The 10 Best Technical Writing Agencies in Berlin - 2024 Reviews

Top Technical Writing Agencies in Berlin

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All Technical Writing Companies in Berlin

  • 4.8
    (24 reviews)

    We love to tell new stories!

    Highly recommended
    „Wir lieben es, neue Geschichten zu erzählen“ – mit dieser Philosophie erklärt die Berliner Agentur für PR und Brand Storytelling Mashup Communications Zielgruppen zu Helden und Marken zu ihren Mentoren. Neben Kundennutzen und Produktvorteilen geht es zunehmend um Werte, Erfahrungsaustausch und Glaubhaftigkeit. Dinge, die sich am besten in Geschichten transportieren lassen. Mashup Communications steht dabei Unternehmen jedes Entwicklungsstadiums mit Tools, Wissen und Support zur Seite. Gegründet 2009, teilen die Geschäftsführerinnen Miriam Rupp und Nora Feist ihre langjährigen Erfahrungen aus der Welt der digitalen Unternehmen mit Umdenkern aus traditionellen Branchen. Mit der Macht des Storytelling hilft das 20-köpfige interdisziplinäre Team aus Text-Talenten, TV-Profis und Strategie-Assen Unternehmen, die neue Wege gehen, ihre Markenidentität zu finden, zu gestalten und langfristig weiterzuentwickeln. Unser Buch "Storytelling für Unternehmen":ür-Unternehmen-Geschichten-Leadership/dp/3958452426 "We love to tell new stories" - with this philosophy, the Berlin-based agency for PR and brand storytelling Mashup Communications declares target groups to be heroes and brands to be their mentors. In addition to customer benefits and product advantages, it is increasingly about values, sharing experiences and credibility. Things that can best be conveyed in stories. Mashup Communications assists companies at every stage of development with tools, knowledge and support. Founded in 2009, managing directors Miriam Rupp and Nora Feist share their many years of experience from the world of digital companies with rethinkers from traditional industries. Using the power of storytelling, the 20-person interdisciplinary team of copywriting talents, TV pros and strategy aces helps companies exploring new ways to find, shape and develop their brand identity for the long term. Our book "Storytelling for Business":ür-Unternehmen-Geschichten-Leadership/dp/3958452426
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in E-commerce (+29)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Excellence Creates Value.

    PER Agency – Successful Evidence-Based Communication Mit 42 Mitarbeitenden in Hamburg, München, Berlin und Zürich ist PER die jüngste etablierte Top-10-Kommunikationsagentur in Deutschland. Bei PER treffen daten- und evidenzbasierte Analysen und strategisches Fachwissen auf leidenschaftliche Kreativität und tiefgreifende digitale Kompetenz mit dem Ziel, kanalübergreifende, integrierte 360°-Kommunikationslösungen zu entwickeln. Auf diese Weise werden wir zu einem wichtigen Teil der Wertschöpfung unserer Kunden. Unser USP ist es, Marken in den relevanten Zielmärkten nachhaltig zu etablieren und auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. PER ist Teil der Faktenkontor-Gruppe mit 150 Mitarbeitenden. - P erformance. PER liefert: Schnell, kompetent, präzise. - E vidence. PER: Die einzige echte Data-Driven Kreativ- und Kommunikationsagentur Deutschlands. - R elevance. Die überzeugende Kraft von Fakten nutzen – Markenkern von PER. Unsere Mission Excellence Enhanced. Exzellenz ist nicht hip. Exzellenz ist Klarheit. Anstrengung. Enthusiasmus für das, was wirklich richtig ist. Das ist es, wofür wir stehen! Echter Erfolg erfordert Brillanz, die nur durch Exzellenz entsteht - in der Analyse, im Strategieprozess und in der kreativen Umsetzung. Sie wollen Erfolg? Wir wollen das auch! Als Partner unserer Kunden. -------------------------------------- PER Agency – Successful Evidence-Based Communication With 42 employees in Hamburg, Munich, and Zurich, PER is the youngest established top 10 communications agency in Germany. At PER, data and evidence-based analysis and strategic expertise meet passionate creativity and deep digital expertise with the goal of developing cross-channel, integrated 360° communications solutions. This is how we become a significant part of our clients' value creation. Our USP is to sustainably establish brands in the relevant target markets and take them to the next level. PER is part of the Faktenkontor Group with 150 employees. - P erformance. PER delivers: quickly, competently, precisely. - E vidence. PER: Germany's only true data-driven creative and communications agency. - R elevance. Harnessing the persuasive power of facts - PER's brand essence. Our Mission Excellence Enhanced. Excellence is not hip. Excellence is clarity. Toil. Enthusiasm for what´s really right. That´s what we stand for! Real success requires brilliance, which only comes from excellence - in analysis, in the strategy process and in creative implementation. You want success? So do we! As partner of our customers.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+2)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Management Consulting (+10)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    Converting Words into Sales.

