir bieten Lösungen aus den Themenbereichen: Concept Content Production Platforms Wir freuen uns darauf Sie kennenzulernen.  Ihr Team von Albert Bauer _____________________ Moin and Servus! We are Albert Bauer. We solve our clients' communication problems and challenges. We are generalists - and specialists at the same time. In doing so, we are positioned exactly as the needs of our clients require. And when these change, we adapt to the changing requirements. Quickly and flexibly. Our customers appreciate this variability. It enables us to offer them tailor-made solutions at any time and to implement them for them. For some clients we are the reliable all-rounder, for others the innovation partner, or the competent partner for campaign rollout, for digital asset management, for the management of large productions or for long-term major projects. We are proactive. We attach great importance to a human cooperation characterised by mutual respect. Internally and externally. We work technologically and systemically. And love it when our work achieves convincing and visible results. As a 4th generation owner-managed company, we can now look back on 60 years of market experience and have not only experienced all the developments and innovations within marketing, but have also actively helped to shape them with our clients. We maintain partnerships with companies such as Montblanc, BMW and Wempe, some of which we have been working for for 30 years. Because we don't wait for innovations, we actively drive them forward with our customers.  With a team of 80 employees in Hamburg and Munich, we support specialists along the entire value chain of marketing communication. Our own claim is to be at the cutting edge with experience, technology & know-how. This means that the portfolio and the team are growing in order to offer the best possible constellation for every challenge.   We offer solutions from the thematic areas: Concept Content Production Platforms We look forward to getting to know you.  Your team from Albert Bauer
    Looking for work in Slogan Design
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+1)
    From €1,000 for Slogan Design
    Worked in Automotive (+11)
    Speaks German, English
    51-200 members

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Insights from Our Expert: Slogan Design Agencies in Berlin - Crafting Memorable Phrases

Berlin, known for its vibrant culture and dynamic business landscape, is also a hub for creative communication. Slogan design agencies here are renowned for their ability to distill complex messages into memorable, pithy slogans. With a comprehensive database featuring 100 projects and 21 client reviews, Berlin stands out as a leader in creative slogan design.

Key Players and Their Achievements

Diverse Range of Agencies

The city boasts a variety of slogan design agencies, each offering unique services to meet diverse client needs. From large, well-established firms to niche boutiques, these agencies contribute significantly to Berlin’s reputation as a center for innovative branding.

Clients and Prestigious Awards

Local agencies have partnered with high-profile clients including international tech startups, major automotive brands, and local retail giants, highlighting their broad appeal and adaptability. Awards such as the "Berlin Branding Awards" and "Global Slogan Masters" have recognized these agencies for their creative excellence and impact.

Client Reviews and Testimonials

Client feedback is crucial when choosing a slogan design agency. With 21 reviews, Berlin’s agencies enjoy significant endorsement from their clients, underscoring their reliability and the effectiveness of their crafted slogans. This feedback is invaluable for assessing both performance and customer satisfaction.

Tips for Choosing Your Slogan Design Agency

Budget Considerations

When selecting a slogan design agency, budgeting is an essential factor. In Berlin, pricing can vary based on the agency’s size and prestige. Here are a few budgeting tips for different types of businesses:

Small Businesses and Startups

For smaller enterprises, medium-sized or specialized boutiques can be a cost-effective choice. These agencies typically offer competitive rates, ensuring quality service. Basic slogan development projects might range from €2,000 to €7,000.

Medium-sized Enterprises

Midsize businesses might need more comprehensive services. Working with agencies that have a robust portfolio and diverse team can be beneficial, with costs for an extensive slogan strategy possibly ranging from €7,000 to €20,000.

Large Corporations

For major corporations, choosing an agency with a proven track record of handling large-scale projects is crucial. Comprehensive campaigns may start at €20,000 and can go much higher, depending on the project's scope and complexity.

Review Past Works

Examining an agency's previous work is vital. The 100 projects showcased provide valuable insight into each agency's style and capabilities, helping businesses align with agencies that best fit their brand vision.

Agency Specializations

Some agencies in Berlin specialize in areas like digital branding or multilingual slogan creation. Selecting one that aligns with your specific needs is crucial for achieving the desired impact and effectiveness.

Elevate Your Brand with Berlin’s Top Slogan Design Experts

Berlin continues to thrive as a beacon of marketing innovation and creativity, powered by a network of skilled slogan design agencies. Whether you're a burgeoning startup or a well-established multinational, Berlin offers a plethora of choices, impressive accomplishments, and detailed client reviews. As a local expert of Sortlist in Berlin, I encourage you to explore the diverse options available and trust Berlin's expertise to elevate your brand’s prominence.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BerlinLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Brand identity for a luxury chocolate brand

Frequently Asked Questions.

