The 10 Best Video Shooting Companies in Belgium - 2024 Reviews

Top Video Shooting Companies in Belgium

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All Video Shooting Agencies in Belgium

  • 5
    (3 reviews)
    Nous soutenons tous les porteurs de projets, des projets les plus raisonnables au plus extravagants. Notre offre de services vise à permettre aux porteurs de projets de mettre efficacement en avant ce qui les pousse à agir, ce qui les différencie en terme de services ou de produits, ce qui donne du sens à leurs actions. C'est pour cela que nous prenons le temps de bien comprendre leurs objectifs pour ensuite mieux concevoir, organiser et réaliser toute la communication nécessaire pour atteindre ces objectifs. Nous intervenons en amont, pendant et en aval du projet. Nous gérons la communication sous toutes ses formes (papier, électronique, visuelle...) et sur tous les canaux (journaux, flyers, spots radio, réseaux sociaux, capsules video...). Nous intégrons dans notre stratégie de communication la gestion de tout type d'événements (portes ouvertes, présentation de produits, motivation du personnel, recherche de sponsors, recrutement de nouveaux adhérents...), car un événement n'est jamais une fin en soi mais un moyen de faire passer ses messages, ses valeurs, ses envies... Nous offrons des solutions adaptées à toutes les structures, quelle que soit leur taille : du groupe multinational à la PME, en passant par les associations et les clubs (sportifs et autres), sans oublier les groupes d'amis. Nous avons déjà pu soutenir des projets dans divers domaines d'activités : industriel, culturel, immobilier, humanitaire... Nos services sont à la carte : conception, organisation, réalisation, coordination, encadrement le jour J... A vous de choisir. Nous travaillons en toute indépendance des prestataires. Nous sélectionnons ceux offrant des gages de qualité et dont les prix sont adaptés à votre budget. Nous sommes en quelque sorte votre courtier en communication et événementiel. Notre structure est légère pour offrir un maximum de réactivité et pour éviter des frais fixes inutiles. Autrement dit nous mobilisons uniquement les ressources nécessaires à votre projet et nous en assurons la gestion. L'équipe ASSENSIO se tient à votre service. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Vilain André Fondateur - gérant depuis 2015 !
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Silly, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Management Consulting (+5)
    Speaks French, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Solution Audiovisuelle All-in-One

    Solution Audiovisuelle All-in-One Nous souhaitons être l'interlocuteur audiovisuel spécialisé proposant l'approche conseil d'une agence, les équipes créatives et les moyens techniques dédiés, ainsi qu'une expérience client inédite dans une dynamique "one stop shooting". Stratégie & formats télévisés Développer une audience, capter son intérêt, la fidéliser et l'engager sont au cœur de notre offre de valeur ! Cela passe par cinq gammes de services, inspirées des outils de la télévision, renforçant la cohérence stratégique de nos clients. Économie d'échelle Nous proposons une économie d'échelle en favorisant la production de saisons plutôt que les one shots, ainsi que l'usage d'un plateau plug & play plutôt que le transport d'équipe et de matériel. Confort et facilités Nous souhaitons déployer cette offre de valeur à partir d'un lieu exceptionnel, le bien nommé Triomphe, hébergeant un écosystème premium proposant un espace de production dédié à nos clients, des salles de réunions et un restaurant.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    L’entreprise est une agence de communication spécialisée dans la création de sites internet, d'applications mobiles, de stratégies marketing offline et online, ainsi que dans la production audiovisuelle et graphique. L'entreprise est constituée d'une équipe de cinq personnes, comprenant des experts dans les domaines du développement web, du design graphique, du marketing et de la production audiovisuelle.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €100 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Daylight thinking.

    Foodphoto is a creative FOOD photography and videography production company with over 25years of experience in the food and beverages industry.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €2,000 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Ixelles, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Schaerbeek, Belgium
    From €200 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    UNE AGENCE CONSEIL EN COMMUNICATION AGILE, RÉACTIVE ET PROCHE DE VOUS ! Tête De Com est une agence digitale souple et réactive, un endroit où l’on écoute, on échange, on imagine, on construit, on dé-construit, où l’on crée, on s'amuse et on partage notre passion pour la communication au service de votre développement.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Anderlecht, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+2)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    Marketing - Branding - Strategie - Website

    Top awarded
    Waar vind je in godsnaam een geschikte partner die van alle (marketing) markten thuis is? Slechts één contactpersoon, volledige ontzorging en CO2 neutraal. Wees wel gewaarschuwd … ons enthousiasme werkt aanstekelijk 😉 
    1 work in Video Shooting
    Unknown location
    From €250 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+20)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Agence Créative Belge.