    Top awarded
    ListandSell is a full-service digital agency where many years of experience meet creativity and know-how. We help start-ups to integrate themselves ideally into the market and support medium-sized as well as large companies to continuously develop and grow. We offer: Branding & Identity Web Design & Web Development E-Commerce SEO & SEA Training & Consulting Mobile Apps - Native or Hybrid Search Engine Marketing Local SEO Software Development Experience from working with a wide variety of companies and customers enables us to find an individual solution for everyone, which combines the latest technologies, creative ideas and maximum performance. This is how we achieve all goals together. ********************German**************************************** List & Sell ist eine Full-Service Digital-Agentur, bei der langjährige Erfahrung auf Kreativität und Know-how trifft. Wir helfen Start-ups dabei, sich ideal in den Markt zu integrieren und unterstützen mittelständische als auch große Unternehmen dabei, sich kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln und zu wachsen. Wir bieten: Branding & Identity Webdesign & Webentwicklung E-Commerce SEO & SEA Schulungen & Beratungen Mobile Apps - Nativ oder Hybrid Suchmaschinenmarketing Local SEO Software Entwicklung Erfahrungen aus Zusammenarbeiten mit den unterschiedlichsten Unternehmen und Kunden machen es uns möglich für jeden eine individuelle Lösung zu finden, welche neueste Technologien, kreative Ideen und eine maximale Performance zusammenschließt. So erreichen wir gemeinsam alle Ziele.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+27)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Mit frischen Ideen und viel Know-how erfolgreich kommunizieren.

    Top awarded
    Die PETER PAUL AND MARY Werbeagentur Berlin ist eine inhabergeführte Full-Service Agentur mit einem breitgefächerten Kundenportfolio. Ebenso vielfältig wie die Kunden sind auch die Ideen und Herangehensweisen der Berliner Kreativagentur. Die von PPAM Berlin entwickelten Werbemaßnahmen bringen den Kunden weiter und unterstützen ihn beim Erreichen der Unternehmens- und Marketingziele. Effekthascherei ist hier nicht gefragt, Beeindrucken und Begeistern umso mehr. PPAM verbindet Kreativität und Design mit Kompetenz und Wissen, sodass keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Dabei arbeitet PPAM stets zuverlässig, schnell, transparent und zu fairen Konditionen. Mit eigens entwickelten Workshops für Markenentwicklung, Webentwicklung und Einzelkampagnen sorgt PPAM dafür, dass von Beginn an zielführend und effizient gearbeitet wird und Kunde und Agentur stets wissen, wie das Ergebnis aussehen soll. Für PPAM ist seit jeher ein respektvoller und fairer Umgang mit Lieferanten und Kunden die Basis für eine vertrauensvolle und oft langjährige Zusammenarbeit.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Real Estate (+15)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    sh agentur - your guarantee for top events!

    Your reliable partner Since 1999 our owner-managed full service agency has been a guarantor for top events - in Germany as well as internationally. Creative ideas, sophisticated concepts, professional organization and execution down to the last detail, implemented by a passionate team - these are our key ingredient's. A successful event should fit to your company image like a perfectly tailored suit. Individual concepts, perfectly tailored and seamlessly embedded in your communication strategy, are our strength. We do not offer ready-made garments. After all, you want your event to be impressive, surprising and memorable. Whether incentives, anniversaries, kick-offs, congresses or gala events - sh agency will surpass your expectations. Hard work, reliability and the joy of our work are our main focus, next to budget oriented mind set, transparency as well as flexibility, quality and extensive experience. We look forward to your inquiry and will be happy to advise & support you!
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+7)
    Speaks German, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    From strategic insight to operational success