Consumer psychology plays a crucial role in effective slogan design, especially in Berlin's dynamic and diverse market. Understanding the psychological triggers that resonate with Berlin's consumers can make the difference between a forgettable tagline and a powerful, memorable slogan that drives brand recognition and sales.

Key aspects of consumer psychology in Berlin's slogan design:

  1. Cultural Resonance: Berlin is known for its multicultural population and progressive attitudes. Slogans that tap into the city's values of diversity, creativity, and innovation tend to perform well.
  2. Emotional Appeal: Effective slogans in Berlin often evoke emotions that align with the city's character – think edgy, avant-garde, or socially conscious.
  3. Cognitive Processing: Berliners appreciate clever wordplay and intellectually stimulating content. Slogans that engage the mind and provoke thought can be particularly effective.
  4. Memory Retention: Using rhyme, rhythm, or alliteration can make slogans more memorable in the bustling urban environment of Berlin.

Practical applications in Berlin's market:

Psychological Principle Application in Slogan Design Berlin-specific Example
Social Proof Emphasize popularity or widespread adoption 'Berlin's Favorite Since [Year]'
Scarcity Create a sense of exclusivity or limited availability 'Nur in Berlin' (Only in Berlin)
Identity Appeal to local pride and identity 'Für echte Berliner' (For real Berliners)
Simplicity Use clear, concise language for quick comprehension 'Berlin. Einfach gut.' (Berlin. Simply good.)

Recent data underscores the importance of consumer psychology in slogan design. According to a 2023 study by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, slogans that effectively incorporated local cultural elements saw a 27% higher recall rate among Berlin consumers compared to generic slogans.

Moreover, a survey conducted by a leading Berlin-based market research firm found that 68% of Berlin residents are more likely to engage with brands whose slogans reflect the city's values of sustainability and social responsibility.

To create psychologically impactful slogans in Berlin, slogan design agencies should:

  • Conduct thorough market research to understand the current zeitgeist of Berlin
  • Use A/B testing to gauge emotional responses to different slogan variations
  • Collaborate with local cultural influencers to ensure authenticity
  • Consider the multilingual nature of Berlin's population, ensuring slogans work in German and English
  • Stay updated on local trends and events that could influence consumer psychology

By leveraging consumer psychology effectively, slogan design companies in Berlin can create powerful, resonant slogans that not only capture attention but also drive brand loyalty and consumer action in this unique and vibrant market.

In the dynamic and creative landscape of Berlin's marketing scene, brevity in slogan design has become increasingly important. However, it's not a one-size-fits-all rule. Let's explore the significance of concise slogans and when exceptions might be appropriate for Berlin businesses.

The importance of brevity in modern slogan design:
  • Attention span: With the average attention span decreasing, short slogans are more likely to be remembered and shared.
  • Digital compatibility: Brief slogans work better on social media platforms and mobile devices, which are crucial for reaching Berlin's tech-savvy population.
  • Versatility: Shorter slogans are more adaptable across various marketing materials and channels.
  • Memorability: Concise slogans are often more memorable, helping to build brand recognition in Berlin's competitive market.

According to a 2023 study by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, 78% of successful local brands use slogans with five words or fewer.

Exceptions to the brevity rule:

While brevity is generally preferred, there are situations where longer slogans might be more effective for Berlin businesses:

ExceptionExplanationBerlin Example
Complex products or services Some industries may require more explanation 'Wir haben die Lösung für jedes Berliner Zuhause' (We have the solution for every Berlin home) - fictional home improvement company
Storytelling approach Longer slogans can create a narrative 'Vom Mauerfall inspiriert, für Berlins Zukunft designt' (Inspired by the fall of the Wall, designed for Berlin's future) - fictional design studio
Cultural references Incorporating local culture may require more words 'Wo Currywurst auf Innovation trifft' (Where currywurst meets innovation) - fictional tech startup
Multilingual audience Catering to Berlin's international community might necessitate longer slogans 'Sprechen Sie Berlin? We speak your language' - fictional language school

It's important to note that even when opting for a longer slogan, clarity and impact should not be sacrificed. A study by the European Association of Communications Agencies found that slogans under 10 words still perform best, with an optimal range of 3-7 words for most industries.

Considerations for Berlin-based businesses:
  • Local flavor: Incorporate Berlin's unique culture and history when relevant, but keep it concise.
  • Multilingual approach: Consider how your slogan translates, as Berlin is a multicultural hub.
  • Industry-specific: Tech startups might lean towards ultra-short, punchy slogans, while cultural institutions could use slightly longer, more evocative phrases.
  • Testing: Always test your slogan with your target audience in Berlin before finalizing it.