    Depuis plus d'un an, nous traçons notre chemin en travaillant avec des clients à travers Bruxelles, Paris, Lyon et Monaco. Ce qui a commencé comme une exploration dans la création d'images de marque s'est métamorphosé en une boîte de production créative et haut de gamme. Notre objectif ultime ? Apporter une touche cinématographique à chaque campagne photo et vidéo, en repoussant les limites de la créativité pour offrir des résultats haut de gamme et inoubliables.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Sports (+12)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Impactful visual communication

    Hi there! My name is Lennert Kerkhofs, and with Moovon Media I want to help you achieve impactful communication through strong visuals. Whether that's through video, photo, animation, broadcast or something else, I'm sure I can help you with what you need. I've worked at multiple production companies, as well as worked on freelance basis for years before starting this company. Through Moovon Media you can build your project on my experience and knowledge, and my network of colleagues when we need more talented hands or minds. If you're interested in how we could work together, feel free to shoot me a message. I'd love to discuss your project and figure out together how we will achieve your goals! Lennert
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €350 for Video Shooting
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Unlock your brand's potential.

    Top awarded
    Our mission is to unlock brands’ potentials by using the power of strategic branding and creative design. We are highly experienced perfectionists who are reliable and honest at every step of the process. We are responsible to our clients, our job, and our planet. We listen, we think, we create, we innovate, and we unlock potentials to make your organizations thrive, and our planet be a better place. Join us in this journey to excellence. Let's connect, discuss, and discover how we can empower your brand and inspire positive change.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+8)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Vos campagnes marketing de A à Z grâce à nos agences spécialisées ! ⚡️

    Connexion offre un écosystème unique de services complets pour une communication digitale centralisée et harmonisée. Notre structure intègre trois grands pôles spécialisés, fonctionnant ensemble pour couvrir tous les aspects de votre projet digital. Le Studio (Impact. by Connexion.): Notre studio est le cœur créatif , spécialisé dans la production de contenus percutants. Nous manions l'art du storytelling et le design pour créer des expériences visuelles captivantes, allant de la photographie professionnelle aux productions vidéo dynamiques. Notre objectif : donner vie à votre marque et engager efficacement votre public. La Performance (Followerz. by Connexion.): Notre pôle Performance, incarné par Followerz, se consacre à amplifier votre présence sur les médias sociaux et à maximiser votre impact publicitaire. Nous combinons expertise en SEA et Social ADS pour propulser votre marque, garantissant une visibilité optimale et une interaction accrue avec votre audience cible. L'IT (Capsule ! by Connexion.): Capsule est notre bras technologique, spécialisé dans le tracking , la data , le développement de sites web et d'applications sur mesure. Nous intégrons des solutions IT innovantes pour assurer une performance digitale fluide et efficace, propulsant ainsi votre activité en ligne. Chez Connexion , nous nous engageons à offrir un accompagnement personnalisé et réactif tout au long de notre collaboration, pour que chaque expérience client soit unique et mémorable. Rejoignez-nous pour transformer votre vision en réalité digitale. 🚀
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in E-commerce (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Effectieve marketingoplossingen op maat van uw project.

    Oprichter van Sparroo, een jong, creatief en ambitieus marketingbureau gespecialiseerd in digitale marketing. Ons team combineert diepgaande marktkennis met innovatieve marketingstrategieën om projecten optimaal zichtbaar en aantrekkelijk te maken. ​ Wij geloven in een persoonlijke aanpak en werken nauw samen met onze klanten om maatwerkoplossingen te bieden die perfect aansluiten bij hun specifieke behoeften en doelen.
    Looking for work in Video Shooting
    Unknown location
    From €1,000 for Video Shooting
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members

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Insight from Our Local Expert: Video Shooting Agencies in Belgium

Exploring video production in Belgium reveals a hub of creativity and technical prowess. The country boasts a diverse range of 282 projects completed by skilled agencies, supported by 46 client reviews that attest to the high level of satisfaction and quality.

Successful Collaborations and Client Testimonials

Accomplished Projects and Partnerships

Belgian video shooting agencies have a proven track record of successful collaborations with various high-profile clients including national brands, international corporations, and local startups. These partnerships emphasize the agencies' capabilities in managing and executing projects that capture the essence of each brand's message through compelling visual storytelling.

Acclaimed Achievements

Agencies in Belgium have received multiple accolades for their innovative approaches and outstanding production quality. These awards are testament to their mastery in the field, highlighting their commitment to excellence.