    Top awarded
    Bei eobiont arbeiten wir eng mit unseren Kunden zusammen, um ihre Markenbekanntheit zu steigern, ihren Vertrieb anzukurbeln und ihr Geschäftswachstum zu fördern. Besonders gerne stellen wir uns den Herausforderungen der Technologiebranche und öffentlichkeitswirksamen Kampagnen . Unsere Hauptdienstleistungsbereiche umfassen Marketingstrategie , Markenentwicklung , Website-Erstellung und Online-Marketingkampagnen . Einige bekannte Marken, denen wir geholfen haben, sind Oracle , Tetra Pak, Hilton, Siemens und der World Health Summit . Warum eobiont? Unsere einzigartige Methodik verkürzt die Entwicklungszeit von Monaten auf Wochen und optimiert die Ergebnisse. Top-globale Unternehmen nutzen unsere Strategieworkshops . Wir arbeiten sowohl mit großen Marken als auch mit schnell wachsenden Start-ups . Wir sind ein internationales Team , das die globalen Märkte versteht. Viele unserer Kampagnen wurden mit Branchenpreisen ausgezeichnet. Wir sind seit über 20 Jahren im Geschäft. Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, Ihre Zielgruppe und Ihre Wachstumsziele zu erreichen? Wir können Ihnen helfen. Beginnen Sie noch heute mit einer kostenlosen Erstberatung .
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Non-profit (+6)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    Lean, Nimble, Reliable, Good Value

    Top awarded
    🇬🇧 Welcome to SWC Partnership. We develop marketing strategies and campaigns to accelerate your sales and brand awareness . SWC is a full service marketing agency that works as an extension of your team . We develop brand strategies , form integrated marketing plans , produce creative ideas , creative production , media planning/buying and campaign reporting . Our services are designed to be integrated into your existing infrastructure, either as a full service partner or for a specific discipline. Our expert teams are highly experienced in working across both B2B and B2C industries; whilst delivering international , national and local marketing solutions. We’re passionate about making a commercial difference to our clients and provide measurable and accountable marketing that drives ROI . We are headquartered in the UK and operate across Europe, with a special focus on the DACH region. We are a lean and nimble team of specialists, a boutique agency , part of UP, THERE EVERYWHERE , which is the first global cloud based agency . Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden , with a further 15 bases including Hamburg , Helsinki , London , New York , Dubai , Shanghai , Switzerland , Amsterdam and Palma among others. We offer a global agency solution whilst connecting you with teams locally . Providing local insight and appreciation of country nuances, we can plan, produce and deliver your international marketing programmes in each of your targeted countries and territories, as if you would in your home market. Through multilingual marketing managers and transcreation experts , we ensure your international sales & marketing is a success . Contact our Founding Partner, Simon Cristal to discuss your requirements.
    1 work in Technical Writing
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+6)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+13)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (2 reviews)
    Wir sind eine App- und Web-Entwicklungsagentur mit Sitz in Berlin, Pune und Noida, die sich auf die Schaffung einer außergewöhnlichen Benutzererfahrung (DESIGN FIRST) konzentriert. Wir haben über 100 Apps für Start-ups und Unternehmen entworfen, entwickelt und geliefert. Wir haben den Hack gefunden, um digitale Produkte mit 5-facher Geschwindigkeit zu liefern: DESIGN SPRINTS AGILE UNSERE WIEDERVERWENDBAREN FRONT- UND BACK-END KOMPONENTEN (LEGO)   All dies wurde in den letzten 2 Jahren mit einem Team von über 40 Köpfen erreicht, die auf ein gemeinsames Ziel hinarbeiten. Unsere Kernkompetenzen liegen in den Bereichen: Einzelhandel und E-Commerce F&B, Gastgewerbe Musik Verlagswesen Unternehmensinnovation Bei Lean Apps bieten wir einen lösungsorientierten Tech Stack an. Wir arbeiten an dem festen Stack, um blitzschnell zu liefern: Front-End Web: React JS and Angular JS Front-End Mobil: React Native Back-End: Java Analytik: ELK, Splunk   ------ English Version: We are an app and web development agency based in Berlin, Pune and Noida focussed on creating an exceptional user experience (DESIGN FIRST). We have designed, developed and delivered 100+ apps for startups and enterprise. We have found the hack to deliver digital products at 5X speed using: DESIGN SPRINTS AGILE OUR REUSABLE FRONT-END AND BACK-END COMPONENTS (LEGO)   All this has been achieved in the last 2 years with a team size of 40+ great minds working together in collaboration towards a common goal. Our core expertise is in the following domains: Retail and E-Commerce F&B, Hospitality Music Publishing Corporate Innovation At Lean Apps, we offer a solution-based technology stack. We work on the fixed stack to deliver at a lightning speed: Front End Web: React JS and Angular JS Front End Mobile: React Native Back End: Java Analytics: ELK, Splunk
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+2)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    51-200 members
  • Schneller qualifiziertes Personal finden – mithilfe von digitalem Personalmarketing! Sie sind auf Mitarbeitersuche oder wollen Ihre Arbeitgebermarke ins richtige Licht rücken? Dann sollten wir zusammenarbeiten! Wir helfen Ihnen, auf zeit- und kosteneffizientem Weg Ihre Traumkandidat*innen zu finden. Sichern Sie sich Top-Preise für die größten Stellenportale und verleihen Sie Ihren Jobs den nötigen Reichweiten-Boost . Starten Sie mit uns erfolgreiche Performance Recruiting Kampagnen und finden Sie genau die Kandidat*innen, die Sie dringend suchen. Verbessern Sie Ihre Candidate Journey durch user-freundliche Bewerberfunnel . Rücken Sie Ihre Arbeitgebermarke ins richtige Licht, zum Beispiel mit einer neuen Karriereseite , informativen Kampagnen Landing Pages oder authentischem Social Media Content .
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €100 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Others (+3)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    made by ghost