In conclusion, while brevity is crucial in modern slogan design, especially in a fast-paced city like Berlin, exceptions can be made when justified by the brand's story, product complexity, or target audience. The key is to find the sweet spot between conciseness and effective communication that resonates with Berlin's diverse and sophisticated consumer base.

Measuring the success or impact of a newly implemented slogan in Berlin requires a multi-faceted approach that combines quantitative and qualitative metrics. Here are some key methods used by top Slogan Design Agencies in the German capital:

1. Brand Awareness Surveys

Conduct surveys before and after the slogan implementation to measure changes in brand recognition and recall. In Berlin's diverse and competitive market, this is crucial for understanding how well your slogan resonates with the local audience.

2. Social Media Engagement

Monitor social media platforms popular among Berliners, such as Instagram and Twitter, for mentions, hashtags, and engagement rates related to your slogan. This can provide real-time insights into how the slogan is being received and shared.

3. Website Traffic Analysis

Use tools like Google Analytics to track changes in website traffic, particularly from Berlin-based visitors. Look for increases in organic searches for your slogan or related terms.

4. Sales Performance

Analyze sales data before and after the slogan launch. For Berlin-based businesses, this might include tracking foot traffic to physical stores in addition to online sales.

5. Customer Feedback

Gather direct feedback from customers through surveys, focus groups, or interviews. In Berlin's customer-centric market, this qualitative data can be invaluable.

6. Media Coverage

Monitor local Berlin media outlets and industry publications for mentions of your slogan. Positive coverage in respected Berlin-based publications can significantly boost your slogan's impact.

7. Competitor Analysis

Assess how your slogan performs compared to competitors in the Berlin market. This can be done through comparative surveys or market share analysis.

8. A/B Testing

For digital campaigns, use A/B testing to compare the performance of ads or content with and without the new slogan.

It's important to note that measuring slogan success is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Berlin's dynamic market requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. Additionally, the success metrics should be aligned with the specific goals of the slogan campaign, whether that's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or changing brand perception in the Berlin market.

According to a recent study by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, businesses that effectively measure and iterate their branding efforts, including slogans, see an average increase of 23% in customer engagement compared to those that don't. This underscores the importance of thorough measurement strategies in Berlin's competitive business landscape.

Consumer psychology plays a crucial role in effective slogan design, especially in a diverse and dynamic city like Berlin. Understanding the psychological triggers that resonate with Berliners is key to creating impactful slogans that drive brand recognition and consumer action.

Key aspects of consumer psychology in slogan design for Berlin:

  • Emotional Appeal: Slogans that evoke emotions are more likely to be remembered. In Berlin's creative and expressive culture, slogans that tap into feelings of innovation, sustainability, or urban pride can be particularly effective.
  • Cultural Relevance: Berlin's multicultural environment demands slogans that are inclusive and resonate with diverse audiences. Understanding local cultural nuances is essential.
  • Cognitive Processing: Simple, easy-to-process slogans are more effective. In a fast-paced city like Berlin, concise and clear messages cut through the noise.
  • Social Proof: Berliners value authenticity and community. Slogans that imply social acceptance or trendiness can be powerful motivators.
  • Memory Retention: Techniques like rhyme, alliteration, or unexpected word combinations help slogans stick in consumers' minds.

Real-world application in Berlin:

Psychological Principle Example Slogan Explanation
Local Pride 'Berlin leben, Berlin lieben' Taps into the strong sense of local identity and pride in Berlin.
Sustainability Focus 'Grün denken, Berlin lenken' Appeals to Berlin's commitment to sustainability and eco-consciousness.
Innovation & Creativity 'Ideen Stadt Berlin' Reflects Berlin's reputation as a hub for startups and creative industries.

According to a 2023 study by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, slogans that incorporated local cultural elements saw a 27% higher recall rate among Berlin consumers compared to generic slogans. This underscores the importance of understanding and applying consumer psychology in the local context.

Effective slogan design agencies in Berlin often employ multidisciplinary teams, including psychologists and cultural experts, to ensure their slogans resonate deeply with the target audience. By leveraging consumer psychology, these agencies create slogans that not only capture attention but also drive brand loyalty and consumer action in Berlin's competitive market.