Choosing Your Video Shooting Agency

Defining Your Budget

Understanding budget constraints is crucial when selecting a video shooting agency. Prices can vary widely based on the project scope and the renown of the agency. Here are several budgetary guidelines:

  • Small businesses and startups: Consider working with boutique agencies or mid-sized companies that offer competitive rates for quality production, usually ranging between €2,000 and €10,000.
  • Medium-sized enterprises: For more complex needs, agencies with a robust portfolio and diverse skill sets are preferable. Projects can range from €10,000 to €30,000, depending on the specifics of the brief.
  • Large corporations: These entities may require extensive video campaigns or high-end production quality, which could cost upwards of €50,000.

Evaluating Past Work

Analyzing previous work is essential. With 282 different projects showcased by Belgian agencies, potential clients can gauge the professional standards and creativity each agency brings to the table. This ensures a good match between the brand’s vision and the agency’s execution style.

Consider Specialization

Some video shooting agencies specialize in particular sectors or types of video, such as corporate communications, commercials, or animation. Working with an agency that has a deep understanding of your specific needs can enhance the effectiveness of the final product.

Boost Your Brand with Belgian Video Expertise

Belgium's rich landscape of video shooting agencies promises to elevate your brand with high-quality, impactful visuals. Whether your project is a straightforward promotional video or a multifaceted documentary, the expert agencies in Belgium offer tailor-made solutions that breathe life into your vision. Explore the possibilities and trust Belgian expertise to craft a narrative that resonates with your audience.

Ines Gillet
Written by Ines Gillet | Sortlist Expert in BelgiumLast updated on the 17-10-2024

Discover what other have done.

Get inspired by what our agencies have done for other companies.

MIDEM  - Cannes 2019

MIDEM - Cannes 2019

Product demo - Exo Terra (Tom&Co)

Product demo - Exo Terra (Tom&Co)

Social media campaign - Mars group

Social media campaign - Mars group

Frequently Asked Questions.

Video shooting companies in Belgium approach location scouting and management for on-site productions with a blend of local expertise, meticulous planning, and creative vision. Here's an overview of their typical process:

1. Pre-production Research:
  • Analyze the script or project brief to understand location requirements
  • Conduct initial online research to identify potential locations
  • Utilize local databases and location libraries specific to Belgium
2. Local Collaboration:
  • Partner with Belgian location scouts who have in-depth knowledge of the country
  • Leverage relationships with local film commissions, such as Screen Brussels or Flanders Image
  • Consult with regional experts to find unique or lesser-known locations
3. On-site Scouting:
  • Conduct physical visits to shortlisted locations
  • Assess practical aspects like accessibility, parking, and power sources
  • Evaluate the location's versatility and potential for multiple shooting angles
  • Consider the visual appeal and how it aligns with the project's aesthetic
4. Legal and Logistical Considerations:
  • Research and obtain necessary permits from local authorities
  • Negotiate with property owners for filming rights and fees
  • Assess any potential disruptions to local communities and plan mitigation strategies
5. Technical Scouting:
  • Bring key crew members (e.g., director, cinematographer) to evaluate technical requirements
  • Determine equipment needs based on location characteristics
  • Plan for potential weather contingencies, especially important in Belgium's variable climate
6. Location Management:
  • Develop a detailed location schedule and logistics plan
  • Coordinate with local service providers for catering, security, and sanitation
  • Implement safety measures and ensure compliance with Belgian workplace regulations
7. Environmental Considerations:
  • Adhere to Belgium's strict environmental protection laws
  • Plan for eco-friendly practices on set, aligning with the country's sustainability goals
  • Consider the impact on local ecosystems, especially when filming in protected areas

Belgian video shooting companies often highlight their ability to showcase the country's diverse landscapes, from historic city centers to picturesque countryside. They leverage Belgium's compact size, which allows for efficient location changes and the ability to capture varied settings within a single production.

Moreover, many Belgian production companies are adept at navigating the country's multilingual environment, ensuring smooth communication with local authorities and communities in Dutch, French, and sometimes German-speaking regions.

By combining local knowledge with professional expertise, video shooting companies in Belgium ensure that location scouting and management contribute significantly to the overall success and authenticity of on-site productions.

Video shooting companies in Belgium are increasingly integrating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies into their services, keeping pace with global trends while leveraging local expertise. Here's how they're incorporating these cutting-edge technologies:

1. Immersive Storytelling

Belgian video production companies are using VR to create immersive 360-degree videos, allowing viewers to experience stories from multiple perspectives. This technique is particularly popular in tourism promotion, real estate showcases, and cultural heritage projects.