    Top awarded
    Die ist seit Jahren unter den Top 5-Agenturen in Österreich vertreten - sowohl im Digital- als auch im Fullservice-Bereich. In den Jahren 2019, 2020 und 2021 wurden wir unter allen Agenturen auf Platz 1 bei der Kundenzufriedenheit gewählt. Wir haben uns mit Standorten in München, bei Wien und in Zürich auf die Kommunikation in der DACH-Region spezialisiert. Wir kreieren integrierte Werbekampagnen und verbinden die Bereiche klassische Werbung, Online und Dialogmarketing. Strategische Planung, konzeptionelle Kreativität, umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Verkaufsförderung und konsequente Erfolgsorientierung zeichnen unsere Arbeit aus. Wir gehören zu den innovativen Werbeagenturen und betreten gerne Neuland. So konzipieren wir neben klassischen above-the-line Kampagnen auch datengetriebene Webkampagnen, produzieren Animationsfilme und realisieren klickstarke Suchmaschinen- und Social-Media-Kommunikation. Wir sind Google zertifiziert.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Munich, Germany (+2)
    From €5,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+12)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (18 reviews)

    We create sustainable value.

    Highly recommended
    Inhabergeführt und gegründet im Herzen des kreativen Hamburger Schanzenviertels. Heute sind wir aber genauso in München, Wien und New York zu Hause. Da unsere Wurzeln in der Gründung und Führung von Unternehmen und Marken liegt, haben wir uns auf die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von individuellen Lösungsansätzen und zukunftsfähigen Strategien für ganzheitliches Marketing und performanceorientiertem Vertrieb spezialisiert. Mit unseren vier Expertenunits und einem breiten Netzwerk an strategischen Partnern bieten wir dazu alle Leistungen aus einer Hand – von der ersten Beratung über die Umsetzung bis hin zur finalen Produktion und Vermarktung – mit Erfahrung, Herzblut und Erfolg.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+2)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+14)
    Speaks German, English
    51-200 members
  • Das sind wir. Als eine der führenden Marketing Agenturen mit zwei Standorten in Deutschland sind wir immer brandaktuell unterwegs. Unser Team aus Online Marketing Spezialisten, Webdesign Experten, Fotografen und Film-Crews hat nur eine Mission: für dich das stärkste Marketing aller Zeiten zu gestalten! Dafür geben wir alles. Vom geilen Design über SEO-Inhalte für deine Zielgruppe bis hin zum bärenstarken Branding für deine Markenbekanntheit – komm, tanz mit uns aus der Reihe!
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+1)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Automotive (+7)
    Speaks German, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Be a Voice. Not an Echo.