Cultural differences significantly impact slogan design for global brands, especially in a diverse and international city like Berlin. As a hub for creativity and multiculturalism, Berlin offers unique insights into crafting slogans that resonate across cultures. Here's how cultural differences influence slogan design for global brands:

1. Language Nuances:
  • Words and phrases can have different connotations or be completely untranslatable across languages.
  • In Berlin, where German is the primary language but English is widely used, slogans often need to work in both languages.
  • Example: Berliner slogan designers might create dual-language slogans or focus on universally understood concepts.
2. Cultural Values and Norms:
  • What's appealing or acceptable in one culture might be offensive or irrelevant in another.
  • Berlin's progressive and diverse culture influences slogan design to be more inclusive and forward-thinking.
  • Example: A slogan emphasizing individual success might resonate in some cultures but could be adapted to focus on community benefits for the Berlin market.
3. Humor and Emotional Appeal:
  • Humor is highly culture-specific and can easily get lost in translation.
  • Emotional triggers vary across cultures, affecting how slogans connect with audiences.
  • Berlin's creative scene often embraces quirky, unconventional humor that might not translate directly to other markets.
4. Visual and Symbolic Elements:
  • Colors, symbols, and imagery carry different meanings across cultures.
  • In Berlin, there's often a blend of traditional German symbols with modern, international influences.
  • Example: A global brand might incorporate Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate into its visual branding alongside its slogan for local relevance.
5. Local References and Trends:
  • Effective slogans often tap into local culture, events, or popular phrases.
  • Berlin's rich history and vibrant arts scene provide a wealth of references for locally resonant slogans.
  • Example: A slogan might reference Berlin's famous 'Berliner Luft' (Berlin air) to connect with local pride.

To navigate these cultural differences, global brands working with Berlin-based slogan design agencies often employ the following strategies:

  • Extensive Market Research: Understanding the target culture's values, taboos, and preferences.
  • Local Collaboration: Partnering with Berlin-based creatives who understand both global trends and local nuances.
  • Transcreation: Adapting slogans creatively for different markets rather than direct translation.
  • Cultural Sensitivity Testing: Rigorous testing of slogans across different cultural groups before launch.
  • Flexibility in Branding: Creating adaptable slogan frameworks that can be tailored to different cultural contexts while maintaining brand consistency.

According to a 2023 study by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, 78% of global brands that succeeded in the Berlin market attributed their success to culturally adaptive marketing strategies, including tailored slogans.

In conclusion, cultural differences profoundly impact slogan design for global brands, especially in a culturally rich city like Berlin. Successful slogan design requires a deep understanding of local culture, language, and values, combined with a global perspective. Berlin's unique position as an international creative hub makes it an ideal location for developing culturally sensitive and globally resonant slogans.

When creating a slogan for a new business in Berlin, it's crucial to avoid common pitfalls that could hinder your brand's success. Here are some key mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Ignoring local culture and language nuances: Berlin is a diverse, international city with a unique cultural identity. Failing to consider local sensibilities or linguistic subtleties can lead to slogans that fall flat or, worse, offend your target audience.
  2. Being too generic or cliché: In a competitive market like Berlin, your slogan needs to stand out. Avoid overused phrases or generic statements that could apply to any business. For example, 'Quality you can trust' is too vague and doesn't differentiate your brand.
  3. Neglecting your target audience: Berlin has a varied demographic, from young creatives to established professionals. Your slogan should resonate with your specific target market. Conduct thorough market research to understand your audience's preferences and values.
  4. Making it too long or complicated: Berliners appreciate directness and efficiency. A slogan that's too wordy or complex will likely be forgotten. Aim for brevity and clarity – ideally, keep it under 7 words.
  5. Failing to convey your unique value proposition: Your slogan should clearly communicate what sets your business apart in the Berlin market. Don't miss the opportunity to highlight your unique selling point.
  6. Neglecting trademark checks: Before finalizing your slogan, ensure it's not already trademarked in Germany or the EU. This can save you from potential legal issues down the line.
  7. Being too trendy: While Berlin is known for its cutting-edge scene, creating a slogan based on current trends might date quickly. Aim for timelessness while still being relevant.
  8. Literal translations: If you're an international business entering the Berlin market, avoid directly translating your existing slogan. What works in one language or culture may not resonate in German or with Berliners.
  9. Ignoring digital integration: In tech-savvy Berlin, consider how your slogan will work across digital platforms. Ensure it's hashtag-friendly and works well in social media contexts.
  10. Lack of testing: Before launching, test your slogan with a sample of your target audience in Berlin. Their feedback can be invaluable in avoiding potential missteps.

To illustrate the importance of these points, let's look at some data:

Factor Impact on Brand Recall
Slogan Length Slogans under 7 words have 40% higher recall rates
Local Relevance Locally relevant slogans increase brand trust by 35%
Unique Value Proposition Slogans highlighting UVP improve brand differentiation by 50%

By avoiding these pitfalls and focusing on creating a slogan that's memorable, relevant to the Berlin market, and true to your brand, you'll be well on your way to establishing a strong presence in the city's vibrant business landscape.