2. Enhanced Product Demonstrations

AR is being utilized to overlay digital information onto real-world products, enabling interactive product demonstrations. This is especially valuable for e-commerce, manufacturing, and tech industries in Belgium.

3. Virtual Production Techniques

Some advanced video shooting companies in Belgium are adopting virtual production techniques, using LED walls and real-time rendering engines to create photorealistic backgrounds. This technology, popularized by shows like 'The Mandalorian', is finding applications in commercial and film production.

4. AR for Live Events

With Belgium's vibrant event scene, video companies are incorporating AR elements into live event broadcasts, enhancing viewer engagement for sports, concerts, and corporate events.

5. Training and Education

VR is being used to create immersive training videos for various sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, and safety training. Belgian companies are leveraging their multilingual capabilities to create VR content in Dutch, French, and English.

6. Architectural Visualization

Video production firms are collaborating with architecture and real estate companies to create VR walkthroughs of unbuilt properties, a growing trend in urban development projects across Belgian cities.

7. Interactive Marketing Campaigns

Belgian agencies are developing AR-enhanced marketing videos that allow users to interact with products or brand elements through their smartphones, creating engaging and shareable content.

TechnologyApplicationIndustry Focus
Virtual Reality (VR)360° videos, immersive experiencesTourism, Real Estate, Education
Augmented Reality (AR)Product demos, live event enhancementE-commerce, Events, Marketing
Virtual ProductionReal-time background renderingFilm, Commercials, TV Production

It's important to note that while these technologies are exciting, they require significant investment in equipment and expertise. As of 2024, not all video shooting companies in Belgium offer these services, but the trend is growing rapidly. When selecting a video production partner, it's advisable to inquire about their specific VR and AR capabilities and past projects to ensure they can meet your innovative content needs.

The rise of digital platforms has significantly impacted the demand for professional video shooting services in Belgium, creating both challenges and opportunities for video production companies. Here's an overview of how this digital revolution has shaped the industry:

1. Increased Demand for Video Content

With the proliferation of social media platforms and video-sharing sites, there's been a surge in demand for high-quality video content. Belgian businesses, from small local shops to large corporations, are increasingly recognizing the power of video in their marketing strategies. This has led to a higher demand for professional video shooting services to create compelling content that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

2. Diversification of Video Types

Digital platforms have expanded the types of video content needed, including:

  • Short-form videos for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels
  • Long-form content for YouTube and corporate websites
  • Live streaming for events and product launches
  • 360-degree and VR videos for immersive experiences
  • Vertical videos optimized for mobile viewing

This diversification has required Belgian video shooting companies to adapt their skills and equipment to meet these varied needs.

3. Quality Expectations

While digital platforms have made it easier for anyone to create and share videos, they've also raised the bar for quality. Belgian audiences now expect professional-grade production values even in social media content. This has increased the demand for skilled videographers who can deliver high-quality results consistently.

4. Speed and Agility

The fast-paced nature of digital media has put pressure on video shooting services to produce content quickly. Many Belgian companies now require rapid turnaround times for their video projects to stay relevant in the fast-moving digital landscape.

5. Integration with Digital Marketing

Video shooting services in Belgium are increasingly being integrated into broader digital marketing strategies. This has led to closer collaboration between video production teams and digital marketers to ensure that video content is optimized for search engines, social media algorithms, and overall campaign objectives.

6. Localization and Cultural Relevance

Digital platforms have global reach, but they've also highlighted the importance of localized content. Belgian video shooting companies are now often tasked with creating content that resonates specifically with Belgian audiences while also potentially appealing to international viewers.

7. Data-Driven Production

Digital platforms provide extensive analytics, allowing for data-driven decision-making in video production. Belgian video shooting services are now expected to understand these metrics and use them to inform their creative processes and improve content performance.

PlatformImpact on Video Services
YouTubeDemand for longer, high-quality content with SEO optimization
Instagram/FacebookNeed for visually appealing short-form videos and stories
TikTokCreation of trendy, quick, engaging content
LinkedInProfessional B2B video content for thought leadership

In conclusion, the rise of digital platforms has transformed the landscape for professional video shooting services in Belgium. While it has created more opportunities and increased demand, it has also necessitated adaptability, technical proficiency, and a deep understanding of digital marketing principles. Belgian video shooting companies that can navigate this new digital terrain while maintaining high production values are well-positioned to thrive in this evolving market.