    Ihr Unternehmen – gehört und gesehen. Das ist der Antrieb, aus dem ich unsere Agentur gegründet habe. Wie das funktioniert? Mit Ihrer individuellen und unverwechselbaren Brand. Eine klaren Strategie. Und verdammt guten PR. Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass jedes Unternehmen genau so eine einzigartige Brand besitzt, die gehört, gesehen und gefühlt werden sollte. Deshalb begleiten wir Unternehmen dabei, Klarheit in Konzept und Kommunikation zu gewinnen, Wiedererkennungswert zu schaffen und Einzigartigkeit zu transportieren – eine Stimme zu sein, statt ein Echo. Diese Stimme stringent in der gesamten Außenkommunikation umzusetzen. Damit den Kern der Brand zu repräsentieren und so an Sichtbarkeit zu gewinnen. Langfristig.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Insurance (+2)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)
    We design  BRAND IDENTITIES  and digital  MARKETING CAMPAIGNS for progressive businesses. Founded in 2016 by Moritz Kind and Luca Tito, No Service 24/7 cultivates a contemporary agency model that fosters interdisciplinary and cooperative processes. We partner with businesses, people, and projects that we admire and respect to help them realize their true potential.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Music (+5)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Top awarded
    We develop and communicate brands. From product to all touch points. Online and off, locally and globally. We create brand experiences for start-ups as well as international corporations. We focus on innovators in culture and technology. We consult with innovation strategies and create new products with you. We help building and strengthening your business in a fast changing world.     
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Sports (+1)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • At VAIVAL Technologies, we are not trying to reinvent the wheel but simply giving it the VAIVAL Touch. Staying one step ahead of the curve is very important and we do that by always being curious about what comes next. By picking VAIVAL as your partner, you will not go wrong. Our cross-functional teams will not be fazed by any challenge and will collaborate with you every step of the way. Our Story Starting with humble beginnings in 2009, Vaival’s sole dedication is to deliver Offshore Agile Software Development Teams to clients around the world. In over 10 successful years of business and with the help of 150+ fantastic team members, Vaival has perfected that role. We have worked with businesses of all types and sizes from all around the world, from independent startups and agencies to software product development companies, enterprise ventures, and much more. They all came to Vaival with a simple request – to simplify their outsourcing experience, reduce their costs, and lower time-to-market – and they were all delighted with what we helped them do. Our vision is to bring about a powerful and positive transformation in the world by leveraging the power of technology. We are a pioneer in the IT industry and a name that offers top-of-the-line software development solutions; the whole spectrum of it. Whether you are just starting off in the industry or have been a well-established brand name for years; we can serve you no matter which stage of development you are currently at. Our Core Services Custom Software Development Mobile App Design & Development Digital Marketing Blockchain Development UI/UX Design Ecommerce Services and Solution Custom Software Development – Our team at Vaival understands the complexities of the modern-day business environment. Companies worldwide are diversifying their operations, which is why specific software does not cut it anymore. Our custom software development team pushes the envelope and is not afraid to venture into unchartered territories. At Vaival, our custom software development process's starting point is understanding your business and its requirements. We will keep you in the loop throughout the process and develop software that is flexible, secure, and reliable.   Mobile Application Development – Mobile applications have changed the way the world does business. At Vaival, we develop mobile applications keeping in mind the target market and the requirements of every client. Mobile apps developed by Vaival are stable, robust, and offer excellent user experience. We can design all kinds of mobile apps for you. Whether you want a platform-specific app or one capable of running on different platforms, that decision is yours to make. We will take care of the rest.   Digital Marketing – Digital marketing is not only about increasing reach and putting your product “out there.” The goal is to beat the competition and maximize ROIs. At Vaival, we can help you do that. We develop digital market strategies that result in efficient and dynamic campaigns. There is a lot of competition in the digital marketing sphere, and to beat that, you have to think differently. This is where our digital marketing team earns its stripes. They come up with out of the box solutions to ensure you remain one step ahead of the curve. At Vaival, we use the following techniques to power your business through our digital marketing services: Google AdWords Social Media Advertising Social Media Marketing  Email Marketing Pay per click Content Marketing Search Engine Optimization  Blockchain – Blockchain development services are in demand, and rightly so. Major businesses around the world are shifting to blockchain solutions for secure data protection. At Vaival, our team of blockchain specialists pushes its boundaries all the time. We have developed diversified blockchain solutions for companies of all sizes, and we can do the same for you. From smart contracts to wallet development, all the way to cryptocurrency exchanges, we go above and beyond for our clients. Since Blockchain is highly technical, our team also provides valuable advice to clients to empower them to make better decisions.   UI/UX Design – The UI/UX design will determine your customer's level of interaction with your website or application. At Vaival, our team understands the importance of a great UI/UX design and how it can increase sales. We realize that UI and UX designs are not interchangeable, but one cannot function without the other. The UI and UX designs should complement each other to allow visitors simple, seamless, customizable, and interactive engagement with your platform. At Vaival, we know that the UI/UX interface should also align with your business model and your target audience's expectations. We can give your platform the UI/UX design that will not only promote your brand but also tell its story. E-Commerce – At Vaival, E-Commerce platform development gets special attention. E-Commerce has revolutionized the way people shop and ushered in a new dynamic era of consumer spending. Businesses the world over are promoting their E-Commerce platforms. At Vaival, we can help you develop a secure, interactive, flexible, and reliable E-Commerce platform that will keep you one step ahead of the competition. Drive your business with our diversified E-Commerce solutions.   Our Recent Projects CareCart – CareCart is one of the leading Shopify solution providers. They provide E-Commerce solutions to Shopify store owners to reduce abandoned cart recovery rates and improve sales. They turned to Vaival to develop their CareCart application to help them recover abandoned carts. We met expectations and created a secure, easy to use, and practical application for CareCart that has brought down the company's abandoned cart recovery rate and increased its revenue considerably.   NetBlaze – NetBlaze is an online platform for small businesses. They review SEO practices, online reviews, CRM, and social media platforms of different organizations. They wanted software that could make this easier for them and their clients. We analyzed their business model, their target audience, and their requirements in detail before working on the software. All that effort paid off in the end because we delivered excellent software without any hassles.   BlackBirdSuite – The BlackBirdSuite is an all-in-one solution to promote Amazon businesses. Their software, developed by Vaival, provides multiple features like Market Automation, Profit Dashboard, Product Tracking, and On-Page Analyzers, etc. to Amazon store owners. The software wasn't easy to develop, but our team came to the rescue and delivered an even better product than the one BlackBirdSuite wanted in the first place. Manchester Digital Design – Manchester Digital Design is a digital marketing and web design firm that creates online projects for its clients. Because of their niche, they needed a website that could show visitors the services they are offering and how they can help design digital campaigns. They picked Vaival to revamp the UI/UX design of their website. They wanted the website to be attractive, engaging, and professional. We developed a UI/UX interface that covered all three bases and added some extra features to take Manchester Digital Design’s customer experience to the next level.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+3)
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in E-commerce (+3)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • Video "2.0" for internal communications  At Group Videography®, I offer one-stop-shop consulting- and video production services to help you use today's video strategically within your internal communications to meet goals and, ultimately, have the business impact you are looking for. Services: - Internal communication video strategy consulting Comprehensive video strategy development Video content conceptualisation Video presentation, -distribution and channel mix conceptualisation Impact measurement solution design - Video production Ready-to-shoot script and production roadmap creation for all involved Production company selection and price negotiation support Handling of technical production from script to finished videos Support in keeping disruptions of daily business operations to a minimum during production Quality control for the technical excellence of final videos - Video campaign execution Campaign execution roadmaps provided for all involved Technical support around video presentation and distribution as well as overall channel integration Periodical progress reports offered for live performance optimisation - Video performance review (impact measurement) Comprehensive video performance review document provided Feedback methods provided Next steps advice Go to to find out more on how I work with clients.   Trusted by Adobe, Allianz and Corning Incorporated
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Others (+3)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    ABCD is your Content Marketing & Performance PR Agency from Berlin. We understand how to increase your organic reach through content marketing and press exposure. Our team has a proven track record of securing targeted coverage in the world’s most influential media outlets. We love data-driven content campaigns and creative approaches to bring your brand to the masses.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Travel & Leisure
    Speaks English, Catalan
    1-10 members
  • Premium Corporate Design, Webdesign, Web Development, SEO & Online Marketing. One of the Berlins best WordPress Webdesign Agency.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in E-commerce (+4)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (12 reviews)
    Wir sind eine der größten inhabergeführten Full-Service-Agenturen in Deutschland. Kreativ und konzeptionsstark, mit überraschenden Ideen für Handel & Vertrieb und kluger crossmedialer Vernetzung tragen wir zum Erfolg von Mittelstandsunternehmen und internationalen Konzernen bei. Klare Leitlinie: so persönlich, so einfallsreich und so wirtschaftlich wie möglich. Daran halten wir uns seit über 30 Jahren. Woran wir uns auch halten, ist unsere Heimat Düsseldorf. Schon immer. Und ob waschecht oder zugereist: Wir sind alle Düsseldorfer: den Kopf an der Kö, die Füße im Rhein.
    Looking for work in Technical Writing
    Located in Düsseldorf, Germany
    From €1,000 for Technical Writing
    Worked in Toys (+13)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members

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Insights from Our Berlin Expert: Technical Writing Excellence in the Heart of Germany

Berlin, known for its vibrant culture and technological prowess, is also a hub for technical writing excellence. With a robust selection of technical writing agencies, the city caters to a diverse range of industries, embodying precision and clarity in communication.

Celebrated Achievements and Client Success Stories

Award-Winning Performance

Local technical writing agencies have consistently been recognized for their outstanding contribution to the field. With accolades ranging from national technical communication awards to international recognitions, Berlin's agencies demonstrate an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Client Partnerships that Speak Volumes

The proof of Berlin’s technical writing prowess is evident in the successful partnerships it has fostered. These agencies have worked with leading tech giants, healthcare institutions, and automotive manufacturers, ensuring that complex information is conveyed efficiently and effectively.

Budgeting for Technical Writing Services

Budget plays a crucial role when selecting a technical writing agency. In Berlin, options vary widely depending on the agency's size and spectrum of services offered. Here are some budgeting tips to consider:

  • Small to Medium Enterprises: Opt for mid-sized agencies that blend cost-efficiency with diverse service offerings. Projects can range from comprehensive user manuals to detailed product descriptions, with costs typically starting from €5,000.
  • Large Corporations: Bigger corporations might consider agencies equipped to handle extensive projects that require deep technical knowledge across multiple platforms. Budgets here may begin at €20,000, depending on the scope and complexity.

Maximize Your Impact with Professional Technical Writers

Choosing the right technical writing agency in Berlin promises not only an enhancement of information clarity but also a significant improvement in user engagement and regulatory compliance. From simplifying complex technology to crafting clear health and safety documents, the expertise Berlin holds in technical writing is essential for businesses aiming to communicate effectively. By partnering with one of Berlin's competent agencies, you are poised to significantly boost both the usability and the reach of your technical content.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BerlinLast updated on the 17-10-2024

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Web content case study for Plenum

aPriori Technologies - Ongoing 6-Year Partnership

aPriori Technologies - Ongoing 6-Year Partnership

Frequently Asked Questions.

Technical writing agencies in Berlin, a hub for innovation and technology, employ several strategies to ensure their content remains up-to-date and relevant in rapidly evolving industries:

  1. Continuous Learning and Professional Development: Agencies prioritize ongoing education for their writers. This often includes:
    • Attending industry conferences and workshops in Berlin's thriving tech scene
    • Participating in webinars and online courses
    • Subscribing to industry publications and journals
  2. Collaboration with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs): Berlin's diverse ecosystem of startups and established tech companies provides a rich pool of experts. Agencies often:
    • Partner with local SMEs for technical reviews
    • Conduct regular interviews with industry professionals
    • Participate in tech meetups and knowledge-sharing events
  3. Agile Content Development: Many Berlin-based agencies adopt agile methodologies to:
    • Quickly respond to changes in technology or industry standards
    • Implement iterative review processes
    • Allow for frequent updates and revisions of existing content
  4. Leveraging AI and Machine Learning: Berlin's reputation as an AI hub is reflected in how agencies use technology:
    • Employing AI-powered content analysis tools to identify outdated information
    • Using machine learning algorithms to suggest relevant updates
    • Automating the monitoring of industry news and trends
  5. Robust Quality Assurance Processes: Agencies implement stringent QA measures, including:
    • Regular content audits and updates
    • Peer review systems
    • Version control and change management protocols
  6. Client Feedback Integration: Berlin's client-centric approach means agencies:
    • Establish feedback loops with clients to stay informed about product changes
    • Conduct periodic reviews of delivered content
    • Offer update services as part of their long-term client relationships

According to a recent survey by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 78% of technical writing agencies in the city report updating their content at least quarterly, with 35% doing so monthly or more frequently. This commitment to currency ensures that Berlin remains at the forefront of technical documentation in Europe's rapidly evolving tech landscape.

By employing these strategies, technical writing agencies in Berlin not only keep pace with fast-moving industries but often anticipate changes, providing their clients with a competitive edge through up-to-date, accurate, and relevant technical content.

Technical writing companies in Berlin, like those in other major tech hubs, typically structure their teams strategically to handle diverse client needs efficiently. Here's an overview of how these companies often organize their workforce:

1. Core Team Structure:
  • Project Managers: Oversee projects, liaise with clients, and coordinate team efforts.
  • Senior Technical Writers: Lead complex projects and mentor junior writers.
  • Specialist Writers: Focus on specific industries or technologies (e.g., software, healthcare, automotive).
  • Junior Writers: Handle simpler tasks and assist senior writers.
  • Editors: Ensure quality and consistency across all deliverables.
2. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs):

Many Berlin-based technical writing companies collaborate with or employ SMEs in various fields to provide accurate, in-depth content for specialized projects.

3. Localization Specialists:

Given Berlin's international business environment, companies often have dedicated localization teams to adapt content for different markets and languages.

4. Multimedia Team:

To meet modern documentation needs, teams often include:

  • Graphic Designers
  • UX/UI Specialists
  • Video Production Experts
5. Agile Methodology:

Many technical writing companies in Berlin adopt Agile methodologies, structuring their teams into cross-functional units that can quickly adapt to changing project requirements.

6. Flexible Staffing:

To handle fluctuating workloads, companies often maintain a network of freelance technical writers who can be brought in for specific projects or during peak periods.

7. Client-Specific Teams:

For long-term or large-scale projects, companies may create dedicated teams that work exclusively with specific clients to ensure consistency and deep understanding of the client's needs.

Team Structure ElementPurpose
Core TeamHandles day-to-day operations and project execution
SMEsProvides specialized knowledge for complex subjects
Localization SpecialistsAdapts content for international markets
Multimedia TeamCreates visual and interactive content
Agile UnitsEnsures flexibility and rapid response to changes
Freelance NetworkManages workload fluctuations
Client-Specific TeamsDeepens client relationships and understanding

This multi-faceted team structure allows technical writing companies in Berlin to efficiently handle diverse client needs, from creating user manuals for software products to developing complex technical documentation for industrial machinery. By combining local expertise with global best practices, these companies can deliver high-quality, tailored solutions to clients across various industries.

In Berlin's thriving tech ecosystem, top-tier technical writing agencies stand out from average ones through several key characteristics:

1. Industry Expertise and Specialization

Elite technical writing agencies in Berlin often specialize in specific industries such as software development, biotechnology, or engineering. This specialization allows them to produce more accurate and insightful content.

2. Multilingual Capabilities

Given Berlin's international business environment, top agencies offer multilingual services, catering to both German and English documentation needs, as well as other languages relevant to global markets.

3. Technological Proficiency

Leading agencies in Berlin stay ahead of the curve with the latest documentation tools and technologies, such as DITA XML, MadCap Flare, or state-of-the-art content management systems.

4. User-Centric Approach

Top-tier agencies prioritize user experience, creating documentation that is not only technically accurate but also easy to understand and navigate for the end-user.

5. Agile Methodologies

In sync with Berlin's startup culture, excellent technical writing agencies often employ agile methodologies, allowing for flexible and iterative documentation processes.

6. Quality Assurance Processes

Premium agencies implement rigorous quality control measures, including peer reviews, usability testing, and continuous improvement protocols.

7. Innovative Content Delivery

Top agencies in Berlin are adept at creating interactive documentation, video tutorials, and other modern formats that enhance user engagement and comprehension.

8. Industry Partnerships

Leading agencies often have strong partnerships with tech companies and educational institutions in Berlin, keeping them at the forefront of industry developments.

9. Compliance Expertise

With Germany's strict regulatory environment, top agencies demonstrate expertise in compliance documentation for various industries, ensuring all materials meet legal and industry standards.

10. Portfolio and Case Studies

Exceptional agencies in Berlin showcase an impressive portfolio of work with renowned clients, often including success stories from Berlin's tech startups and established corporations.

By exhibiting these characteristics, top-tier technical writing agencies in Berlin not only meet but exceed client expectations, delivering documentation that is accurate, user-friendly, and aligned with the city's reputation as a leading tech hub in Europe.